mirror of
synced 2024-12-16 09:51:59 +03:00
This upgrades the version of Ormolu required by the HGE repository to v0.5.0.1, and reformats all code accordingly. Ormolu v0.5 reformats code that uses infix operators. This is mostly useful, adding newlines and indentation to make it clear which operators are applied first, but in some cases, it's unpleasant. To make this easier on the eyes, I had to do the following: * Add a few fixity declarations (search for `infix`) * Add parentheses to make precedence clear, allowing Ormolu to keep everything on one line * Rename `relevantEq` to `(==~)` in #6651 and set it to `infix 4` * Add a few _.ormolu_ files (thanks to @hallettj for helping me get started), mostly for Autodocodec operators that don't have explicit fixity declarations In general, I think these changes are quite reasonable. They mostly affect indentation. PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/6675 GitOrigin-RevId: cd47d87f1d089fb0bc9dcbbe7798dbceedcd7d83
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429 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
module Hasura.Base.Error
( Code (..),
QErr (..),
QErrExtra (..),
-- Aeson helpers
-- Modify error messages
-- Attach context
import Control.Arrow.Extended
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Internal
import Data.Aeson.Key qualified as K
import Data.Aeson.Types
import Data.Parser.JSONPath (encodeJSONPath)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.Lazy qualified as TL
import Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding qualified as TL
import Database.PG.Query qualified as PG
import Hasura.Prelude
import Network.HTTP.Types qualified as HTTP
data Code
= AccessDenied
| ActionWebhookCode !Text
| AlreadyExists
| AlreadyTracked
| AlreadyUntracked
| BadRequest
| BigQueryError
| Busy
| ConcurrentUpdate
| CoercionError
| Conflict
| ConstraintError
| ConstraintViolation
| -- | Custom code for extending this sum-type easily
CustomCode !Text
| CyclicDependency
| DataException
| DataConnectorError
| DependencyError
| InvalidConfiguration
| InvalidHeaders
| InvalidJSON
| InvalidParams
| JWTInvalid
| JWTInvalidClaims
| JWTRoleClaimMissing
| MSSQLError
| MethodNotAllowed
| NotExists
| NotFound
| NotSupported
| ParseFailed
| PermissionDenied
| PermissionError
| PostgresError
| PostgresMaxConnectionsError
| RemoteSchemaConflicts
| RemoteSchemaError
| -- | Websockets
| Unexpected
| UnexpectedPayload
| ValidationFailed
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance ToJSON Code where
toJSON code = String $ case code of
AccessDenied -> "access-denied"
ActionWebhookCode t -> t
AlreadyExists -> "already-exists"
AlreadyTracked -> "already-tracked"
AlreadyUntracked -> "already-untracked"
BadRequest -> "bad-request"
BigQueryError -> "bigquery-error"
Busy -> "busy"
ConcurrentUpdate -> "concurrent-update"
CoercionError -> "coercion-error"
Conflict -> "conflict"
ConstraintError -> "constraint-error"
ConstraintViolation -> "constraint-violation"
CustomCode t -> t
CyclicDependency -> "cyclic-dependency"
DataException -> "data-exception"
DataConnectorError -> "data-connector-error"
DependencyError -> "dependency-error"
InvalidConfiguration -> "invalid-configuration"
InvalidHeaders -> "invalid-headers"
InvalidJSON -> "invalid-json"
InvalidParams -> "invalid-params"
JWTInvalid -> "invalid-jwt"
JWTInvalidClaims -> "jwt-invalid-claims"
JWTRoleClaimMissing -> "jwt-missing-role-claims"
MSSQLError -> "mssql-error"
MethodNotAllowed -> "method-not-allowed"
NotExists -> "not-exists"
NotFound -> "not-found"
NotSupported -> "not-supported"
ParseFailed -> "parse-failed"
PermissionDenied -> "permission-denied"
PermissionError -> "permission-error"
PostgresError -> "postgres-error"
PostgresMaxConnectionsError -> "postgres-max-connections-error"
RemoteSchemaConflicts -> "remote-schema-conflicts"
RemoteSchemaError -> "remote-schema-error"
StartFailed -> "start-failed"
Unexpected -> "unexpected"
UnexpectedPayload -> "unexpected-payload"
ValidationFailed -> "validation-failed"
data QErr = QErr
{ qePath :: JSONPath,
qeStatus :: HTTP.Status,
qeError :: Text,
qeCode :: Code,
qeInternal :: Maybe QErrExtra
deriving (Eq)
-- | Extra context for a QErr, which can either be information from an internal
-- error (e.g. from Postgres, or from a network operation timing out), or
-- context provided when an external service or operation fails, for instance, a
-- webhook error response may provide additional context in the `extensions`
-- key.
data QErrExtra
= ExtraExtensions Value
| ExtraInternal Value
deriving (Eq)
instance ToJSON QErrExtra where
toJSON = \case
ExtraExtensions v -> v
ExtraInternal v -> v
instance ToJSON QErr where
toJSON (QErr jPath _ msg code Nothing) =
[ "path" .= encodeJSONPath jPath,
"error" .= msg,
"code" .= code
toJSON (QErr jPath _ msg code (Just extra)) = object $
case extra of
ExtraInternal e -> err ++ ["internal" .= e]
ExtraExtensions {} -> err
err =
[ "path" .= encodeJSONPath jPath,
"error" .= msg,
"code" .= code
-- | Overrides the status and code of a QErr while retaining all other fields.
overrideQErrStatus :: HTTP.Status -> Code -> QErr -> QErr
overrideQErrStatus newStatus newCode err = err {qeStatus = newStatus, qeCode = newCode}
-- | Prefixes the message of a QErr while retaining all other fields.
prefixQErr :: Text -> QErr -> QErr
prefixQErr prefix err = err {qeError = prefix <> qeError err}
-- Temporary function until we have a better one in place.
showQErr :: QErr -> Text
showQErr = TL.toStrict . TL.decodeUtf8 . encode
noInternalQErrEnc :: QErr -> Value
noInternalQErrEnc (QErr jPath _ msg code _) =
[ "path" .= encodeJSONPath jPath,
"error" .= msg,
"code" .= code
encodeGQLErr :: Bool -> QErr -> Value
encodeGQLErr includeInternal (QErr jPath _ msg code maybeExtra) =
[ "message" .= msg,
"extensions" .= extnsObj
appendIf cond a b = if cond then a ++ b else a
extnsObj = case maybeExtra of
Nothing -> object codeAndPath
-- if an `extensions` key is given in the error response from the webhook,
-- we ignore the `code` key regardless of whether the `extensions` object
-- contains a `code` field:
Just (ExtraExtensions v) -> v
Just (ExtraInternal v) ->
object $ appendIf includeInternal codeAndPath ["internal" .= v]
codeAndPath =
[ "path" .= encodeJSONPath jPath,
"code" .= code
-- whether internal should be included or not
encodeQErr :: Bool -> QErr -> Value
encodeQErr True = toJSON
encodeQErr _ = noInternalQErrEnc
-- Postgres Connection Errors
instance PG.FromPGConnErr QErr where
fromPGConnErr c
| "too many clients" `T.isInfixOf` (PG.getConnErr c) =
let e = err500 PostgresMaxConnectionsError "max connections reached on postgres"
in e {qeInternal = Just $ ExtraInternal $ toJSON c}
| "root certificate file" `T.isInfixOf` (PG.getConnErr c) =
err500 PostgresError "root certificate error"
| "certificate file" `T.isInfixOf` (PG.getConnErr c) =
err500 PostgresError "certificate error"
| "private key file" `T.isInfixOf` (PG.getConnErr c) =
err500 PostgresError "private-key error"
fromPGConnErr c =
(err500 PostgresError "connection error")
{ qeInternal = Just $ ExtraInternal $ toJSON c
-- Postgres Transaction error
instance PG.FromPGTxErr QErr where
fromPGTxErr txe =
(err500 PostgresError "postgres tx error")
{ qeInternal = Just $ ExtraInternal $ toJSON txe
err400 :: Code -> Text -> QErr
err400 c t = QErr [] HTTP.status400 t c Nothing
err404 :: Code -> Text -> QErr
err404 c t = QErr [] HTTP.status404 t c Nothing
err405 :: Code -> Text -> QErr
err405 c t = QErr [] HTTP.status405 t c Nothing
err401 :: Code -> Text -> QErr
err401 c t = QErr [] HTTP.status401 t c Nothing
err409 :: Code -> Text -> QErr
err409 c t = QErr [] HTTP.status409 t c Nothing
err429 :: Code -> Text -> QErr
err429 c t = QErr [] HTTP.status429 t c Nothing
err500 :: Code -> Text -> QErr
err500 c t = QErr [] HTTP.status500 t c Nothing
type QErrM m = (MonadError QErr m)
throw400 :: (QErrM m) => Code -> Text -> m a
throw400 c t = throwError $ err400 c t
throw400WithDetail :: (QErrM m) => Code -> Text -> Value -> m a
throw400WithDetail c t detail =
throwError $ (err400 c t) {qeInternal = Just $ ExtraInternal detail}
throw404 :: (QErrM m) => Text -> m a
throw404 t = throwError $ err404 NotFound t
-- | MethodNotAllowed
throw405 :: (QErrM m) => Text -> m a
throw405 t = throwError $ err405 MethodNotAllowed t
-- | AccessDenied
throw401 :: (QErrM m) => Text -> m a
throw401 t = throwError $ err401 AccessDenied t
-- | Conflict
throw409 :: (QErrM m) => Text -> m a
throw409 t = throwError $ err409 Conflict t
throw429 :: (QErrM m) => Code -> Text -> m a
throw429 c t = throwError $ err429 c t
throw500 :: (QErrM m) => Text -> m a
throw500 t = throwError $ internalError t
internalError :: Text -> QErr
internalError = err500 Unexpected
throw500WithDetail :: (QErrM m) => Text -> Value -> m a
throw500WithDetail t detail =
throwError $ (err500 Unexpected t) {qeInternal = Just $ ExtraInternal detail}
modifyQErr ::
(QErrM m) =>
(QErr -> QErr) ->
m a ->
m a
modifyQErr f a = catchError a (throwError . f)
modifyErr ::
(QErrM m) =>
(Text -> Text) ->
m a ->
m a
modifyErr f = modifyQErr (liftTxtMod f)
modifyErrA :: (ArrowError QErr arr) => arr (e, s) a -> arr (e, (Text -> Text, s)) a
modifyErrA f = proc (e, (g, s)) -> (| mapErrorA (f -< (e, s)) |) (liftTxtMod g)
liftTxtMod :: (Text -> Text) -> QErr -> QErr
liftTxtMod f (QErr path st s c i) = QErr path st (f s) c i
modifyErrAndSet500 ::
(QErrM m) =>
(Text -> Text) ->
m a ->
m a
modifyErrAndSet500 f = modifyQErr (liftTxtMod500 f)
liftTxtMod500 :: (Text -> Text) -> QErr -> QErr
liftTxtMod500 f (QErr path _ s c i) = QErr path HTTP.status500 (f s) c i
withPathE :: (ArrowError QErr arr) => arr (e, s) a -> arr (e, (JSONPathElement, s)) a
withPathE f = proc (e, (pe, s)) -> (| mapErrorA ((e, s) >- f) |) (injectPrefix pe)
injectPrefix pe (QErr path st msg code i) = QErr (pe : path) st msg code i
withPathKA :: (ArrowError QErr arr) => arr (e, s) a -> arr (e, (Text, s)) a
withPathKA f = second (first $ arr (Key . K.fromText)) >>> withPathE f
withPathK :: (QErrM m) => Text -> m a -> m a
withPathK a = runKleisli proc m -> (| withPathKA (m >- bindA) |) a
withPathIA :: (ArrowError QErr arr) => arr (e, s) a -> arr (e, (Int, s)) a
withPathIA f = second (first $ arr Index) >>> withPathE f
withPathI :: (QErrM m) => Int -> m a -> m a
withPathI a = runKleisli proc m -> (| withPathIA (m >- bindA) |) a
indexedFoldlA' ::
(ArrowChoice arr, ArrowError QErr arr, Foldable t) =>
arr (e, (b, (a, s))) b ->
arr (e, (b, (t a, s))) b
indexedFoldlA' f = proc (e, (acc0, (xs, s))) ->
(\acc (i, v) -> (| withPathIA ((e, (acc, (v, s))) >- f) |) i)
|) acc0 (zip [0 ..] (toList xs))
indexedTraverseA_ ::
(ArrowChoice arr, ArrowError QErr arr, Foldable t) =>
arr (e, (a, s)) b ->
arr (e, (t a, s)) ()
indexedTraverseA_ f = proc (e, (xs, s)) ->
(| indexedFoldlA' (\() x -> do (e, (x, s)) >- f; () >- returnA) |) () xs
indexedMapM_ :: (QErrM m, Foldable t) => (a -> m b) -> t a -> m ()
indexedMapM_ f = runKleisli proc xs -> (| indexedTraverseA_ (\x -> f x >- bindA) |) xs
indexedForM_ :: (QErrM m, Foldable t) => t a -> (a -> m b) -> m ()
indexedForM_ = flip indexedMapM_
indexedMapM :: (QErrM m) => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m [b]
indexedMapM f = traverse (\(i, x) -> withPathI i (f x)) . zip [0 ..]
indexedForM :: (QErrM m) => [a] -> (a -> m b) -> m [b]
indexedForM = flip indexedMapM
liftIResult :: (QErrM m) => IResult a -> m a
liftIResult (IError path msg) =
throwError $ QErr path HTTP.status400 (T.pack $ formatMsg msg) ParseFailed Nothing
liftIResult (ISuccess a) =
return a
iResultToMaybe :: IResult a -> Maybe a
iResultToMaybe (IError _ _) = Nothing
iResultToMaybe (ISuccess a) = Just a
formatMsg :: String -> String
formatMsg str = case T.splitOn "the key " txt of
[_, txt2] -> case T.splitOn " was not present" txt2 of
[key, _] -> "the key '" ++ T.unpack key ++ "' was not present"
_ -> str
_ -> str
txt = T.pack str
runAesonParser :: (QErrM m) => (v -> Parser a) -> v -> m a
runAesonParser p =
liftIResult . iparse p
decodeValue :: (FromJSON a, QErrM m) => Value -> m a
decodeValue = liftIResult . ifromJSON