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-- | API related to Postgres' pg dump
module Hasura.Server.API.PGDump
( PGDumpReqBody(..)
, execPGDump
) where
import Control.Exception (IOException, try)
import Data.Aeson.Casing
import Data.Aeson.TH
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Conversions
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Hasura.RQL.Types.Error as RTE
import System.Exit
import System.Process
import qualified Text.Regex.TDFA as TDFA
data PGDumpReqBody =
{ prbOpts :: ![String]
, prbCleanOutput :: !(Maybe Bool)
} deriving (Show, Eq)
$(deriveJSON (aesonDrop 3 snakeCase) ''PGDumpReqBody)
:: (MonadError RTE.QErr m, MonadIO m)
=> PGDumpReqBody
-> Q.ConnInfo
-> m BL.ByteString
execPGDump b ci = do
eOutput <- liftIO $ try execProcess
output <- either throwException return eOutput
case output of
Left err ->
RTE.throw500 $ "error while executing pg_dump: " <> err
Right dump -> return dump
throwException :: (MonadError RTE.QErr m) => IOException -> m a
throwException _ = RTE.throw500 "internal exception while executing pg_dump"
execProcess = do
(exitCode, stdOut, stdErr) <- readProcessWithExitCode "pg_dump" opts ""
return $ case exitCode of
ExitSuccess -> Right $ unUTF8 $ convertText (clean stdOut)
ExitFailure _ -> Left $ toText stdErr
connString = T.unpack $ bsToTxt $ Q.pgConnString $ Q.ciDetails ci
opts = connString : "--encoding=utf8" : prbOpts b
clean str
| fromMaybe False (prbCleanOutput b) =
unlines $ filter (not . shouldDropLine) (lines str)
| otherwise = str
shouldDropLine line =
-- delete empty lines
all isSpace line
-- delete comments
|| "--" `L.isPrefixOf` line
-- delete front matter
|| line `elem` preambleLines
-- delete notify triggers
|| eventTriggerRegex `TDFA.match` line
preambleLines =
[ "SET statement_timeout = 0;"
, "SET lock_timeout = 0;"
, "SET idle_in_transaction_session_timeout = 0;"
, "SET client_encoding = 'UTF8';"
, "SET standard_conforming_strings = on;"
, "SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false);"
, "SET check_function_bodies = false;"
, "SET xmloption = content;"
, "SET client_min_messages = warning;"
, "SET row_security = off;"
, "SET default_tablespace = '';"
, "SET default_with_oids = false;"
, "SET default_table_access_method = heap;"
, "CREATE SCHEMA public;"
, "COMMENT ON SCHEMA public IS 'standard public schema';"
eventTriggerRegex =
let regexStr :: String =
-- pg functions created by hasura for event triggers used "notify_hasura"
-- These changes are also documented on the method pgIdenTrigger
"^CREATE TRIGGER \"?notify_hasura_.+\"? AFTER [[:alnum:]]+ "
<> "\"?hdb_views\"?\\.\"?notify_hasura_.+\"?\\(\\);$"
in TDFA.makeRegex regexStr :: TDFA.Regex