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https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/1801 GitOrigin-RevId: 98843e422b2431849b675acdb318ffae2f492f18
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364 lines
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module Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.RemoteTest (spec) where
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Parser as G
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import qualified Network.URI as N
import Control.Lens (Prism', _Right, prism', to, (^..))
import Data.Text.Extended
import Data.Text.RawString
import Test.Hspec
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Internal.Parser as P
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Inline
import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Remote (resolveRemoteVariable, runVariableCache)
import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Resolve
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Monad
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Schema
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.TestUtils
import Hasura.GraphQL.RemoteServer (identityCustomizer)
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Remote
import Hasura.RQL.Types.RemoteSchema
import Hasura.RQL.Types.SchemaCache
import Hasura.Session
-- test tools
runError :: Monad m => ExceptT QErr m a -> m a
runError = runExceptT >=> (`onLeft` (error . T.unpack . qeError))
mkTestRemoteSchema :: Text -> RemoteSchemaIntrospection
mkTestRemoteSchema schema = RemoteSchemaIntrospection $ runIdentity $ runError $ do
G.SchemaDocument types <- G.parseSchemaDocument schema `onLeft` throw500
pure $ flip mapMaybe types \case
G.TypeSystemDefinitionSchema _ -> Nothing
G.TypeSystemDefinitionType td -> Just $ case fmap toRemoteInputValue td of
G.TypeDefinitionScalar std -> G.TypeDefinitionScalar std
G.TypeDefinitionObject otd -> G.TypeDefinitionObject otd
G.TypeDefinitionUnion utd -> G.TypeDefinitionUnion utd
G.TypeDefinitionEnum etd -> G.TypeDefinitionEnum etd
G.TypeDefinitionInputObject itd -> G.TypeDefinitionInputObject itd
G.TypeDefinitionInterface itd -> G.TypeDefinitionInterface $ G.InterfaceTypeDefinition
{ G._itdDescription = G._itdDescription itd
, G._itdName = G._itdName itd
, G._itdDirectives = G._itdDirectives itd
, G._itdFieldsDefinition = G._itdFieldsDefinition itd
, G._itdPossibleTypes = []
toRemoteInputValue ivd = RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition
{ _rsitdDefinition = ivd
, _rsitdPresetArgument = choice $ G._ivdDirectives ivd <&> \dir -> do
guard $ G._dName dir == $$(G.litName "preset")
value <- M.lookup $$(G.litName "value") $ G._dArguments dir
Just $ case value of
G.VString "x-hasura-test" -> G.VVariable $
SessionPresetVariable (mkSessionVariable "x-hasura-test") $$(G.litName "String") SessionArgumentPresetScalar
_ -> absurd <$> value
mkTestExecutableDocument :: Text -> ([G.VariableDefinition], G.SelectionSet G.NoFragments G.Name)
mkTestExecutableDocument t = runIdentity $ runError $ do
G.ExecutableDocument execDoc <- G.parseExecutableDoc t `onLeft` throw500
case execDoc of
[G.ExecutableDefinitionOperation op] -> case op of
G.OperationDefinitionUnTyped selSet -> ([],) <$> inlineSelectionSet [] selSet
G.OperationDefinitionTyped opDef -> do
unless (G._todType opDef == G.OperationTypeQuery) $
throw500 "only queries for now"
resSelSet <- inlineSelectionSet [] $ G._todSelectionSet opDef
pure (G._todVariableDefinitions opDef, resSelSet)
_ -> throw500 "must have only one query in the document"
mkTestVariableValues :: LBS.ByteString -> M.HashMap G.Name J.Value
mkTestVariableValues vars = runIdentity $ runError $ do
value <- J.eitherDecode vars `onLeft` (throw500 . T.pack)
case value of
J.Object vs -> M.fromList <$> for (M.toList vs) \(name, val) -> do
gname <- G.mkName name `onNothing` throw500 ("wrong Name: " <>> name)
pure (gname, val)
_ -> throw500 "variables must be an object"
:: RemoteSchemaIntrospection
-> IO (P.FieldParser TestMonad (G.Field G.NoFragments RemoteSchemaVariable))
buildQueryParsers introspection = do
let introResult = IntrospectionResult introspection $$(G.litName "Query") Nothing Nothing
(query, _, _) <- runError
$ runSchemaT
$ buildRemoteParser introResult
$ RemoteSchemaInfo (ValidatedRemoteSchemaDef N.nullURI [] False 60 Nothing) identityCustomizer
pure $ head query <&> \(RemoteFieldG _ _ abstractField) ->
case abstractField of
RRFRealField f -> f
RRFNamespaceField _ ->
error "buildQueryParsers: unexpected RRFNamespaceField"
-- Shouldn't happen if we're using identityCustomizer
-- TODO: add some tests for remote schema customization
:: P.FieldParser TestMonad any
-> ([G.VariableDefinition], G.SelectionSet G.NoFragments G.Name)
-> M.HashMap G.Name J.Value
-> any
runQueryParser parser (varDefs, selSet) vars = runIdentity . runError $ do
(_, resolvedSelSet) <- resolveVariables varDefs vars [] selSet
field <- case resolvedSelSet of
[G.SelectionField f] -> pure f
_ -> error "expecting only one field in the query"
runTest (P.fParser parser field) `onLeft` throw500
:: Text -- ^ schema
-> Text -- ^ query
-> LBS.ByteString -- ^ variables
-> IO (G.Field G.NoFragments RemoteSchemaVariable)
run schema query variables = do
parser <- buildQueryParsers $ mkTestRemoteSchema schema
pure $ runQueryParser
(mkTestExecutableDocument query)
(mkTestVariableValues variables)
-- actual test
spec :: Spec
spec = do
testNoVarExpansionIfNoPreset :: Spec
testNoVarExpansionIfNoPreset = it "variables aren't expanded if there's no preset" $ do
field <- run
-- schema
scalar Int
input A {
b: B
input B {
c: C
input C {
i: Int
type Query {
test(a: A!): Int
-- query
query($a: A!) {
test(a: $a)
-- variables
"a": {
"b": {
"c": {
"i": 0
let arg = head $ M.toList $ G._fArguments field
arg `shouldBe`
( $$(G.litName "a")
-- the parser did not create a new JSON variable, and forwarded the query variable unmodified
, G.VVariable $ QueryVariable $ Variable
(VIRequired $$(G.litName "a"))
(G.TypeNamed (G.Nullability False) $$(G.litName "A"))
(JSONValue $ J.Object $ M.fromList [("b", J.Object $ M.fromList [("c", J.Object $ M.fromList [("i", J.Number 0)])])])
testNoVarExpansionIfNoPresetUnlessTopLevelOptionalField :: Spec
testNoVarExpansionIfNoPresetUnlessTopLevelOptionalField = it "unless fieldOptional peels the variable first" $ do
field <- run
-- schema
scalar Int
input A {
b: B
input B {
c: C
input C {
i: Int
type Query {
test(a: A): Int
-- query
query($a: A) {
test(a: $a)
-- variables
"a": {
"b": {
"c": {
"i": 0
let arg = head $ M.toList $ G._fArguments field
arg `shouldBe`
( $$(G.litName "a")
-- fieldOptional has peeled the variable; all we see is a JSON blob, and in doubt
-- we repackage it as a newly minted JSON variable
, G.VVariable $ RemoteJSONValue
(G.TypeNamed (G.Nullability True) $$(G.litName "A"))
(J.Object $ M.fromList [("b", J.Object $ M.fromList [("c", J.Object $ M.fromList [("i", J.Number 0)])])])
testPartialVarExpansionIfPreset :: Spec
testPartialVarExpansionIfPreset = it "presets cause partial var expansion" $ do
field <- run
-- schema
scalar Int
input A {
x: Int @preset(value: 0)
b: B
input B {
c: C
input C {
i: Int
type Query {
test(a: A!): Int
-- query
query($a: A!) {
test(a: $a)
-- variables
"a": {
"b": {
"c": {
"i": 0
let arg = head $ M.toList $ G._fArguments field
arg `shouldBe`
( $$(G.litName "a")
-- the preset has caused partial variable expansion, only up to where it's needed
, G.VObject $ M.fromList
[ ( $$(G.litName "x")
, G.VInt 0
, ( $$(G.litName "b")
, G.VVariable $ RemoteJSONValue
(G.TypeNamed (G.Nullability True) $$(G.litName "B"))
(J.Object $ M.fromList [("c", J.Object $ M.fromList [("i", J.Number 0)])])
-- | Regression test for https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine/issues/7170
testVariableSubstitutionCollision :: Spec
testVariableSubstitutionCollision = it "ensures that remote variables are de-duplicated by type and value, not just by value" $ do
field <- run schema query variables
dummyUserInfo =
(mempty @SessionVariables)
eField <-
. runVariableCache
. traverse (resolveRemoteVariable dummyUserInfo)
$ field
variableNames =
eField ^.. _Right . to G._fArguments . traverse . _VVariable . to vInfo . to getName . to G.unName
variableNames `shouldBe` ["hasura_json_var_1", "hasura_json_var_2"]
-- A schema whose values are representable as collections of JSON values.
schema :: Text
schema = [raw|
scalar Int
scalar String
type Query {
test(a: [Int], b: [String]): Int
-- A query against values from 'schema' using JSON variable substitution.
query :: Text
query = [raw|
query($a: [Int], $b: [String]) {
test(a: $a, b: $b)
-- Two identical JSON variables to substitute; 'schema' and 'query' declare
-- that these variables should have different types despite both being
-- empty collections.
variables :: LBS.ByteString
variables = [raw|
"a": [],
"b": []
-- | Convenience function to focus on a 'G.VVariable' when pulling test values
-- out in 'testVariableSubstitutionCollision'.
_VVariable :: Prism' (G.Value var) var
_VVariable = prism' upcast downcast
upcast = G.VVariable
downcast = \case
G.VVariable var -> Just var
_ -> Nothing