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module Hasura.RQL.DDL.Metadata
( TableMeta
, ReplaceMetadata(..)
, runReplaceMetadata
, ExportMetadata(..)
, runExportMetadata
, fetchMetadata
, ClearMetadata(..)
, runClearMetadata
, ReloadMetadata(..)
, runReloadMetadata
, DumpInternalState(..)
, runDumpInternalState
) where
import Control.Lens
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Casing
import Data.Aeson.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import qualified Data.HashSet as HS
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.SQL.Types
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import qualified Hasura.RQL.DDL.Permission as DP
import qualified Hasura.RQL.DDL.QueryTemplate as DQ
import qualified Hasura.RQL.DDL.Relationship as DR
import qualified Hasura.RQL.DDL.RemoteSchema as DRS
import qualified Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Function as DF
import qualified Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Table as DT
import qualified Hasura.RQL.DDL.Subscribe as DS
import qualified Hasura.RQL.Types.RemoteSchema as TRS
import qualified Hasura.RQL.Types.Subscribe as DTS
data TableMeta
= TableMeta
{ _tmTable :: !QualifiedTable
, _tmObjectRelationships :: ![DR.ObjRelDef]
, _tmArrayRelationships :: ![DR.ArrRelDef]
, _tmInsertPermissions :: ![DP.InsPermDef]
, _tmSelectPermissions :: ![DP.SelPermDef]
, _tmUpdatePermissions :: ![DP.UpdPermDef]
, _tmDeletePermissions :: ![DP.DelPermDef]
, _tmEventTriggers :: ![DTS.EventTriggerConf]
} deriving (Show, Eq, Lift)
mkTableMeta :: QualifiedTable -> TableMeta
mkTableMeta qt =
TableMeta qt [] [] [] [] [] [] []
makeLenses ''TableMeta
instance FromJSON TableMeta where
parseJSON (Object o) = do
unless (null unexpectedKeys) $
fail $ "unexpected keys when parsing TableMetadata : "
<> show (HS.toList unexpectedKeys)
<$> o .: tableKey
<*> o .:? orKey .!= []
<*> o .:? arKey .!= []
<*> o .:? ipKey .!= []
<*> o .:? spKey .!= []
<*> o .:? upKey .!= []
<*> o .:? dpKey .!= []
<*> o .:? etKey .!= []
tableKey = "table"
orKey = "object_relationships"
arKey = "array_relationships"
ipKey = "insert_permissions"
spKey = "select_permissions"
upKey = "update_permissions"
dpKey = "delete_permissions"
etKey = "event_triggers"
unexpectedKeys =
HS.fromList (M.keys o) `HS.difference` expectedKeySet
expectedKeySet =
HS.fromList [ tableKey, orKey, arKey, ipKey
, spKey, upKey, dpKey, etKey
parseJSON _ =
fail "expecting an Object for TableMetadata"
$(deriveToJSON (aesonDrop 3 snakeCase){omitNothingFields=True} ''TableMeta)
data ClearMetadata
= ClearMetadata
deriving (Show, Eq, Lift)
$(deriveToJSON defaultOptions ''ClearMetadata)
instance FromJSON ClearMetadata where
parseJSON _ = return ClearMetadata
clearMetadata :: Q.TxE QErr ()
clearMetadata = Q.catchE defaultTxErrorHandler $ do
Q.unitQ "DELETE FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_query_template WHERE is_system_defined <> 'true'" () False
Q.unitQ "DELETE FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_function WHERE is_system_defined <> 'true'" () False
Q.unitQ "DELETE FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_permission WHERE is_system_defined <> 'true'" () False
Q.unitQ "DELETE FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_relationship WHERE is_system_defined <> 'true'" () False
Q.unitQ "DELETE FROM hdb_catalog.event_triggers" () False
Q.unitQ "DELETE FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_table WHERE is_system_defined <> 'true'" () False
Q.unitQ "DELETE FROM hdb_catalog.remote_schemas" () False
:: ( QErrM m, UserInfoM m, CacheRWM m, MonadTx m
, MonadIO m, HasHttpManager m, HasSQLGenCtx m
=> ClearMetadata -> m RespBody
runClearMetadata _ = do
liftTx clearMetadata
return successMsg
data ReplaceMetadata
= ReplaceMetadata
{ aqTables :: ![TableMeta]
, aqQueryTemplates :: ![DQ.CreateQueryTemplate]
, aqFunctions :: !(Maybe [QualifiedFunction])
, aqRemoteSchemas :: !(Maybe [TRS.AddRemoteSchemaQuery])
} deriving (Show, Eq, Lift)
$(deriveJSON (aesonDrop 2 snakeCase){omitNothingFields=True} ''ReplaceMetadata)
:: (QErrM m, UserInfoM m)
=> ReplaceMetadata -> m ()
applyQP1 (ReplaceMetadata tables templates mFunctions mSchemas) = do
withPathK "tables" $ do
checkMultipleDecls "tables" $ map _tmTable tables
-- process each table
void $ indexedForM tables $ \table -> withTableName (table ^. tmTable) $ do
let allRels = map DR.rdName (table ^. tmObjectRelationships) <>
map DR.rdName (table ^. tmArrayRelationships)
insPerms = map DP.pdRole $ table ^. tmInsertPermissions
selPerms = map DP.pdRole $ table ^. tmSelectPermissions
updPerms = map DP.pdRole $ table ^. tmUpdatePermissions
delPerms = map DP.pdRole $ table ^. tmDeletePermissions
eventTriggers = map DTS.etcName $ table ^. tmEventTriggers
checkMultipleDecls "relationships" allRels
checkMultipleDecls "insert permissions" insPerms
checkMultipleDecls "select permissions" selPerms
checkMultipleDecls "update permissions" updPerms
checkMultipleDecls "delete permissions" delPerms
checkMultipleDecls "event triggers" eventTriggers
withPathK "queryTemplates" $
checkMultipleDecls "query templates" $ map DQ.cqtName templates
withPathK "functions" $
checkMultipleDecls "functions" functions
onJust mSchemas $ \schemas ->
withPathK "remote_schemas" $
checkMultipleDecls "remote schemas" $ map TRS._arsqName schemas
withTableName qt = withPathK (qualObjectToText qt)
functions = fromMaybe [] mFunctions
checkMultipleDecls t l = do
let dups = getDups l
unless (null dups) $
throw400 AlreadyExists $ "multiple declarations exist for the following " <> t <> " : "
<> T.pack (show dups)
getDups l =
l L.\\ HS.toList (HS.fromList l)
:: ( UserInfoM m
, CacheRWM m
, MonadTx m
, MonadIO m
, HasHttpManager m
, HasSQLGenCtx m
=> ReplaceMetadata
-> m RespBody
applyQP2 (ReplaceMetadata tables templates mFunctions mSchemas) = do
liftTx clearMetadata
withPathK "tables" $ do
-- tables and views
indexedForM_ (map _tmTable tables) $ \tableName ->
void $ DT.trackExistingTableOrViewP2 tableName False
-- Relationships
indexedForM_ tables $ \table -> do
withPathK "object_relationships" $
indexedForM_ (table ^. tmObjectRelationships) $ \objRel ->
DR.objRelP2 (table ^. tmTable) objRel
withPathK "array_relationships" $
indexedForM_ (table ^. tmArrayRelationships) $ \arrRel ->
DR.arrRelP2 (table ^. tmTable) arrRel
-- Permissions
indexedForM_ tables $ \table -> do
let tableName = table ^. tmTable
tabInfo <- modifyErrAndSet500 ("apply " <> ) $ askTabInfo tableName
withPathK "insert_permissions" $ processPerms tabInfo $
table ^. tmInsertPermissions
withPathK "select_permissions" $ processPerms tabInfo $
table ^. tmSelectPermissions
withPathK "update_permissions" $ processPerms tabInfo $
table ^. tmUpdatePermissions
withPathK "delete_permissions" $ processPerms tabInfo $
table ^. tmDeletePermissions
indexedForM_ tables $ \table ->
withPathK "event_triggers" $
indexedForM_ (table ^. tmEventTriggers) $ \etc ->
DS.subTableP2 (table ^. tmTable) False etc
-- query templates
withPathK "queryTemplates" $
indexedForM_ templates $ \template -> do
qti <- DQ.createQueryTemplateP1 template
void $ DQ.createQueryTemplateP2 template qti
-- sql functions
withPathK "functions" $
indexedMapM_ (void . DF.trackFunctionP2) functions
-- remote schemas
onJust mSchemas $ \schemas ->
withPathK "remote_schemas" $
indexedForM_ schemas $ \conf ->
void $ DRS.addRemoteSchemaP2 conf
return successMsg
functions = fromMaybe [] mFunctions
processPerms tabInfo perms =
indexedForM_ perms $ \permDef -> do
permInfo <- DP.addPermP1 tabInfo permDef
DP.addPermP2 (tiName tabInfo) permDef permInfo
:: ( QErrM m, UserInfoM m, CacheRWM m, MonadTx m
, MonadIO m, HasHttpManager m, HasSQLGenCtx m
=> ReplaceMetadata -> m RespBody
runReplaceMetadata q = do
applyQP1 q
applyQP2 q
data ExportMetadata
= ExportMetadata
deriving (Show, Eq, Lift)
instance FromJSON ExportMetadata where
parseJSON _ = return ExportMetadata
$(deriveToJSON defaultOptions ''ExportMetadata)
fetchMetadata :: Q.TxE QErr ReplaceMetadata
fetchMetadata = do
tables <- Q.catchE defaultTxErrorHandler fetchTables
let qts = map (uncurry QualifiedObject) tables
tableMetaMap = M.fromList $ zip qts $ map mkTableMeta qts
-- Fetch all the relationships
relationships <- Q.catchE defaultTxErrorHandler fetchRelationships
objRelDefs <- mkRelDefs ObjRel relationships
arrRelDefs <- mkRelDefs ArrRel relationships
-- Fetch all the permissions
permissions <- Q.catchE defaultTxErrorHandler fetchPermissions
-- Parse all the permissions
insPermDefs <- mkPermDefs PTInsert permissions
selPermDefs <- mkPermDefs PTSelect permissions
updPermDefs <- mkPermDefs PTUpdate permissions
delPermDefs <- mkPermDefs PTDelete permissions
-- Fetch all the query templates
qTmpltRows <- Q.catchE defaultTxErrorHandler fetchQTemplates
qTmpltDefs <- forM qTmpltRows $ \(qtn, Q.AltJ qtDefVal, mComment) -> do
qtDef <- decodeValue qtDefVal
return $ DQ.CreateQueryTemplate qtn qtDef mComment
-- Fetch all event triggers
eventTriggers <- Q.catchE defaultTxErrorHandler fetchEventTriggers
triggerMetaDefs <- mkTriggerMetaDefs eventTriggers
let (_, postRelMap) = flip runState tableMetaMap $ do
modMetaMap tmObjectRelationships objRelDefs
modMetaMap tmArrayRelationships arrRelDefs
modMetaMap tmInsertPermissions insPermDefs
modMetaMap tmSelectPermissions selPermDefs
modMetaMap tmUpdatePermissions updPermDefs
modMetaMap tmDeletePermissions delPermDefs
modMetaMap tmEventTriggers triggerMetaDefs
-- fetch all functions
functions <- map (uncurry QualifiedObject) <$>
Q.catchE defaultTxErrorHandler fetchFunctions
-- fetch all custom resolvers
schemas <- DRS.fetchRemoteSchemas
return $ ReplaceMetadata (M.elems postRelMap) qTmpltDefs
(Just functions) (Just schemas)
modMetaMap l xs = do
st <- get
put $ foldr (\(qt, dfn) b -> b & at qt._Just.l %~ (:) dfn) st xs
mkPermDefs pt = mapM permRowToDef . filter (\pr -> pr ^. _4 == pt)
permRowToDef (sn, tn, rn, _, Q.AltJ pDef, mComment) = do
perm <- decodeValue pDef
return (QualifiedObject sn tn, DP.PermDef rn perm mComment)
mkRelDefs rt = mapM relRowToDef . filter (\rr -> rr ^. _4 == rt)
relRowToDef (sn, tn, rn, _, Q.AltJ rDef, mComment) = do
using <- decodeValue rDef
return (QualifiedObject sn tn, DR.RelDef rn using mComment)
mkTriggerMetaDefs = mapM trigRowToDef
trigRowToDef (sn, tn, Q.AltJ configuration) = do
conf <- decodeValue configuration
return (QualifiedObject sn tn, conf::EventTriggerConf)
fetchTables =
Q.listQ [Q.sql|
SELECT table_schema, table_name from hdb_catalog.hdb_table
WHERE is_system_defined = 'false'
|] () False
fetchRelationships =
Q.listQ [Q.sql|
SELECT table_schema, table_name, rel_name, rel_type, rel_def::json, comment
FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_relationship
WHERE is_system_defined = 'false'
|] () False
fetchPermissions =
Q.listQ [Q.sql|
SELECT table_schema, table_name, role_name, perm_type, perm_def::json, comment
FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_permission
WHERE is_system_defined = 'false'
|] () False
fetchQTemplates =
Q.listQ [Q.sql|
SELECT template_name, template_defn :: json, comment
FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_query_template
WHERE is_system_defined = 'false'
|] () False
fetchEventTriggers =
Q.listQ [Q.sql|
SELECT e.schema_name, e.table_name, e.configuration::json
FROM hdb_catalog.event_triggers e
|] () False
fetchFunctions =
Q.listQ [Q.sql|
SELECT function_schema, function_name
FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_function
WHERE is_system_defined = 'false'
|] () False
:: (QErrM m, UserInfoM m, MonadTx m)
=> ExportMetadata -> m RespBody
runExportMetadata _ = do
encode <$> liftTx fetchMetadata
data ReloadMetadata
= ReloadMetadata
deriving (Show, Eq, Lift)
instance FromJSON ReloadMetadata where
parseJSON _ = return ReloadMetadata
$(deriveToJSON defaultOptions ''ReloadMetadata)
:: ( QErrM m, UserInfoM m, CacheRWM m
, MonadTx m, MonadIO m, HasHttpManager m, HasSQLGenCtx m
=> ReloadMetadata -> m RespBody
runReloadMetadata _ = do
return successMsg
data DumpInternalState
= DumpInternalState
deriving (Show, Eq, Lift)
instance FromJSON DumpInternalState where
parseJSON _ = return DumpInternalState
$(deriveToJSON defaultOptions ''DumpInternalState)
:: (QErrM m, UserInfoM m, CacheRM m)
=> DumpInternalState -> m RespBody
runDumpInternalState _ = do
encode <$> askSchemaCache