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synced 2024-12-17 12:31:52 +03:00
* split stm transactions when snapshotting to make it faster * mx subs: push to both old and new sinks at the same time * expose dev APIs through allowed APIs flag
571 lines
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571 lines
17 KiB
module Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.LiveQuery.Multiplexed
( BatchSize
, mkBatchSize
, RefetchInterval
, refetchIntervalFromMilli
, MxOpts
, mkMxOpts
, LiveQueriesState
, initLiveQueriesState
, dumpLiveQueriesState
, MxOpCtx
, mkMxOpCtx
, MxOp
, LiveQueryId
, addLiveQuery
, removeLiveQuery
) where
import Data.List (unfoldr)
import Data.Word (Word32)
import qualified ListT
import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async as A
import qualified Control.Concurrent.STM as STM
import qualified Data.Aeson.Extended as J
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Time.Clock as Clock
import qualified Data.UUID as UUID
import qualified Data.UUID.V4 as UUID
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import qualified StmContainers.Map as STMMap
import qualified System.Metrics.Distribution as Metrics
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Hasura.EncJSON
import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.LiveQuery.Types
import Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.HTTP.Protocol
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.SQL.Value
-- remove these when array encoding is merged
import qualified Database.PG.Query.PTI as PTI
import qualified PostgreSQL.Binary.Encoding as PE
newtype RespId
= RespId { unRespId :: UUID.UUID }
deriving (Show, Eq, Hashable, Q.FromCol)
newtype RespIdList
= RespIdList { unRespIdList :: [RespId] }
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Q.ToPrepArg RespIdList where
toPrepVal (RespIdList l) =
Q.toPrepValHelper PTI.unknown encoder $ map unRespId l
encoder =
PE.array 2950 . PE.dimensionArray foldl'
(PE.encodingArray . PE.uuid)
newRespId :: IO RespId
newRespId = RespId <$> UUID.nextRandom
data LQGroup
-- we don't need operation name here as a subscription will
-- only have a single top level field
= LQGroup
{ _lgRole :: !RoleName
, _lgGQLQueryText :: !GQLQueryText
} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable LQGroup
instance J.ToJSON LQGroup where
toJSON (LQGroup role query) =
J.object [ "role" J..= role
, "query" J..= query
data MxOpts
= MxOpts
{ _moBatchSize :: !BatchSize
, _moRefetchInterval :: !RefetchInterval
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance J.ToJSON MxOpts where
toJSON (MxOpts batchSize refetchInterval) =
J.object [ "batch_size" J..= batchSize
, "refetch_delay" J..= refetchInterval
-- 1 second
defaultRefetchInterval :: RefetchInterval
defaultRefetchInterval =
refetchIntervalFromMilli 1000
:: Maybe BatchSize
-> Maybe RefetchInterval
-> MxOpts
mkMxOpts batchSizeM refetchIntervalM =
(fromMaybe defaultBatchSize batchSizeM)
(fromMaybe defaultRefetchInterval refetchIntervalM)
data LiveQueriesState
= LiveQueriesState
{ _lqsOptions :: !MxOpts
, _lqsLiveQueryMap :: !LiveQueryMap
data RefetchMetrics
= RefetchMetrics
{ _rmSnapshot :: !Metrics.Distribution
, _rmPush :: !Metrics.Distribution
, _rmQuery :: !Metrics.Distribution
, _rmTotal :: !Metrics.Distribution
initRefetchMetrics :: IO RefetchMetrics
initRefetchMetrics =
<$> Metrics.new
<*> Metrics.new
<*> Metrics.new
<*> Metrics.new
data ThreadState
= ThreadState
{ _tsThread :: !(A.Async ())
, _tsMetrics :: !RefetchMetrics
type LiveQueryMap
= STMMap.Map LQGroup (LQHandler, STM.TMVar ThreadState)
:: MxOpts
-> STM.STM LiveQueriesState
initLiveQueriesState lqOptions =
<$> STMMap.new
dumpLiveQueriesState :: Bool -> LiveQueriesState -> IO J.Value
dumpLiveQueriesState extended (LiveQueriesState opts lqMap) = do
lqMapJ <- dumpLiveQueryMap extended lqMap
return $ J.object
[ "options" J..= opts
, "live_queries_map" J..= lqMapJ
dumpLiveQueryMap :: Bool -> LiveQueryMap -> IO J.Value
dumpLiveQueryMap extended lqMap =
fmap J.toJSON $ do
entries <- STM.atomically $ ListT.toList $ STMMap.listT lqMap
forM entries $ \(lq, (lqHandler, threadRef)) -> do
ThreadState threadId metrics <-
STM.atomically $ STM.readTMVar threadRef
metricsJ <- dumpReftechMetrics metrics
candidatesJ <-
if extended
then fmap Just $ dumpCandidates $ _mhCandidates lqHandler
else return Nothing
return $ J.object
[ "key" J..= lq
, "thread_id" J..= show (A.asyncThreadId threadId)
, "alias" J..= _mhAlias lqHandler
, "multiplexed_query" J..= Q.getQueryText (_mhQuery lqHandler)
, "candidates" J..= candidatesJ
, "metrics" J..= metricsJ
dumpReftechMetrics metrics = do
snapshotS <- Metrics.read $ _rmSnapshot metrics
queryS <- Metrics.read $ _rmQuery metrics
pushS <- Metrics.read $ _rmPush metrics
totalS <- Metrics.read $ _rmTotal metrics
return $ J.object
[ "snapshot" J..= dumpStats snapshotS
, "query" J..= dumpStats queryS
, "push" J..= dumpStats pushS
, "total" J..= dumpStats totalS
dumpStats stats =
[ "mean" J..= Metrics.mean stats
, "variance" J..= Metrics.variance stats
, "count" J..= Metrics.count stats
, "min" J..= Metrics.min stats
, "max" J..= Metrics.max stats
dumpCandidates candidateMap = do
candidates <- STM.atomically $ toListTMap candidateMap
forM candidates $ \((usrVars, varVals), candidate) -> do
candidateJ <- dumpCandidate candidate
return $ J.object
[ "session_vars" J..= usrVars
, "variable_values" J..= varVals
, "candidate" J..= candidateJ
dumpCandidate (CandidateState respId _ respTV curOps newOps) =
STM.atomically $ do
prevResHash <- STM.readTVar respTV
curOpIds <- toListTMap curOps
newOpIds <- toListTMap newOps
return $ J.object
[ "resp_id" J..= unRespId respId
, "current_ops" J..= map fst curOpIds
, "new_ops" J..= map fst newOpIds
, "previous_result_hash" J..= prevResHash
type ValidatedVariables = Map.HashMap G.Variable TxtEncodedPGVal
data LQHandler
= LQHandler
{ _mhAlias :: !G.Alias
, _mhQuery :: !Q.Query
, _mhCandidates :: !(TMap CandidateId CandidateState)
-- This type represents the state associated with
-- the response of (role, gqlQueryText, userVars, variableValues)
data CandidateState
= CandidateState
-- the laterally joined query responds with [(RespId, EncJSON)]
-- so the resultid is used to determine the websockets
-- where the data needs to be sent
{ _csRespId :: !RespId
-- query variables which are validated and text encoded
, _csValidatedVars :: !ValidatedVariables
-- we need to store the previous response
, _csPrevRes :: !RespTV
-- the actions that have been run previously
-- we run these if the response changes
, _csCurOps :: !Sinks
-- we run these operations regardless
-- and then merge them with current operations
, _csNewOps :: !Sinks
-- the multiplexed query associated with the livequery
-- and the validated, text encoded query variables
data MxOpCtx
= MxOpCtx
{ _mocGroup :: !LQGroup
, _mocAlias :: !G.Alias
, _mocQuery :: !Q.Query
instance J.ToJSON MxOpCtx where
toJSON (MxOpCtx lqGroup als q) =
J.object [ "query" J..= Q.getQueryText q
, "alias" J..= als
, "group" J..= lqGroup
type MxOp = (MxOpCtx, UserVars, ValidatedVariables)
:: RoleName -> GQLQueryText
-> G.Alias -> Q.Query
-> MxOpCtx
mkMxOpCtx role queryTxt als query =
MxOpCtx lqGroup als $ mkMxQuery query
lqGroup = LQGroup role queryTxt
mkMxQuery :: Q.Query -> Q.Query
mkMxQuery baseQuery =
Q.fromText $ mconcat $ map Q.getQueryText $
[mxQueryPfx, baseQuery, mxQuerySfx]
mxQueryPfx :: Q.Query
mxQueryPfx =
_subs.result_id, _fld_resp.root as result
$1::uuid[], $2::json[]
) _subs (result_id, result_vars)
left outer join lateral
mxQuerySfx :: Q.Query
mxQuerySfx =
) _fld_resp ON ('true')
data LiveQueryId
= LiveQueryId
{ _lqiGroup :: !LQGroup
, _lqiCandidate :: !CandidateId
, _lqiSink :: !SinkId
:: PGExecCtx
-> LiveQueriesState
-- the query
-> MxOp
-- the action to be executed when result changes
-> OnChange
-> IO LiveQueryId
addLiveQuery pgExecCtx lqState (mxOpCtx, usrVars, valQVars) onResultAction = do
-- generate a new result id
responseId <- newRespId
-- generate a new sink id
sinkId <- newSinkId
-- a handler is returned only when it is newly created
handlerM <- STM.atomically $ do
handlerM <- STMMap.lookup handlerId lqMap
case handlerM of
Just (handler, _) -> do
candidateM <- lookupTMap candidateId $ _mhCandidates handler
case candidateM of
Just candidate -> addToExistingCandidate sinkId candidate
Nothing -> addToExistingHandler sinkId responseId handler
return Nothing
Nothing -> do
handler <- newHandler sinkId responseId
asyncRefTM <- STM.newEmptyTMVar
STMMap.insert (handler, asyncRefTM) handlerId lqMap
return $ Just (handler, asyncRefTM)
-- we can then attach a polling thread if it is new
-- the livequery can only be cancelled after putTMVar
onJust handlerM $ \(handler, pollerThreadTM) -> do
metrics <- initRefetchMetrics
threadRef <- A.async $ forever $ do
pollQuery metrics batchSize pgExecCtx handler
threadDelay $ refetchIntervalToMicro refetchInterval
let threadState = ThreadState threadRef metrics
STM.atomically $ STM.putTMVar pollerThreadTM threadState
return $ LiveQueryId handlerId candidateId sinkId
MxOpCtx handlerId als mxQuery = mxOpCtx
LiveQueriesState lqOpts lqMap = lqState
MxOpts batchSize refetchInterval = lqOpts
candidateId = (usrVars, valQVars)
addToExistingCandidate sinkId handlerC =
insertTMap onResultAction sinkId $ _csNewOps handlerC
newHandlerC sinkId responseId = do
handlerC <- CandidateState
<$> STM.newTVar Nothing
<*> newTMap
<*> newTMap
insertTMap onResultAction sinkId $ _csNewOps handlerC
return handlerC
addToExistingHandler sinkId responseId handler = do
handlerC <- newHandlerC sinkId responseId
insertTMap handlerC candidateId $ _mhCandidates handler
newHandler sinkId responseId = do
handler <- LQHandler als mxQuery <$> newTMap
handlerC <- newHandlerC sinkId responseId
insertTMap handlerC candidateId $ _mhCandidates handler
return handler
type CandidateId = (UserVars, ValidatedVariables)
:: LiveQueriesState
-- the query and the associated operation
-> LiveQueryId
-> IO ()
removeLiveQuery lqState (LiveQueryId handlerId candidateId sinkId) = do
threadRefM <- STM.atomically $ do
detM <- getQueryDet
fmap join $ forM detM $
\(handler, threadRef, candidate) ->
cleanHandlerC (_mhCandidates handler) threadRef candidate
onJust threadRefM (A.cancel . _tsThread)
lqMap = _lqsLiveQueryMap lqState
getQueryDet = do
handlerM <- STMMap.lookup handlerId lqMap
fmap join $ forM handlerM $ \(handler, threadRef) -> do
let LQHandler _ _ candidateMap = handler
candidateM <- lookupTMap candidateId candidateMap
return $ fmap (handler, threadRef,) candidateM
cleanHandlerC candidateMap threadRef handlerC = do
let curOps = _csCurOps handlerC
newOps = _csNewOps handlerC
deleteTMap sinkId curOps
deleteTMap sinkId newOps
candidateIsEmpty <- (&&)
<$> nullTMap curOps
<*> nullTMap newOps
when candidateIsEmpty $ deleteTMap candidateId candidateMap
handlerIsEmpty <- nullTMap candidateMap
-- when there is no need for handler
-- i.e, this happens to be the last operation, take the
-- ref for the polling thread to cancel it
if handlerIsEmpty
then do
STMMap.delete handlerId lqMap
Just <$> STM.takeTMVar threadRef
else return Nothing
data CandidateSnapshot
= CandidateSnapshot
{ _csRespVars :: !RespVars
, _csPrevResRef :: !RespTV
, _csCurSinks :: ![OnChange]
, _csNewSinks :: ![OnChange]
pushCandidateResult :: GQResp -> Maybe RespHash -> CandidateSnapshot -> IO ()
pushCandidateResult resp respHashM candidateSnapshot = do
prevRespHashM <- STM.readTVarIO respRef
-- write to the current websockets if needed
sinks <-
if (isExecError resp || respHashM /= prevRespHashM)
then do
STM.atomically $ STM.writeTVar respRef respHashM
return (newSinks <> curSinks)
return newSinks
pushResultToSinks sinks
CandidateSnapshot _ respRef curSinks newSinks = candidateSnapshot
pushResultToSinks =
A.mapConcurrently_ (\action -> action resp)
type RespVars = J.Value
newtype RespVarsList
= RespVarsList { _unRespVarsList :: [RespVars]}
instance Q.ToPrepArg RespVarsList where
toPrepVal (RespVarsList l) =
Q.toPrepValHelper PTI.unknown encoder l
encoder =
PE.array 114 . PE.dimensionArray foldl'
(PE.encodingArray . PE.json_ast)
getRespVars :: UserVars -> ValidatedVariables -> RespVars
getRespVars usrVars valVars =
J.object [ "user" J..= usrVars
, "variables" J..= valVars
newtype BatchSize
= BatchSize { unBatchSize :: Word32 }
deriving (Show, Eq, J.ToJSON)
mkBatchSize :: Word32 -> BatchSize
mkBatchSize = BatchSize
defaultBatchSize :: BatchSize
defaultBatchSize =
BatchSize 100
chunks :: Word32 -> [a] -> [[a]]
chunks n =
takeWhile (not.null) . unfoldr (Just . splitAt (fromIntegral n))
:: RefetchMetrics
-> BatchSize
-> PGExecCtx
-> LQHandler
-> IO ()
pollQuery metrics batchSize pgExecCtx handler = do
procInit <- Clock.getCurrentTime
-- get a snapshot of all the candidates
-- this need not be done in a transaction
candidates <- STM.atomically $ toListTMap candidateMap
candidateSnapshotMap <-
fmap Map.fromList $
mapM (STM.atomically . getCandidateSnapshot) candidates
let queryVarsBatches = chunks (unBatchSize batchSize) $
getQueryVars candidateSnapshotMap
snapshotFinish <- Clock.getCurrentTime
Metrics.add (_rmSnapshot metrics) $
realToFrac $ Clock.diffUTCTime snapshotFinish procInit
flip A.mapConcurrently_ queryVarsBatches $ \queryVars -> do
queryInit <- Clock.getCurrentTime
mxRes <- runExceptT $ runLazyTx' pgExecCtx $
liftTx $ Q.listQE defaultTxErrorHandler
pgQuery (mkMxQueryPrepArgs queryVars) True
queryFinish <- Clock.getCurrentTime
Metrics.add (_rmQuery metrics) $
realToFrac $ Clock.diffUTCTime queryFinish queryInit
let operations = getCandidateOperations candidateSnapshotMap mxRes
-- concurrently push each unique result
A.mapConcurrently_ (uncurry3 pushCandidateResult) operations
pushFinish <- Clock.getCurrentTime
Metrics.add (_rmPush metrics) $
realToFrac $ Clock.diffUTCTime pushFinish queryFinish
procFinish <- Clock.getCurrentTime
Metrics.add (_rmTotal metrics) $
realToFrac $ Clock.diffUTCTime procFinish procInit
LQHandler alias pgQuery candidateMap = handler
uncurry3 :: (a -> b -> c -> d) -> (a, b, c) -> d
uncurry3 f (a, b, c) = f a b c
getCandidateSnapshot ((usrVars, _), handlerC) = do
let CandidateState resId valVars respRef curOpsTV newOpsTV = handlerC
curOpsL <- toListTMap curOpsTV
newOpsL <- toListTMap newOpsTV
forM_ newOpsL $ \(k, action) -> insertTMap action k curOpsTV
resetTMap newOpsTV
let resultVars = getRespVars usrVars valVars
candidateSnapshot = CandidateSnapshot resultVars respRef
(map snd curOpsL) (map snd newOpsL)
return (resId, candidateSnapshot)
getQueryVars candidateSnapshotMap =
Map.toList $ fmap _csRespVars candidateSnapshotMap
mkMxQueryPrepArgs l =
let (respIdL, respVarL) = unzip l
in (RespIdList respIdL, RespVarsList respVarL)
getCandidateOperations candidateSnapshotMap = \case
Left e ->
-- TODO: this is internal error
let resp = GQExecError [encodeGQErr False e]
in [ (resp, Nothing, snapshot)
| (_, snapshot) <- Map.toList candidateSnapshotMap
Right responses ->
flip mapMaybe responses $ \(respId, respEnc) ->
-- TODO: change it to use bytestrings directly
let fldAlsT = G.unName $ G.unAlias alias
respLbs = encJToLBS $ encJFromAssocList $
pure $ (,) fldAlsT respEnc
resp = GQSuccess respLbs
respHash = mkRespHash respLbs
in (resp, Just respHash,) <$> Map.lookup respId candidateSnapshotMap