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-- | MSSQL Connection
-- This module handles the connection against an MS SQL Server.
-- It defines the connection string, connection pool, default settings,
-- and conversion functions between MSSQL and graphql-engine.
module Hasura.Backends.MSSQL.Connection
( MSSQLConnConfiguration (MSSQLConnConfiguration),
MSSQLSourceConfig (MSSQLSourceConfig, _mscConnectionPool),
import Control.Exception.Lifted qualified as EL
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson qualified as J
import Data.Aeson.Casing
import Data.Aeson.TH
import Data.Environment qualified as Env
import Data.Pool qualified as Pool
import Data.Text (pack, unpack)
import Database.MSSQL.Transaction
import Database.ODBC.SQLServer qualified as ODBC
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.Incremental (Cacheable (..))
import Hasura.Prelude
-- | ODBC connection string for MSSQL server
newtype MSSQLConnectionString = MSSQLConnectionString {unMSSQLConnectionString :: Text}
deriving (Show, Eq, ToJSON, FromJSON, Cacheable, Hashable, NFData)
data InputConnectionString
= RawString !MSSQLConnectionString
| FromEnvironment !Text
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance Cacheable InputConnectionString
instance Hashable InputConnectionString
instance NFData InputConnectionString
instance ToJSON InputConnectionString where
toJSON =
(RawString m) -> toJSON m
(FromEnvironment wEnv) -> object ["from_env" .= wEnv]
instance FromJSON InputConnectionString where
parseJSON =
(Object o) -> FromEnvironment <$> o .: "from_env"
s@(String _) -> RawString <$> parseJSON s
_ -> fail "one of string or object must be provided"
data MSSQLPoolSettings = MSSQLPoolSettings
{ _mpsMaxConnections :: !Int,
_mpsIdleTimeout :: !Int
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance Cacheable MSSQLPoolSettings
instance Hashable MSSQLPoolSettings
instance NFData MSSQLPoolSettings
$(deriveToJSON hasuraJSON ''MSSQLPoolSettings)
instance FromJSON MSSQLPoolSettings where
parseJSON = withObject "MSSQL pool settings" $ \o ->
<$> o .:? "max_connections" .!= _mpsMaxConnections defaultMSSQLPoolSettings
<*> o .:? "idle_timeout" .!= _mpsIdleTimeout defaultMSSQLPoolSettings
defaultMSSQLPoolSettings :: MSSQLPoolSettings
defaultMSSQLPoolSettings =
{ _mpsMaxConnections = 50,
_mpsIdleTimeout = 5
data MSSQLConnectionInfo = MSSQLConnectionInfo
{ _mciConnectionString :: !InputConnectionString,
_mciPoolSettings :: !MSSQLPoolSettings
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance Cacheable MSSQLConnectionInfo
instance Hashable MSSQLConnectionInfo
instance NFData MSSQLConnectionInfo
$(deriveToJSON hasuraJSON ''MSSQLConnectionInfo)
instance FromJSON MSSQLConnectionInfo where
parseJSON = withObject "Object" $ \o ->
<$> ((o .: "database_url") <|> (o .: "connection_string"))
<*> o .:? "pool_settings" .!= defaultMSSQLPoolSettings
data MSSQLConnConfiguration = MSSQLConnConfiguration
{ _mccConnectionInfo :: !MSSQLConnectionInfo
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance Cacheable MSSQLConnConfiguration
instance Hashable MSSQLConnConfiguration
instance NFData MSSQLConnConfiguration
$(deriveJSON hasuraJSON ''MSSQLConnConfiguration)
newtype MSSQLPool = MSSQLPool (Pool.Pool ODBC.Connection)
createMSSQLPool ::
MonadIO m =>
QErrM m =>
MSSQLConnectionInfo ->
Env.Environment ->
m (MSSQLConnectionString, MSSQLPool)
createMSSQLPool (MSSQLConnectionInfo iConnString MSSQLPoolSettings {..}) env = do
connString <- resolveInputConnectionString env iConnString
pool <-
liftIO $
<$> Pool.createPool
(ODBC.connect $ unMSSQLConnectionString connString)
(fromIntegral _mpsIdleTimeout)
pure (connString, pool)
resolveInputConnectionString ::
QErrM m =>
Env.Environment ->
InputConnectionString ->
m MSSQLConnectionString
resolveInputConnectionString env =
(RawString cs) -> pure cs
(FromEnvironment envVar) -> MSSQLConnectionString <$> getEnv env envVar
getEnv :: QErrM m => Env.Environment -> Text -> m Text
getEnv env k = do
let mEnv = Env.lookupEnv env (unpack k)
case mEnv of
Nothing -> throw400 NotFound $ "environment variable '" <> k <> "' not set"
Just envVal -> return (pack envVal)
drainMSSQLPool :: MSSQLPool -> IO ()
drainMSSQLPool (MSSQLPool pool) =
Pool.destroyAllResources pool
odbcExceptionToJSONValue :: ODBC.ODBCException -> Value
odbcExceptionToJSONValue =
$(mkToJSON defaultOptions {constructorTagModifier = snakeCase} ''ODBC.ODBCException)
runJSONPathQuery ::
(MonadError QErr m, MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) =>
MSSQLPool ->
ODBC.Query ->
m Text
runJSONPathQuery pool query =
mconcat <$> withMSSQLPool pool (`ODBC.query` query)
withMSSQLPool ::
(MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadError QErr m) =>
MSSQLPool ->
(ODBC.Connection -> m a) ->
m a
withMSSQLPool (MSSQLPool pool) f = do
res <- EL.try $ Pool.withResource pool f
onLeft res $ \e ->
throw500WithDetail "sql server exception" $ odbcExceptionToJSONValue e
data MSSQLSourceConfig = MSSQLSourceConfig
{ _mscConnectionString :: !MSSQLConnectionString,
_mscConnectionPool :: !MSSQLPool
deriving (Generic)
instance Show MSSQLSourceConfig where
show = show . _mscConnectionString
instance Eq MSSQLSourceConfig where
MSSQLSourceConfig connStr1 _ == MSSQLSourceConfig connStr2 _ =
connStr1 == connStr2
instance Cacheable MSSQLSourceConfig where
unchanged _ = (==)
instance ToJSON MSSQLSourceConfig where
toJSON = toJSON . _mscConnectionString
odbcValueToJValue :: ODBC.Value -> J.Value
odbcValueToJValue = \case
ODBC.TextValue t -> J.String t
ODBC.ByteStringValue b -> J.String $ bsToTxt b
ODBC.BinaryValue b -> J.String $ bsToTxt $ ODBC.unBinary b
ODBC.BoolValue b -> J.Bool b
ODBC.DoubleValue d -> J.toJSON d
ODBC.FloatValue f -> J.toJSON f
ODBC.IntValue i -> J.toJSON i
ODBC.ByteValue b -> J.toJSON b
ODBC.DayValue d -> J.toJSON d
ODBC.TimeOfDayValue td -> J.toJSON td
ODBC.LocalTimeValue l -> J.toJSON l
ODBC.NullValue -> J.Null
newtype MSSQLConnErr = MSSQLConnErr {getConnErr :: Text}
deriving (Show, Eq, ToJSON)
fromMSSQLTxError :: MSSQLTxError -> QErr
fromMSSQLTxError (MSSQLTxError query exception) =
(internalError "database query error")
{ qeInternal =
Just $
ExtraInternal $
[ "query" .= ODBC.renderQuery query,
"exception" .= odbcExceptionToJSONValue exception