Brandon Martin 63eabc2374 Add dataset support to Oracle in the Super Connector
Co-authored-by: Daniel Chambers <>
GitOrigin-RevId: 6f2aebc150d7c93490e6da3ada5c282dd3d9a56c
2023-03-24 14:35:30 +00:00

116 lines
4.9 KiB

module Test.DataExport
( exportData,
import Command (ExportDataConfig (..), ExportFormat (..))
import Control.Lens ((&))
import Data.Aeson qualified as J
import Data.Aeson.Encoding qualified as JE
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BSL
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NonEmpty
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Data.Time (ZonedTime, defaultTimeLocale)
import Data.Time.Format (formatTime)
import Data.Time.Format.ISO8601 (iso8601ParseM)
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.API
import System.Directory qualified as Directory
import System.FilePath ((<.>), (</>))
import Test.Data qualified as Data
import Prelude
exportData :: ExportDataConfig -> IO ()
exportData exportDataConfig@ExportDataConfig {..} = do
absDirectory <- Directory.makeAbsolute _edcDirectory
Directory.createDirectoryIfMissing True absDirectory
putStrLn $ "Exporting to " <> absDirectory
case _edcFormat of
JSON -> exportTablePerFile exportDataConfig absDirectory (convertTable ".json" convertTableToJSON)
JSONLines -> exportTablePerFile exportDataConfig absDirectory (convertTable ".json" convertTableToJSONLines)
SingleJSONFile -> exportSingleJSONFile exportDataConfig absDirectory
exportTablePerFile :: ExportDataConfig -> FilePath -> (TableName -> [HashMap FieldName FieldValue] -> (FilePath, BSL.ByteString)) -> IO ()
exportTablePerFile ExportDataConfig {..} directory convertTable' = do
& fmap (\tableInfo@TableInfo {..} -> (tableInfo,) <$> fromMaybe [] $ HashMap.lookup _tiName Data.allTableRows)
& mapM_ \(tableInfo@TableInfo {..}, rows) -> do
let rows' = maybe rows (\formatString -> formatDateColumnsInRow formatString tableInfo <$> rows) _edcDateTimeFormat
let (filename, contents) = convertTable' _tiName rows'
let destFile = directory </> filename
BSL.writeFile destFile contents
putStrLn $ "Exported " <> filename
convertTable :: String -> ([HashMap FieldName FieldValue] -> BSL.ByteString) -> TableName -> [HashMap FieldName FieldValue] -> (FilePath, BSL.ByteString)
convertTable extension convertRows tableName rows =
(filename, fileContents)
filename = (Text.unpack . NonEmpty.last $ unTableName tableName) <.> extension
fileContents = convertRows rows
convertTableToJSON :: [HashMap FieldName FieldValue] -> BSL.ByteString
convertTableToJSON rows =
J.encode $ rows
convertTableToJSONLines :: [HashMap FieldName FieldValue] -> BSL.ByteString
convertTableToJSONLines rows =
BSL.intercalate "\n" $ J.encode <$> rows
formatDateColumnsInRow :: String -> TableInfo -> HashMap FieldName FieldValue -> HashMap FieldName FieldValue
formatDateColumnsInRow dateTimeFormatString TableInfo {..} row =
& HashMap.mapWithKey
( \fieldName fieldValue ->
if fieldName `elem` dateFields
then fromMaybe fieldValue $ tryFormatDate fieldValue
else fieldValue
dateFields = fmap (\ColumnInfo {..} -> FieldName $ unColumnName _ciName) $ filter (\ColumnInfo {..} -> _ciType == dateTimeScalarType) _tiColumns
dateTimeScalarType = ScalarType "DateTime"
tryFormatDate fieldValue = case deserializeAsColumnFieldValue fieldValue of
J.String value -> do
(zonedTime :: ZonedTime) <- iso8601ParseM $ Text.unpack value
let formattedString = formatTime defaultTimeLocale dateTimeFormatString zonedTime
Just . mkColumnFieldValue . J.String . Text.pack $ formattedString
_ -> Nothing
exportSingleJSONFile :: ExportDataConfig -> FilePath -> IO ()
exportSingleJSONFile exportDataConfig directory = do
let filename = "Chinook.json"
let destFile = directory </> filename
BSL.writeFile destFile $ encodeSingleJSONFile exportDataConfig
putStrLn $ "Exported " <> filename
encodeSingleJSONFile :: ExportDataConfig -> BSL.ByteString
encodeSingleJSONFile ExportDataConfig {..} =
JE.encodingToLazyByteString $
( \tableInfo@TableInfo {..} ->
let rows = fromMaybe [] $ HashMap.lookup _tiName Data.allTableRows
rows' = maybe rows (\formatString -> formatDateColumnsInRow formatString tableInfo <$> rows) _edcDateTimeFormat
in encodeSingleJSONFileTable tableInfo rows'
encodeSingleJSONFileTable :: TableInfo -> [HashMap FieldName FieldValue] -> J.Encoding
encodeSingleJSONFileTable TableInfo {..} rows =
[ ("tableName", J.toEncoding . NonEmpty.last $ unTableName _tiName),
("columns", encodeAssocListAsObject columns),
("rows", J.toEncoding rows)
columns :: [(Text, J.Encoding)]
columns = (\ColumnInfo {..} -> (unColumnName _ciName, J.toEncoding _ciType)) <$> _tiColumns
encodeAssocListAsObject :: [(Text, J.Encoding)] -> J.Encoding
encodeAssocListAsObject =
(\fn -> foldr (uncurry fn))