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synced 2024-12-17 20:41:49 +03:00
## Description ### I want to speak to the `Manager` Oh boy. This PR is both fairly straightforward and overreaching, so let's break it down. For most network access, we need a [`HTTP.Manager`](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/http-client- It is created only once, at the top level, when starting the engine, and is then threaded through the application to wherever we need to make a network call. As of main, the way we do this is not standardized: most of the GraphQL execution code passes it "manually" as a function argument throughout the code. We also have a custom monad constraint, `HasHttpManagerM`, that describes a monad's ability to provide a manager. And, finally, several parts of the code store the manager in some kind of argument structure, such as `RunT`'s `RunCtx`. This PR's first goal is to harmonize all of this: we always create the manager at the root, and we already have it when we do our very first `runReaderT`. Wouldn't it make sense for the rest of the code to not manually pass it anywhere, to not store it anywhere, but to always rely on the current monad providing it? This is, in short, what this PR does: it implements a constraint on the base monads, so that they provide the manager, and removes most explicit passing from the code. ### First come, first served One way this PR goes a tiny bit further than "just" doing the aforementioned harmonization is that it starts the process of implementing the "Services oriented architecture" roughly outlined in this [draft document](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FAigqrST0juU1WcT4HIxJxe1iEBwTuBZodTaeUvsKqQ/edit?usp=sharing). Instead of using the existing `HasHTTPManagerM`, this PR revamps it into the `ProvidesNetwork` service. The idea is, again, that we should make all "external" dependencies of the engine, all things that the core of the engine doesn't care about, a "service". This allows us to define clear APIs for features, to choose different implementations based on which version of the engine we're running, harmonizes our many scattered monadic constraints... Which is why this service is called "Network": we can refine it, moving forward, to be the constraint that defines how all network communication is to operate, instead of relying on disparate classes constraint or hardcoded decisions. A comment in the code clarifies this intent. ### Side-effects? In my Haskell? This PR also unavoidably touches some other aspects of the codebase. One such example: it introduces `Hasura.App.AppContext`, named after `HasuraPro.Context.AppContext`: a name for the reader structure at the base level. It also transforms `Handler` from a type alias to a newtype, as `Handler` is where we actually enforce HTTP limits; but without `Handler` being a distinct type, any code path could simply do a `runExceptT $ runReader` and forget to enforce them. (As a rule of thumb, i am starting to consider any straggling `runReaderT` or `runExceptT` as a code smell: we should not stack / unstack monads haphazardly, and every layer should be an opaque `newtype` with a corresponding run function.) ## Further work In several places, i have left TODOs when i have encountered things that suggest that we should do further unrelated cleanups. I'll write down the follow-up steps, either in the aforementioned document or on slack. But, in short, at a glance, in approximate order, we could: - delete `ExecutionCtx` as it is only a subset of `ServerCtx`, and remove one more `runReaderT` call - delete `ServerConfigCtx` as it is only a subset of `ServerCtx`, and remove it from `RunCtx` - remove `ServerCtx` from `HandlerCtx`, and make it part of `AppContext`, or even make it the `AppContext` altogether (since, at least for the OSS version, `AppContext` is there again only a subset) - remove `CacheBuildParams` and `CacheBuild` altogether, as they're just a distinct stack that is a `ReaderT` on top of `IO` that contains, you guessed it, the same thing as `ServerCtx` - move `RunT` out of `RQL.Types` and rename it, since after the previous cleanups **it only contains `UserInfo`**; it could be bundled with the authentication service, made a small implementation detail in `Hasura.Server.Auth` - rename `PGMetadaStorageT` to something a bit more accurate, such as `App`, and enforce its IO base This would significantly simply our complex stack. From there, or in parallel, we can start moving existing dependencies as Services. For the purpose of supporting read replicas entitlement, we could move `MonadResolveSource` to a `SourceResolver` service, as attempted in #7653, and transform `UserAuthenticationM` into a `Authentication` service. PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/7736 GitOrigin-RevId: 68cce710eb9e7d752bda1ba0c49541d24df8209f
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-- | Execution of GraphQL queries over HTTP transport
module Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.HTTP
( QueryCacheKey (..),
MonadExecuteQuery (..),
CachedDirective (..),
-- * imported from HTTP.Protocol; required by pro
GQLReq (..),
GQLExecDoc (..),
OperationName (..),
GQLQueryText (..),
AnnotatedResponsePart (..),
CacheStoreSuccess (..),
CacheStoreFailure (..),
import Control.Lens (Traversal', foldOf, to)
import Control.Monad.Morph (hoist)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl)
import Data.Aeson qualified as J
import Data.Aeson.Ordered qualified as JO
import Data.Bifoldable
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as LBS
import Data.Dependent.Map qualified as DM
import Data.Environment qualified as Env
import Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd qualified as OMap
import Data.Monoid (Any (..))
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Instances.Transport (runPGMutationTransaction)
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.EncJSON
import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute qualified as E
import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Action qualified as EA
import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Backend qualified as EB
import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.RemoteJoin qualified as RJ
import Hasura.GraphQL.Logging
( MonadQueryLog (logQueryLog),
QueryLog (..),
QueryLogKind (..),
import Hasura.GraphQL.Namespace
import Hasura.GraphQL.ParameterizedQueryHash
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Directives (CachedDirective (..), DirectiveMap, cached)
import Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.Backend
import Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.HTTP.Protocol
import Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.Instances ()
import Hasura.HTTP
( HttpResponse (HttpResponse, _hrBody),
import Hasura.Logging qualified as L
import Hasura.Metadata.Class
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.IR
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Action
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Backend
import Hasura.RQL.Types.ResultCustomization
import Hasura.RQL.Types.SchemaCache
import Hasura.RemoteSchema.SchemaCache
import Hasura.SQL.AnyBackend qualified as AB
import Hasura.SQL.Backend
import Hasura.Server.Init.Config
import Hasura.Server.Limits
import Hasura.Server.Logging
import Hasura.Server.Logging qualified as L
import Hasura.Server.Prometheus
( GraphQLRequestMetrics (..),
PrometheusMetrics (..),
import Hasura.Server.Telemetry.Counters qualified as Telem
import Hasura.Server.Types (RequestId)
import Hasura.Services.Network
import Hasura.Session
import Hasura.Tracing (MonadTrace, TraceT, trace)
import Hasura.Tracing qualified as Tracing
import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax qualified as G
import Network.HTTP.Types qualified as HTTP
import Network.Wai.Extended qualified as Wai
import System.Metrics.Prometheus.Counter qualified as Prometheus.Counter
import System.Metrics.Prometheus.Histogram qualified as Prometheus.Histogram
data QueryCacheKey = QueryCacheKey
{ qckQueryString :: !GQLReqParsed,
qckUserRole :: !RoleName,
qckSession :: !SessionVariables
instance J.ToJSON QueryCacheKey where
toJSON (QueryCacheKey qs ur sess) =
J.object ["query_string" J..= qs, "user_role" J..= ur, "session" J..= sess]
type CacheStoreResponse = Either CacheStoreFailure CacheStoreSuccess
data CacheStoreSuccess
= CacheStoreSkipped
| CacheStoreHit
deriving (Eq, Show)
data CacheStoreFailure
= CacheStoreLimitReached
| CacheStoreNotEnoughCapacity
| CacheStoreBackendError String
deriving (Eq, Show)
class Monad m => MonadExecuteQuery m where
-- | This method does two things: it looks up a query result in the
-- server-side cache, if a cache is used, and it additionally returns HTTP
-- headers that can instruct a client how long a response can be cached
-- locally (i.e. client-side).
cacheLookup ::
-- | Used to check if the elaborated query supports caching
[RemoteSchemaInfo] ->
-- | Used to check if actions query supports caching (unsupported if `forward_client_headers` is set)
[ActionsInfo] ->
-- | Key that uniquely identifies the result of a query execution
QueryCacheKey ->
-- | Cached Directive from GraphQL query AST
Maybe CachedDirective ->
-- | HTTP headers to be sent back to the caller for this GraphQL request,
-- containing e.g. time-to-live information, and a cached value if found and
-- within time-to-live. So a return value (non-empty-ttl-headers, Nothing)
-- represents that we don't have a server-side cache of the query, but that
-- the client should store it locally. The value ([], Just json) represents
-- that the client should not store the response locally, but we do have a
-- server-side cache value that can be used to avoid query execution.
TraceT (ExceptT QErr m) (HTTP.ResponseHeaders, Maybe EncJSON)
-- | Store a json response for a query that we've executed in the cache. Note
-- that, as part of this, 'cacheStore' has to decide whether the response is
-- cacheable. A very similar decision is also made in 'cacheLookup', since it
-- has to construct corresponding cache-enabling headers that are sent to the
-- client. But note that the HTTP headers influence client-side caching,
-- whereas 'cacheStore' changes the server-side cache.
cacheStore ::
-- | Key under which to store the result of a query execution
QueryCacheKey ->
-- | Cached Directive from GraphQL query AST
Maybe CachedDirective ->
-- | Result of a query execution
EncJSON ->
-- | Always succeeds
TraceT (ExceptT QErr m) CacheStoreResponse
default cacheLookup ::
(m ~ t n, MonadTrans t, MonadExecuteQuery n) =>
[RemoteSchemaInfo] ->
[ActionsInfo] ->
QueryCacheKey ->
Maybe CachedDirective ->
TraceT (ExceptT QErr m) (HTTP.ResponseHeaders, Maybe EncJSON)
cacheLookup a b c d = hoist (hoist lift) $ cacheLookup a b c d
default cacheStore ::
(m ~ t n, MonadTrans t, MonadExecuteQuery n) =>
QueryCacheKey ->
Maybe CachedDirective ->
EncJSON ->
TraceT (ExceptT QErr m) CacheStoreResponse
cacheStore a b c = hoist (hoist lift) $ cacheStore a b c
instance MonadExecuteQuery m => MonadExecuteQuery (ReaderT r m)
instance MonadExecuteQuery m => MonadExecuteQuery (ExceptT r m)
instance MonadExecuteQuery m => MonadExecuteQuery (TraceT m)
-- | A partial response, e.g. from a remote schema call or postgres
-- postgres query, which we'll assemble into the final response for
-- the client. It is annotated with timing metadata.
data AnnotatedResponsePart = AnnotatedResponsePart
{ arpTimeIO :: DiffTime,
arpLocality :: Telem.Locality,
arpResponse :: EncJSON,
arpHeaders :: HTTP.ResponseHeaders
-- | A full response, annotated with timing metadata.
data AnnotatedResponse = AnnotatedResponse
{ arQueryType :: Telem.QueryType,
arTimeIO :: DiffTime,
arLocality :: Telem.Locality,
arResponse :: HttpResponse (Maybe GQResponse, EncJSON)
-- | Merge response parts into a full response.
buildResponseFromParts ::
(MonadError QErr m) =>
Telem.QueryType ->
Either (Either GQExecError QErr) (RootFieldMap AnnotatedResponsePart) ->
HTTP.ResponseHeaders ->
m AnnotatedResponse
buildResponseFromParts telemType partsErr cacheHeaders =
buildResponse telemType partsErr \parts ->
let responseData = Right $ encJToLBS $ encodeAnnotatedResponseParts parts
in AnnotatedResponse
{ arQueryType = telemType,
arTimeIO = sum (fmap arpTimeIO parts),
arLocality = foldMap arpLocality parts,
arResponse =
(Just responseData, encodeGQResp responseData)
(cacheHeaders <> foldMap arpHeaders parts)
buildResponse ::
(MonadError QErr m) =>
Telem.QueryType ->
Either (Either GQExecError QErr) a ->
(a -> AnnotatedResponse) ->
m AnnotatedResponse
buildResponse telemType res f = case res of
Right a -> pure $ f a
Left (Right err) -> throwError err
Left (Left err) ->
pure $
{ arQueryType = telemType,
arTimeIO = 0,
arLocality = Telem.Remote,
arResponse =
(Just (Left err), encodeGQResp $ Left err)
-- | A predicate on session variables. The 'Monoid' instance makes it simple
-- to combine several predicates disjunctively.
-- | The definition includes `Maybe` which allows us to short-circuit calls like @mempty <> m@ and @m <> mempty@, which
-- otherwise might build up long repeated chains of calls to @\_ _ -> False@.
newtype SessVarPred = SessVarPred {unSessVarPred :: Maybe (SessionVariable -> SessionVariableValue -> Bool)}
deriving (Semigroup, Monoid) via (Maybe (SessionVariable -> SessionVariableValue -> Any))
keepAllSessionVariables :: SessVarPred
keepAllSessionVariables = SessVarPred $ Just $ \_ _ -> True
runSessVarPred :: SessVarPred -> SessionVariables -> SessionVariables
runSessVarPred = filterSessionVariables . fromMaybe (\_ _ -> False) . unSessVarPred
-- | Filter out only those session variables used by the query AST provided
filterVariablesFromQuery ::
[ RootField
(QueryDBRoot (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) UnpreparedValue)
(RemoteSchemaRootField (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) RemoteSchemaVariable)
(ActionQuery (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue))
] ->
filterVariablesFromQuery = foldMap \case
RFDB _ exists ->
AB.dispatchAnyBackend @Backend exists \case
SourceConfigWith _ _ (QDBR db) -> bifoldMap remoteFieldPred toPred db
RFRemote remote -> foldOf (traverse . _SessionPresetVariable . to match) remote
RFAction actionQ -> foldMap remoteFieldPred actionQ
RFRaw {} -> mempty
RFMulti {} -> mempty
_SessionPresetVariable :: Traversal' RemoteSchemaVariable SessionVariable
_SessionPresetVariable f (SessionPresetVariable a b c) =
(\a' -> SessionPresetVariable a' b c) <$> f a
_SessionPresetVariable _ x = pure x
toPred :: UnpreparedValue bet -> SessVarPred
-- if we see a reference to the whole session variables object,
-- then we need to keep everything:
toPred UVSession = keepAllSessionVariables
-- if we only see a specific session variable, we only need to keep that one:
toPred (UVSessionVar _type sv) = match sv
toPred _ = mempty
match :: SessionVariable -> SessVarPred
match sv = SessVarPred $ Just $ \sv' _ -> sv == sv'
remoteFieldPred :: RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue -> SessVarPred
remoteFieldPred = \case
RemoteSchemaField RemoteSchemaSelect {..} ->
foldOf (traverse . _SessionPresetVariable . to match) _rselSelection
RemoteSourceField exists ->
AB.dispatchAnyBackend @Backend exists \RemoteSourceSelect {..} ->
case _rssSelection of
SourceRelationshipObject obj -> foldMap toPred obj
SourceRelationshipArray arr -> foldMap toPred arr
SourceRelationshipArrayAggregate agg -> foldMap toPred agg
-- | Run (execute) a single GraphQL query
runGQ ::
forall m.
( MonadIO m,
MonadBaseControl IO m,
MonadError QErr m,
MonadReader E.ExecutionCtx m,
E.MonadGQLExecutionCheck m,
MonadQueryLog m,
MonadTrace m,
MonadExecuteQuery m,
MonadMetadataStorage m,
EB.MonadQueryTags m,
HasResourceLimits m,
ProvidesNetwork m
) =>
Env.Environment ->
L.Logger L.Hasura ->
RequestId ->
UserInfo ->
Wai.IpAddress ->
[HTTP.Header] ->
E.GraphQLQueryType ->
GQLReqUnparsed ->
m (GQLQueryOperationSuccessLog, HttpResponse (Maybe GQResponse, EncJSON))
runGQ env logger reqId userInfo ipAddress reqHeaders queryType reqUnparsed = do
E.ExecutionCtx _ sqlGenCtx sc scVer enableAL readOnlyMode prometheusMetrics <- ask
let gqlMetrics = pmGraphQLRequestMetrics prometheusMetrics
(totalTime, (response, parameterizedQueryHash, gqlOpType)) <- withElapsedTime $ do
(reqParsed, runLimits, queryParts) <- observeGQLQueryError gqlMetrics Nothing $ do
-- 1. Run system authorization on the 'reqUnparsed :: GQLReqUnparsed' query.
reqParsed <-
E.checkGQLExecution userInfo (reqHeaders, ipAddress) enableAL sc reqUnparsed reqId
>>= flip onLeft throwError
operationLimit <- askGraphqlOperationLimit reqId userInfo (scApiLimits sc)
let runLimits = runResourceLimits operationLimit
-- 2. Construct the first step of the execution plan from 'reqParsed :: GQLParsed'.
queryParts <- getSingleOperation reqParsed
return (reqParsed, runLimits, queryParts)
let gqlOpType = G._todType queryParts
observeGQLQueryError gqlMetrics (Just gqlOpType) $ do
-- 3. Construct the remainder of the execution plan.
let maybeOperationName = _unOperationName <$> _grOperationName reqParsed
(parameterizedQueryHash, execPlan) <-
-- 4. Execute the execution plan producing a 'AnnotatedResponse'.
response <- executePlan reqParsed runLimits execPlan
return (response, parameterizedQueryHash, gqlOpType)
-- 5. Record telemetry
recordTimings totalTime response
-- 6. Record Prometheus metrics (query successes)
liftIO $ recordGQLQuerySuccess gqlMetrics totalTime gqlOpType
-- 7. Return the response along with logging metadata.
let requestSize = LBS.length $ J.encode reqUnparsed
responseSize = LBS.length $ encJToLBS $ snd $ _hrBody $ arResponse $ response
( GQLQueryOperationSuccessLog reqUnparsed totalTime responseSize requestSize parameterizedQueryHash,
arResponse response
doQErr :: ExceptT QErr m a -> ExceptT (Either GQExecError QErr) m a
doQErr = withExceptT Right
forWithKey = flip OMap.traverseWithKey
executePlan ::
GQLReqParsed ->
(m AnnotatedResponse -> m AnnotatedResponse) ->
E.ResolvedExecutionPlan ->
m AnnotatedResponse
executePlan reqParsed runLimits execPlan = case execPlan of
E.QueryExecutionPlan queryPlans asts dirMap -> trace "Query" $ do
-- Attempt to lookup a cached response in the query cache.
-- 'keyedLookup' is a monadic action possibly returning a cache hit.
-- 'keyedStore' is a function to write a new response to the cache.
let (keyedLookup, keyedStore) = cacheAccess reqParsed queryPlans asts dirMap
(cachingHeaders, cachedValue) <- keyedLookup
case fmap decodeGQResp cachedValue of
-- If we get a cache hit, annotate the response with metadata and return it.
Just cachedResponseData -> do
logQueryLog logger $ QueryLog reqUnparsed Nothing reqId QueryLogKindCached
pure $
{ arQueryType = Telem.Query,
arTimeIO = 0,
arLocality = Telem.Local,
arResponse = HttpResponse cachedResponseData cachingHeaders
-- If we get a cache miss, we must run the query against the graphql engine.
Nothing -> runLimits $ do
-- 1. 'traverse' the 'ExecutionPlan' executing every step.
-- TODO: can this be a `catch` rather than a `runExceptT`?
conclusion <- runExceptT $ forWithKey queryPlans executeQueryStep
-- 2. Construct an 'AnnotatedResponse' from the results of all steps in the 'ExecutionPlan'.
result <- buildResponseFromParts Telem.Query conclusion cachingHeaders
let response@(HttpResponse responseData _) = arResponse result
-- 3. Cache the 'AnnotatedResponse'.
cacheStoreRes <- keyedStore (snd responseData)
let headers = case cacheStoreRes of
-- Note: Warning header format: "Warning: <warn-code> <warn-agent> <warn-text> [warn-date]"
-- See: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Warning
Right _ -> []
(Left CacheStoreLimitReached) -> [("warning", "199 - cache-store-size-limit-exceeded")]
(Left CacheStoreNotEnoughCapacity) -> [("warning", "199 - cache-store-capacity-exceeded")]
(Left (CacheStoreBackendError _)) -> [("warning", "199 - cache-store-error")]
in -- 4. Return the response.
pure $ result {arResponse = addHttpResponseHeaders headers response}
E.MutationExecutionPlan mutationPlans -> runLimits $ do
{- Note [Backwards-compatible transaction optimisation]
For backwards compatibility, we perform the following optimisation: if all mutation steps
are going to the same source, and that source is Postgres, we group all mutations as a
transaction. This is a somewhat dangerous beaviour, and we would prefer, in the future,
to make transactionality explicit rather than implicit and context-dependent.
case coalescePostgresMutations mutationPlans of
-- we are in the aforementioned case; we circumvent the normal process
Just (sourceConfig, resolvedConnectionTemplate, pgMutations) -> do
res <-
-- TODO: can this be a `catch` rather than a `runExceptT`?
runExceptT $
doQErr $
runPGMutationTransaction reqId reqUnparsed userInfo logger sourceConfig resolvedConnectionTemplate pgMutations
-- we do not construct response parts since we have only one part
buildResponse Telem.Mutation res \(telemTimeIO_DT, parts) ->
let responseData = Right $ encJToLBS $ encodeEncJSONResults parts
in AnnotatedResponse
{ arQueryType = Telem.Mutation,
arTimeIO = telemTimeIO_DT,
arLocality = Telem.Local,
arResponse =
(Just responseData, encodeGQResp responseData)
-- we are not in the transaction case; proceeding normally
Nothing -> do
-- TODO: can this be a `catch` rather than a `runExceptT`?
conclusion <- runExceptT $ forWithKey mutationPlans executeMutationStep
buildResponseFromParts Telem.Mutation conclusion []
E.SubscriptionExecutionPlan _sub ->
throw400 UnexpectedPayload "subscriptions are not supported over HTTP, use websockets instead"
executeQueryStep ::
RootFieldAlias ->
EB.ExecutionStep ->
ExceptT (Either GQExecError QErr) m AnnotatedResponsePart
executeQueryStep fieldName = \case
E.ExecStepDB _headers exists remoteJoins -> doQErr $ do
(telemTimeIO_DT, resp) <-
AB.dispatchAnyBackend @BackendTransport
\(EB.DBStepInfo _ sourceConfig genSql tx resolvedConnectionTemplate :: EB.DBStepInfo b) ->
runDBQuery @b reqId reqUnparsed fieldName userInfo logger sourceConfig tx genSql resolvedConnectionTemplate
finalResponse <-
RJ.processRemoteJoins reqId logger env reqHeaders userInfo resp remoteJoins reqUnparsed
pure $ AnnotatedResponsePart telemTimeIO_DT Telem.Local finalResponse []
E.ExecStepRemote rsi resultCustomizer gqlReq remoteJoins -> do
logQueryLog logger $ QueryLog reqUnparsed Nothing reqId QueryLogKindRemoteSchema
runRemoteGQ fieldName rsi resultCustomizer gqlReq remoteJoins
E.ExecStepAction aep _ remoteJoins -> do
logQueryLog logger $ QueryLog reqUnparsed Nothing reqId QueryLogKindAction
(time, resp) <- doQErr $ do
(time, (resp, _)) <- EA.runActionExecution userInfo aep
finalResponse <-
RJ.processRemoteJoins reqId logger env reqHeaders userInfo resp remoteJoins reqUnparsed
pure (time, finalResponse)
pure $ AnnotatedResponsePart time Telem.Empty resp []
E.ExecStepRaw json -> do
logQueryLog logger $ QueryLog reqUnparsed Nothing reqId QueryLogKindIntrospection
buildRaw json
-- For `ExecStepMulti`, execute all steps and then concat them in a list
E.ExecStepMulti lst -> do
_all <- traverse (executeQueryStep fieldName) lst
pure $ AnnotatedResponsePart 0 Telem.Local (encJFromList (map arpResponse _all)) []
executeMutationStep ::
RootFieldAlias ->
EB.ExecutionStep ->
ExceptT (Either GQExecError QErr) m AnnotatedResponsePart
executeMutationStep fieldName = \case
E.ExecStepDB responseHeaders exists remoteJoins -> doQErr $ do
(telemTimeIO_DT, resp) <-
AB.dispatchAnyBackend @BackendTransport
\(EB.DBStepInfo _ sourceConfig genSql tx resolvedConnectionTemplate :: EB.DBStepInfo b) ->
runDBMutation @b reqId reqUnparsed fieldName userInfo logger sourceConfig tx genSql resolvedConnectionTemplate
finalResponse <-
RJ.processRemoteJoins reqId logger env reqHeaders userInfo resp remoteJoins reqUnparsed
pure $ AnnotatedResponsePart telemTimeIO_DT Telem.Local finalResponse responseHeaders
E.ExecStepRemote rsi resultCustomizer gqlReq remoteJoins -> do
logQueryLog logger $ QueryLog reqUnparsed Nothing reqId QueryLogKindRemoteSchema
runRemoteGQ fieldName rsi resultCustomizer gqlReq remoteJoins
E.ExecStepAction aep _ remoteJoins -> do
logQueryLog logger $ QueryLog reqUnparsed Nothing reqId QueryLogKindAction
(time, (resp, hdrs)) <- doQErr $ do
(time, (resp, hdrs)) <- EA.runActionExecution userInfo aep
finalResponse <-
RJ.processRemoteJoins reqId logger env reqHeaders userInfo resp remoteJoins reqUnparsed
pure (time, (finalResponse, hdrs))
pure $ AnnotatedResponsePart time Telem.Empty resp $ fromMaybe [] hdrs
E.ExecStepRaw json -> do
logQueryLog logger $ QueryLog reqUnparsed Nothing reqId QueryLogKindIntrospection
buildRaw json
-- For `ExecStepMulti`, execute all steps and then concat them in a list
E.ExecStepMulti lst -> do
_all <- traverse (executeQueryStep fieldName) lst
pure $ AnnotatedResponsePart 0 Telem.Local (encJFromList (map arpResponse _all)) []
runRemoteGQ fieldName rsi resultCustomizer gqlReq remoteJoins = do
(telemTimeIO_DT, remoteResponseHeaders, resp) <-
doQErr $ E.execRemoteGQ env userInfo reqHeaders (rsDef rsi) gqlReq
value <- extractFieldFromResponse fieldName resultCustomizer resp
finalResponse <-
doQErr $
-- TODO: avoid encode and decode here
(encJFromOrderedValue value)
let filteredHeaders = filter ((== "Set-Cookie") . fst) remoteResponseHeaders
pure $ AnnotatedResponsePart telemTimeIO_DT Telem.Remote finalResponse filteredHeaders
cacheAccess ::
GQLReqParsed ->
EB.ExecutionPlan ->
[QueryRootField UnpreparedValue] ->
DirectiveMap ->
( m (HTTP.ResponseHeaders, Maybe EncJSON),
EncJSON -> m CacheStoreResponse
cacheAccess reqParsed queryPlans asts dirMap =
let filteredSessionVars = runSessVarPred (filterVariablesFromQuery asts) (_uiSession userInfo)
remoteSchemas =
OMap.elems queryPlans >>= \case
E.ExecStepDB _headers _dbAST remoteJoins -> do
maybe [] (map RJ._rsjRemoteSchema . RJ.getRemoteSchemaJoins) remoteJoins
_ -> []
getExecStepActionWithActionInfo acc execStep = case execStep of
EB.ExecStepAction _ actionInfo _remoteJoins -> (actionInfo : acc)
_ -> acc
actionsInfo =
foldl getExecStepActionWithActionInfo [] $
OMap.elems $
( \case
E.ExecStepAction _ _ _remoteJoins -> True
_ -> False
cacheKey = QueryCacheKey reqParsed (_uiRole userInfo) filteredSessionVars
cachedDirective = runIdentity <$> DM.lookup cached dirMap
in ( Tracing.interpTraceT (liftEitherM . runExceptT) $
cacheLookup remoteSchemas actionsInfo cacheKey cachedDirective,
Tracing.interpTraceT (liftEitherM . runExceptT)
. cacheStore cacheKey cachedDirective
recordTimings :: DiffTime -> AnnotatedResponse -> m ()
recordTimings totalTime result = do
{ telemTransport = Telem.HTTP,
telemQueryType = arQueryType result,
telemLocality = arLocality result
{ telemTimeIO = convertDuration $ arTimeIO result,
telemTimeTot = convertDuration totalTime
-- Catch, record, and re-throw errors.
observeGQLQueryError ::
forall n e a.
( MonadIO n,
MonadError e n
) =>
GraphQLRequestMetrics ->
Maybe G.OperationType ->
n a ->
n a
observeGQLQueryError gqlMetrics mOpType action =
catchError (fmap Right action) (pure . Left) >>= \case
Right result ->
pure result
Left err -> do
case mOpType of
Nothing ->
liftIO $ Prometheus.Counter.inc (gqlRequestsUnknownFailure gqlMetrics)
Just opType -> case opType of
G.OperationTypeQuery ->
liftIO $ Prometheus.Counter.inc (gqlRequestsQueryFailure gqlMetrics)
G.OperationTypeMutation ->
liftIO $ Prometheus.Counter.inc (gqlRequestsMutationFailure gqlMetrics)
G.OperationTypeSubscription ->
-- We do not collect metrics for subscriptions at the request level.
pure ()
throwError err
-- Tally and record execution times for successful GraphQL requests.
recordGQLQuerySuccess ::
GraphQLRequestMetrics -> DiffTime -> G.OperationType -> IO ()
recordGQLQuerySuccess gqlMetrics totalTime = \case
G.OperationTypeQuery -> liftIO $ do
Prometheus.Counter.inc (gqlRequestsQuerySuccess gqlMetrics)
Prometheus.Histogram.observe (gqlExecutionTimeSecondsQuery gqlMetrics) (realToFrac totalTime)
G.OperationTypeMutation -> liftIO $ do
Prometheus.Counter.inc (gqlRequestsMutationSuccess gqlMetrics)
Prometheus.Histogram.observe (gqlExecutionTimeSecondsMutation gqlMetrics) (realToFrac totalTime)
G.OperationTypeSubscription ->
-- We do not collect metrics for subscriptions at the request level.
-- Furthermore, we do not serve GraphQL subscriptions over HTTP.
pure ()
coalescePostgresMutations ::
EB.ExecutionPlan ->
( SourceConfig ('Postgres 'Vanilla),
ResolvedConnectionTemplate ('Postgres 'Vanilla),
InsOrdHashMap RootFieldAlias (EB.DBStepInfo ('Postgres 'Vanilla))
coalescePostgresMutations plan = do
-- we extract the name and config of the first mutation root, if any
(oneSourceName, oneResolvedConnectionTemplate, oneSourceConfig) <- case toList plan of
(E.ExecStepDB _ exists _remoteJoins : _) ->
AB.unpackAnyBackend @('Postgres 'Vanilla) exists <&> \dbsi ->
( EB.dbsiSourceName dbsi,
EB.dbsiResolvedConnectionTemplate dbsi,
EB.dbsiSourceConfig dbsi
_ -> Nothing
-- we then test whether all mutations are going to that same first source
-- and that it is Postgres
mutations <- for plan \case
E.ExecStepDB _ exists remoteJoins -> do
dbStepInfo <- AB.unpackAnyBackend @('Postgres 'Vanilla) exists
guard $
oneSourceName == EB.dbsiSourceName dbStepInfo
&& isNothing remoteJoins
&& oneResolvedConnectionTemplate == EB.dbsiResolvedConnectionTemplate dbStepInfo
Just dbStepInfo
_ -> Nothing
Just (oneSourceConfig, oneResolvedConnectionTemplate, mutations)
data GraphQLResponse
= GraphQLResponseErrors [J.Value]
| GraphQLResponseData JO.Value
decodeGraphQLResponse :: LBS.ByteString -> Either Text GraphQLResponse
decodeGraphQLResponse bs = do
val <- mapLeft T.pack $ JO.eitherDecode bs
valObj <- JO.asObject val
case JO.lookup "errors" valObj of
Just (JO.Array errs) -> Right $ GraphQLResponseErrors (toList $ JO.fromOrdered <$> errs)
Just _ -> Left "Invalid \"errors\" field in response from remote"
Nothing -> do
dataVal <- JO.lookup "data" valObj `onNothing` Left "Missing \"data\" field in response from remote"
Right $ GraphQLResponseData dataVal
extractFieldFromResponse ::
forall m.
Monad m =>
RootFieldAlias ->
ResultCustomizer ->
LBS.ByteString ->
ExceptT (Either GQExecError QErr) m JO.Value
extractFieldFromResponse fieldName resultCustomizer resp = do
let fieldName' = G.unName $ _rfaAlias fieldName
dataVal <-
applyResultCustomizer resultCustomizer
<$> do
graphQLResponse <- decodeGraphQLResponse resp `onLeft` do400
case graphQLResponse of
GraphQLResponseErrors errs -> doGQExecError errs
GraphQLResponseData d -> pure d
dataObj <- onLeft (JO.asObject dataVal) do400
fieldVal <-
onNothing (JO.lookup fieldName' dataObj) $
do400 $
"expecting key " <> fieldName'
return fieldVal
do400 = withExceptT Right . throw400 RemoteSchemaError
doGQExecError = withExceptT Left . throwError . GQExecError
buildRaw :: Applicative m => JO.Value -> m AnnotatedResponsePart
buildRaw json = do
let obj = encJFromOrderedValue json
telemTimeIO_DT = 0
pure $ AnnotatedResponsePart telemTimeIO_DT Telem.Local obj []
encodeAnnotatedResponseParts :: RootFieldMap AnnotatedResponsePart -> EncJSON
encodeAnnotatedResponseParts = encodeEncJSONResults . fmap arpResponse
encodeEncJSONResults :: RootFieldMap EncJSON -> EncJSON
encodeEncJSONResults =
encNameMap . fmap (namespacedField id encNameMap) . unflattenNamespaces
encNameMap = encJFromInsOrdHashMap . OMap.mapKeys G.unName
-- | Run (execute) a batched GraphQL query (see 'GQLBatchedReqs').
runGQBatched ::
forall m.
( MonadIO m,
MonadBaseControl IO m,
MonadError QErr m,
MonadReader E.ExecutionCtx m,
E.MonadGQLExecutionCheck m,
MonadQueryLog m,
MonadTrace m,
MonadExecuteQuery m,
MonadMetadataStorage m,
EB.MonadQueryTags m,
HasResourceLimits m,
ProvidesNetwork m
) =>
Env.Environment ->
L.Logger L.Hasura ->
RequestId ->
ResponseInternalErrorsConfig ->
UserInfo ->
Wai.IpAddress ->
[HTTP.Header] ->
E.GraphQLQueryType ->
-- | the batched request with unparsed GraphQL query
GQLBatchedReqs (GQLReq GQLQueryText) ->
m (HttpLogGraphQLInfo, HttpResponse EncJSON)
runGQBatched env logger reqId responseErrorsConfig userInfo ipAddress reqHdrs queryType query =
case query of
GQLSingleRequest req -> do
(gqlQueryOperationLog, httpResp) <- runGQ env logger reqId userInfo ipAddress reqHdrs queryType req
let httpLoggingGQInfo = (CommonHttpLogMetadata L.RequestModeSingle (Just (GQLSingleRequest (GQLQueryOperationSuccess gqlQueryOperationLog))), (PQHSetSingleton (gqolParameterizedQueryHash gqlQueryOperationLog)))
pure (httpLoggingGQInfo, snd <$> httpResp)
GQLBatchedReqs reqs -> do
-- It's unclear what we should do if we receive multiple
-- responses with distinct headers, so just do the simplest thing
-- in this case, and don't forward any.
executionCtx <- ask
E.checkGQLBatchedReqs userInfo reqId reqs (E._ecxSchemaCache executionCtx) >>= flip onLeft throwError
let includeInternal = shouldIncludeInternal (_uiRole userInfo) responseErrorsConfig
removeHeaders =
flip HttpResponse []
. encJFromList
. map (either (encJFromJValue . encodeGQErr includeInternal) _hrBody)
responses <- traverse (\req -> fmap (req,) . try . (fmap . fmap . fmap) snd . runGQ env logger reqId userInfo ipAddress reqHdrs queryType $ req) reqs
let requestsOperationLogs = map fst $ rights $ map snd responses
batchOperationLogs =
( \(req, resp) ->
case resp of
Left err -> GQLQueryOperationError $ GQLQueryOperationErrorLog req err
Right (successOpLog, _) -> GQLQueryOperationSuccess successOpLog
parameterizedQueryHashes = map gqolParameterizedQueryHash requestsOperationLogs
httpLoggingGQInfo = (CommonHttpLogMetadata L.RequestModeBatched ((Just (GQLBatchedReqs batchOperationLogs))), PQHSetBatched parameterizedQueryHashes)
pure (httpLoggingGQInfo, removeHeaders (map ((fmap snd) . snd) responses))
try = flip catchError (pure . Left) . fmap Right