2024-07-27 18:04:21 +03:00
// Copyright © 2024 Hardcore Engineering Inc.
import { Analytics } from '@hcengineering/analytics'
import { MeasureLogger, ParamsType } from '@hcengineering/core'
import { basename, dirname, join } from 'path'
import winston from 'winston'
import DailyRotateFile from 'winston-daily-rotate-file'
export class SplitLogger implements MeasureLogger {
logger: winston.Logger
constructor (
readonly name: string,
readonly opts: { root?: string, parent?: winston.Logger, pretty?: boolean, enableConsole?: boolean }
) {
const rootDir = this.opts.root ?? 'logs'
this.logger = winston.createLogger({
level: 'info',
exitOnError: false
const errorPrinter = ({ message, stack, ...rest }: Error): object => ({
const jsonOptions: winston.Logform.JsonOptions = {
replacer: (key, value) => {
return value instanceof Error ? errorPrinter(value) : value
new DailyRotateFile({
format: winston.format.combine(
opts.pretty === true ? winston.format.prettyPrint() : winston.format.json(jsonOptions)
filename: `${name}-combined-%DATE%.log`,
auditFile: join(rootDir, `${basename(name)}-audit.log`),
dirname: rootDir,
datePattern: 'YYYY-MM-DD',
zippedArchive: true,
maxSize: '20m',
maxFiles: '14d'
new DailyRotateFile({
format: winston.format.combine(winston.format.timestamp(), winston.format.prettyPrint()),
filename: `${name}-error-%DATE%.log`,
auditFile: join(rootDir, `${basename(name)}-audit.log`),
level: 'error',
dirname: rootDir,
datePattern: 'YYYY-MM-DD',
zippedArchive: true,
maxSize: '20m',
maxFiles: '14d'
if (opts.parent === undefined && opts.enableConsole === true) {
console.log('Logging also into console', process.env.NODE_ENV, opts.enableConsole)
new winston.transports.Console({
format: winston.format.combine(
winston.format.colorize({ all: true })
`########################SplitLogger ${this.name} initialized: ${new Date().toISOString()}###########################`
error (message: string, obj?: Record<string, any>): void {
// Check if obj has error inside, so we could send it to Analytics
for (const v of Object.values(obj ?? {})) {
if (v instanceof Error) {
if (this.opts.parent !== undefined) {
this.opts.parent.error({ message, ...obj })
this.logger.error({ message, ...obj })
info (message: string, obj?: Record<string, any>): void {
if (this.opts.parent !== undefined && this.opts.enableConsole === true) {
// Only propogate if enable console is true
this.opts.parent.info({ message, ...obj })
this.logger.info({ message, ...obj })
warn (message: string, obj?: Record<string, any>): void {
if (this.opts.parent !== undefined) {
this.opts.parent.warn({ message, ...obj })
this.logger.warn({ message, ...obj })
logOperation (operation: string, time: number, params: ParamsType): void {
2024-11-14 19:30:42 +03:00
this.logger.info(operation, { time, ...params })
2024-07-27 18:04:21 +03:00
childLogger (name: string, params: Record<string, string>): MeasureLogger {
const dirName = dirname(name)
const { enableConsole, ...otherParams } = params
const child = this.logger.child({ name, ...otherParams })
return new SplitLogger(name, {
parent: child,
root: join(this.opts.root ?? 'logs', dirName),
enableConsole: enableConsole === 'true'
async close (): Promise<void> {