"ConfigDescription":"Extension to read and write Telegram messages",
"ConnectBotInfoStart":"To start interacting with our bot, simply open",
"ConnectBotInfoEnd":"and click \"Start\".",
"ConnectBotError":"Looks like a connection could’t be automatically established. Please try reconnecting the bot by clicking “Start”.",
"TestConnection":"Test connection",
"TelegramNotificationDescription":"Receive personal notifications in Telegram.",
"BotDescription":"With this bot you can get all notifications and reply to them without leaving Telegram.",
"BotShortDescription":"With this bot you can get all notifications and reply to them without leaving Telegram",
"WelcomeMessage":"Welcome! I am a bot that will help you to get all {app} notifications and reply to them without leaving Telegram.",
"TestMessage":"Your {app} account is connected. You will receive your notifications.",
"ConnectMessage":"⚠️Please connect me to your {app} account.\nSend /connect to generate code and paste it in {app} settings.\nCode valid for 1 minute.",
"StopMessage":"You will no longer receive notifications about {app} events. If you want to turn them back on, just send /start.",
"StartBot":"Start the bot",
"ConnectAccount":"Connect account via OTP",
"ShowCommandsDetails":"Show commands details",
"TurnNotificationsOff":"Turn notifications off",
"ConnectedDescriptionHtml":"✅Your are connected as <b>{email}</b>",
"AccountAlreadyConnectedHtml":"You are already connected as <b>{email}</b>",
"AccountConnectedHtml":"You have been successfully connected as <b>{email}</b>",