# Anticrm Platform Anticrm Platform is a framework that help building business applications (such as CRM) fast. Current exemplary applications include Chat, Task Management, and Applicant Tracking System. ## Installation You need Microsoft's [rush](https://rushjs.io) to install application. Install [rush](https://rushjs.io) with `$ npm install -g @microsoft/rush` command and run `$ rush install` from the repository root, followed by `$ rush build`. ## Build and run inside docker It is possible to setup all environment required with local docker containers. Supported both amd64 and armv8 containers. ```bash cd ./dev/ rush build # Will build all required packages. rush bundle # Will prepare bundles. rush docker:build # Will build docker containers for all applications. docker-compose up -d --force-recreate # Will setup all containers ``` By default docker volumes `dev_db` `dev_elastic` `dev_files` will be created for mongo/elastic/minio instances. Before we could start we need to create workspace/account and associate it with workspace. ```bash cd ./tool rushx run-local create-workspace ws1 -o DevWorkspace # Create workspace rushx run-local create-account user1 -p 1234 -f John -l Appleseed # Create account rushx run-local configure sanity-ws --list --enable '*' # Enable all modules, then if they are not yet intended to be used by wide audience. rushx run-local assign-workspace user1 ws1 # Assign workspace to user ``` Following URL http://localhost:8087 will lead us to app in production mode. ## Run in development mode ``` cd dev/prod rushx dev-server ``` Then go to http://localhost:8080 ## Update project structure and database If projects structure is updated it might be needed to relink and rebuild projects. ```bash rush update rush build ``` It also might be required to upgrade running database. ```bash cd ./dev/tool rushx upgrade ``` In cases when project doesn't build for any logical reason try: ```bash rush update rush build --clean ``` ## Tests ### Unit tests ```bash rush lint ``` ### UI tests ```bash cd ./tests rush build rush bundle rush docker:build ## creates test docker containers and setups test database ./prepare.sh ## runs UI tests rushx uitest ``` ## Package publishing ```bash node ./common/scripts/bump.js packageName ``` ## Additional testing This project is tested with BrowserStack.