FROM node:20 # We don't need the standalone Chromium ENV PUPPETEER_SKIP_CHROMIUM_DOWNLOAD=true # Set executable path for puppeteer ENV PUPPETEER_EXECUTABLE_PATH=/usr/bin/chromium # Install Chromium and fonts # RUN apt-get update && \ apt-get install -y gnupg wget dumb-init && \ apt-get install -y fonts-ipafont-gothic fonts-wqy-zenhei fonts-thai-tlwg fonts-kacst fonts-freefont-ttf libxss1 && \ apt-get install -y chromium-common/stable chromium/stable --no-install-recommends && \ apt-get clean WORKDIR /usr/src/app RUN npm install --ignore-scripts=false --verbose bufferutil utf-8-validate @mongodb-js/zstd snappy --unsafe-perm COPY bundle/bundle.js ./ CMD [ "dumb-init", "node", "bundle.js" ]