import { test } from '@playwright/test' import { attachScreenshot, generateId, HomepageURI, PlatformSetting, PlatformURI } from '../utils' import { allure } from 'allure-playwright' import { DocumentContentPage } from '../model/documents/document-content-page' import { LeftSideMenuPage } from '../model/left-side-menu-page' import { faker } from '@faker-js/faker' import { createTemplateStep } from './common-documents-steps' test.use({ storageState: PlatformSetting }) test.describe('ISO 13485, 4.2.4 Control of documents', () => { test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => { await (await page.goto(`${PlatformURI}/${HomepageURI}`))?.finished() }) test('TESTS-298. Create a new Category from top right corner', async ({ page }) => { await allure.description('Requirement\nUsers need to create a new category') await allure.tms('TESTS-298', '') const title = faker.word.words(2) const description = faker.lorem.sentence(1) const code = faker.word.words(2) const leftSideMenuPage = new LeftSideMenuPage(page) await leftSideMenuPage.clickButtonOnTheLeft('Documents') await test.step('2. Create a new category', async () => { const documentContentPage = new DocumentContentPage(page) await documentContentPage.selectControlDocumentSubcategory('Categories') await documentContentPage.clickOnAddCategoryButton() await documentContentPage.fillCategoryForm(title, description, code) await documentContentPage.checkIfCategoryIsCreated(title, code) }) await attachScreenshot('TESTS-298_category_created.png', page) }) test('TESTS-381. As a workspace user, I can create a new space and label it External Doc', async ({ page }) => { await allure.description('Requirement\nUsers need to create a new space') await allure.tms('TESTS-381', '') const leftSideMenuPage = new LeftSideMenuPage(page) const folderName = generateId(5) await leftSideMenuPage.clickButtonOnTheLeft('Documents') await test.step('2. Create a new document space', async () => { const documentContentPage = new DocumentContentPage(page) await documentContentPage.clickAddFolderButton() await documentContentPage.fillDocumentSpaceForm(folderName) await documentContentPage.checkSpaceFormIsCreated(folderName) await documentContentPage.clickLeaveFolder(folderName) }) await attachScreenshot('TESTS-381_document_space_created.png', page) }) test('TESTS-382. Create new a new Effective Template with category External', async ({ page }) => { await allure.description('Requirement\nUsers need to create a new template') await allure.tms('TESTS-382', '') const leftSideMenuPage = new LeftSideMenuPage(page) const category = faker.word.words(2) const description = faker.lorem.sentence(1) const code = faker.word.words(2) const title = faker.word.words(2) await leftSideMenuPage.clickButtonOnTheLeft('Documents') await test.step('2. Create a new category', async () => { const documentContentPage = new DocumentContentPage(page) await documentContentPage.selectControlDocumentSubcategory('Categories') await documentContentPage.clickOnAddCategoryButton() await documentContentPage.fillCategoryForm(category, description, code) await documentContentPage.checkIfCategoryIsCreated(category, code) }) await test.step('3. Create a new template', async () => { const documentContentPage = new DocumentContentPage(page) await documentContentPage.clickNewDocumentArrow() await documentContentPage.clickNewTemplate() await createTemplateStep(page, title, description, category) }) await attachScreenshot('TESTS-382_Template_created.png', page) }) test('TESTS-383. authorized User can search a doc per category "External"', async ({ page }) => { await allure.description('Requirement\nUsers need to create a new category and space') await allure.tms('TESTS-383', '') const title = faker.word.words(2) const description = faker.lorem.sentence(1) const code = faker.word.words(2) const leftSideMenuPage = new LeftSideMenuPage(page) const category = faker.word.words(2) await leftSideMenuPage.clickButtonOnTheLeft('Documents') await test.step('2. Create a new category', async () => { const documentContentPage = new DocumentContentPage(page) await documentContentPage.selectControlDocumentSubcategory('Categories') await documentContentPage.clickOnAddCategoryButton() await documentContentPage.fillCategoryForm(category, description, code) await documentContentPage.checkIfCategoryIsCreated(category, code) }) await test.step('3. Create a new template', async () => { const documentContentPage = new DocumentContentPage(page) await documentContentPage.clickNewDocumentArrow() await documentContentPage.clickNewTemplate() await createTemplateStep(page, title, description, category) }) await test.step('4. Check if templates exists in template category', async () => { const documentContentPage = new DocumentContentPage(page) await documentContentPage.selectControlDocumentSubcategory('Templates') await documentContentPage.chooseFilter(code) await documentContentPage.checkIfFilterIsApplied(title) }) await attachScreenshot('TESTS-383_Template_created.png', page) }) })