Chunosov 163c8ec373
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CI / uitest (push) Waiting to run
CI / uitest-pg (push) Waiting to run
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CI / docker-build (push) Blocked by required conditions
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Add drawing board to collaborative doc editor (#7243)
Signed-off-by: Nikolay Chunosov <>
2024-12-02 10:35:07 +07:00

63 lines
1.9 KiB

"string": {
"TableOfContents": "Table des matières",
"Suggested": "Suggéré",
"NoItems": "Aucun élément",
"EditorPlaceholder": "Commencez à taper...",
"Edit": "Modifier",
"Bold": "Gras",
"Italic": "Italique",
"Strikethrough": "Barré",
"Link": "Lien",
"Save": "Enregistrer",
"OrderedList": "Liste ordonnée",
"BulletedList": "Liste à puces",
"Blockquote": "Bloc de citation",
"Code": "Code",
"CodeBlock": "Bloc de code",
"Note": "Note",
"ConfigureNote": "Configurer la note",
"Set": "Définir",
"Update": "Mettre à jour",
"Remove": "Supprimer",
"NotePlaceholder": "Ajouter une note...",
"SampleText": "Texte d'exemple",
"Send": "Envoyer",
"Attach": "Joindre",
"TextStyle": "Style de texte",
"Emoji": "Emoji",
"GIF": "GIF",
"Mention": "Mentionner",
"Underlined": "Souligné",
"AlignCenter": "Aligner au centre",
"AlignLeft": "Aligner à gauche",
"AlignRight": "Aligner à droite",
"Download": "Télécharger",
"ViewImage": "Voir l'image",
"ViewOriginal": "Voir l'original",
"MoreActions": "Plus d'actions",
"FullDescription": "Description complète",
"NoFullDescription": "Il n'y a pas de description détaillée",
"EnableDiffMode": "Mode différentiel",
"AddColumnBefore": "Ajouter avant",
"AddColumnAfter": "Ajouter après",
"DeleteColumn": "Supprimer",
"AddRowBefore": "Ajouter avant",
"AddRowAfter": "Ajouter après",
"DeleteRow": "Supprimer",
"DeleteTable": "Supprimer",
"Duplicate": "Dupliquer",
"CategoryRow": "Lignes",
"CategoryColumn": "Colonnes",
"Table": "Tableau",
"InsertTable": "Insérer un tableau",
"TableOptions": "Personnaliser le tableau",
"Width": "Largeur",
"Height": "Hauteur",
"Unset": "Non défini",
"Image": "Image",
"SeparatorLine": "Ligne de séparation",
"TodoList": "À faire",
"DrawingBoard": "Tableau de dessin"