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synced 2024-12-02 09:13:54 +03:00
Signed-off-by: Andrey Sobolev <haiodo@gmail.com>
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477 lines
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// Copyright © 2022 Hardcore Engineering Inc.
// Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may
// obtain a copy of the License at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import { Employee } from '@hcengineering/contact'
import type { AttachedDoc, Class, Doc, Markup, Ref, RelatedDocument, Space, Timestamp, Type } from '@hcengineering/core'
import type { Asset, IntlString, Plugin, Resource } from '@hcengineering/platform'
import { plugin } from '@hcengineering/platform'
import type { TagCategory, TagElement } from '@hcengineering/tags'
import { AnyComponent, Location } from '@hcengineering/ui'
import { Action, ActionCategory } from '@hcengineering/view'
import { TagReference } from '@hcengineering/tags'
* @public
export interface IssueStatus extends AttachedDoc {
name: string
description?: string
color?: number
category: Ref<IssueStatusCategory>
rank: string
* @public
export interface IssueStatusCategory extends Doc {
icon: Asset
label: IntlString
color: number
defaultStatusName: string
order: number
* @public
export interface Team extends Space {
identifier: string // Team identifier
sequence: number
issueStatuses: number
defaultIssueStatus: Ref<IssueStatus>
icon?: Asset
* @public
export enum IssuePriority {
* @public
export enum IssuesGrouping {
Status = 'status',
Assignee = 'assignee',
Priority = 'priority',
Project = 'project',
Sprint = 'sprint',
NoGrouping = 'noGrouping'
* @public
export enum IssuesOrdering {
Status = 'status',
Priority = 'priority',
LastUpdated = 'modifiedOn',
DueDate = 'dueDate',
Manual = 'rank'
* @public
export enum IssuesDateModificationPeriod {
All = 'all',
PastWeek = 'pastWeek',
PastMonth = 'pastMonth'
* @public
export enum SprintStatus {
* @public
export interface Sprint extends Doc {
label: string
description?: Markup
status: SprintStatus
lead: Ref<Employee> | null
members: Ref<Employee>[]
space: Ref<Team>
comments: number
attachments?: number
startDate: Timestamp
targetDate: Timestamp
// Capacity in man days.
capacity: number
project?: Ref<Project>
* @public
export interface Issue extends AttachedDoc {
title: string
description: Markup
status: Ref<IssueStatus>
priority: IssuePriority
number: number
assignee: Ref<Employee> | null
project: Ref<Project> | null
// For subtasks
subIssues: number
blockedBy?: RelatedDocument[]
relations?: RelatedDocument[]
parents: IssueParentInfo[]
comments: number
attachments?: number
labels?: number
space: Ref<Team>
dueDate: Timestamp | null
rank: string
sprint?: Ref<Sprint> | null
// Estimation in man days
estimation: number
// ReportedTime time, auto updated using trigger.
reportedTime: number
// Collection of reportedTime entries, for proper time estimations per person.
reports: number
childInfo: IssueChildInfo[]
template?: {
// A template issue is based on
template: Ref<IssueTemplate>
// Child id in template
childId?: string
* @public
export interface IssueDraft extends Doc {
issueId: Ref<Issue>
title: string
description: Markup
status: Ref<IssueStatus>
priority: IssuePriority
assignee: Ref<Employee> | null
project: Ref<Project> | null
team: Ref<Team> | null
dueDate: Timestamp | null
sprint?: Ref<Sprint> | null
// Estimation in man days
estimation: number
parentIssue?: string
labels?: TagReference[]
subIssues?: IssueTemplateChild[]
template?: {
// A template issue is based on
template: Ref<IssueTemplate>
// Child id in template
childId?: string
* @public
export interface IssueTemplateData {
title: string
description: Markup
priority: IssuePriority
assignee: Ref<Employee> | null
project: Ref<Project> | null
sprint?: Ref<Sprint> | null
// Estimation in man days
estimation: number
labels?: Ref<TagElement>[]
* @public
export interface IssueTemplateChild extends IssueTemplateData {
id: string
* @public
export interface IssueTemplate extends Doc, IssueTemplateData {
space: Ref<Team>
children: IssueTemplateChild[]
// Discussion stuff
comments: number
attachments?: number
relations?: RelatedDocument[]
* @public
* Declares time spend entry
export interface TimeSpendReport extends AttachedDoc {
attachedTo: Ref<Issue>
employee: Ref<Employee> | null
date: Timestamp | null
// Value in man days
value: number
description: string
* @public
export interface IssueParentInfo {
parentId: Ref<Issue>
parentTitle: string
* @public
export interface IssueChildInfo {
childId: Ref<Issue>
estimation: number
reportedTime: number
* @public
export interface Document extends Doc {
title: string
icon: string | null
color: number
content?: Markup
space: Ref<Team>
* @public
export enum ProjectStatus {
* @public
export interface Project extends Doc {
label: string
description?: Markup
icon: Asset
status: ProjectStatus
lead: Ref<Employee> | null
members: Ref<Employee>[]
space: Ref<Team>
comments: number
attachments?: number
startDate: Timestamp | null
targetDate: Timestamp | null
// Ref<Document>[]
documents: number
* @public
export interface ViewOptions {
groupBy: IssuesGrouping
orderBy: IssuesOrdering
completedIssuesPeriod: IssuesDateModificationPeriod
shouldShowEmptyGroups: boolean
shouldShowSubIssues: boolean
* @public
export const trackerId = 'tracker' as Plugin
export * from './utils'
export default plugin(trackerId, {
class: {
Team: '' as Ref<Class<Team>>,
Issue: '' as Ref<Class<Issue>>,
IssueDraft: '' as Ref<Class<IssueDraft>>,
IssueTemplate: '' as Ref<Class<IssueTemplate>>,
Document: '' as Ref<Class<Document>>,
Project: '' as Ref<Class<Project>>,
IssueStatus: '' as Ref<Class<IssueStatus>>,
IssueStatusCategory: '' as Ref<Class<IssueStatusCategory>>,
TypeIssuePriority: '' as Ref<Class<Type<IssuePriority>>>,
TypeProjectStatus: '' as Ref<Class<Type<ProjectStatus>>>,
Sprint: '' as Ref<Class<Sprint>>,
TypeSprintStatus: '' as Ref<Class<Type<SprintStatus>>>,
TimeSpendReport: '' as Ref<Class<TimeSpendReport>>,
TypeReportedTime: '' as Ref<Class<Type<number>>>
ids: {
NoParent: '' as Ref<Issue>
component: {
Tracker: '' as AnyComponent,
TrackerApp: '' as AnyComponent,
RelatedIssues: '' as AnyComponent,
RelatedIssueTemplates: '' as AnyComponent,
EditIssue: '' as AnyComponent,
CreateIssue: '' as AnyComponent,
CreateIssueTemplate: '' as AnyComponent
issueStatusCategory: {
Backlog: '' as Ref<IssueStatusCategory>,
Unstarted: '' as Ref<IssueStatusCategory>,
Started: '' as Ref<IssueStatusCategory>,
Completed: '' as Ref<IssueStatusCategory>,
Canceled: '' as Ref<IssueStatusCategory>
icon: {
TrackerApplication: '' as Asset,
Project: '' as Asset,
Issue: '' as Asset,
Team: '' as Asset,
Document: '' as Asset,
Inbox: '' as Asset,
MyIssues: '' as Asset,
Views: '' as Asset,
Issues: '' as Asset,
Projects: '' as Asset,
NewIssue: '' as Asset,
Magnifier: '' as Asset,
Home: '' as Asset,
RedCircle: '' as Asset,
Labels: '' as Asset,
DueDate: '' as Asset,
Parent: '' as Asset,
Sprint: '' as Asset,
CategoryBacklog: '' as Asset,
CategoryUnstarted: '' as Asset,
CategoryStarted: '' as Asset,
CategoryCompleted: '' as Asset,
CategoryCanceled: '' as Asset,
PriorityNoPriority: '' as Asset,
PriorityUrgent: '' as Asset,
PriorityHigh: '' as Asset,
PriorityMedium: '' as Asset,
PriorityLow: '' as Asset,
ProjectsList: '' as Asset,
ProjectsTimeline: '' as Asset,
ProjectMembers: '' as Asset,
ProjectStatusBacklog: '' as Asset,
ProjectStatusPlanned: '' as Asset,
ProjectStatusInProgress: '' as Asset,
ProjectStatusPaused: '' as Asset,
ProjectStatusCompleted: '' as Asset,
ProjectStatusCanceled: '' as Asset,
SprintStatusPlanned: '' as Asset,
SprintStatusInProgress: '' as Asset,
SprintStatusPaused: '' as Asset,
SprintStatusCompleted: '' as Asset,
SprintStatusCanceled: '' as Asset,
CopyID: '' as Asset,
CopyURL: '' as Asset,
CopyBranch: '' as Asset,
Duplicate: '' as Asset,
TimeReport: '' as Asset,
Estimation: '' as Asset
category: {
Other: '' as Ref<TagCategory>,
Tracker: '' as Ref<ActionCategory>
action: {
SetDueDate: '' as Ref<Action>,
SetParent: '' as Ref<Action>,
SetStatus: '' as Ref<Action>,
SetPriority: '' as Ref<Action>,
SetAssignee: '' as Ref<Action>,
SetProject: '' as Ref<Action>,
CopyIssueId: '' as Ref<Action>,
CopyIssueTitle: '' as Ref<Action>,
CopyIssueLink: '' as Ref<Action>,
MoveToTeam: '' as Ref<Action>,
Duplicate: '' as Ref<Action>,
Relations: '' as Ref<Action>,
NewSubIssue: '' as Ref<Action>,
EditWorkflowStatuses: '' as Ref<Action>,
SetSprint: '' as Ref<Action>
team: {
DefaultTeam: '' as Ref<Team>
resolver: {
Location: '' as Resource<(loc: Location) => Promise<Location | undefined>>