JasminMus 1d3299e384
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CI / svelte-check (push) Blocked by required conditions
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CI / test (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI / uitest (push) Waiting to run
CI / uitest-pg (push) Waiting to run
CI / uitest-qms (push) Waiting to run
CI / docker-build (push) Blocked by required conditions
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Visual check for PDF (#6599)
Signed-off-by: Jasmin <>
2024-10-16 14:18:38 +04:00

239 lines
9.2 KiB

import { devices, test } from '@playwright/test'
import { attachScreenshot, HomepageURI, PlatformSetting, PlatformURI } from '../utils'
import { allure } from 'allure-playwright'
import { DocumentDetails, DocumentRights, DocumentStatus, NewDocument } from '../model/types'
import { DocumentContentPage } from '../model/documents/document-content-page'
import { prepareDocumentStep } from './common-documents-steps'
import { DocumentApprovalsPage } from '../model/documents/document-approvals-page'
import { PdfPages } from '../model/documents/pdf-pages'
import { VisualCheck } from '../model/visual-check'
storageState: PlatformSetting,
...devices['Desktop Edge'],
channel: 'msedge'
test.describe('@PDF. QMS. PDF Download and Preview', () => {
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await (await page.goto(`${PlatformURI}/${HomepageURI}`))?.finished()
test.afterEach(async ({ browser }) => {
const contexts = browser.contexts()
for (const context of contexts) {
await context.close()
test('TESTS-271. Download PDF', async ({ page }) => {
await allure.description('Requirement\nUsers need to approve the document')
await allure.tms('TESTS-271', '')
const approveDocument: NewDocument = {
template: 'HR (HR)',
title: 'Approve document-Test',
description: 'Approve document description-Test}'
const documentDetails: DocumentDetails = {
type: 'HR',
category: 'Human Resources',
version: 'v0.1',
status: DocumentStatus.DRAFT,
owner: 'Appleseed John',
author: 'Appleseed John'
await prepareDocumentStep(page, approveDocument)
const documentContentPage = new DocumentContentPage(page)
await test.step('2. Send for Approval', async () => {
await documentContentPage.fillSelectApproversForm([documentDetails.owner])
await documentContentPage.checkDocumentStatus(DocumentStatus.IN_APPROVAL)
await documentContentPage.checkDocument({
status: DocumentStatus.IN_APPROVAL
await documentContentPage.checkCurrentRights(DocumentRights.VIEWING)
await test.step('3. Approve document', async () => {
await documentContentPage.confirmApproval()
await test.step('4. Check the document and status', async () => {
await documentContentPage.checkDocumentStatus(DocumentStatus.EFFECTIVE)
await documentContentPage.checkDocument({
status: DocumentStatus.EFFECTIVE,
version: 'v0.1'
await documentContentPage.checkCurrentRights(DocumentRights.VIEWING)
await documentContentPage.openApprovals()
const documentApprovalsPage = new DocumentApprovalsPage(page)
await documentApprovalsPage.checkSuccessApproval(documentDetails.owner)
await attachScreenshot('TESTS-271_approve_document.png', page)
await test.step('5. Download PDF', async () => {
await documentContentPage.clickDocumentThreeDots()
const pdfPages = new PdfPages(page)
await pdfPages.printToPdfClick()
await pdfPages.downloadAndVerifyPdf()
await attachScreenshot('TESTS-271_ddownloaded_document.png', page)
test('TESTS-272. Check PDF Preview', async ({ page }) => {
await allure.description('Requirement\nUsers need to approve the document and check PDF preview')
await allure.tms('TESTS-271', '')
const approveDocument: NewDocument = {
template: 'HR (HR)',
title: 'Approve document-Test 2}',
description: 'Approve document description-Test 2}'
const documentDetails: DocumentDetails = {
type: 'HR',
category: 'Human Resources',
version: 'v0.1',
status: DocumentStatus.DRAFT,
owner: 'Appleseed John',
author: 'Appleseed John'
await prepareDocumentStep(page, approveDocument)
const documentContentPage = new DocumentContentPage(page)
await test.step('2. Send for Approval', async () => {
await documentContentPage.fillSelectApproversForm([documentDetails.owner])
await documentContentPage.checkDocumentStatus(DocumentStatus.IN_APPROVAL)
await documentContentPage.checkDocument({
status: DocumentStatus.IN_APPROVAL
await documentContentPage.checkCurrentRights(DocumentRights.VIEWING)
await test.step('3. Approve document', async () => {
await documentContentPage.confirmApproval()
await test.step('4. Check the document and status', async () => {
await documentContentPage.checkDocumentStatus(DocumentStatus.EFFECTIVE)
await documentContentPage.checkDocument({
status: DocumentStatus.EFFECTIVE,
version: 'v0.1'
await documentContentPage.checkCurrentRights(DocumentRights.VIEWING)
await documentContentPage.openApprovals()
const documentApprovalsPage = new DocumentApprovalsPage(page)
await documentApprovalsPage.checkSuccessApproval(documentDetails.owner)
await attachScreenshot('TESTS-272_approve_document.png', page)
await test.step('5. Show Full screen preview', async () => {
await documentContentPage.clickDocumentThreeDots()
const pdfPages = new PdfPages(page)
await pdfPages.printToPdfClick()
await page.waitForTimeout(2000)
await pdfPages.showFullScreenPdfClick()
await page.waitForTimeout(2000)
await test.step('6. Check PDF Preview', async () => {
const visualCheck = new VisualCheck(page)
await visualCheck.comparePDFPreview('TESTS-272_pdf_preview')
await attachScreenshot('TESTS-272_pdf_preview.png', page)
// This works fine but have no test case for it
test.skip('TESTS-273. Check PDF Preview', async ({ page, context }) => {
await allure.description('Requirement\nUsers need to approve the document and check PDF preview')
await allure.tms('TESTS-271', '')
const approveDocument: NewDocument = {
template: 'HR (HR)',
title: 'Approve document-Test 3}',
description: 'Approve document description-Test 3}'
const documentDetails: DocumentDetails = {
type: 'HR',
category: 'Human Resources',
version: 'v0.1',
status: DocumentStatus.DRAFT,
owner: 'Appleseed John',
author: 'Appleseed John'
await prepareDocumentStep(page, approveDocument)
const documentContentPage = new DocumentContentPage(page)
await test.step('2. Send for Approval', async () => {
await documentContentPage.fillSelectApproversForm([documentDetails.owner])
await documentContentPage.checkDocumentStatus(DocumentStatus.IN_APPROVAL)
await documentContentPage.checkDocument({ ...documentDetails, status: DocumentStatus.IN_APPROVAL })
await documentContentPage.checkCurrentRights(DocumentRights.VIEWING)
await test.step('3. Approve document', async () => {
await documentContentPage.confirmApproval()
await test.step('4. Check the document and status', async () => {
await documentContentPage.checkDocumentStatus(DocumentStatus.EFFECTIVE)
await documentContentPage.checkDocument({ ...documentDetails, status: DocumentStatus.EFFECTIVE, version: 'v0.1' })
await documentContentPage.checkCurrentRights(DocumentRights.VIEWING)
await documentContentPage.openApprovals()
const documentApprovalsPage = new DocumentApprovalsPage(page)
await documentApprovalsPage.checkSuccessApproval(documentDetails.owner)
await attachScreenshot('TESTS-271_approve_document.png', page)
await test.step('5. Download PDF', async () => {
await documentContentPage.clickDocumentThreeDots()
const pdfPages = new PdfPages(page)
await pdfPages.printToPdfClick()
// Wait for the iframe and log its presence
const iframe = await page
.waitForSelector('iframe[src*="PDF%20print%20preview"]', { timeout: 30000 })
.catch(() => null)
if (iframe === null || iframe === undefined) {
await attachScreenshot('TESTS-273_iframe_not_found.png', page)
throw new Error('iframe not found')
// Extract the URL from the iframe
const iframeURL = await iframe.getAttribute('src')
if (iframeURL !== null && iframeURL !== undefined) {
const newTab = await context.newPage()
try {
await newTab.goto(iframeURL, { timeout: 60000, waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' })
await newTab.waitForTimeout(1000)
const visualCheck = new VisualCheck(newTab)
await visualCheck.compareScreenshot(null, 'TESTS-273_pdf_preview')
await newTab.close()
} catch (error) {
await attachScreenshot('TESTS-273_navigation_error.png', newTab)
await newTab.close()
throw error
} else {
throw new Error('URL not found in iframe')
await attachScreenshot('TESTS-273_final_state.png', page)