Kristina e34f59ca37
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Initial meeting minutes (#7111)
Signed-off-by: Kristina Fefelova <>
2024-11-07 17:08:15 +07:00

133 lines
4.5 KiB

"string": {
"Contains": "包含",
"MoveClass": "移动 {class}",
"SelectToMove": "选择要将 {class} 移动到的 {classLabel}。",
"Delete": "删除",
"Move": "移动",
"Cancel": "取消",
"LabelYes": "是",
"LabelNo": "否",
"LabelNA": "不适用",
"ChooseAColor": "选择颜色",
"Table": "表格",
"Role": "角色",
"DeleteObject": "删除对象",
"DeleteObjectConfirm": "您想要删除 {count, plural, =1 {这个对象} other {这些 # 个对象}} 吗?",
"DeletePopupNoPermissionTitle": "没有足够的权限删除。",
"DeletePopupNoPermissionLabel": "请联系以下列表中的人员以便他们执行此操作。",
"DeletePopupCreatorLabel": "创建者(只能删除他们创建的):",
"DeletePopupOwnerLabel": "所有者(可以删除所有的):",
"Archive": "归档",
"ArchiveConfirm": "您想要归档这个 {count, plural, =1 {对象} other {# 个对象}} 吗?",
"Open": "打开",
"OpenInNewTab": "在新标签页中打开",
"Assignees": "受托人",
"Labels": "标签",
"MoveLeft": "向左移动",
"MoveRight": "向右移动",
"MoveUp": "向上移动",
"MoveDown": "向下移动",
"RestoreDefaults": "恢复默认",
"SelectItem": "选择焦点项目",
"SelectItemAll": "选择所有项目",
"SelectItemNone": "取消选择所有项目",
"NumberItems": "{count, plural, =0 {没有项目} =1 {1 个项目} other {# 个项目}}",
"Assigned": "已分配",
"Created": "已创建",
"Subscribed": "已订阅",
"ShowPreview": "显示文档预览",
"ShowActions": "显示操作弹窗",
"ActionPlaceholder": "搜索或运行命令...",
"General": "常规",
"Navigation": "导航",
"Editor": "编辑器",
"MarkdownFormatting": "格式化",
"CustomizeView": "自定义视图",
"Filter": "筛选",
"ClearFilters": "清除筛选",
"FilterIsNot": "不是",
"FilterIsEither": "是",
"FilterIsEitherPlural": "是",
"FilterStatesCount": "{value, plural, =1 {1 个状态} other {# 个状态}}",
"FilterUpdated": "筛选已更新",
"FilterRemoved": "{count, plural, =1 {# 个不存在的值} other {# 个不存在的值}} 已从筛选中移除",
"Before": "之前",
"After": "之后",
"Apply": "应用",
"Save": "保存",
"IncludeItemsThatMatch": "包括符合条件的项目",
"AnyFilter": "任意筛选",
"AllFilters": "所有筛选",
"MatchCriteria": "匹配条件",
"DontMatchCriteria": "不匹配条件",
"View": "视图",
"MarkupEditor": "富文本编辑器",
"List": "列表",
"Grid": "网格",
"Timeline": "时间线",
"Select": "选择",
"NoGrouping": "无分组",
"Grouping": "分组",
"Ordering": "排序",
"Manual": "手动",
"FilteredViews": "筛选视图",
"NewFilteredView": "新筛选视图",
"FilteredViewName": "筛选视图名称",
"Then": "然后",
"ShowPreviewOnClick": "请点击显示文档索引预览...",
"Shown": "显示 {len} 结果 {total, plural, =-1 {} other {共筛选 # 个项目}}",
"Total": "总计: {total, plural, other {#}}",
"ShowEmptyGroups": "显示空组",
"Overdue": "逾期",
"Today": "今天",
"Yesterday": "昨天",
"ThisWeek": "本周",
"NextWeek": "下周",
"ThisMonth": "本月",
"NextMonth": "下月",
"NotSpecified": "未指定",
"ExactDate": "确切日期",
"BeforeDate": "日期之前",
"AfterDate": "日期之后",
"BetweenDates": "日期之间",
"AddSavedView": "添加保存的视图",
"Public": "公开",
"Hide": "隐藏",
"Rename": "重命名",
"SaveAs": "另存为",
"And": "和",
"Between": "之间",
"ShowColors": "使用颜色",
"Show": "显示",
"FilterArrayAll": "包括全部",
"FilterArrayAny": "包括任意",
"Or": "或",
"HyperlinkPlaceholder": "",
"CopyToClipboard": "复制到剪贴板",
"PublicView": "公开视图",
"ChooseIcon": "选择图标",
"IconColor": "选择图标颜色",
"IconCategory": "图标",
"EmojiCategory": "表情",
"Type": "类型",
"ToViewCommands": "查看可用命令",
"UnArchive": "取消归档",
"UnArchiveConfirm": "您想要取消归档这个 {count, plural, =1 {对象} other {# 个对象}} 吗?",
"Pin": "固定",
"Unpin": "取消固定",
"Archived": "已归档",
"MoreActions": "更多操作",
"Leave": "离开",
"Join": "加入",
"Copied": "已复制",
"Title": "标题",
"HideArchived": "隱藏已存檔"