Kristina 734177f3ea
UBERF-5811: rework backlinks (#4887)
Signed-off-by: Kristina Fefelova <>
2024-03-07 13:53:07 +07:00

108 lines
4.1 KiB

// Copyright © 2020 Anticrm Platform Contributors.
// Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may
// obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import type { ActivityMessage, TxViewlet } from '@hcengineering/activity'
import { chunterId, type Channel } from '@hcengineering/chunter'
import chunter from '@hcengineering/chunter-resources/src/plugin'
import { type Client, type Doc, type Ref } from '@hcengineering/core'
import { type NotificationGroup } from '@hcengineering/notification'
import type { IntlString, Resource } from '@hcengineering/platform'
import { mergeIds } from '@hcengineering/platform'
import type { AnyComponent, Location } from '@hcengineering/ui/src/types'
import type { Action, ActionCategory, ViewAction, ViewletDescriptor } from '@hcengineering/view'
export default mergeIds(chunterId, chunter, {
component: {
ChannelPresenter: '' as AnyComponent,
DirectMessagePresenter: '' as AnyComponent,
MessagePresenter: '' as AnyComponent,
DmPresenter: '' as AnyComponent,
ChannelsPanel: '' as AnyComponent,
Chat: '' as AnyComponent,
ChatMessageNotificationLabel: '' as AnyComponent,
ThreadNotificationPresenter: '' as AnyComponent
action: {
MarkCommentUnread: '' as Ref<Action>,
MarkUnread: '' as Ref<Action>,
ArchiveChannel: '' as Ref<Action>,
UnarchiveChannel: '' as Ref<Action>,
ConvertToPrivate: '' as Ref<Action>,
CopyChatMessageLink: '' as Ref<Action<Doc, any>>
actionImpl: {
ArchiveChannel: '' as ViewAction,
UnarchiveChannel: '' as ViewAction,
ConvertDmToPrivateChannel: '' as ViewAction,
DeleteChatMessage: '' as ViewAction
category: {
Chunter: '' as Ref<ActionCategory>
string: {
ApplicationLabelChunter: '' as IntlString,
MentionedIn: '' as IntlString,
Content: '' as IntlString,
Comment: '' as IntlString,
Reference: '' as IntlString,
CreateBy: '' as IntlString,
Create: '' as IntlString,
Edit: '' as IntlString,
MarkUnread: '' as IntlString,
LastMessage: '' as IntlString,
MentionNotification: '' as IntlString,
PinnedMessages: '' as IntlString,
SavedMessages: '' as IntlString,
Emoji: '' as IntlString,
DM: '' as IntlString,
DMNotification: '' as IntlString,
ConfigLabel: '' as IntlString,
ConfigDescription: '' as IntlString,
Reacted: '' as IntlString,
RepliedToThread: '' as IntlString
viewlet: {
Chat: '' as Ref<ViewletDescriptor>
ids: {
TxCommentCreate: '' as Ref<TxViewlet>,
TxCommentRemove: '' as Ref<TxViewlet>,
TxMessageCreate: '' as Ref<TxViewlet>,
TxChatMessageCreate: '' as Ref<TxViewlet>,
TxChatMessageRemove: '' as Ref<TxViewlet>,
ChunterNotificationGroup: '' as Ref<NotificationGroup>
activity: {
TxCommentCreate: '' as AnyComponent,
TxMessageCreate: '' as AnyComponent
space: {
General: '' as Ref<Channel>,
Random: '' as Ref<Channel>
function: {
GetLink: '' as Resource<(doc: Doc, props: Record<string, any>) => Promise<string>>,
GetFragment: '' as Resource<(doc: Doc, props: Record<string, any>) => Promise<Location>>,
DmIdentifierProvider: '' as Resource<<T extends Doc>(client: Client, ref: Ref<T>, doc?: T) => Promise<string>>,
CanDeleteMessage: '' as Resource<(doc?: Doc | Doc[]) => Promise<boolean>>,
CanCopyMessageLink: '' as Resource<(doc?: Doc | Doc[]) => Promise<boolean>>,
GetChunterSpaceLinkFragment: '' as Resource<(doc: Doc, props: Record<string, any>) => Promise<Location>>,
GetThreadLink: '' as Resource<(doc: Doc, props: Record<string, any>) => Promise<Location>>
filter: {
ChatMessagesFilter: '' as Resource<(message: ActivityMessage, _class?: Ref<Doc>) => boolean>