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synced 2024-12-22 02:51:54 +03:00
Signed-off-by: Denis Bykhov <bykhov.denis@gmail.com>
278 lines
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278 lines
8.2 KiB
import {
type AccountDB,
type Workspace,
type ObjectId,
} from '@hcengineering/account'
import {
type BackupClient,
type Client,
type Doc,
type MeasureMetricsContext
} from '@hcengineering/core'
import { getMongoClient, getWorkspaceMongoDB } from '@hcengineering/mongo'
import {
} from '@hcengineering/postgres'
import { type DBDoc } from '@hcengineering/postgres/types/utils'
import { getTransactorEndpoint } from '@hcengineering/server-client'
import { generateToken } from '@hcengineering/server-token'
import { connect } from '@hcengineering/server-tool'
import { type MongoClient } from 'mongodb'
import type postgres from 'postgres'
export async function moveFromMongoToPG (
accountDb: AccountDB,
mongoUrl: string,
dbUrl: string | undefined,
workspaces: Workspace[],
region: string
): Promise<void> {
if (dbUrl === undefined) {
throw new Error('dbUrl is required')
const client = getMongoClient(mongoUrl)
const mongo = await client.getClient()
const pg = getDBClient(dbUrl)
const pgClient = await pg.getClient()
for (let index = 0; index < workspaces.length; index++) {
const ws = workspaces[index]
try {
await moveWorkspace(accountDb, mongo, pgClient, ws, region)
console.log('Move workspace', index, workspaces.length)
} catch (err) {
console.log('Error when move workspace', ws.workspaceName ?? ws.workspace, err)
throw err
async function moveWorkspace (
accountDb: AccountDB,
mongo: MongoClient,
pgClient: postgres.Sql,
ws: Workspace,
region: string,
include?: Set<string>,
force = false
): Promise<void> {
try {
console.log('move workspace', ws.workspaceName ?? ws.workspace)
const wsId = getWorkspaceId(ws.workspace)
const mongoDB = getWorkspaceMongoDB(mongo, wsId)
const collections = await mongoDB.collections()
let tables = collections.map((c) => c.collectionName)
if (include !== undefined) {
tables = tables.filter((t) => include.has(t))
await createTables(pgClient, tables)
const token = generateToken(systemAccountEmail, wsId)
const endpoint = await getTransactorEndpoint(token, 'external')
const connection = (await connect(endpoint, wsId, undefined, {
model: 'upgrade'
})) as unknown as Client & BackupClient
for (const collection of collections) {
const domain = translateDomain(collection.collectionName)
if (include !== undefined && !include.has(domain)) {
const cursor = collection.find()
const current = await pgClient`SELECT _id FROM ${pgClient(domain)} WHERE "workspaceId" = ${ws.workspace}`
const currentIds = new Set(current.map((r) => r._id))
console.log('move domain', domain)
const docs: Doc[] = []
const fields = getDocFieldsByDomains(domain)
const filedsWithData = [...fields, 'data']
const insertFields: string[] = ['workspaceId']
for (const field of filedsWithData) {
while (true) {
const toRemove: string[] = []
while (docs.length < 5000) {
const doc = (await cursor.next()) as Doc | null
if (doc === null) break
if (currentIds.has(doc._id)) {
if (force) {
} else {
while (toRemove.length > 0) {
const part = toRemove.splice(0, 100)
await retryTxn(pgClient, async (client) => {
await client.unsafe(
`DELETE FROM ${translateDomain(domain)} WHERE "workspaceId" = '${ws.workspace}' AND _id IN (${part.map((c) => `'${c}'`).join(', ')})`
if (docs.length === 0) break
while (docs.length > 0) {
const part = docs.splice(0, 100)
const values: DBDoc[] = []
for (let i = 0; i < part.length; i++) {
const doc = part[i]
const d = convertDoc(domain, doc, ws.workspace)
try {
await retryTxn(pgClient, async (client) => {
await client`INSERT INTO ${client(translateDomain(domain))} ${client(values, insertFields)}`
} catch (err) {
console.log('Error when insert', domain, err)
await updateWorkspace(accountDb, ws, { region })
await connection.sendForceClose()
await connection.close()
} catch (err) {
console.log('Error when move workspace', ws.workspaceName ?? ws.workspace, err)
throw err
export async function moveWorkspaceFromMongoToPG (
accountDb: AccountDB,
mongoUrl: string,
dbUrl: string | undefined,
ws: Workspace,
region: string,
include?: Set<string>,
force?: boolean
): Promise<void> {
if (dbUrl === undefined) {
throw new Error('dbUrl is required')
const client = getMongoClient(mongoUrl)
const mongo = await client.getClient()
const pg = getDBClient(dbUrl)
const pgClient = await pg.getClient()
await moveWorkspace(accountDb, mongo, pgClient, ws, region, include, force)
export async function moveAccountDbFromMongoToPG (
ctx: MeasureMetricsContext,
mongoDb: AccountDB,
pgDb: AccountDB
): Promise<void> {
// [accountId, workspaceId]
const workspaceAssignments: [ObjectId, ObjectId][] = []
const accounts = await listAccounts(mongoDb)
const workspaces = await listWorkspacesPure(mongoDb)
const invites = await listInvites(mongoDb)
for (const mongoAccount of accounts) {
const pgAccount = {
_id: mongoAccount._id.toString()
delete (pgAccount as any).workspaces
if (pgAccount.createdOn == null) {
pgAccount.createdOn = Date.now()
if (pgAccount.first == null) {
pgAccount.first = 'NotSet'
if (pgAccount.last == null) {
pgAccount.last = 'NotSet'
for (const workspaceString of new Set(mongoAccount.workspaces.map((w) => w.toString()))) {
workspaceAssignments.push([pgAccount._id, workspaceString])
const exists = await getAccount(pgDb, pgAccount.email)
if (exists === null) {
await pgDb.account.insertOne(pgAccount)
ctx.info('Moved account', { email: pgAccount.email })
for (const mongoWorkspace of workspaces) {
const pgWorkspace = {
_id: mongoWorkspace._id.toString()
if (pgWorkspace.createdOn == null) {
pgWorkspace.createdOn = Date.now()
// delete deprecated fields
delete (pgWorkspace as any).createProgress
delete (pgWorkspace as any).creating
delete (pgWorkspace as any).productId
delete (pgWorkspace as any).organisation
// assigned separately
delete (pgWorkspace as any).accounts
const exists = await getWorkspaceById(pgDb, pgWorkspace.workspace)
if (exists === null) {
await pgDb.workspace.insertOne(pgWorkspace)
ctx.info('Moved workspace', {
workspace: pgWorkspace.workspace,
workspaceName: pgWorkspace.workspaceName,
workspaceUrl: pgWorkspace.workspaceUrl
for (const mongoInvite of invites) {
const pgInvite = {
_id: mongoInvite._id.toString()
const exists = await pgDb.invite.findOne({ _id: pgInvite._id })
if (exists === null) {
await pgDb.invite.insertOne(pgInvite)
const pgAssignments = (await listAccounts(pgDb)).reduce<Record<ObjectId, ObjectId[]>>((assignments, acc) => {
assignments[acc._id] = acc.workspaces
return assignments
}, {})
const assignmentsToInsert = workspaceAssignments.filter(
([accountId, workspaceId]) =>
pgAssignments[accountId] === undefined || !pgAssignments[accountId].includes(workspaceId)
for (const [accountId, workspaceId] of assignmentsToInsert) {
await pgDb.assignWorkspace(accountId, workspaceId)
ctx.info('Assignments made', { count: assignmentsToInsert.length })