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synced 2024-12-22 19:11:33 +03:00
Some checks are pending
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CI / uitest (push) Waiting to run
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Signed-off-by: Alexander Onnikov <Alexander.Onnikov@xored.com>
115 lines
2.7 KiB
Executable File
115 lines
2.7 KiB
Executable File
const fs = require('fs')
const execSync = require('child_process').execSync
const repo = '@hcengineering'
const packages = {}
const pathes = {}
const jsons = {}
function fillPackages (config) {
for (const package of config.projects) {
if (!package.name.startsWith(repo)) continue
packages[package.name] = {
version: package.version,
path: package.path
pathes[package.path] = package.name
const file = package.path + '/package.json'
const raw = fs.readFileSync(file)
jsons[package.name] = JSON.parse(raw)
function bumpPackage (name, newVersion) {
const json = jsons[name]
json.version = newVersion
if (typeof json.dependencies === 'object') {
for (const [dependency] of Object.entries(json.dependencies)) {
if (packages[dependency] !== undefined) {
json.dependencies[dependency] = `^${newVersion}`
function shouldPublish (name) {
const json = jsons[name]
return json !== undefined && json.repository !== undefined
function publish (name) {
const package = packages[name]
try {
console.log('publishing', name)
execSync(`cd ${package.path} && npm publish && cd ../..`, { encoding: 'utf-8' })
} catch (err) {
function fix (name) {
const package = packages[name]
try {
console.log('fixing', name)
execSync(`cd ${package.path} && npm pkg fix && cd ../..`, { encoding: 'utf-8' })
} catch (err) {
function main () {
const args = process.argv
const doFix = args.includes('--fix')
const doPublish = args.includes('--publish')
const version = args.reverse().shift()
if (version === undefined || version === '') {
console.log('usage: node bump.js [--publish] <version>')
if( !/^(\d+\.)?(\d+\.)?(\*|\d+)$/.test(version)) {
console.log('Invalid <version>', version, ' should be xx.xx.xx')
console.log('bump version ...', version)
const config = JSON.parse(execSync('rush list -p --json', { encoding: 'utf-8' }))
const packageNames = Object.keys(packages)
for (const packageName of packageNames) {
bumpPackage(packageName, version)
for (const packageName of packageNames) {
const package = packages[packageName]
const file = package.path + '/package.json'
const res = JSON.stringify(jsons[packageName], undefined, 2)
fs.writeFileSync(file, res + '\n')
if (doFix) {
for (const packageName of packageNames) {
if (shouldPublish(packageName)) {
if (doPublish) {
for (const packageName of packageNames) {
if (shouldPublish(packageName)) {
console.log('... done')
main ()