Add tree-sitter queries.

This commit is contained in:
Blaž Hrastnik 2021-04-09 17:42:49 +09:00
parent c1e5733b02
commit 4e31d1521b
22 changed files with 1194 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
] @string
(command_name) @function
(variable_name) @property
] @keyword
(comment) @comment
(function_definition name: (word) @function)
(file_descriptor) @number
] @operator
(command (_) @constant)
(#match? @constant "^-")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
(comment) @comment
(tag_name) @tag
(nesting_selector) @tag
(universal_selector) @tag
"~" @operator
">" @operator
"+" @operator
"-" @operator
"*" @operator
"/" @operator
"=" @operator
"^=" @operator
"|=" @operator
"~=" @operator
"$=" @operator
"*=" @operator
"and" @operator
"or" @operator
"not" @operator
"only" @operator
(attribute_selector (plain_value) @string)
(pseudo_element_selector (tag_name) @attribute)
(pseudo_class_selector (class_name) @attribute)
(class_name) @property
(id_name) @property
(namespace_name) @property
(property_name) @property
(feature_name) @property
(attribute_name) @attribute
(function_name) @function
((property_name) @variable
(#match? @variable "^--"))
((plain_value) @variable
(#match? @variable "^--"))
"@media" @keyword
"@import" @keyword
"@charset" @keyword
"@namespace" @keyword
"@supports" @keyword
"@keyframes" @keyword
(at_keyword) @keyword
(to) @keyword
(from) @keyword
(important) @keyword
(string_value) @string
(color_value) @string.special
(integer_value) @number
(float_value) @number
(unit) @type
"#" @punctuation.delimiter
"," @punctuation.delimiter
":" @punctuation.delimiter

View File

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
; Function calls
function: (identifier) @function)
function: (selector_expression
field: (field_identifier) @function.method))
; Function definitions
name: (identifier) @function)
name: (field_identifier) @function.method)
; Identifiers
(type_identifier) @type
(field_identifier) @property
(identifier) @variable
; Operators
] @operator
; Keywords
] @keyword
; Literals
] @string
(escape_sequence) @escape
] @number
] @constant.builtin
(comment) @comment

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
(comment)* @doc
name: (identifier) @name) @definition.function
(#strip! @doc "^//\\s*")
(#set-adjacent! @doc @definition.function)
(comment)* @doc
name: (field_identifier) @name) @definition.method
(#strip! @doc "^//\\s*")
(#set-adjacent! @doc @definition.method)
function: [
(identifier) @name
(parenthesized_expression (identifier) @name)
(selector_expression field: (field_identifier) @name)
(parenthesized_expression (selector_expression field: (field_identifier) @name))
name: (type_identifier) @name) @definition.type
(type_identifier) @name @reference.type

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
(tag_name) @tag
(erroneous_end_tag_name) @tag.error
(doctype) @constant
(attribute_name) @attribute
(attribute_value) @string
(comment) @comment
] @punctuation.bracket

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
(raw_text) @injection.content)
(#set! injection.language "javascript"))
(raw_text) @injection.content)
(#set! injection.language "css"))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
(jsx_opening_element (identifier) @tag)
(jsx_closing_element (identifier) @tag)
(jsx_self_closing_element (identifier) @tag)
(jsx_attribute (property_identifier) @attribute)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
(identifier) @variable.parameter
(identifier) @variable.parameter)
(pair_pattern value: (identifier) @variable.parameter)
(shorthand_property_identifier_pattern) @variable.parameter

View File

@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
; Special identifiers
] @constant
(#match? @constant "^[A-Z_][A-Z\\d_]+$"))
((identifier) @constructor
(#match? @constructor "^[A-Z]"))
((identifier) @variable.builtin
(#match? @variable.builtin "^(arguments|module|console|window|document)$")
(#is-not? local))
((identifier) @function.builtin
(#eq? @function.builtin "require")
(#is-not? local))
; Function and method definitions
name: (identifier) @function)
name: (identifier) @function)
name: (property_identifier) @function.method)
key: (property_identifier) @function.method
value: [(function) (arrow_function)])
left: (member_expression
property: (property_identifier) @function.method)
right: [(function) (arrow_function)])
name: (identifier) @function
value: [(function) (arrow_function)])
left: (identifier) @function
right: [(function) (arrow_function)])
; Function and method calls
function: (identifier) @function)
function: (member_expression
property: (property_identifier) @function.method))
; Variables
(identifier) @variable
; Properties
(property_identifier) @property
; Literals
(this) @variable.builtin
(super) @variable.builtin
] @constant.builtin
(comment) @comment
] @string
(regex) @string.special
(number) @number
; Tokens
"${" @punctuation.special
"}" @punctuation.special) @embedded
] @punctuation.delimiter
] @operator
] @punctuation.bracket
] @keyword

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
; Parse the contents of tagged template literals using
; a language inferred from the tag.
function: [
(identifier) @injection.language
property: (property_identifier) @injection.language)
arguments: (template_string) @injection.content)
; Parse regex syntax within regex literals
((regex_pattern) @injection.content
(#set! injection.language "regex"))
; Parse JSDoc annotations in comments
((comment) @injection.content
(#set! injection.language "jsdoc"))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
; Scopes
] @local.scope
; Definitions
name: (identifier) @local.definition)
; References
(identifier) @local.reference

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
(comment)* @doc
name: (property_identifier) @name) @definition.method
(#not-eq? @name "constructor")
(#strip! @doc "^[\\s\\*/]+|^[\\s\\*/]$")
(#select-adjacent! @doc @definition.method)
(comment)* @doc
name: (_) @name)
name: (_) @name)
] @definition.class
(#strip! @doc "^[\\s\\*/]+|^[\\s\\*/]$")
(#select-adjacent! @doc @definition.class)
(comment)* @doc
name: (identifier) @name)
name: (identifier) @name)
name: (identifier) @name)
name: (identifier) @name)
] @definition.function
(#strip! @doc "^[\\s\\*/]+|^[\\s\\*/]$")
(#select-adjacent! @doc @definition.function)
(comment)* @doc
name: (identifier) @name
value: [(arrow_function) (function)]) @definition.function)
(#strip! @doc "^[\\s\\*/]+|^[\\s\\*/]$")
(#select-adjacent! @doc @definition.function)
(comment)* @doc
name: (identifier) @name
value: [(arrow_function) (function)]) @definition.function)
(#strip! @doc "^[\\s\\*/]+|^[\\s\\*/]$")
(#select-adjacent! @doc @definition.function)
left: [
(identifier) @name
property: (property_identifier) @name)
right: [(arrow_function) (function)]
) @definition.function
key: (property_identifier) @name
value: [(arrow_function) (function)]) @definition.function
function: (identifier) @name)
(#not-match? @name "^(require)$")
function: (member_expression
property: (property_identifier) @name)
arguments: (_)
constructor: (_) @name) @reference.class

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
key: (_) @keyword)
(string) @string
"{" @escape
"}" @escape)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
(php_tag) @tag
"?>" @tag
; Types
(primitive_type) @type.builtin
(cast_type) @type.builtin
(type_name (name) @type)
; Functions
(array_creation_expression "array" @function.builtin)
(list_literal "list" @function.builtin)
name: (name) @function.method)
function: (qualified_name (name)) @function)
name: (name) @function)
name: (name) @function.method)
name: (name) @function)
; Member
(variable_name) @property)
name: (variable_name (name)) @property)
name: (name) @property)
; Variables
(relative_scope) @variable.builtin
((name) @constant
(#match? @constant "^_?[A-Z][A-Z\d_]+$"))
((name) @constructor
(#match? @constructor "^[A-Z]"))
((name) @variable.builtin
(#eq? @variable.builtin "this"))
(variable_name) @variable
; Basic tokens
(string) @string
(heredoc) @string
(boolean) @constant.builtin
(null) @constant.builtin
(integer) @number
(float) @number
(comment) @comment
"$" @operator
; Keywords
"abstract" @keyword
"as" @keyword
"break" @keyword
"case" @keyword
"catch" @keyword
"class" @keyword
"const" @keyword
"continue" @keyword
"declare" @keyword
"default" @keyword
"do" @keyword
"echo" @keyword
"else" @keyword
"elseif" @keyword
"enddeclare" @keyword
"endforeach" @keyword
"endif" @keyword
"endswitch" @keyword
"endwhile" @keyword
"extends" @keyword
"final" @keyword
"finally" @keyword
"foreach" @keyword
"function" @keyword
"global" @keyword
"if" @keyword
"implements" @keyword
"include_once" @keyword
"include" @keyword
"insteadof" @keyword
"interface" @keyword
"namespace" @keyword
"new" @keyword
"private" @keyword
"protected" @keyword
"public" @keyword
"require_once" @keyword
"require" @keyword
"return" @keyword
"static" @keyword
"switch" @keyword
"throw" @keyword
"trait" @keyword
"try" @keyword
"use" @keyword
"while" @keyword

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
((text) @injection.content
(#set! injection.language "html")
(#set! injection.combined))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
name: (name) @name) @definition.class
name: (name) @name) @definition.function
name: (name) @name) @definition.function
(qualified_name (name) @name)
(variable_name (name) @name)
]) @reference.class
function: [
(qualified_name (name) @name)
(variable_name (name)) @name
name: (name) @name)
name: (name) @name)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
; Identifier naming conventions
((identifier) @constructor
(#match? @constructor "^[A-Z]"))
((identifier) @constant
(#match? @constant "^[A-Z][A-Z_]*$"))
; Builtin functions
function: (identifier) @function.builtin)
; Function calls
(decorator) @function
function: (attribute attribute: (identifier) @function.method))
function: (identifier) @function)
; Function definitions
name: (identifier) @function)
(identifier) @variable
(attribute attribute: (identifier) @property)
(type (identifier) @type)
; Literals
] @constant.builtin
] @number
(comment) @comment
(string) @string
(escape_sequence) @escape
"{" @punctuation.special
"}" @punctuation.special) @embedded
] @operator
] @keyword

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
name: (identifier) @name) @definition.class
name: (identifier) @name) @definition.function
function: [
(identifier) @name
attribute: (identifier) @name)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
; Keywords
] @keyword
((identifier) @keyword
(#match? @keyword "^(private|protected|public)$"))
; Function calls
((identifier) @function.method.builtin
(#eq? @function.method.builtin "require"))
"defined?" @function.method.builtin
method: [(identifier) (constant)] @function.method)
; Function definitions
(alias (identifier) @function.method)
(setter (identifier) @function.method)
(method name: [(identifier) (constant)] @function.method)
(singleton_method name: [(identifier) (constant)] @function.method)
; Identifiers
] @property
((identifier) @constant.builtin
(#match? @constant.builtin "^__(FILE|LINE|ENCODING)__$"))
((constant) @constant
(#match? @constant "^[A-Z\\d_]+$"))
(constant) @constructor
(self) @variable.builtin
(super) @variable.builtin
(block_parameter (identifier) @variable.parameter)
(block_parameters (identifier) @variable.parameter)
(destructured_parameter (identifier) @variable.parameter)
(hash_splat_parameter (identifier) @variable.parameter)
(lambda_parameters (identifier) @variable.parameter)
(method_parameters (identifier) @variable.parameter)
(splat_parameter (identifier) @variable.parameter)
(keyword_parameter name: (identifier) @variable.parameter)
(optional_parameter name: (identifier) @variable.parameter)
((identifier) @function.method
(#is-not? local))
(identifier) @variable
; Literals
] @string
] @string.special.symbol
(regex) @string.special.regex
(escape_sequence) @escape
] @number
"#{" @punctuation.special
"}" @punctuation.special) @embedded
(comment) @comment
; Operators
] @operator
] @punctuation.delimiter
] @punctuation.bracket

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
((method) @local.scope
(#set! local.scope-inherits false))
] @local.scope
(block_parameter (identifier) @local.definition)
(block_parameters (identifier) @local.definition)
(destructured_parameter (identifier) @local.definition)
(hash_splat_parameter (identifier) @local.definition)
(lambda_parameters (identifier) @local.definition)
(method_parameters (identifier) @local.definition)
(splat_parameter (identifier) @local.definition)
(keyword_parameter name: (identifier) @local.definition)
(optional_parameter name: (identifier) @local.definition)
(identifier) @local.reference
(assignment left: (identifier) @local.definition)
(operator_assignment left: (identifier) @local.definition)
(left_assignment_list (identifier) @local.definition)
(rest_assignment (identifier) @local.definition)
(destructured_left_assignment (identifier) @local.definition)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
; Method definitions
(comment)* @doc
name: (_) @name) @definition.method
name: (_) @name) @definition.method
(#strip! @doc "^#\\s*")
(#select-adjacent! @doc @definition.method)
name: (_) @name) @definition.method
(identifier) @ignore)
; Class definitions
(comment)* @doc
name: [
(constant) @name
name: (_) @name)
]) @definition.class
value: [
(constant) @name
name: (_) @name)
]) @definition.class
(#strip! @doc "^#\\s*")
(#select-adjacent! @doc @definition.class)
; Module definitions
name: [
(constant) @name
name: (_) @name)
]) @definition.module
; Calls
(call method: (identifier) @name)
[(identifier) (constant)] @name
(#is-not? local)
(#not-match? @name "^(lambda|load|require|require_relative|__FILE__|__LINE__)$")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
; Properties
(bare_key) @property
(quoted_key) @string
; Literals
(boolean) @constant.builtin
(comment) @comment
(string) @string
(integer) @number
(float) @number
(offset_date_time) @string.special
(local_date_time) @string.special
(local_date) @string.special
(local_time) @string.special
; Punctuation
"." @punctuation.delimiter
"," @punctuation.delimiter
"=" @operator
"[" @punctuation.bracket
"]" @punctuation.bracket
"[[" @punctuation.bracket
"]]" @punctuation.bracket
"{" @punctuation.bracket
"}" @punctuation.bracket