Various fixes to GraphQL introspection (#160)

Co-authored-by: Flavio Corpa <>
This commit is contained in:
Alejandro Serrano 2020-03-26 15:42:43 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent 07dd706bb0
commit 1fe9cced62
2 changed files with 119 additions and 68 deletions

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@ -12,10 +12,11 @@ module Mu.GraphQL.Query.Introspection where
import Control.Monad.Writer
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.HashSet as S
import Data.Int (Int32)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe)
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text as T
import GHC.TypeLits
import Mu.Rpc
import qualified Mu.Schema as Mu
@ -30,24 +31,30 @@ data Schema
deriving Show
data Type
= Type { kind :: TypeKind
, typeName :: Maybe T.Text
, fields :: [Field]
, enumValues :: [EnumValue]
, ofType :: Maybe Type }
| TypeRef { to :: T.Text }
= Type
{ kind :: TypeKind
, typeName :: Maybe T.Text
, fields :: [Field]
, enumValues :: [EnumValue]
, ofType :: Maybe Type
| TypeRef { to :: T.Text }
deriving Show
data Field
= Field { fieldName :: T.Text
, args :: [Input]
, fieldType :: Type }
= Field
{ fieldName :: T.Text
, args :: [Input]
, fieldType :: Type
deriving Show
data Input
= Input { inputName :: T.Text
, inputDefaultValue :: Maybe T.Text
, inputType :: Type }
= Input
{ inputName :: T.Text
, inputDefaultValue :: Maybe T.Text
, inputType :: Type
deriving Show
newtype EnumValue
@ -96,11 +103,49 @@ instance ( IntrospectServices ss sub
introspect _ _ _ _
= let (_, ts) = runWriter $
introspectServices (Proxy @ss) (Proxy @sub) >>
tell (HM.fromList ((\i -> (i, tSimple i)) <$> ["Int", "Float", "String", "Boolean", "ID"]))
in Schema (maybeSymbolVal (Proxy @qr))
(maybeSymbolVal (Proxy @mut))
(maybeSymbolVal (Proxy @sub))
tell (HM.fromList (
(\i -> (i, tSimple i)) <$> ["Null", "Int", "Float", "String", "Boolean", "ID"]))
-- return only reachable types
qrS = maybeSymbolVal (Proxy @qr)
mutS = maybeSymbolVal (Proxy @mut)
subS = maybeSymbolVal (Proxy @sub)
initials = S.fromList $ catMaybes [qrS, mutS, subS]
reach = reachableFrom ts initials
finalTs = HM.filterWithKey (\k _ -> k `S.member` reach) ts
in Schema qrS mutS subS finalTs
reachableFrom :: TypeMap -> S.HashSet T.Text -> S.HashSet T.Text
reachableFrom mp tys
= let tys' = S.toList tys
fromThis = S.fromList . reachableFromOne <$> tys'
allReachable = S.unions fromThis
in if tys == allReachable
then tys
else reachableFrom mp allReachable
reachableFromOne :: T.Text -> [T.Text]
reachableFromOne t
= case HM.lookup t mp of
Just ty@Type {}
-> t : concatMap reachableFromField (fields ty)
_ -> error "this should never happen"
reachableFromField :: Field -> [T.Text]
reachableFromField f
= reachableFromType (fieldType f) ++ concatMap reachableFromInput (args f)
reachableFromInput :: Input -> [T.Text]
reachableFromInput i = reachableFromType (inputType i)
reachableFromType :: Type -> [T.Text]
reachableFromType (TypeRef t) = [t]
reachableFromType t@Type {}
= case ofType t of
Just t' -> reachableFromType t'
Nothing -> case typeName t of
Just tn -> [tn]
Nothing -> []
class KnownMaybeSymbol (s :: Maybe Symbol) where
maybeSymbolVal :: Proxy s -> Maybe T.Text
@ -123,14 +168,14 @@ instance ( KnownSymbol sname
, IntrospectFields smethods (IsSub sname sub)
, IntrospectServices ss sub )
=> IntrospectServices ('Service sname sanns smethods ': ss) sub where
introspectServices _ psub
= do let name = T.pack $ symbolVal (Proxy @sname)
fs <- introspectFields (Proxy @smethods) (Proxy @(IsSub sname sub))
let t = Type OBJECT (Just name) fs [] Nothing
-- add this one to the mix
tell (HM.singleton name t)
-- continue with the rest
introspectServices (Proxy @ss) psub
introspectServices _ psub = do
let name = T.pack $ symbolVal (Proxy @sname)
fs <- introspectFields (Proxy @smethods) (Proxy @(IsSub sname sub))
let t = Type OBJECT (Just name) fs [] Nothing
-- add this one to the mix
tell (HM.singleton name t)
-- continue with the rest
introspectServices (Proxy @ss) psub
class IntrospectFields (fs :: [Method']) (isSub :: Bool) where
@ -142,12 +187,12 @@ instance ( KnownSymbol mname
, IntrospectReturn mret isSub
, IntrospectFields fs isSub)
=> IntrospectFields ('Method mname manns margs mret ': fs) isSub where
introspectFields _ pIsSub
= do let name = T.pack $ symbolVal (Proxy @mname)
inputs <- introspectInputs (Proxy @margs)
ret <- introspectReturn (Proxy @mret) pIsSub
let this = Field name inputs ret
(this :) <$> introspectFields (Proxy @fs) pIsSub
introspectFields _ pIsSub = do
let name = T.pack $ symbolVal (Proxy @mname)
inputs <- introspectInputs (Proxy @margs)
ret <- introspectReturn (Proxy @mret) pIsSub
let this = Field name inputs ret
(this :) <$> introspectFields (Proxy @fs) pIsSub
class IntrospectInputs (args :: [Argument']) where
@ -158,22 +203,22 @@ instance ( KnownMaybeSymbol nm
, IntrospectTypeRef r
, IntrospectInputs args )
=> IntrospectInputs ('ArgSingle nm anns r ': args) where
introspectInputs _
= do let nm = maybeSymbolVal (Proxy @nm)
t <- introspectTypeRef (Proxy @r) False
-- TODO Find default value
let this = Input (fromMaybe "arg" nm) Nothing t
(this :) <$> introspectInputs (Proxy @args)
introspectInputs _ = do
let nm = maybeSymbolVal (Proxy @nm)
t <- introspectTypeRef (Proxy @r) False
-- TODO: Find default value
let this = Input (fromMaybe "arg" nm) Nothing t
(this :) <$> introspectInputs (Proxy @args)
instance ( KnownMaybeSymbol nm
, IntrospectTypeRef r
, IntrospectInputs args )
=> IntrospectInputs ('ArgStream nm anns r ': args) where
introspectInputs _
= do let nm = maybeSymbolVal (Proxy @nm)
t <- tList <$> introspectTypeRef (Proxy @r) False
-- TODO Find default value
let this = Input (fromMaybe "arg" nm) Nothing t
(this :) <$> introspectInputs (Proxy @args)
introspectInputs _ = do
let nm = maybeSymbolVal (Proxy @nm)
t <- tList <$> introspectTypeRef (Proxy @r) False
-- TODO: Find default value
let this = Input (fromMaybe "arg" nm) Nothing t
(this :) <$> introspectInputs (Proxy @args)
class IntrospectReturn (r :: Return Symbol) (isSub :: Bool) where
@ -205,7 +250,7 @@ instance IntrospectTypeRef ('PrimitiveRef Double) where
introspectTypeRef _ _ = pure $ tNonNull $ tSimple "Float"
instance IntrospectTypeRef ('PrimitiveRef String) where
introspectTypeRef _ _ = pure $ tNonNull $ tSimple "String"
instance IntrospectTypeRef ('PrimitiveRef Text) where
instance IntrospectTypeRef ('PrimitiveRef T.Text) where
introspectTypeRef _ _ = pure $ tNonNull $ tSimple "String"
instance (IntrospectTypeRef r)
@ -224,36 +269,36 @@ instance (KnownSymbol o)
instance (IntrospectSchema sch, KnownSymbol t)
=> IntrospectTypeRef ('SchemaRef sch t) where
introspectTypeRef _ isRet
= do let (k, suffix) = if isRet then (OBJECT, "R") else (INPUT_OBJECT, "")
introspectSchema k suffix (Proxy @sch)
pure $ TypeRef $ T.pack (symbolVal (Proxy @t)) <> suffix
introspectTypeRef _ isRet = do
let (k, suffix) = if isRet then (OBJECT, "R") else (INPUT_OBJECT, "")
introspectSchema k suffix (Proxy @sch)
pure $ TypeRef $ T.pack (symbolVal (Proxy @t)) <> suffix
class IntrospectSchema (ts :: [Mu.TypeDef Symbol Symbol]) where
:: TypeKind -> Text -> Proxy ts -> Writer TypeMap ()
:: TypeKind -> T.Text -> Proxy ts -> Writer TypeMap ()
instance IntrospectSchema '[] where
introspectSchema _ _ _ = pure ()
instance (KnownSymbol name, IntrospectSchemaFields fields, IntrospectSchema ts)
=> IntrospectSchema ('Mu.DRecord name fields ': ts) where
introspectSchema k suffix _
= do let name = T.pack (symbolVal (Proxy @name)) <> suffix
fs = introspectSchemaFields suffix (Proxy @fields)
t = Type k (Just name) fs [] Nothing
-- add this one to the mix
tell (HM.singleton name t)
-- continue with the rest
introspectSchema k suffix (Proxy @ts)
introspectSchema k suffix _ = do
let name = T.pack (symbolVal (Proxy @name)) <> suffix
fs = introspectSchemaFields suffix (Proxy @fields)
t = Type k (Just name) fs [] Nothing
-- add this one to the mix
tell (HM.singleton name t)
-- continue with the rest
introspectSchema k suffix (Proxy @ts)
instance (KnownSymbol name, IntrospectSchemaEnum choices, IntrospectSchema ts)
=> IntrospectSchema ('Mu.DEnum name choices ': ts) where
introspectSchema k suffix _
= do let name = T.pack (symbolVal (Proxy @name)) <> suffix
cs = introspectSchemaEnum (Proxy @choices)
t = Type ENUM (Just name) [] cs Nothing
-- add this one to the mix
tell (HM.singleton name t)
-- continue with the rest
introspectSchema k suffix (Proxy @ts)
introspectSchema k suffix _ = do
let name = T.pack (symbolVal (Proxy @name)) <> suffix
cs = introspectSchemaEnum (Proxy @choices)
t = Type ENUM (Just name) [] cs Nothing
-- add this one to the mix
tell (HM.singleton name t)
-- continue with the rest
introspectSchema k suffix (Proxy @ts)
class IntrospectSchemaFields (fs :: [Mu.FieldDef Symbol Symbol]) where
@ -282,7 +327,7 @@ instance IntrospectSchemaFieldType ('Mu.TPrimitive Double) where
introspectSchemaFieldType _ _ = tNonNull $ tSimple "Float"
instance IntrospectSchemaFieldType ('Mu.TPrimitive String) where
introspectSchemaFieldType _ _ = tNonNull $ tSimple "String"
instance IntrospectSchemaFieldType ('Mu.TPrimitive Text) where
instance IntrospectSchemaFieldType ('Mu.TPrimitive T.Text) where
introspectSchemaFieldType _ _ = tNonNull $ tSimple "String"
instance (IntrospectSchemaFieldType r)

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@ -692,6 +692,12 @@ runIntroType path s (Intro.Type k tnm fs vals ofT) ss
("deprecationReason", [])
-> pure $ Just Aeson.Null
-- this is used by __InputValue,
-- which is required when the field
-- is inside an INPUT_OBJECT
("defaultValue", [])
-> pure $ Just Aeson.Null
("type", _)
-> runIntroType fpath' s fty innerss
("args", _)