Add support for new primitive types in GraphQL (#295)

Closes #293
This commit is contained in:
Alejandro Serrano 2021-04-30 13:16:04 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent ba87816fc9
commit 28ef6fc97d

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@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ and 'Package' with one 'Service' per object in the schema.
module Mu.GraphQL.Quasi (
, Primitives
, graphqlWithExtendedPrimitives
, graphql'
) where
@ -35,18 +37,39 @@ import Mu.Schema.Definition
graphql :: String -- ^ Name for the 'Package' type, the 'Schema' is derived from it
-> FilePath -- ^ Route to the file
-> Q [Dec]
graphql name = graphql' (name <> "Schema") name
graphql name = graphql' [] (name <> "Schema") name
-- | Imports an GraphQL schema definition from a file.
graphql' :: String -- ^ Name for the 'Schema' type
:: Primitives
-> String -- ^ Name for the 'Package' type, the 'Schema' is derived from it
-> FilePath -- ^ Route to the file
-> Q [Dec]
graphqlWithExtendedPrimitives prims name = graphql' prims (name <> "Schema") name
-- | Imports an GraphQL schema definition from a file.
graphql' :: Primitives
-> String -- ^ Name for the 'Schema' type
-> String -- ^ Name for the 'Package' type
-> FilePath -- ^ Route to the file
-> Q [Dec]
graphql' scName svName file = do
graphql' prims scName svName file = do
schema <- liftIO $ TIO.readFile file
case parseTypeSysDefinition schema of
Left e -> fail ("could not parse graphql spec: " ++ show e)
Right p -> graphqlToDecls scName svName p
Right p -> graphqlToDecls (basicPrimitives <> prims) scName svName p
type Primitives = [(GQL.Name, TypeQ)]
basicPrimitives :: Primitives
= [ ("Int", [t|Integer|])
, ("Float", [t|Double|])
, ("String", [t|T.Text|])
, ("Boolean", [t|Bool|])
, ("UUID", [t|UUID|])
, ("JSON", [t|JSON.Value|])
, ("JSONObject", [t|JSON.Object|])]
type TypeMap = HM.HashMap T.Text GQLType
type SchemaMap = HM.HashMap T.Text GQL.OperationType
@ -91,15 +114,18 @@ classify = HM.fromList . (typeToKeyValue <$>)
= (name, InputObject)
-- | Constructs the GraphQL tree splitting between Schemas and Services.
graphqlToDecls :: String -> String -> [GQL.TypeSystemDefinition] -> Q [Dec]
graphqlToDecls schemaName serviceName allTypes = do
:: Primitives
-> String -> String
-> [GQL.TypeSystemDefinition] -> Q [Dec]
graphqlToDecls prims schemaName serviceName allTypes = do
let schemaName' = mkName schemaName
serviceName' = mkName serviceName
types = [t | GQL.TypeDefinition t <- allTypes]
schTypes = [t | t@GQL.SchemaDefinition {} <- allTypes]
typeMap = classify types
schMap = classifySchema schTypes
rs <- traverse (typeToDec schemaName' typeMap schMap) types
rs <- traverse (typeToDec prims schemaName' typeMap schMap) types
let schemaTypes = [x | GQLSchema x <- rs]
serviceTypes = [x | GQLService x _ <- rs]
defaultDefs = concat [d | GQLService _ d <- rs]
@ -116,17 +142,19 @@ defaultDeclToTy (sn, (mn, (an, dv)))
= [t| 'AnnArg $(textToStrLit sn) $(textToStrLit mn) $(textToStrLit an) $(pure dv) |]
-- | Reads a GraphQL 'TypeDefinition' and returns a 'Result'.
typeToDec :: Name -> TypeMap -> SchemaMap -> GQL.TypeDefinition -> Q Result
typeToDec _ _ _ GQL.InterfaceTypeDefinition {}
typeToDec :: Primitives
-> Name -> TypeMap -> SchemaMap
-> GQL.TypeDefinition -> Q Result
typeToDec _ _ _ _ GQL.InterfaceTypeDefinition {}
= fail "interface types are not supported"
typeToDec _ _ _ (GQL.UnionTypeDefinition _ nm _ (GQL.UnionMemberTypes elts)) = do
typeToDec _ _ _ _ (GQL.UnionTypeDefinition _ nm _ (GQL.UnionMemberTypes elts)) = do
selts <- mapM textToStrLit elts
GQLService <$> [t| 'OneOf $(textToStrLit nm)
$(pure $ typesToList selts) |]
<*> pure []
typeToDec schemaName tm _ (GQL.ScalarTypeDefinition _ s _) =
GQLScalar <$ gqlTypeToType s tm schemaName
typeToDec schemaName tm sm (GQL.ObjectTypeDefinition _ nm _ _ flds) = do
typeToDec prims schemaName tm _ (GQL.ScalarTypeDefinition _ s _) =
GQLScalar <$ gqlTypeToType prims s tm schemaName
typeToDec prims schemaName tm sm (GQL.ObjectTypeDefinition _ nm _ _ flds) = do
(fieldInfos, defaults) <- unzip <$> traverse (gqlFieldToType nm) flds
GQLService <$> [t| 'Service $(textToStrLit nm)
$(pure $ typesToList fieldInfos) |]
@ -169,21 +197,21 @@ typeToDec schemaName tm sm (GQL.ObjectTypeDefinition _ nm _ _ flds) = do
fromGQLField (GQL.ObjectField n (GQL.Node v _) _) = [t| ($(textToStrLit n), $(defToVConst v)) |]
retToType :: GQL.Type -> Q Type
retToType (GQL.TypeNonNull (GQL.NonNullTypeNamed a)) =
[t| $(gqlTypeToType a tm schemaName) |]
[t| $(gqlTypeToType prims a tm schemaName) |]
retToType (GQL.TypeNonNull (GQL.NonNullTypeList a)) =
[t| 'ListRef $(retToType a) |]
retToType (GQL.TypeNamed a) =
[t| 'OptionalRef $(gqlTypeToType a tm schemaName) |]
[t| 'OptionalRef $(gqlTypeToType prims a tm schemaName) |]
retToType (GQL.TypeList a) =
[t| 'OptionalRef ('ListRef $(retToType a)) |]
typeToDec _ _ _ (GQL.EnumTypeDefinition _ name _ symbols) =
typeToDec _ _ _ _ (GQL.EnumTypeDefinition _ name _ symbols) =
GQLSchema <$> [t|'DEnum $(textToStrLit name)
$(typesToList <$> traverse gqlChoiceToType symbols)|]
gqlChoiceToType :: GQL.EnumValueDefinition -> Q Type
gqlChoiceToType (GQL.EnumValueDefinition _ c _) =
[t|'ChoiceDef $(textToStrLit c)|]
typeToDec _ _ _ (GQL.InputObjectTypeDefinition _ name _ fields) =
typeToDec prims _ _ _ (GQL.InputObjectTypeDefinition _ name _ fields) =
GQLSchema <$> [t|'DRecord $(textToStrLit name)
$(typesToList <$> traverse gqlFieldToType fields)|]
@ -200,32 +228,24 @@ typeToDec _ _ _ (GQL.InputObjectTypeDefinition _ name _ fields) =
ginputTypeToType (GQL.TypeList a) =
[t| 'TOption ('TList $(ginputTypeToType a)) |]
typeToPrimType :: GQL.Name -> Q Type
typeToPrimType "Int" = [t|'TPrimitive Integer|]
typeToPrimType "Float" = [t|'TPrimitive Double|]
typeToPrimType "String" = [t|'TPrimitive T.Text|]
typeToPrimType "Boolean" = [t|'TPrimitive Bool|]
typeToPrimType "ID" = [t|'TPrimitive UUID|]
typeToPrimType "JSON" = [t|'TPrimitive JSON.Value|]
typeToPrimType "JSONObject" = [t|'TPrimitive JSON.Object|]
typeToPrimType nm = [t|'TSchematic $(textToStrLit nm)|]
typeToPrimType nm
= case lookup nm prims of
Just ty -> [t|'TPrimitive $ty|]
Nothing -> [t|'TSchematic $(textToStrLit nm)|]
-- For the JSON scalar we follow
gqlTypeToType :: GQL.Name -> TypeMap -> Name -> Q Type
gqlTypeToType "Int" _ _ = [t|'PrimitiveRef Integer|]
gqlTypeToType "Float" _ _ = [t|'PrimitiveRef Double|]
gqlTypeToType "String" _ _ = [t|'PrimitiveRef T.Text|]
gqlTypeToType "Boolean" _ _ = [t|'PrimitiveRef Bool|]
gqlTypeToType "ID" _ _ = [t|'PrimitiveRef UUID|]
gqlTypeToType "JSON" _ _ = [t|'PrimitiveRef JSON.Value|]
gqlTypeToType "JSONObject" _ _ = [t|'PrimitiveRef JSON.Object|]
gqlTypeToType name tm schemaName =
let schemaRef = [t|'SchemaRef $(conT schemaName) $(textToStrLit name)|]
in case HM.lookup name tm of
Just Enum -> schemaRef
Just InputObject -> schemaRef
_ -> [t|'ObjectRef $(textToStrLit name)|]
gqlTypeToType :: Primitives -> GQL.Name -> TypeMap -> Name -> Q Type
gqlTypeToType prims name tm schemaName
= case lookup name prims of
Just ty -> [t|'PrimitiveRef $ty|]
-> let schemaRef = [t|'SchemaRef $(conT schemaName) $(textToStrLit name)|]
in case HM.lookup name tm of
Just Enum -> schemaRef
Just InputObject -> schemaRef
_ -> [t|'ObjectRef $(textToStrLit name)|]
typesToList :: [Type] -> Type
typesToList = foldr (AppT . AppT PromotedConsT) PromotedNilT