Update docs about gRPC clients (#68)

Co-authored-by: Flavio Corpa <flavio.corpa@47deg.com>
This commit is contained in:
Alejandro Serrano 2020-01-09 14:49:11 +01:00 committed by Flavio Corpa
parent 68cc3d4162
commit 486ae13e98

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@ -47,20 +47,22 @@ main = do
Where `watch`, `get` and `add` are the only valid 3 commands that our CLI is going to accept and call each respective service.
If you are not familiar with `TypeApplications`, you can check [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/6ufnmr/scrap_your_proxy_arguments_with_typeapplications/), [that](https://blog.sumtypeofway.com/posts/fluent-polymorphism-type-applications.html) and [this](https://kseo.github.io/posts/2017-01-08-visible-type-application-ghc8.html).
### Using records
This option is a bit more verbose but it's also more explicit with the types and _"a bit more magic"_ than the one with `TypeApplications` (due to the use of Generics).
We need to define a new record type (hence the name) that declares the services our client is going to consume. Remember that the names of the record fields **must match** exactly the methods in the service:
We need to define a new record type (hence the name) that declares the services our client is going to consume. The names of the fields **must** match the names of the methods in the service, optionally prefixed by a **common** string. The prefix may also be empty, which means that the names in the record are exactly those in the service definition. In this case, we are prepending `call_` to each of them:
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Mu.GRpc.Client.Record
data Call = Call
{ getPerson :: MPersonRequest -> IO (GRpcReply MPerson)
, newPerson :: MPerson -> IO (GRpcReply MPersonRequest)
, allPeople :: IO (ConduitT () (GRpcReply MPerson) IO ())
{ call_getPerson :: MPersonRequest -> IO (GRpcReply MPerson)
, call_newPerson :: MPerson -> IO (GRpcReply MPersonRequest)
, call_allPeople :: IO (ConduitT () (GRpcReply MPerson) IO ())
} deriving Generic
@ -72,13 +74,11 @@ main = do
let config = grpcClientConfigSimple "" 1234 False
- Right client <- setupGrpcClient' config
+ Right grpcClient <- setupGrpcClient' config
+ let client = buildService @Service "/grpc" grpcClient
+ let client = buildService @Service @"call_" grpcClient
args <- getArgs
Instead of building our client directly, we need to call `buildService` (and enable `TypeApplications`) to create the actual gRPC client. If you don't like `TypeApplications`, it is also possible to use a combination of `ScopedTypeVariables` and something like `(Proxy :: Proxy Service)` to achieve the same result, but it's a bit more verbose and we _encourge you<sup>1</sup>_ to use `TypeApplications` instead. 😉
That string (or `ByteString`) as a second argument to `buildService` corresponds to the route of the service.
Instead of building our client directly, we need to call `buildService` (and enable `TypeApplications`) to create the actual gRPC client. There are two type arguments to be explicitly given: the first one is the `Service` definition we want a client for, and the second one is the prefix in the record (in our case, this is `call_`). In the case you want an empty prefix, you write `@""` in that second position.
After that, let's have a look at an example implementation of the three service calls:
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ get :: Call -> String -> IO ()
get client idPerson = do
let req = MPersonRequest $ readMaybe idPerson
putStrLn $ "GET: is there some person with id: " ++ idPerson ++ "?"
res <- getPerson client req
res <- call_getPerson client req
putStrLn $ "GET: response was: " ++ show res
@ -100,12 +100,12 @@ add :: Call -> String -> String -> IO ()
add client nm ag = do
let p = MPerson Nothing (Just $ T.pack nm) (readMaybe ag)
putStrLn $ "ADD: creating new person " ++ nm ++ " with age " ++ ag
res <- newPerson client p
res <- call_newPerson client p
putStrLn $ "ADD: was creating successful? " ++ show res
watching :: Call -> IO ()
watching client = do
replies <- allPeople client
replies <- call_allPeople client
runConduit $ replies .| C.mapM_ print
@ -150,6 +150,4 @@ Here though, while mapping `print` to the `Conduit`, we needed to add a type ann
<sup>1</sup> To read more on `TypeApplications`, you can check [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/6ufnmr/scrap_your_proxy_arguments_with_typeapplications/), [that](https://blog.sumtypeofway.com/posts/fluent-polymorphism-type-applications.html) and [this](https://kseo.github.io/posts/2017-01-08-visible-type-application-ghc8.html).
To see a **working example** you can check all the code at the [example with persistent](https://github.com/higherkindness/mu-haskell/tree/master/examples/with-persistent).