GraphQL introspection (#153)

This commit is contained in:
Alejandro Serrano 2020-03-25 13:37:30 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent 8eb8947bf1
commit 5954d26cb8
8 changed files with 629 additions and 81 deletions

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@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ main = do
("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
, ("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Content-Type")
run 8000 $ hm $ graphQLApp libraryServer
run 8000 $ {- hm $ -} graphQLApp libraryServer
(Proxy @('Just "Query")) (Proxy @'Nothing) (Proxy @('Just "Subscription"))
type ServiceDefinition

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ library

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@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ module Mu.GraphQL.Query.Definition where
import Data.SOP.NP
import Data.SOP.NS
import Data.Text
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as GQL
import Mu.Rpc
import Mu.Schema
@ -34,9 +35,20 @@ data OneMethodQuery (p :: Package snm mnm anm) (s :: Service snm mnm anm) where
:: Maybe Text
-> NS (ChosenMethodQuery p) ms
-> OneMethodQuery p ('Service nm anns ms)
-- the special '__typename' field
:: Maybe Text
-> OneMethodQuery p ('Service nm anns ms)
-- introspection fields
:: Maybe Text
-> GQL.SelectionSet
-> OneMethodQuery p ('Service nm anns ms)
:: Maybe Text
-> Text
-> GQL.SelectionSet
-> OneMethodQuery p ('Service nm anns ms)
data ChosenMethodQuery (p :: Package snm mnm anm) (m :: Method snm mnm anm) where
@ -83,6 +95,9 @@ data OneFieldQuery (sch :: Schema tn fn) (fs :: [FieldDef tn fn]) where
:: Maybe Text
-> NS (ChosenFieldQuery sch) fs
-> OneFieldQuery sch fs
:: Maybe Text
-> OneFieldQuery sch fs
data ChosenFieldQuery (sch :: Schema tn fn) (f :: FieldDef tn fn) where

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@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
{-# language DataKinds #-}
{-# language FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# language FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# language MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# language OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# language ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# language TypeApplications #-}
{-# language TypeFamilies #-}
{-# language TypeOperators #-}
{-# language UndecidableInstances #-}
module Mu.GraphQL.Query.Introspection where
import Control.Monad.Writer
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import Data.Int (Int32)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Text as T
import GHC.TypeLits
import Mu.Rpc
import qualified Mu.Schema as Mu
type TypeMap = HM.HashMap T.Text Type
data Schema
= Schema { queryType :: Maybe T.Text
, mutationType :: Maybe T.Text
, subscriptionType :: Maybe T.Text
, types :: TypeMap }
deriving Show
data Type
= Type { kind :: TypeKind
, typeName :: Maybe T.Text
, fields :: [Field]
, enumValues :: [EnumValue]
, ofType :: Maybe Type }
| TypeRef { to :: T.Text }
deriving Show
data Field
= Field { fieldName :: T.Text
, args :: [Input]
, fieldType :: Type }
deriving Show
data Input
= Input { inputName :: T.Text
, inputDefaultValue :: Maybe T.Text
, inputType :: Type }
deriving Show
newtype EnumValue
= EnumValue { enumValueName :: T.Text }
deriving Show
data TypeKind
deriving Show
tSimple :: T.Text -> Type
tSimple t = Type SCALAR (Just t) [] [] Nothing
tList :: Type -> Type
tList = Type LIST Nothing [] [] . Just
tNonNull :: Type -> Type
tNonNull = Type NON_NULL Nothing [] [] . Just
unwrapNonNull :: Type -> Maybe Type
unwrapNonNull (Type NON_NULL _ _ _ x) = x
unwrapNonNull _ = Nothing
-- ========================
class Introspect (p :: Package')
(qr :: Maybe Symbol)
(mut :: Maybe Symbol)
(sub :: Maybe Symbol) where
:: Proxy p -> Proxy qr -> Proxy mut -> Proxy sub -> Schema
instance ( IntrospectServices ss sub
, KnownMaybeSymbol qr
, KnownMaybeSymbol mut
, KnownMaybeSymbol sub)
=> Introspect ('Package nm ss) qr mut sub where
introspect _ _ _ _
= let (_, ts) = runWriter $
introspectServices (Proxy @ss) (Proxy @sub) >>
tell (HM.fromList ((\i -> (i, tSimple i)) <$> ["Int", "Float", "String", "Boolean", "ID"]))
in Schema (maybeSymbolVal (Proxy @qr))
(maybeSymbolVal (Proxy @mut))
(maybeSymbolVal (Proxy @sub))
class KnownMaybeSymbol (s :: Maybe Symbol) where
maybeSymbolVal :: Proxy s -> Maybe T.Text
instance KnownSymbol s => KnownMaybeSymbol ('Just s) where
maybeSymbolVal _ = Just $ T.pack $ symbolVal (Proxy @s)
instance KnownMaybeSymbol 'Nothing where
maybeSymbolVal _ = Nothing
type family IsSub (sname :: Symbol) (sub :: Maybe Symbol) :: Bool where
IsSub sname 'Nothing = 'False
IsSub sname ('Just sname) = 'True
IsSub sname ('Just other) = 'False
class IntrospectServices (ss :: [Service']) (sub :: Maybe Symbol) where
:: Proxy ss -> Proxy sub -> Writer TypeMap ()
instance IntrospectServices '[] sub where
introspectServices _ _ = pure ()
instance ( KnownSymbol sname
, IntrospectFields smethods (IsSub sname sub)
, IntrospectServices ss sub )
=> IntrospectServices ('Service sname sanns smethods ': ss) sub where
introspectServices _ psub
= do let name = T.pack $ symbolVal (Proxy @sname)
fs <- introspectFields (Proxy @smethods) (Proxy @(IsSub sname sub))
let t = Type OBJECT (Just name) fs [] Nothing
-- add this one to the mix
tell (HM.singleton name t)
-- continue with the rest
introspectServices (Proxy @ss) psub
class IntrospectFields (fs :: [Method']) (isSub :: Bool) where
:: Proxy fs -> Proxy isSub -> Writer TypeMap [Field]
instance IntrospectFields '[] isSub where
introspectFields _ _ = pure []
instance ( KnownSymbol mname
, IntrospectInputs margs
, IntrospectReturn mret isSub
, IntrospectFields fs isSub)
=> IntrospectFields ('Method mname manns margs mret ': fs) isSub where
introspectFields _ pIsSub
= do let name = T.pack $ symbolVal (Proxy @mname)
inputs <- introspectInputs (Proxy @margs)
ret <- introspectReturn (Proxy @mret) pIsSub
let this = Field name inputs ret
(this :) <$> introspectFields (Proxy @fs) pIsSub
class IntrospectInputs (args :: [Argument']) where
:: Proxy args -> Writer TypeMap [Input]
instance IntrospectInputs '[] where
introspectInputs _ = pure []
instance ( KnownMaybeSymbol nm
, IntrospectTypeRef r
, IntrospectInputs args )
=> IntrospectInputs ('ArgSingle nm anns r ': args) where
introspectInputs _
= do let nm = maybeSymbolVal (Proxy @nm)
t <- introspectTypeRef (Proxy @r) False
-- TODO Find default value
let this = Input (fromMaybe "arg" nm) Nothing t
(this :) <$> introspectInputs (Proxy @args)
instance ( KnownMaybeSymbol nm
, IntrospectTypeRef r
, IntrospectInputs args )
=> IntrospectInputs ('ArgStream nm anns r ': args) where
introspectInputs _
= do let nm = maybeSymbolVal (Proxy @nm)
t <- tList <$> introspectTypeRef (Proxy @r) False
-- TODO Find default value
let this = Input (fromMaybe "arg" nm) Nothing t
(this :) <$> introspectInputs (Proxy @args)
class IntrospectReturn (r :: Return Symbol) (isSub :: Bool) where
:: Proxy r -> Proxy isSub -> Writer TypeMap Type
instance IntrospectReturn 'RetNothing isSub where
introspectReturn _ _ = pure $ tSimple "Null"
instance IntrospectTypeRef t
=> IntrospectReturn ('RetSingle t) isSub where
introspectReturn _ _ = introspectTypeRef (Proxy @t) True
instance IntrospectTypeRef t
=> IntrospectReturn ('RetStream t) 'False where
introspectReturn _ _ = tList <$> introspectTypeRef (Proxy @t) True
instance IntrospectTypeRef t
=> IntrospectReturn ('RetStream t) 'True where
introspectReturn _ _ = introspectTypeRef (Proxy @t) True
class IntrospectTypeRef (tr :: TypeRef Symbol) where
:: Proxy tr -> Bool -> Writer TypeMap Type
instance IntrospectTypeRef ('PrimitiveRef Bool) where
introspectTypeRef _ _ = pure $ tNonNull $ tSimple "Boolean"
instance IntrospectTypeRef ('PrimitiveRef Int32) where
introspectTypeRef _ _ = pure $ tNonNull $ tSimple "Int"
instance IntrospectTypeRef ('PrimitiveRef Integer) where
introspectTypeRef _ _ = pure $ tNonNull $ tSimple "Int"
instance IntrospectTypeRef ('PrimitiveRef Double) where
introspectTypeRef _ _ = pure $ tNonNull $ tSimple "Float"
instance IntrospectTypeRef ('PrimitiveRef String) where
introspectTypeRef _ _ = pure $ tNonNull $ tSimple "String"
instance IntrospectTypeRef ('PrimitiveRef Text) where
introspectTypeRef _ _ = pure $ tNonNull $ tSimple "String"
instance (IntrospectTypeRef r)
=> IntrospectTypeRef ('ListRef r) where
introspectTypeRef _ isRet = tList <$> introspectTypeRef (Proxy @r) isRet
instance (IntrospectTypeRef r)
=> IntrospectTypeRef ('OptionalRef r) where
introspectTypeRef _ isRet = do
r <- introspectTypeRef (Proxy @r) isRet
pure $ fromMaybe r (unwrapNonNull r)
instance (KnownSymbol o)
=> IntrospectTypeRef ('ObjectRef o) where
introspectTypeRef _ _
= pure $ TypeRef $ T.pack $ symbolVal (Proxy @o)
instance (IntrospectSchema sch, KnownSymbol t)
=> IntrospectTypeRef ('SchemaRef sch t) where
introspectTypeRef _ isRet
= do let (k, suffix) = if isRet then (OBJECT, "R") else (INPUT_OBJECT, "")
introspectSchema k suffix (Proxy @sch)
pure $ TypeRef $ T.pack (symbolVal (Proxy @t)) <> suffix
class IntrospectSchema (ts :: [Mu.TypeDef Symbol Symbol]) where
:: TypeKind -> Text -> Proxy ts -> Writer TypeMap ()
instance IntrospectSchema '[] where
introspectSchema _ _ _ = pure ()
instance (KnownSymbol name, IntrospectSchemaFields fields, IntrospectSchema ts)
=> IntrospectSchema ('Mu.DRecord name fields ': ts) where
introspectSchema k suffix _
= do let name = T.pack (symbolVal (Proxy @name)) <> suffix
fs = introspectSchemaFields suffix (Proxy @fields)
t = Type k (Just name) fs [] Nothing
-- add this one to the mix
tell (HM.singleton name t)
-- continue with the rest
introspectSchema k suffix (Proxy @ts)
instance (KnownSymbol name, IntrospectSchemaEnum choices, IntrospectSchema ts)
=> IntrospectSchema ('Mu.DEnum name choices ': ts) where
introspectSchema k suffix _
= do let name = T.pack (symbolVal (Proxy @name)) <> suffix
cs = introspectSchemaEnum (Proxy @choices)
t = Type ENUM (Just name) [] cs Nothing
-- add this one to the mix
tell (HM.singleton name t)
-- continue with the rest
introspectSchema k suffix (Proxy @ts)
class IntrospectSchemaFields (fs :: [Mu.FieldDef Symbol Symbol]) where
:: T.Text -> Proxy fs -> [Field]
instance IntrospectSchemaFields '[] where
introspectSchemaFields _ _ = []
instance (KnownSymbol fname,IntrospectSchemaFieldType r, IntrospectSchemaFields fs)
=> IntrospectSchemaFields ('Mu.FieldDef fname r ': fs) where
introspectSchemaFields suffix _
= let name = T.pack $ symbolVal (Proxy @fname)
ret = introspectSchemaFieldType suffix (Proxy @r)
this = Field name [] ret
in this : introspectSchemaFields suffix (Proxy @fs)
class IntrospectSchemaFieldType (t :: Mu.FieldType Symbol) where
:: T.Text -> Proxy t -> Type
instance IntrospectSchemaFieldType ('Mu.TPrimitive Bool) where
introspectSchemaFieldType _ _ = tNonNull $ tSimple "Boolean"
instance IntrospectSchemaFieldType ('Mu.TPrimitive Int32) where
introspectSchemaFieldType _ _ = tNonNull $ tSimple "Int"
instance IntrospectSchemaFieldType ('Mu.TPrimitive Integer) where
introspectSchemaFieldType _ _ = tNonNull $ tSimple "Int"
instance IntrospectSchemaFieldType ('Mu.TPrimitive Double) where
introspectSchemaFieldType _ _ = tNonNull $ tSimple "Float"
instance IntrospectSchemaFieldType ('Mu.TPrimitive String) where
introspectSchemaFieldType _ _ = tNonNull $ tSimple "String"
instance IntrospectSchemaFieldType ('Mu.TPrimitive Text) where
introspectSchemaFieldType _ _ = tNonNull $ tSimple "String"
instance (IntrospectSchemaFieldType r)
=> IntrospectSchemaFieldType ('Mu.TList r) where
introspectSchemaFieldType suffix _
= tList $ introspectSchemaFieldType suffix (Proxy @r)
instance (IntrospectSchemaFieldType r)
=> IntrospectSchemaFieldType ('Mu.TOption r) where
introspectSchemaFieldType suffix _
= let r = introspectSchemaFieldType suffix (Proxy @r)
in fromMaybe r (unwrapNonNull r)
instance (KnownSymbol nm)
=> IntrospectSchemaFieldType ('Mu.TSchematic nm) where
introspectSchemaFieldType suffix _
= TypeRef $ T.pack (symbolVal (Proxy @nm)) <> suffix
class IntrospectSchemaEnum (c :: [Mu.ChoiceDef Symbol]) where
introspectSchemaEnum :: Proxy c -> [EnumValue]
instance IntrospectSchemaEnum '[] where
introspectSchemaEnum _ = []
instance (KnownSymbol nm, IntrospectSchemaEnum cs)
=> IntrospectSchemaEnum ('Mu.ChoiceDef nm ': cs) where
introspectSchemaEnum _
= let this = EnumValue $ T.pack $ symbolVal (Proxy @nm)
in this : introspectSchemaEnum (Proxy @cs)

View File

@ -269,9 +269,24 @@ parseQuery pp ps vmap frmap (GQL.SelectionField fld : ss)
| any (shouldSkip vmap) dirs
= pure Nothing
| GQL.unName name == "__typename"
= case sels of
[] -> pure $ Just $ TypeNameQuery $ GQL.unName . GQL.unAlias <$> alias
_ -> throwError "__typename does not admit selection of subfields"
= case (args, sels) of
([], []) -> pure $ Just $ TypeNameQuery $ GQL.unName . GQL.unAlias <$> alias
_ -> throwError "__typename does not admit arguments nor selection of subfields"
| GQL.unName name == "__schema"
= case args of
[] -> Just . SchemaQuery (GQL.unName . GQL.unAlias <$> alias) <$> unFragment frmap sels
_ -> throwError "__schema does not admit selection of subfields"
| GQL.unName name == "__type"
= let alias' = GQL.unName . GQL.unAlias <$> alias
getString (GQL.VString s) = Just $ coerce s
getString (GQL.VVariable v) = HM.lookup (coerce v) vmap >>= getString
getString _ = Nothing
in case args of
[GQL.Argument _ val]
-> case getString val of
Just s -> Just . TypeQuery alias' s <$> unFragment frmap sels
_ -> throwError "__type requires a string argument"
_ -> throwError "__type requires one single argument"
| otherwise
= Just . OneMethodQuery (GQL.unName . GQL.unAlias <$> alias)
<$> selectMethod (T.pack $ nameVal (Proxy @s)) vmap frmap name args sels
@ -298,6 +313,21 @@ shouldSkip vmap (GQL.Directive (GQL.unName -> nm) [GQL.Argument (GQL.unName -> i
_ -> False
shouldSkip _ _ = False
unFragment :: MonadError T.Text f
=> FragmentMap -> GQL.SelectionSet -> f GQL.SelectionSet
unFragment _ [] = pure []
unFragment frmap (GQL.SelectionFragmentSpread (GQL.FragmentSpread nm _) : ss)
| Just fr <- HM.lookup (GQL.unName nm) frmap
= (++) <$> unFragment frmap (GQL._fdSelectionSet fr)
<*> unFragment frmap ss
| otherwise -- the fragment definition was not found
= throwError $ "fragment '" <> GQL.unName nm <> "' was not found"
unFragment frmap (GQL.SelectionField (GQL.Field al nm args dir innerss) : ss)
= (:) <$> (GQL.SelectionField . GQL.Field al nm args dir <$> unFragment frmap innerss)
<*> unFragment frmap ss
unFragment _ _
= throwError "inline fragments are not (yet) supported"
class ParseMethod (p :: Package') (ms :: [Method']) where
selectMethod ::
MonadError T.Text f =>
@ -666,6 +696,10 @@ parseSchemaQuery pp ps vmap frmap (GQL.SelectionField fld : ss)
fieldToMethod (GQL.Field alias name args dirs sels)
| any (shouldSkip vmap) dirs
= pure Nothing
| GQL.unName name == "__typename"
= case (args, sels) of
([], []) -> pure $ Just $ TypeNameFieldQuery $ GQL.unName . GQL.unAlias <$> alias
_ -> throwError "__typename does not admit arguments nor selection of subfields"
| _:_ <- args
= throwError "this field does not support arguments"
| otherwise

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
{-# language TypeApplications #-}
{-# language TypeOperators #-}
{-# language UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# language ViewPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fprint-explicit-foralls #-}
module Mu.GraphQL.Query.Run (
@ -32,14 +33,16 @@ import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as Aeson
import Data.Conduit
import Data.Conduit.Combinators (sinkList, yieldMany)
import Data.Conduit.Internal (ConduitT (..), Pipe (..))
import Data.Conduit.TQueue
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as T
import GHC.TypeLits
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as GQL
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import Mu.GraphQL.Query.Definition
import qualified Mu.GraphQL.Query.Introspection as Intro
import Mu.GraphQL.Query.Parse
import Mu.Rpc
import Mu.Schema
@ -134,13 +137,17 @@ instance
, KnownSymbol sub
, RunQueryFindHandler m p hs chn ss (LookupService ss sub) hs
, MappingRight chn sub ~ ()
, Intro.Introspect p ('Just qr) ('Just mut) ('Just sub)
) => RunDocument p ('Just qr) ('Just mut) ('Just sub) m chn hs where
runDocument f svr (QueryDoc q)
= runQuery f svr [] () q
runDocument f svr (MutationDoc q)
= runQuery f svr [] () q
runDocument _ _ (SubscriptionDoc _)
= pure $ singleErrValue "cannot execute subscriptions in this wire"
runDocument f svr d
= let i = Intro.introspect (Proxy @p) (Proxy @('Just qr)) (Proxy @('Just mut)) (Proxy @('Just sub))
in case d of
QueryDoc q
-> runQuery f i svr [] () q
MutationDoc q
-> runQuery f i svr [] () q
SubscriptionDoc _
-> pure $ singleErrValue "cannot execute subscriptions in this wire"
runDocumentSubscription f svr (SubscriptionDoc d)
= runSubscription f svr [] () d
runDocumentSubscription f svr d = yieldDocument f svr d
@ -153,11 +160,15 @@ instance
, KnownSymbol mut
, RunQueryFindHandler m p hs chn ss (LookupService ss mut) hs
, MappingRight chn mut ~ ()
, Intro.Introspect p ('Just qr) ('Just mut) 'Nothing
) => RunDocument p ('Just qr) ('Just mut) 'Nothing m chn hs where
runDocument f svr (QueryDoc q)
= runQuery f svr [] () q
runDocument f svr (MutationDoc q)
= runQuery f svr [] () q
runDocument f svr d
= let i = Intro.introspect (Proxy @p) (Proxy @('Just qr)) (Proxy @('Just mut)) (Proxy @'Nothing)
in case d of
QueryDoc q
-> runQuery f i svr [] () q
MutationDoc q
-> runQuery f i svr [] () q
runDocumentSubscription = yieldDocument
@ -168,11 +179,15 @@ instance
, KnownSymbol sub
, RunQueryFindHandler m p hs chn ss (LookupService ss sub) hs
, MappingRight chn sub ~ ()
, Intro.Introspect p ('Just qr) 'Nothing ('Just sub)
) => RunDocument p ('Just qr) 'Nothing ('Just sub) m chn hs where
runDocument f svr (QueryDoc q)
= runQuery f svr [] () q
runDocument _ _ (SubscriptionDoc _)
= pure $ singleErrValue "cannot execute subscriptions in this wire"
runDocument f svr d
= let i = Intro.introspect (Proxy @p) (Proxy @('Just qr)) (Proxy @'Nothing) (Proxy @('Just sub))
in case d of
QueryDoc q
-> runQuery f i svr [] () q
SubscriptionDoc _
-> pure $ singleErrValue "cannot execute subscriptions in this wire"
runDocumentSubscription f svr (SubscriptionDoc d)
= runSubscription f svr [] () d
runDocumentSubscription f svr d = yieldDocument f svr d
@ -182,51 +197,18 @@ instance
, KnownSymbol qr
, RunQueryFindHandler m p hs chn ss (LookupService ss qr) hs
, MappingRight chn qr ~ ()
, Intro.Introspect p ('Just qr) 'Nothing 'Nothing
) => RunDocument p ('Just qr) 'Nothing 'Nothing m chn hs where
runDocument f svr (QueryDoc q)
= runQuery f svr [] () q
runDocument f svr d
= let i = Intro.introspect (Proxy @p) (Proxy @('Just qr)) (Proxy @'Nothing) (Proxy @'Nothing)
in case d of
QueryDoc q
-> runQuery f i svr [] () q
runDocumentSubscription = yieldDocument
( p ~ 'Package pname ss
, KnownSymbol mut
, RunQueryFindHandler m p hs chn ss (LookupService ss mut) hs
, MappingRight chn mut ~ ()
, KnownSymbol sub
, RunQueryFindHandler m p hs chn ss (LookupService ss sub) hs
, MappingRight chn sub ~ ()
) => RunDocument p 'Nothing ('Just mut) ('Just sub) m chn hs where
runDocument f svr (MutationDoc q)
= runQuery f svr [] () q
runDocument _ _ (SubscriptionDoc _)
= pure $ singleErrValue "cannot execute subscriptions in this wire"
runDocumentSubscription f svr (SubscriptionDoc d)
= runSubscription f svr [] () d
runDocumentSubscription f svr d = yieldDocument f svr d
( p ~ 'Package pname ss
, KnownSymbol mut
, RunQueryFindHandler m p hs chn ss (LookupService ss mut) hs
, MappingRight chn mut ~ ()
) => RunDocument p 'Nothing ('Just mut) 'Nothing m chn hs where
runDocument f svr (MutationDoc q)
= runQuery f svr [] () q
runDocumentSubscription = yieldDocument
( p ~ 'Package pname ss
, KnownSymbol sub
, RunQueryFindHandler m p hs chn ss (LookupService ss sub) hs
, MappingRight chn sub ~ ()
) => RunDocument p 'Nothing 'Nothing ('Just sub) m chn hs where
runDocument _ _ (SubscriptionDoc _)
= pure $ singleErrValue "cannot execute subscriptions in this wire"
runDocumentSubscription f svr (SubscriptionDoc d)
= runSubscription f svr [] () d
RunDocument p 'Nothing 'Nothing 'Nothing m chn hs where
( TypeError ('Text "you need to have a query in your schema")
) => RunDocument p 'Nothing mut sub m chn hs where
runDocument _ = error "this should never be called"
runDocumentSubscription _ = error "this should never be called"
@ -253,12 +235,12 @@ runQuery
, s ~ 'Service sname sanns ms
, inh ~ MappingRight chn sname )
=> (forall a. m a -> ServerErrorIO a)
-> ServerT chn p m hs
-> Intro.Schema -> ServerT chn p m hs
-> [T.Text]
-> inh
-> ServiceQuery p s
-> WriterT [GraphQLError] IO Aeson.Value
runQuery f whole@(Services ss) path = runQueryFindHandler f whole path ss
runQuery f sch whole@(Services ss) path = runQueryFindHandler f sch whole path ss
:: forall m p s pname ss hs sname sanns ms chn inh.
@ -282,7 +264,7 @@ class RunQueryFindHandler m p whole chn ss s hs where
, s ~ 'Service sname sanns ms
, inh ~ MappingRight chn sname )
=> (forall a. m a -> ServerErrorIO a)
-> ServerT chn p m whole
-> Intro.Schema -> ServerT chn p m whole
-> [T.Text]
-> ServicesT chn ss m hs
-> inh
@ -308,13 +290,13 @@ instance TypeError ('Text "Could not find handler for " ':<>: 'ShowType s)
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-}
RunQueryFindHandler m p whole chn ss s hs
=> RunQueryFindHandler m p whole chn (other ': ss) s (h ': hs) where
runQueryFindHandler f whole path (_ :<&>: that)
= runQueryFindHandler f whole path that
runQueryFindHandler f sch whole path (_ :<&>: that)
= runQueryFindHandler f sch whole path that
runSubscriptionFindHandler f whole path (_ :<&>: that)
= runSubscriptionFindHandler f whole path that
instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} (s ~ 'Service sname sanns ms, KnownName sname, RunMethod m p whole chn sname ms h)
=> RunQueryFindHandler m p whole chn (s ': ss) s (h ': hs) where
runQueryFindHandler f whole path (this :<&>: _) inh queries
runQueryFindHandler f sch whole path (this :<&>: _) inh queries
= Aeson.object . catMaybes <$> mapM runOneQuery queries
-- if we include the signature we have to write
@ -325,6 +307,21 @@ instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} (s ~ 'Service sname sanns ms, KnownName sname, RunMet
runOneQuery (TypeNameQuery nm)
= let realName = fromMaybe "__typename" nm
in pure $ Just (realName, Aeson.String $ T.pack $ nameVal (Proxy @sname))
-- handle __schema
runOneQuery (SchemaQuery nm ss)
= do let realName = fromMaybe "__schema" nm
Just . (realName, ) <$> runIntroSchema path sch ss
-- handle __type
runOneQuery (TypeQuery nm ty ss)
= do let realName = fromMaybe "__schema" nm
res <- runIntroType path sch (Intro.TypeRef ty) ss
case res of
Just val -> pure $ Just (realName, val)
Nothing -> do tell [GraphQLError
(ServerError Invalid
$ "cannot find type '" <> T.unpack ty <> "'")
pure $ Just (realName, Aeson.Null)
-- subscriptions should only have one element
runSubscriptionFindHandler f whole path (this :<&>: _) inh (OneMethodQuery nm args) sink
= runMethodSubscription f whole (Proxy @sname) path nm inh this args sink
@ -332,6 +329,11 @@ instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} (s ~ 'Service sname sanns ms, KnownName sname, RunMet
= let realName = fromMaybe "__typename" nm
o = Aeson.object [(realName, Aeson.String $ T.pack $ nameVal (Proxy @sname))]
in runConduit $ yieldMany ([o] :: [Aeson.Value]) .| sink
runSubscriptionFindHandler _ _ _ _ _ _ sink
= runConduit $ yieldMany
([singleErrValue "__schema and __type are not supported in subscriptions"]
:: [Aeson.Value])
.| sink
class RunMethod m p whole chn sname ms hs where
@ -464,19 +466,6 @@ instance (MonadIO m, MonadError ServerError m, ResultConversion m p whole chn r
_ -> pure $ Aeson.object [ ("data", fromMaybe Aeson.Null data_)
, ("errors", Aeson.listValue errValue errors) ]
mapInputM :: Monad m
=> (i1 -> m i2) -- ^ map initial input to new input
-> (i2 -> m (Maybe i1)) -- ^ map new leftovers to initial leftovers
-> ConduitT i2 o m r
-> ConduitT i1 o m r
mapInputM f f' (ConduitT c0) = ConduitT $ \rest -> let
go (HaveOutput p o) = HaveOutput (go p) o
go (NeedInput p c) = NeedInput (\i -> PipeM $ go . p <$> f i) (go . c)
go (Done r) = rest r
go (PipeM mp) = PipeM $ fmap go mp
go (Leftover p i) = PipeM $ (\x -> maybe id (flip Leftover) x (go p)) <$> f' i
in go (c0 Done)
class FromRef chn ref t
=> ArgumentConversion chn ref t where
convertArg :: Proxy chn -> ArgumentValue' p ref -> t
@ -512,7 +501,9 @@ instance ( MappingRight chn ref ~ t
, RunQueryFindHandler m ('Package pname ss) whole chn ss ('Service sname sanns ms) whole)
=> ResultConversion m ('Package pname ss) whole chn ('ObjectRef ref) t where
convertResult f whole path (RetObject q) h
= Just <$> runQuery @m @('Package pname ss) @(LookupService ss ref) f whole path h q
= Just <$> runQuery @m @('Package pname ss) @(LookupService ss ref) f
(error "cannot inspect schema inside a field")
whole path h q
instance ResultConversion m p whole chn r s
=> ResultConversion m p whole chn ('OptionalRef r) (Maybe s) where
convertResult _ _ _ _ Nothing
@ -532,7 +523,7 @@ class RunSchemaQuery sch r where
instance ( Aeson.ToJSON (Term sch ('DEnum name choices)) )
=> RunSchemaQuery sch ('DEnum name choices) where
runSchemaQuery t _ = Aeson.toJSON t
instance ( RunSchemaField sch fields )
instance ( KnownName rname, RunSchemaField sch fields )
=> RunSchemaQuery sch ('DRecord rname fields) where
runSchemaQuery (TRecord args) (QueryRecord rs)
= Aeson.object $ mapMaybe runOneQuery rs
@ -541,6 +532,11 @@ instance ( RunSchemaField sch fields )
= let (val, fname) = runSchemaField args choice
realName = fromMaybe fname nm
in (realName,) <$> val
runOneQuery (TypeNameFieldQuery nm)
= let realName = fromMaybe "__typename" nm
-- add the 'R' because it's on return position
in pure (realName, Aeson.String $ T.pack $ nameVal (Proxy @rname) ++ "R")
class RunSchemaField sch args where
@ -578,3 +574,192 @@ instance RunSchemaQuery sch (sch :/: l)
=> RunSchemaType sch ('TSchematic l) where
runSchemaType (FSchematic t) (RetSchSchema r)
= Just $ runSchemaQuery t r
:: [T.Text] -> Intro.Schema -> GQL.SelectionSet
-> WriterT [GraphQLError] IO Aeson.Value
runIntroSchema path s@(Intro.Schema qr mut sub ts) ss
= do things <- catMaybes <$> traverse runOne ss
pure $ Aeson.object things
runOne (GQL.SelectionField (GQL.Field (coerce -> alias) (coerce -> nm) _ _ innerss))
= let realName :: T.Text = fromMaybe nm alias
path' = path ++ [realName]
in fmap (realName,) <$> case nm of
-> pure $ Just Aeson.Null
-> pure $ Just $ Aeson.Array []
-> case qr >>= flip HM.lookup ts of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just ty -> runIntroType path' s ty innerss
-> case mut >>= flip HM.lookup ts of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just ty -> runIntroType path' s ty innerss
-> case sub >>= flip HM.lookup ts of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just ty -> runIntroType path' s ty innerss
-> do tys <- catMaybes <$> mapM (\t -> runIntroType path' s t innerss) (HM.elems ts)
pure $ Just $ Aeson.toJSON tys
_ -> do tell [GraphQLError
(ServerError Invalid
$ "field '" <> T.unpack nm <> "' was not found on type '__Schema'")
pure Nothing
-- we do not support spreads here
runOne _ = pure Nothing
:: [T.Text] -> Intro.Schema -> Intro.Type -> GQL.SelectionSet
-> WriterT [GraphQLError] IO (Maybe Aeson.Value)
runIntroType path s@(Intro.Schema _ _ _ ts) (Intro.TypeRef t) ss
= case HM.lookup t ts of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just ty -> runIntroType path s ty ss
runIntroType path s (Intro.Type k tnm fs vals ofT) ss
= do things <- catMaybes <$> traverse runOne ss
pure $ Just $ Aeson.object things
runOne (GQL.SelectionField (GQL.Field (coerce -> alias) (coerce -> nm) _ _ innerss))
= let realName :: T.Text = fromMaybe nm alias
path' = path ++ [realName]
in fmap (realName,) <$> case (nm, innerss) of
("kind", [])
-> pure $ Just $ Aeson.String $ T.pack (show k)
("name", [])
-> pure $ Just $ maybe Aeson.Null Aeson.String tnm
("description", [])
-> pure $ Just Aeson.Null
("fields", _)
-> case k of
-> do things <- mapM (\f -> runIntroFields path' f innerss) fs
pure $ Just $ Aeson.toJSON things
_ -> pure $ Just Aeson.Null
("inputFields", _)
-> case k of
-> do things <- mapM (\f -> runIntroFields path' f innerss) fs
pure $ Just $ Aeson.toJSON things
_ -> pure $ Just Aeson.Null
("enumValues", _)
-> do things <- mapM (\e -> runIntroEnums path' e innerss) vals
pure $ Just $ Aeson.toJSON things
("ofType", _)
-> case ofT of
Nothing -> pure $ Just Aeson.Null
Just o -> runIntroType path' s o innerss
-- unions and interfaces are not supported
("interfaces", _)
-> pure $ Just $ Aeson.Array []
("possibleTypes", _)
-> pure $ Just $ Aeson.Array []
_ -> do tell [GraphQLError
(ServerError Invalid
$ "field '" <> T.unpack nm <> "' was not found on type '__Type'")
pure Nothing
-- we do not support spreads here
runOne _ = pure Nothing
:: [T.Text] -> Intro.Field -> GQL.SelectionSet
-> WriterT [GraphQLError] IO (Maybe Aeson.Value)
runIntroFields fpath fld fss
= do things <- catMaybes <$> traverse (runIntroField fpath fld) fss
pure $ Just $ Aeson.object things
runIntroField fpath (Intro.Field fnm fargs fty)
(GQL.SelectionField (GQL.Field (coerce -> alias) (coerce -> nm) _ _ innerss))
= let realName :: T.Text = fromMaybe nm alias
fpath' = fpath ++ [realName]
in fmap (realName,) <$> case (nm, innerss) of
("name", [])
-> pure $ Just $ Aeson.String fnm
("description", [])
-> pure $ Just Aeson.Null
("isDeprecated", [])
-> pure $ Just $ Aeson.Bool False
("deprecationReason", [])
-> pure $ Just Aeson.Null
("type", _)
-> runIntroType fpath' s fty innerss
("args", _)
-> do things <- mapM (\i -> runIntroInputs fpath' i innerss) fargs
pure $ Just $ Aeson.toJSON things
_ -> do tell [GraphQLError
(ServerError Invalid
$ "field '" <> T.unpack nm <> "' was not found on type '__Field'")
pure Nothing
-- we do not support spreads here
runIntroField _ _ _ = pure Nothing
:: [T.Text] -> Intro.EnumValue -> GQL.SelectionSet
-> WriterT [GraphQLError] IO (Maybe Aeson.Value)
runIntroEnums epath enm ess
= do things <- catMaybes <$> traverse (runIntroEnum epath enm) ess
pure $ Just $ Aeson.object things
runIntroEnum epath (Intro.EnumValue enm)
(GQL.SelectionField (GQL.Field (coerce -> alias) (coerce -> nm) _ _ innerss))
= let realName :: T.Text = fromMaybe nm alias
in fmap (realName,) <$> case (nm, innerss) of
("name", [])
-> pure $ Just $ Aeson.String enm
("description", [])
-> pure $ Just Aeson.Null
("isDeprecated", [])
-> pure $ Just $ Aeson.Bool False
("deprecationReason", [])
-> pure $ Just Aeson.Null
_ -> do tell [GraphQLError
(ServerError Invalid
$ "field '" <> T.unpack nm <> "' was not found on type '__EnumValue'")
pure Nothing
-- we do not support spreads here
runIntroEnum _ _ _ = pure Nothing
:: [T.Text] -> Intro.Input -> GQL.SelectionSet
-> WriterT [GraphQLError] IO (Maybe Aeson.Value)
runIntroInputs ipath inm iss
= do things <- catMaybes <$> traverse (runIntroInput ipath inm) iss
pure $ Just $ Aeson.object things
runIntroInput ipath (Intro.Input inm def ty)
(GQL.SelectionField (GQL.Field (coerce -> alias) (coerce -> nm) _ _ innerss))
= let realName :: T.Text = fromMaybe nm alias
ipath' = ipath ++ [realName]
in fmap (realName,) <$> case (nm, innerss) of
("name", [])
-> pure $ Just $ Aeson.String inm
("description", [])
-> pure $ Just Aeson.Null
("defaultValue", [])
-> pure $ Just $ maybe Aeson.Null Aeson.String def
("type", _)
-> runIntroType ipath' s ty innerss
_ -> do tell [GraphQLError
(ServerError Invalid
$ "field '" <> T.unpack nm <> "' was not found on type '__Field'")
pure Nothing
-- we do not support spreads here
runIntroInput _ _ _ = pure Nothing

View File

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ packages:
- compendium-client
- conduit-1.3.2
- http2-client-
- http2-grpc-types-
- proto3-wire-1.1.0

View File

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ packages:
- compendium-client
- conduit-1.3.2
- http2-client-
- http2-grpc-types-
- proto3-wire-1.1.0