2022-11-26 12:36:08 +03:00
2023-11-23 14:31:33 +03:00
description = "Noogle.dev | Discover the nix api surface";
2023-01-25 17:54:44 +03:00
inputs = {
2023-02-25 15:14:40 +03:00
nixpkgs.url = "nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
2023-11-29 23:37:07 +03:00
nixpkgs-master.url = "nixpkgs/master";
2023-02-25 15:14:40 +03:00
2024-01-05 16:34:22 +03:00
nix-master.url = "github:NixOS/nix/?ref=master";
2023-12-22 22:34:22 +03:00
# A custom nix version, to introspect lambda values.
2023-11-23 16:10:07 +03:00
nix.url = "github:hsjobeki/nix/?ref=feat/positions";
2023-01-25 17:54:44 +03:00
pre-commit-hooks = {
url = "github:cachix/pre-commit-hooks.nix";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
2023-02-25 15:14:40 +03:00
2023-11-23 14:31:33 +03:00
flake-parts.url = "github:hercules-ci/flake-parts";
flake-parts.inputs.nixpkgs-lib.follows = "nixpkgs";
treefmt-nix.url = "github:numtide/treefmt-nix";
treefmt-nix.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
2022-11-26 12:36:08 +03:00
2023-11-23 16:34:12 +03:00
crane.url = "github:ipetkov/crane";
crane.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
2023-11-23 14:31:33 +03:00
floco.url = "github:aakropotkin/floco";
floco.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
2022-12-03 17:25:32 +03:00
2023-11-23 14:31:33 +03:00
outputs = inputs@{ flake-parts, ... }:
flake-parts.lib.mkFlake { inherit inputs; } ({ ... }: {
systems = [ "x86_64-linux" ];
2023-11-23 16:10:07 +03:00
imports = [
2023-12-22 23:09:02 +03:00
2023-11-23 16:10:07 +03:00
2023-11-23 16:34:12 +03:00
2023-11-29 23:37:07 +03:00
# Deprecated. Will be removed.
2023-12-22 22:34:22 +03:00
2023-11-23 16:10:07 +03:00
2023-11-23 14:31:33 +03:00
2022-11-26 12:36:08 +03:00
2023-11-25 19:30:43 +03:00