[ { "docs": { "attr": { "position": { "column": 25, "file": "test_data/assets/default.nix", "line": 92 } }, "lambda": { "isPrimop": false, "position": { "column": 5, "file": "test_data/assets/lists.nix", "line": 204 } } }, "path": ["lib", "foldl'"] }, { "docs": { "attr": { "position": { "column": 3, "file": "test_data/assets/lists.nix", "line": 198 } }, "lambda": { "isPrimop": false, "position": { "column": 5, "file": "test_data/assets/lists.nix", "line": 204 } } }, "path": ["lib", "lists", "foldl'"] }, { "docs": { "attr": { "position": null }, "lambda": { "args": ["op", "nul", "list"], "arity": 3, "content": "\n Reduce a list by applying a binary operator, from left to right,\n e.g. `foldl' op nul [x0 x1 x2 ...] : op (op (op nul x0) x1) x2)\n ...`. For example, `foldl' (x: y: x + y) 0 [1 2 3]` evaluates to 6.\n The return value of each application of `op` is evaluated immediately,\n even for intermediate values.\n ", "experimental": false, "isPrimop": true, "name": "foldl'", "position": null } }, "path": ["builtins", "foldl'"] } ]