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-# Contributing
-Thanks for considering contributing to Hyprland.
-To get started, see the [Wiki](https://github.com/vaxerski/Hyprland/wiki/Contributing-&-Debugging) for debugging instructions.
-Then, pick yourself an issue or implement your own suggestion!
-As Hyprland is early dev, I recommend you stick to the bugs first, then new functionality.
-# PR reqs
-- Follow the code style
-- Code must be readable
-- Feature is useful / bugfix works
-- Test your changes! Run it on bare metal and check if everything works.
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
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-People asked me to make a discord server, so join here!
-Hyprland is a Dynamic Tiling Wayland Compositor in early development stages.
-For Hyprland without the land part, see Hypr, the Xorg window manager.
-Hyprland is in early dev, expect some bugs. However, once you get it working, it's pretty stable. :P
-Hyprland needs testers! Try it out and report bugs or suggestions!
+![Badge Workflow]
+[![Badge License]][License]
+![Badge Lines]
+![Badge Language]
+[![Badge Pull Requests]][Pull Requests]
+[![Badge Issues]][Issues]
+![Badge Hi Mom]
+[![Badge Discord]][Discord]
-# Key features
- - Parabolic window animations
- - Config reloaded instantly upon saving
- - Easily expandable and readable codebase
- - Rounded corners
- - Window blur
- - Workspaces Protocol support
- - Damage tracking (experimental)
- - Fade in/out
- - Support for docks/whatever
- - Window rules
- - Monitor rules
- - Socket-based IPC
- - Tiling/floating/fullscreen windows
- - Moving/resizing windows
-# Major to-dos
- - Input Methods (wlr_input_method_v2)
- - Animations (some new, like workspace)
- - Fix electron rendering issues
- - Optimization
- - Fix weird scroll on XWayland (if possible)
- - Become sane
- - More config options for tweakers
- - Improve hyprctl
+Hyprland is a dynamic tiling Wayland compositor based on wlroots that doesn't sacrifice on its looks.
-# Installation
-I do not maintain any packages, but some kind people have made them for me. If I missed any, please let me know.
+For Hyprland without the `land` part, see [Hypr], the Xorg window manager.
-**Warning:** since I am not the maintainer, I cannot guarantee that those packages will always work and be up to date. Use at your own disclosure. If they don't, try building manually.
-_Arch (AUR, -git)_
-yay -S hyprland-git
-## Manual building
-If your distro doesn't have Hyprland in its repositories, or you want to modify Hyprland,
-please refer to the [Wiki Page](https://github.com/vaxerski/Hyprland/wiki/Installation) for the installation instructions.
-# Configuring
-Head onto the [Wiki Page](https://github.com/vaxerski/Hyprland/wiki/Configuring-Hyprland) to see more.
-Hyprland without a config is a bad idea!
-# Contributions
-Very welcome! see [Contributing.md](https://github.com/vaxerski/Hyprland/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md) for instuctions and guidelines!
+# Notice
+This project is still in its early development, expect bugs.
+Once you get it working though, it's pretty stable.
+### Help Wanted
+Hyprland needs testers!
+Try it out and report bugs / suggestions!
+# Features
+- Easily expandable and readable codebase
+- Config reloaded instantly upon saving
+- Parabolic window animations
+- Workspaces protocol support
+- Tiling / floating / fullscreen windows
+- Window / monitor rules
+- Socket-based IPC
+- Rounded corners
+- Damage tracking ( *Experimental* )
+- Moving / resizing
+- Docks support
+- Fade in / out
+- Window blur
# Gallery
-# Stars over time
-# Special thanks
-wlroots - for their amazing library
+![Preview A]
-tinywl - for showing how 2 do stuff
-sway - for showing how 2 do stuff the overkill way
+![Preview B]
-vivarium - for showing how 2 do stuff the simple way
-dwl - for showing how 2 do stuff the hacky way
+# Stars Over Time
-wayfire - for showing how 2 do some graphics stuff
+[![Stars Preview]][Stars]
+# Special Thanks
+**[wlroots]** - *For their amazing library*
+**[tinywl]** - *For showing how 2 do stuff*
+**[Sway]** - *For showing how 2 do stuff the overkill way*
+**[Vivarium]** - *For showing how 2 do stuff the simple way*
+**[dwl]** - *For showing how 2 do stuff the hacky way*
+**[Wayfire]** - *For showing how 2 do some graphics stuff*
+[Configure]: https://github.com/vaxerski/Hyprland/wiki/Configuring-Hyprland
+[Discord]: https://discord.gg/hQ9XvMUjjr
+[Stars]: https://starchart.cc/vaxerski/Hyprland
+[Hypr]: https://github.com/vaxerski/Hypr
+[Pull Requests]: https://github.com/vaxerski/Hyprland/pulls
+[Issues]: https://github.com/vaxerski/Hyprland/issues
+[Todo]: https://github.com/vaxerski/Hyprland/projects?type=beta
+[Contribute]: docs/Contribute.md
+[Install]: docs/Install.md
+[License]: LICENSE
+[Vivarium]: https://github.com/inclement/vivarium
+[WlRoots]: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/wlroots/wlroots
+[Wayfire]: https://github.com/WayfireWM/wayfire
+[TinyWl]: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/wlroots/wlroots/-/blob/master/tinywl/tinywl.c
+[Sway]: https://github.com/swaywm/sway
+[DWL]: https://github.com/djpohly/dwl
+[Stars Preview]: https://starchart.cc/vaxerski/Hyprland.svg
+[Preview A]: https://i.imgur.com/ZA4Fa8R.png
+[Preview B]: https://i.imgur.com/BpXxM8H.png
+[Banner]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vaxerski/Hyprland/main/assets/hyprland.png
+[Badge Workflow]: https://github.com/vaxerski/Hyprland/actions/workflows/ci.yaml/badge.svg
+[Badge Discord]: https://img.shields.io/badge/Join%20the-Discord%20server-6666ff
+[Badge Issues]: https://img.shields.io/github/issues/vaxerski/Hyprland
+[Badge Pull Requests]: https://img.shields.io/github/issues-pr/vaxerski/Hyprland
+[Badge Language]: https://img.shields.io/github/languages/top/vaxerski/Hyprland
+[Badge License]: https://img.shields.io/github/license/vaxerski/Hyprland
+[Badge Lines]: https://img.shields.io/tokei/lines/github/vaxerski/Hyprland
+[Badge Hi Mom]: https://img.shields.io/badge/Hi-mom!-ff69b4
diff --git a/docs/Contribute.md b/docs/Contribute.md
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+# Contributing
+*Thank you for considering contributing to Hyprland.*
+## Development
+Check the [Wiki] for debugging instructions.
+Afterwards, pick yourself an [Issue] or implement your own suggestion.
+*As Hyprland is still in its early stages of development, I'd recommend you stick to bug fixes first.*
+## Pull Requests
+- Please follow the code style
+- Code must be readable
+- Features should be useful
+- Test your changes!
+ *Run it on bare metal and check if everything works.*
+[Issue]: https://github.com/vaxerski/Hyprland/issues
+[Wiki]: https://github.com/vaxerski/Hyprland/wiki/Contributing-&-Debugging
diff --git a/docs/Install.md b/docs/Install.md
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+# Installation
+## Packages
+*I do not maintain any packages, but some kind people have made them for me.*
+**If I missed any, please let me know.**
+## Notice
+Since I am not the maintainer, I cannot guarantee that those packages will always work and be up to date.
+***Use at your own disclosure.***
+*If they don't work, try building manually.*
+#### Arch ( AUR / -git )
+yay -S hyprland-git
+## Building
+If your distro doesn't have **Hyprland** in its repositories, or you want to modify it, please refer to the **[Wiki Page][Install]** for the installation instructions.
+[Install]: https://github.com/vaxerski/Hyprland/wiki/Installation