Use generic-lens for position and field lenses

Why get a dog and bark yourself? This commit uses the generic-lens
internal functions to create the lenses, which means the error messages
will be substantially better.
This commit is contained in:
Tom Harding 2019-04-09 15:38:05 +01:00
parent b1313d91d2
commit 99a9585284
2 changed files with 13 additions and 91 deletions

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@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import Data.Void (Void)
import Data.Partial.Types (Partial (..), Partial_)
import GHC.Generics
import GHC.TypeLits (ErrorMessage (..), Symbol, TypeError)
import qualified Data.Generics.Internal.VL.Lens as G
import qualified Data.GenericLens.Internal as G
-- | A la @generic-lens@, we are able to focus on a particular field within our
@ -56,18 +57,13 @@ import qualified Data.GenericLens.Internal as G
-- ...
class HasField' (field :: Symbol) (structure :: Type) (focus :: Type)
| field structure -> focus where
field :: Lens' (Partial structure) (Maybe focus)
field :: Lens' (Partial structure) (Last focus)
data FieldPredicate :: Symbol -> G.TyFun (Type -> Type) (Maybe Type)
type instance G.Eval (FieldPredicate sym) tt = G.HasTotalFieldP sym tt
instance G.GLens' (FieldPredicate field) (Partial_ structure) (Maybe focus)
instance G.GLens' (FieldPredicate field) (Partial_ structure) (Last focus)
=> HasField' field structure focus where
field = go . into
go :: Lens' (Partial structure) (Partial_ structure Void)
go f = fmap Partial . f . runPartial
into :: Lens' (Partial_ structure Void) (Maybe focus)
into = G.glens @(FieldPredicate field)
field = go . G.ravel (G.glens @(FieldPredicate field))
where go f = fmap Partial . f . runPartial

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@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ import Data.Monoid (Last (..))
import Data.Partial.Types (Partial (..), Partial_)
import GHC.Generics
import GHC.TypeLits (ErrorMessage (..), Nat, TypeError, type (<=?), type (+), type (-))
import qualified Data.GenericLens.Internal as G
import qualified Data.Generics.Internal.VL.Lens as G
-- | Taking another cue from @generic-lens@, we can lens into partial product
-- types whose fields /aren't/ named using a positional index.
@ -50,89 +52,13 @@ import GHC.TypeLits (ErrorMessage (..), Nat, TypeError, type (<=?), type (+), ty
-- ...
class HasPosition' (index :: Nat) (structure :: Type) (focus :: Type)
| index structure -> focus where
position :: Lens' (Partial structure) (Maybe focus)
position :: Lens' (Partial structure) (Last focus)
data PositionPredicate :: Nat -> G.TyFun (Type -> Type) (Maybe Type)
type instance G.Eval (PositionPredicate sym) tt = G.HasTotalPositionP sym tt
type family Position (index :: Nat) (rep :: Type -> Type) :: Maybe Type where
Position 1 (K1 _ (Last x)) = 'Just x
Position _ (K1 _ _ ) = 'Nothing
Position n (M1 _ _ x)
= Position n x
Position n (l :*: r)
= Position_ (n <=? Count l) n l r
type family Count (rep :: Type -> Type) :: Nat where
Count (left :*: right) = Count left + Count right
Count _ = 1
type family Position_
(isLeft :: Bool)
(count :: Nat)
(left :: Type -> Type)
(right :: Type -> Type) :: Maybe Type
Position_ 'True count left _
= Position count left
Position_ 'False count left right
= Position (count - Count left) right
class GHasPosition' (index :: Nat) (rep :: Type -> Type) (focus :: Type)
| index rep -> focus where
gposition :: Lens' (rep p) (Maybe focus)
instance GHasPosition' count inner focus
=> GHasPosition' count (M1 index meta inner) focus where
gposition = dimap unM1 (fmap M1) . gposition @count
class GHasPositionProduct
(goal :: Maybe Type)
(count :: Nat)
(rep :: Type -> Type)
(focus :: Type)
| count rep -> focus where
gpositionProduct :: Lens' (rep p) (Maybe focus)
instance GHasPositionProduct (Position count left) count (left :*: right) focus
=> GHasPosition' count (left :*: right) focus where
gposition = gpositionProduct @(Position count left) @count
instance (GHasPosition' count left focus, any ~ focus)
=> GHasPositionProduct ('Just any) count (left :*: right) focus where
gpositionProduct = go . gposition @count
where go f (left :*: right) = fmap (:*: right) (f left)
instance (GHasPosition' (count - Count left) right focus)
=> GHasPositionProduct 'Nothing count (left :*: right) focus where
gpositionProduct = go . gposition @(count - Count left)
where go f (left :*: right) = fmap (left :*:) (f right)
instance any ~ focus => GHasPosition' 1 (K1 index (Last any)) focus where
gposition = dimap (getLast . unK1) (fmap (K1 . Last))
type HasPosition_ (position :: Nat) (structure :: Type)
= AssertHasPosition position structure (Position position (Partial_ structure))
type family AssertHasPosition
(position :: Nat)
(structure :: Type)
(goal :: Maybe Type) where
AssertHasPosition _ _ ('Just xs) = xs
AssertHasPosition position structure 'Nothing = TypeError
( 'ShowType structure
':<>: 'Text " has no position #"
':<>: 'ShowType position
':<>: 'Text "!"
( Generic structure
, GHasPosition' index (Partial_ structure) focus
, HasPosition_ index structure ~ focus
instance G.GLens' (PositionPredicate index) (Partial_ structure) (Last focus)
=> HasPosition' index structure focus where
position = dimap runPartial (fmap Partial) . gposition @index
position = go . G.ravel (G.glens @(PositionPredicate index))
where go f = fmap Partial . f . runPartial