The README is now hopefully pretty comprehensive. I think we're ready to
go :)
This commit is contained in:
Tom Harding 2019-04-11 18:43:04 +01:00
parent a52a9ef3ec
commit e401fb2f53
2 changed files with 232 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -42,3 +42,234 @@ As an added little bonus, any `HKD`-wrapped object is automatically an instance
of all the [Barbie](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/barbies) classes, so no
need to derive anything more than `Generic`!
## API
All examples below were compiled with the following extensions, modules, and
example data types:
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
module Example where
import Control.Lens ((.~), (^.), (&), Const (..), Identity, anyOf)
import Data.Generic.HKD
import Data.Maybe (isJust, isNothing)
import Data.Monoid (Last (..))
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
-- An example of a record (with named fields):
data User
= User
{ name :: String
, age :: Int
, likesDogs :: Bool
deriving (Generic, Show)
user :: User
user = User "Tom" 25 True
-- An example of a product (without named fields):
data Triple
= Triple Int () String
deriving (Generic, Show)
triple :: Triple
triple = Triple 123 () "ABC"
### The HKD type constructor
The `HKD` type takes two parameters: your model type, and the functor in which
we want to wrap all our inputs. By picking different functors for the second
parameter, we can recover various behaviours:
type Partial a = HKD a Last -- Fields may be missing.
type Bare a = HKD a Identity -- All must be present.
type Labels a = HKD a (Const String) -- Every field holds a string.
### Fresh objects
When we want to start working with the `HKD` interface, we have a couple of
options, depending on the functor in question. The first option is to use
eg0 :: Partial User
eg0 = mempty
-- User
-- { name = Last {getLast = Nothing}
-- , age = Last {getLast = Nothing}
-- , likesDogs = Last {getLast = Nothing}
-- }
Other 'Alternative'-style functors lead to very different results:
eg1 :: Labels Triple
eg1 = mempty
-- Triple
-- Const ""
-- Const ""
-- Const ""
Of course, this method requires every field to be monoidal. If we try with
`Identity`, for example, we're in trouble if all our fields aren't themselves
eg2 :: Bare Triple
eg2 = mempty
-- error:
-- • No instance for (Monoid Int) arising from a use of mempty
The other option is to `deconstruct` a complete object. This effectively lifts
a type into the `HKD` structure with `pure` applied to each field:
eg3 :: Bare User
eg3 = deconstruct user
-- User
-- { name = Identity "Tom"
-- , age = Identity 25
-- , likesDogs = Identity True
-- }
This approach works with any applicative we like, so we can recover the other
eg4 :: Partial Triple
eg4 = deconstruct @Last triple
-- Triple
-- Last {getLast = Just 123}
-- Last {getLast = Just ()}
-- Last {getLast = Just "ABC"}
There's also `construct` for when we want to escape our `HKD` wrapper, and
attempt to _construct_ our original type:
eg5 :: Last Triple
eg5 = construct eg4
-- Last {getLast = Just (Triple 123 () "ABC")}
### Field Access
The `field` lens, when given a type-applied field name, allows us to focus on
fields within a record:
eg6 :: Last Int
eg6 = eg0 ^. field @"age"
-- Last {getLast = Nothing}
As this is a true `Lens`, it also means that we can _set_ values within our
record (note that these set values will _also_ need to be in our functor of
eg7 :: Partial User
eg7 = eg0 & field @"name" .~ pure "Evil Tom"
& field @"likesDogs" .~ pure False
-- User
-- { name = Last {getLast = Just "Evil Tom"}
-- , age = Last {getLast = Nothing}
-- , likesDogs = Last {getLast = Just False}
-- }
This also means, for example, we can check whether a particular value has been
completed for a given partial type:
eg8 :: Bool
eg8 = anyOf (field @"name") (isJust . getLast) eg0
-- False
Finally, thanks to the internals of `generic-lens`, we'll also get a nice type
error when we mention a field that doesn't exist in our type:
eg9 :: Identity ()
eg9 = eg3 ^. field @"oops"
-- error:
-- • The type User does not contain a field named 'oops'.
### Position Access
Just as with field names, we can use positions when working with non-record
product types:
eg10 :: Labels Triple
eg10 = mempty & position @1 .~ Const "hello"
& position @2 .~ Const "world"
-- Triple
-- Const "hello"
-- Const "world"
-- Const ""
Again, this is a `Lens`, so we can just as easily _set_ values:
eg11 :: Partial User
eg11 = eg7 & position @2 .~ pure 25
-- User
-- { name = Last {getLast = Just "Evil Tom"}
-- , age = Last {getLast = Just 25}
-- , likesDogs = Last {getLast = Just False}
-- }
Similarly, the internals here come to us courtesy of `generic-lens`, so the
type errors are a delight:
eg9 :: Identity ()
eg9 = deconstruct @Identity triple ^. position @4
-- error:
-- • The type Triple does not contain a field at position 4
### Labels
One neat trick we can do - thanks to the generic representation - is get the
names of the fields into the functor we're using. The `label` function gives us
this interface:
eg10 :: Labels User
eg10 = label eg11
-- User
-- { name = Const "name"
-- , age = Const "age"
-- , likesDogs = Const "likesDogs"
-- }
By combining this with some of the
[Barbies](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/barbies) interface (the entirety
of which is available to any `HKD`-wrapped type) such as `bprod` and `bmap`, we
can implement functions such as `labelsWhere`, which returns the names of all
fields whose values satisfy some predicate:
eg13 :: [String]
eg13 = labelsWhere (isNothing . getLast) eg7
-- ["age"]

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@ -91,4 +91,4 @@ labelsWhere p xs
= getConst (btraverse go (label xs `bprod` xs))
go :: Product (Const String) f a -> (Const [String]) (Maybe a)
go (Pair (Const key) value) = Const (if p value then [key] else [])
go (Pair (Const key) value) = Const if p value then [key] else []