#!/bin/sh family=SourceCodePro romanWeights='Black Bold ExtraLight Light Medium Regular Semibold' italicWeights='BlackIt BoldIt ExtraLightIt LightIt MediumIt It SemiboldIt' # path to Python script that adds the SVG table addSVG=$(cd $(dirname "$0") && pwd -P)/addSVGtable.py # clean existing build artifacts rm -rf target/ mkdir target/ target/OTF/ target/TTF/ for w in $romanWeights do makeotf -f Roman/$w/font.ufo -r -o target/OTF/$family-$w.otf makeotf -f Roman/$w/font.ttf -r -o target/TTF/$family-$w.ttf rm Roman/$w/current.fpr # remove default options file from the source tree after building $addSVG target/OTF/$family-$w.otf svg/ $addSVG target/TTF/$family-$w.ttf svg/ done for w in $italicWeights do makeotf -f Italic/$w/font.ufo -r -o target/OTF/$family-$w.otf makeotf -f Italic/$w/font.ttf -r -o target/TTF/$family-$w.ttf rm Italic/$w/current.fpr # remove default options file from the source tree after building $addSVG target/OTF/$family-$w.otf svg/ $addSVG target/TTF/$family-$w.ttf svg/ done