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201 lines
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Executable File
#! /usr/bin/env python
Adds an SVG table to a TTF or OTF font.
The file names of the SVG glyphs need to match their corresponding glyph final names.
import os
import sys
import re
from distutils.version import StrictVersion
from fontTools import ttLib, version
from fontTools.ttLib.tables import S_V_G_
except ImportError:
print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR: FontTools Python module is not installed."
# support for the SVG table was added to FontTools on Aug 28, 2013
# https://github.com/behdad/fonttools/commit/ddcca79308b52dc36b24ef94cab4ab00c8e32376
minFontToolsVersion = '2.5'
if StrictVersion(version) < StrictVersion(minFontToolsVersion):
print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR: The FontTools module version must be %s or higher.\n\
You have version %s installed.\n\
Get the latest version at https://github.com/behdad/fonttools" % (minFontToolsVersion, version)
# Regexp patterns
reXMLheader = re.compile(r"<\?xml.+?\?>")
reSVGelement = re.compile(r"<svg.+?>.+?</svg>", re.DOTALL)
reIDvalue = re.compile(r"<svg[^>]+?(id=\".*?\").+?>", re.DOTALL)
reViewBox = re.compile(r"<svg.+?(viewBox=[\"|\'][\d, ]+[\"|\']).+?>", re.DOTALL)
def readFile(filePath):
f = open(filePath, "rt")
data = f.read()
return data
def setIDvalue(data, gid):
id = reIDvalue.search(data)
if id:
newData = re.sub(id.group(1), 'id="glyph%s"' % gid, data)
newData = re.sub('<svg', '<svg id="glyph%s"' % gid, data)
return newData
def fixViewBox(data):
viewBox = reViewBox.search(data)
if not viewBox:
return data
fixedViewBox = 'viewBox=\"0 1000 1000 1000\"'
fixedData = re.sub(viewBox.group(1), fixedViewBox, data)
return fixedData
def getGlyphNameFromFileName(filePath):
folderPath, fontFileName = os.path.split(filePath)
fileNameNoExtension, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(fontFileName)
return fileNameNoExtension
def processFontFile(fontFilePath, svgFilePathsList):
# retrieve the font's glyph order, to determine the GID later
font = ttLib.TTFont(fontFilePath)
# first create a dictionary because the SVG glyphs need to be sorted in the table
svgDocsDict = {}
for svgFilePath in svgFilePathsList:
gName = getGlyphNameFromFileName(svgFilePath)
gid = font.getGlyphID(gName)
except ValueError:
print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR: Could not find a glyph named %s in the font %s." % (gName, os.path.split(fontFilePath)[1])
svgItemsList = []
svgItemData = readFile(svgFilePath)
svgItemData = setIDvalue(svgItemData, gid)
svgItemData = fixViewBox(svgItemData)
svgItemsList.extend([gid, gid])
svgDocsDict[gid] = svgItemsList
# don't do any changes to the source OTF/TTF font if there's no SVG data
if not svgDocsDict:
svgDocsList = [svgDocsDict[index] for index in sorted(svgDocsDict.keys())]
svgTable = S_V_G_.table_S_V_G_()
svgTable.docList = svgDocsList
svgTable.colorPalettes = None
font['SVG '] = svgTable
# FontTools can't overwrite a font on save,
# so save to a hidden file, and then rename it
# https://github.com/behdad/fonttools/issues/302
folderPath, fontFileName = os.path.split(fontFilePath)
fileNameNoExtension, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(fontFileName)
newFontFilePath = os.path.join(folderPath, "%s%s%s" % ('.', fileNameNoExtension, fileExtension))
# On windows file can't be renamed to file what already exist.
os.rename(newFontFilePath, fontFilePath)
print >> sys.stdout, "\nSVG table successfully added to %s" % fontFilePath
def validateSVGfiles(svgFilePathsList):
Light validation of SVG files.
Checks that:
- there is an <xml> header
- there is an <svg> element
validatedPaths = []
for filePath in svgFilePathsList:
# skip hidden files (filenames that start with period)
fileName = os.path.basename(filePath)
if fileName[0] == '.':
# read file
data = readFile(filePath)
# find <xml> header
xml = reXMLheader.search(data)
if not xml:
print "WARNING: Could not find <xml> header in the file. Skiping %s" % (filePath)
# find <svg> blob
svg = reSVGelement.search(data)
if not svg:
print "WARNING: Could not find <svg> element in the file. Skiping %s" % (filePath)
return validatedPaths
def getFontFormat(fontFilePath):
# these lines were scavenged from fontTools
f = open(fontFilePath, "rb")
header = f.read(256)
head = header[:4]
if head == "OTTO":
return "OTF"
elif head in ("\0\1\0\0", "true"):
return "TTF"
return None
def run():
fontFilePath = os.path.realpath(sys.argv[1])
svgFolderPath = os.path.realpath(sys.argv[2])
# Font file path
if os.path.isfile(fontFilePath):
if getFontFormat(fontFilePath) not in ["OTF", "TTF"]:
print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR: The path is not a valid OTF or TTF font."
print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR: The path to the font is invalid."
# SVG folder path
if os.path.isdir(svgFolderPath):
svgFilePathsList = []
for dirName, subdirList, fileList in os.walk(svgFolderPath): # Support nested folders
for file in fileList:
svgFilePathsList.append(os.path.join(dirName, file)) # Assemble the full paths, not just file names
print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR: The path to the folder containing the SVG files is invalid."
# validate the SVGs
svgFilePathsList = validateSVGfiles(svgFilePathsList)
if not svgFilePathsList:
print >> sys.stderr, "WARNING: No SVG files were found."
processFontFile(fontFilePath, svgFilePathsList)
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print "To run this script type:\n python %s <path to input OTF/TTF file> <path to folder tree containing SVG files>" % sys.argv[0]