Support for typed laziness in executor

This commit is contained in:
David Raymond Christiansen 2014-04-06 04:26:55 +02:00
parent 7d09d054f3
commit 25c135233f

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@ -47,11 +47,8 @@ readMay s = case reads s of
data Lazy = Delayed ExecEnv Context Term | Forced ExecVal deriving Show
data ExecState = ExecState { exec_thunks :: M.Map Int Lazy -- ^ Thunks - the result of evaluating "lazy" or calling lazy funcs
, exec_next_thunk :: Int -- ^ Ensure thunk key uniqueness
, exec_implicits :: Ctxt [PArg] -- ^ Necessary info on laziness from idris monad
, exec_dynamic_libs :: [DynamicLib] -- ^ Dynamic libs from idris monad
newtype ExecState = ExecState { exec_dynamic_libs :: [DynamicLib] -- ^ Dynamic libs from idris monad
data ExecVal = EP NameType Name ExecVal
| EV Int
@ -61,7 +58,7 @@ data ExecVal = EP NameType Name ExecVal
| EErased
| EConstant Const
| forall a. EPtr (Ptr a)
| EThunk Int
| EThunk ExecEnv Term
| EHandle Handle
instance Show ExecVal where
@ -73,7 +70,7 @@ instance Show ExecVal where
show EErased = "[__]"
show (EConstant c) = show c
show (EPtr p) = "<<ptr " ++ show p ++ ">>"
show (EThunk i) = "<<thunk " ++ show i ++ ">>"
show (EThunk env tm) = "<<thunk " ++ show env ++ "||||" ++ show tm ++ ">>"
show (EHandle h) = "<<handle " ++ show h ++ ">>"
toTT :: ExecVal -> Exec Term
@ -97,7 +94,7 @@ toTT (EApp e1 e2) = do e1' <- toTT e1
toTT (EType u) = return $ TType u
toTT EErased = return Erased
toTT (EConstant c) = return (Constant c)
toTT (EThunk i) = return (P (DCon 0 0) (sMN i "THUNK") Erased) --(force i) >>= toTT
toTT (EThunk env tm) = return tm
toTT (EHandle _) = return Erased
unApplyV :: ExecVal -> (ExecVal, [ExecVal])
@ -111,7 +108,7 @@ mkEApp f (a:args) = mkEApp (EApp f a) args
initState :: Idris ExecState
initState = do ist <- getIState
return $ ExecState M.empty 0 (idris_implicits ist) (idris_dynamic_libs ist)
return $ ExecState (idris_dynamic_libs ist)
type Exec = ErrorT String (StateT ExecState IO)
@ -130,45 +127,13 @@ execFail = throwError
execIO :: IO a -> Exec a
execIO = lift . lift
delay :: ExecEnv -> Context -> Term -> Exec ExecVal
delay env ctxt tm =
do st <- getExecState
let i = exec_next_thunk st
putExecState $ st { exec_thunks = M.insert i (Delayed env ctxt tm) (exec_thunks st)
, exec_next_thunk = exec_next_thunk st + 1
return $ EThunk i
force :: Int -> Exec ExecVal
force i = do st <- getExecState
case M.lookup i (exec_thunks st) of
Just (Delayed env ctxt tm) -> do tm' <- doExec env ctxt tm
case tm' of
EThunk i ->
do res <- force i
update res i
return res
_ -> do update tm' i
return tm'
Just (Forced tm) -> return tm
Nothing -> execFail "Tried to exec non-existing thunk. This is a bug!"
where update :: ExecVal -> Int -> Exec ()
update tm i = do est <- getExecState
putExecState $ est { exec_thunks = M.insert i (Forced tm) (exec_thunks est) }
tryForce :: ExecVal -> Exec ExecVal
tryForce (EThunk i) = force i
tryForce tm = return tm
debugThunks :: Exec ()
debugThunks = do st <- getExecState
execIO $ putStrLn (take 4000 (show (exec_thunks st)))
execute :: Term -> Idris Term
execute tm = do est <- initState
ctxt <- getContext
res <- lift . lift $ flip runExec est $ do res <- doExec [] ctxt tm
toTT res
res <- lift . lift . flip runExec est $
do res <- doExec [] ctxt tm
toTT res
case res of
Left err -> fail err
Right tm' -> return tm'
@ -208,7 +173,18 @@ doExec env ctxt (Bind n (NLet t v) body) = trace "NLet" $ undefined
doExec env ctxt tm@(Bind n b body) = return $
EBind n (fmap (\_->EErased) b)
(\arg -> doExec ((n, arg):env) ctxt body)
doExec env ctxt a@(App _ _) = execApp env ctxt (unApply a)
doExec env ctxt a@(App _ _) =
do let (f, args) = unApply a
f' <- doExec env ctxt f
args' <- case f' of
(EP _ d _) | d == delay ->
case args of
[t,a,tm] -> do t' <- doExec env ctxt t
a' <- doExec env ctxt a
return [t', a', EThunk env tm]
_ -> mapM (doExec env ctxt) args -- partial applications are fine to evaluate
fun' -> do mapM (doExec env ctxt) args
execApp env ctxt f' args'
doExec env ctxt (Constant c) = return (EConstant c)
doExec env ctxt (Proj tm i) = let (x, xs) = unApply tm in
doExec env ctxt ((x:xs) !! i)
@ -216,55 +192,39 @@ doExec env ctxt Erased = return EErased
doExec env ctxt Impossible = fail "Tried to execute an impossible case"
doExec env ctxt (TType u) = return (EType u)
execApp :: ExecEnv -> Context -> (Term, [Term]) -> Exec ExecVal
execApp env ctxt (f, args) = do newF <- doExec env ctxt f
laziness <- (++ repeat False) <$> (getLaziness newF)
newArgs <- mapM argExec (zip args laziness)
res <- execApp' env ctxt newF newArgs
return res
where getLaziness (EP _ l _) | l == sUN "lazy" = return [False, True]
getLaziness (EP _ n _) = do est <- getExecState
let argInfo = exec_implicits est
case lookupCtxtName n argInfo of
[] -> return (repeat False)
[ps] -> return $ map lazyarg (snd ps)
many -> execFail $ "Ambiguous " ++ show n ++ ", found " ++ (take 200 $ show many)
getLaziness _ = return (repeat False) -- ok due to zip above
argExec :: (Term, Bool) -> Exec ExecVal
argExec (tm, False) = doExec env ctxt tm
argExec (tm, True) = delay env ctxt tm
execApp' :: ExecEnv -> Context -> ExecVal -> [ExecVal] -> Exec ExecVal
execApp' env ctxt v [] = return v -- no args is just a constant! can result from function calls
execApp' env ctxt (EP _ fp _) (ty:action:rest)
execApp :: ExecEnv -> Context -> ExecVal -> [ExecVal] -> Exec ExecVal
execApp env ctxt v [] = return v -- no args is just a constant! can result from function calls
execApp env ctxt (EP _ f _) (t:a:delayed:rest)
| f == force
, (_, [_, _, EThunk tmEnv tm]) <- unApplyV delayed =
do tm' <- doExec tmEnv ctxt tm
execApp env ctxt tm' rest
execApp env ctxt (EP _ fp _) (ty:action:rest)
| fp == upio,
(prim__IO, [_, v]) <- unApplyV action
= execApp' env ctxt v rest
= execApp env ctxt v rest
execApp' env ctxt (EP _ fp _) args@(_:_:v:k:rest)
execApp env ctxt (EP _ fp _) args@(_:_:v:k:rest)
| fp == piobind,
(prim__IO, [_, v']) <- unApplyV v =
do v'' <- tryForce v'
res <- execApp' env ctxt k [v''] >>= tryForce
execApp' env ctxt res rest
execApp' env ctxt con@(EP _ fp _) args@(tp:v:rest)
| fp == pioret =
do v' <- tryForce v
execApp' env ctxt (mkEApp con [tp, v']) rest
do res <- execApp env ctxt k [v']
execApp env ctxt res rest
execApp env ctxt con@(EP _ fp _) args@(tp:v:rest)
| fp == pioret = execApp env ctxt (mkEApp con [tp, v]) rest
-- Special cases arising from not having access to the C RTS in the interpreter
execApp' env ctxt (EP _ fp _) (_:fn:EConstant (Str arg):_:rest)
execApp env ctxt (EP _ fp _) (_:fn:EConstant (Str arg):_:rest)
| fp == mkfprim,
Just (FFun "putStr" _ _) <- foreignFromTT fn
= do execIO (putStr arg)
execApp' env ctxt ioUnit rest
execApp' env ctxt (EP _ fp _) (_:fn:_:EHandle h:_:rest)
execApp env ctxt ioUnit rest
execApp env ctxt (EP _ fp _) (_:fn:_:EHandle h:_:rest)
| fp == mkfprim,
Just (FFun "idris_readStr" _ _) <- foreignFromTT fn
= do contents <- execIO $ hGetLine h
execApp' env ctxt (EConstant (Str (contents ++ "\n"))) rest
execApp' env ctxt (EP _ fp _) (_:fn:EConstant (Str f):EConstant (Str mode):rest)
execApp env ctxt (EConstant (Str (contents ++ "\n"))) rest
execApp env ctxt (EP _ fp _) (_:fn:EConstant (Str f):EConstant (Str mode):rest)
| fp == mkfprim,
Just (FFun "fileOpen" _ _) <- foreignFromTT fn
= do f <- execIO $
@ -283,53 +243,53 @@ execApp' env ctxt (EP _ fp _) (_:fn:EConstant (Str f):EConstant (Str mode):rest)
in return $ Right (ioWrap (EPtr nullPtr), tail rest))
case f of
Left err -> execFail err
Right (res, rest) -> execApp' env ctxt res rest
Right (res, rest) -> execApp env ctxt res rest
execApp' env ctxt (EP _ fp _) (_:fn:(EHandle h):rest)
execApp env ctxt (EP _ fp _) (_:fn:(EHandle h):rest)
| fp == mkfprim,
Just (FFun "fileEOF" _ _) <- foreignFromTT fn
= do eofp <- execIO $ hIsEOF h
let res = ioWrap (EConstant (I $ if eofp then 1 else 0))
execApp' env ctxt res (tail rest)
execApp env ctxt res (tail rest)
execApp' env ctxt (EP _ fp _) (_:fn:(EHandle h):rest)
execApp env ctxt (EP _ fp _) (_:fn:(EHandle h):rest)
| fp == mkfprim,
Just (FFun "fileClose" _ _) <- foreignFromTT fn
= do execIO $ hClose h
execApp' env ctxt ioUnit (tail rest)
execApp env ctxt ioUnit (tail rest)
execApp' env ctxt (EP _ fp _) (_:fn:(EPtr p):rest)
execApp env ctxt (EP _ fp _) (_:fn:(EPtr p):rest)
| fp == mkfprim,
Just (FFun "isNull" _ _) <- foreignFromTT fn
= let res = ioWrap . EConstant . I $
if p == nullPtr then 1 else 0
in execApp' env ctxt res (tail rest)
in execApp env ctxt res (tail rest)
-- Handles will be checked as null pointers sometimes - but if we got a
-- real Handle, then it's valid, so just return 1.
execApp' env ctxt (EP _ fp _) (_:fn:(EHandle h):rest)
execApp env ctxt (EP _ fp _) (_:fn:(EHandle h):rest)
| fp == mkfprim,
Just (FFun "isNull" _ _) <- foreignFromTT fn
= let res = ioWrap . EConstant . I $ 0
in execApp' env ctxt res (tail rest)
in execApp env ctxt res (tail rest)
-- A foreign-returned char* has to be tested for NULL sometimes
execApp' env ctxt (EP _ fp _) (_:fn:EConstant (Str s):rest)
execApp env ctxt (EP _ fp _) (_:fn:EConstant (Str s):rest)
| fp == mkfprim,
Just (FFun "isNull" _ _) <- foreignFromTT fn
= let res = ioWrap . EConstant . I $ 0
in execApp' env ctxt res (tail rest)
in execApp env ctxt res (tail rest)
-- Right now, there's no way to send command-line arguments to the executor,
-- so just return 0.
execApp' env ctxt (EP _ fp _) (_:fn:rest)
execApp env ctxt (EP _ fp _) (_:fn:rest)
| fp == mkfprim,
Just (FFun "idris_numArgs" _ _) <- foreignFromTT fn
= let res = ioWrap . EConstant . I $ 0
in execApp' env ctxt res (tail rest)
in execApp env ctxt res (tail rest)
-- Throw away the 'World' argument to the foreign function
execApp' env ctxt f@(EP _ fp _) args@(ty:fn:xs) | fp == mkfprim
execApp env ctxt f@(EP _ fp _) args@(ty:fn:xs) | fp == mkfprim
= case foreignFromTT fn of
Just (FFun f argTs retT) | length xs >= length argTs ->
do let (args', xs') = (take (length argTs) xs, -- foreign args
@ -341,43 +301,41 @@ execApp' env ctxt f@(EP _ fp _) args@(ty:fn:xs) | fp == mkfprim
Just r -> return (mkEApp r xs')
Nothing -> return (mkEApp f args)
execApp' env ctxt c@(EP (DCon _ arity) n _) args =
do args' <- mapM tryForce (take arity args)
execApp env ctxt c@(EP (DCon _ arity) n _) args =
do let args' = take arity args
let restArgs = drop arity args
execApp' env ctxt (mkEApp c args') restArgs
execApp env ctxt (mkEApp c args') restArgs
execApp' env ctxt c@(EP (TCon _ arity) n _) args =
do args' <- mapM tryForce (take arity args)
execApp env ctxt c@(EP (TCon _ arity) n _) args =
do let args' = take arity args
let restArgs = drop arity args
execApp' env ctxt (mkEApp c args') restArgs
execApp env ctxt (mkEApp c args') restArgs
execApp' env ctxt f@(EP _ n _) args =
execApp env ctxt f@(EP _ n _) args =
do let val = lookupDef n ctxt
case val of
[Function _ tm] -> fail "should already have been eval'd"
[TyDecl nt ty] -> return $ mkEApp f args
[Operator tp arity op] ->
if length args >= arity
then do args' <- mapM tryForce $ take arity args
case getOp n args' of
Just res -> do r <- res
execApp' env ctxt r (drop arity args)
Nothing -> return (mkEApp f args)
then let args' = take arity args in
case getOp n args' of
Just res -> do r <- res
execApp env ctxt r (drop arity args)
Nothing -> return (mkEApp f args)
else return (mkEApp f args)
[CaseOp _ _ _ _ _ (CaseDefs _ ([], STerm tm) _ _)] -> -- nullary fun
do rhs <- doExec env ctxt tm
execApp' env ctxt rhs args
execApp env ctxt rhs args
[CaseOp _ _ _ _ _ (CaseDefs _ (ns, sc) _ _)] ->
do res <- execCase env ctxt ns sc args
return $ fromMaybe (mkEApp f args) res
thing -> return $ mkEApp f args
execApp' env ctxt bnd@(EBind n b body) (arg:args) = do ret <- body arg
let (f', as) = unApplyV ret
execApp' env ctxt f' (as ++ args)
execApp' env ctxt (EThunk i) args = do f <- force i
execApp' env ctxt f args
execApp' env ctxt app@(EApp _ _) args2 | (f, args1) <- unApplyV app = execApp' env ctxt f (args1 ++ args2)
execApp' env ctxt f args = return (mkEApp f args)
execApp env ctxt bnd@(EBind n b body) (arg:args) = do ret <- body arg
let (f', as) = unApplyV ret
execApp env ctxt f' (as ++ args)
execApp env ctxt app@(EApp _ _) args2 | (f, args1) <- unApplyV app = execApp env ctxt f (args1 ++ args2)
execApp env ctxt f args = return (mkEApp f args)
prs = sUN "prim__readString"
pbm = sUN "prim__believe_me"
@ -386,6 +344,8 @@ mkfprim = sUN "mkForeignPrim"
pioret = sUN "prim_io_return"
piobind = sUN "prim_io_bind"
upio = sUN "unsafePerformPrimIO"
delay = sUN "Delay"
force = sUN "Force"
-- | Look up primitive operations in the global table and transform them into ExecVal functions
getOp :: Name -> [ExecVal] -> Maybe (Exec ExecVal)
@ -426,7 +386,7 @@ execCase env ctxt ns sc args =
-- trace ("Case " ++ show sc ++ "\n in " ++ show amap ++"\n in env " ++ show env ++ "\n\n" ) $ return ()
caseRes <- execCase' env ctxt amap sc
case caseRes of
Just res -> Just <$> execApp' (map (\(n, tm) -> (n, tm)) amap ++ env) ctxt res (drop arity args)
Just res -> Just <$> execApp (map (\(n, tm) -> (n, tm)) amap ++ env) ctxt res (drop arity args)
Nothing -> return Nothing
else return Nothing
@ -436,8 +396,7 @@ execCase' env ctxt amap (UnmatchedCase _) = return Nothing
execCase' env ctxt amap (STerm tm) =
Just <$> doExec (map (\(n, v) -> (n, v)) amap ++ env) ctxt tm
execCase' env ctxt amap (Case n alts) | Just tm <- lookup n amap =
do tm' <- tryForce tm
case chooseAlt tm' alts of
case chooseAlt tm alts of
Just (newCase, newBindings) ->
let amap' = newBindings ++ (filter (\(x,_) -> not (elem x (map fst newBindings))) amap) in
execCase' env ctxt amap' newCase