Fix deprecation warnings in benchmarks

Most of this is from purification, two are switching from the
%assert_total directive to the assert_total function.
This commit is contained in:
Echo Nolan 2016-08-31 21:41:11 -07:00
parent 5b2711f870
commit 938e8611e0
5 changed files with 15 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ splitAt' n s = let s' = unpack s in (pack $ take n s', pack $ drop n s')
writeAlu : String -> String -> IO ()
writeAlu name s0 = putStrLn name *> go s0
go "" = return ()
go "" = pure ()
go s = let (h,t) = splitAt' 60 s in putStrLn h *> go t
replicate : Int -> Char -> String
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ make name n0 tbl seed0 = do
lookupTable = Foldable.concat (fill (scanl accum ('a',0) tbl) 0)
make' : Int -> Int -> Int -> String -> IO Int
make' 0 col seed buf = when (col > 0) (putStrLn buf) *> return seed
make' 0 col seed buf = when (col > 0) (putStrLn buf) *> pure seed
make' n col seed buf = do
let newseed = modInt (seed * 3877 + 29573) modulus
let nextchar = strIndex lookupTable newseed
@ -80,4 +80,4 @@ main = do
writeAlu ">ONE Homo sapiens alu" (takeRepeat (fromInteger (cast n)*2) alu)
nseed <- make ">TWO IUB ambiguity codes" (fromInteger (cast n)*3) iub 42
make ">THREE Homo sapiens frequency" (fromInteger (cast n)*5) homosapiens nseed
return ()
pure ()

View File

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ pidigit = do
let n = fromIntegerNat (the Integer (cast a))
let l = str (MkF 1 0 1) 1 n
loop 10 0 l
return ()
pure ()
main : IO ()
main = pidigit

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@ -14,24 +14,24 @@ Parser : Nat -> Type
Parser n = Either ParseErr (b : Board n ** LegalBoard b)
mapM : Monad m => (a -> m b) -> Vect n a -> m (Vect n b)
mapM _ Nil = return Vect.Nil
mapM _ Nil = pure Vect.Nil
mapM f (x::xs) = do
x' <- f x
xs' <- mapM f xs
return (Vect.(::) x' xs')
pure (Vect.(::) x' xs')
parseToken : String -> Either String (Cell n)
parseToken "." = return Nothing
parseToken "." = pure Nothing
parseToken "0" = Left "Got cell 0, expected 1-based numbering"
parseToken x = map Just (tryParseFin ((cast x) - 1))
tryParseFin : Int -> Either String (Fin n)
tryParseFin {n=Z} _ = Left ("Given cell " ++ x ++ " out of range")
tryParseFin {n=S k} 0 = return FZ
tryParseFin {n=S k} 0 = pure FZ
tryParseFin {n=S k} x =
case tryParseFin {n=k} (x-1) of
Left err => Left err
Right fin => return (FS fin)
Right fin => pure (FS fin)
length : Vect n a -> Nat
length {n=n} _ = n
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ parseCols {n=S k} row l cs = helper last l
let here = (x, row) -- TODO: Determine why naming this makes idris smarter
tok <- parseToken {n=S k} (index x cs)
case tok of
Nothing => return (_ ** l)
Nothing => pure (_ ** l)
Just t =>
case legalVal b here t of
Yes prf => Right (_ ** Step prf l)
@ -79,4 +79,4 @@ parse str =
let rows = fromList (lines str) in
case parseRows {n=length rows} emptyBoard Base rows of
Left msg => Left msg
Right board => return (_ ** board)
Right board => pure (_ ** board)

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@ -184,9 +184,8 @@ fillBoard {n=(S n)} b l with (emptyCell b)
| Left full = Just (b ** (l, full))
| Right (coords ** p) = recurse last
tryAll : (v : Fin (S n)) -> (Fin (S n), Maybe (b' : Board (S n) ** LegalBoard b'))
tryAll v = --trace ("Trying " ++ show (the Int (cast v))) $
tryAll v = assert_total $ --trace ("Trying " ++ show (the Int (cast v))) $
case tryValue l coords p v of
Right success => (v, Just success)
Left _ => -- TODO: Prove unsolvable
@ -194,9 +193,8 @@ fillBoard {n=(S n)} b l with (emptyCell b)
FS k => tryAll (weaken k)
FZ => (v, Nothing)
recurse : Fin (S n) -> Maybe (b' : Board (S n) ** CompleteBoard b')
recurse start =
recurse start = assert_total $
case tryAll start of
(_, Nothing) => Nothing
(FZ, Just (b' ** l')) => fillBoard b' l'

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@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ vsort [] = []
vsort (x :: xs) = insert x (vsort xs)
mkSortVec : (n : Nat) -> Eff (Vect n Int) [RND]
mkSortVec Z = return []
mkSortVec (S k) = return (fromInteger !(rndInt 0 10000) :: !(mkSortVec k))
mkSortVec Z = pure []
mkSortVec (S k) = pure (fromInteger !(rndInt 0 10000) :: !(mkSortVec k))
main : IO ()
main = do (_ :: arg :: _) <- getArgs