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module Text.Lexer.Tokenizer
import Data.List
import Text.Lexer.Core
import Text.Lexer
import Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter
import public Control.Delayed
import public Text.Bounded
%default total
||| Description of a language's tokenization rule.
data Tokenizer : (tokenType : Type) -> Type where
Match : Lexer -> (String -> tokenType) -> Tokenizer tokenType
Compose : (begin : Lexer) ->
(mapBegin : String -> tokenType) ->
(tagger : String -> tag) ->
(middle : Inf (tag -> Tokenizer tokenType)) ->
(end : tag -> Lexer) ->
(mapEnd : String -> tokenType) ->
Tokenizer tokenType
Alt : Tokenizer tokenType -> Lazy (Tokenizer tokenType) -> Tokenizer tokenType
||| Alternative tokenizer rules.
(<|>) : Tokenizer t -> Lazy (Tokenizer t) -> Tokenizer t
(<|>) = Alt
||| Match on a recogniser and cast the string to a token.
match : Lexer -> (String -> a) -> Tokenizer a
match = Match
||| Compose other tokenizer. Language composition should be quoted between
||| a begin lexer and a end lexer. The begin token can be used to generate
||| the composition tokenizer and the end lexer.
compose : (begin : Lexer) ->
(mapBegin : String -> a) ->
(tagger : String -> tag) ->
(middle : Inf (tag -> Tokenizer a)) ->
(end : tag -> Lexer) ->
(mapEnd : String -> a) ->
Tokenizer a
compose = Compose
||| Stop reason why tokenizer can't make more progress.
||| @ ComposeNotClosing carries the span of composition begin token in the
||| form of `(startLine, startCol), (endLine, endCol)`.
public export
data StopReason = EndInput | NoRuleApply | ComposeNotClosing (Int, Int) (Int, Int)
Show StopReason where
show EndInput = "EndInput"
show NoRuleApply = "NoRuleApply"
show (ComposeNotClosing start end) = "ComposeNotClosing " ++ show start ++ " " ++ show end
Pretty StopReason where
pretty EndInput = pretty "EndInput"
pretty NoRuleApply = pretty "NoRuleApply"
pretty (ComposeNotClosing start end) = "ComposeNotClosing" <++> pretty start <++> pretty end
tokenise : Lexer ->
Tokenizer a ->
(line, col : Int) -> List (WithBounds a) ->
List Char ->
(List (WithBounds a), (StopReason, Int, Int, List Char))
tokenise reject tokenizer line col acc [] = (reverse acc, EndInput, (line, col, []))
tokenise reject tokenizer line col acc str
= case scan reject [] str of
Just _ => (reverse acc, (EndInput, line, col, str))
Nothing => case getFirstMatch tokenizer str of
Right (toks, line', col', rest) =>
-- assert total because getFirstMatch must consume something
assert_total (tokenise reject tokenizer line' col' (toks ++ acc) rest)
Left reason => (reverse acc, reason, (line, col, str))
countNLs : List Char -> Nat
countNLs str = List.length (filter (== '\n') str)
getCols : List Char -> Int -> Int
getCols x c
= case span (/= '\n') x of
(incol, []) => c + cast (length incol)
(incol, _) => cast (length incol)
-- get the next lexeme using the `Lexer` in argument, its position and the input
-- Returns the new position, the lexeme parsed and the rest of the input
-- If parsing the lexer fails, this returns `Nothing`
getNext : (lexer : Lexer) -> (line, col : Int) -> (input : List Char) -> Maybe (String, Int, Int, List Char)
getNext lexer line col str =
let Just (token, rest) = scan lexer [] str
| _ => Nothing
line' = line + cast (countNLs token)
col' = getCols token col
tokenStr = fastPack $ reverse token
in pure (tokenStr, line', col', rest)
getFirstMatch : Tokenizer a -> List Char ->
Either StopReason (List (WithBounds a), Int, Int, List Char)
getFirstMatch (Match lex fn) str
= let Just (tok, line', col', rest) = getNext lex line col str
| _ => Left NoRuleApply
tok' = MkBounded (fn tok) False (MkBounds line col line' col')
in Right ([tok'], line', col', rest)
getFirstMatch (Compose begin mapBegin tagger middleFn endFn mapEnd) str
= let Just (beginTok', line', col' , rest) = getNext begin line col str
| Nothing => Left NoRuleApply
tag = tagger beginTok'
middle = middleFn tag
end = endFn tag
beginTok'' = MkBounded (mapBegin beginTok') False (MkBounds line col line' col')
(midToks, (reason, line'', col'', rest'')) =
2021-08-27 18:18:24 +03:00
assert_total (tokenise end middle line' col' [] rest)
in case reason of
(ComposeNotClosing _ _) => Left reason
_ => let Just (endTok', lineEnd, colEnd, restEnd) =
getNext end line'' col'' rest''
| _ => Left $ ComposeNotClosing (line, col) (line', col')
endTok'' = MkBounded (mapEnd endTok') False (MkBounds line'' col'' lineEnd colEnd)
in Right ([endTok''] ++ reverse midToks ++ [beginTok''], lineEnd, colEnd, restEnd)
getFirstMatch (Alt t1 t2) str
= case getFirstMatch t1 str of
Right result => Right result
Left reason@(ComposeNotClosing _ _) => Left reason
Left _ => getFirstMatch t2 str
lexTo : Lexer ->
Tokenizer a ->
String ->
(List (WithBounds a), (StopReason, Int, Int, String))
lexTo reject tokenizer str
= let (ts, reason, (l, c, str')) =
tokenise reject tokenizer 0 0 [] (fastUnpack str) in
(ts, reason, (l, c, fastPack str'))
||| Given a tokenizer and an input string, return a list of recognised tokens,
||| and the line, column, and remainder of the input at the first point in the string
||| where there are no recognised tokens.
lex : Tokenizer a -> String -> (List (WithBounds a), (StopReason, Int, Int, String))
lex tokenizer str = lexTo (pred $ const False) tokenizer str