
26 lines
792 B
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2021-01-12 16:22:58 +03:00
import Data.List
import Data.Stream
-- the built in sort function is an implementation of merge sort (for now at least)
lincong : Integral a => a -> Stream a
lincong = tail . (iterate (\n => (1103515245 * n + 12345) `mod` 2147483648))
randishInts : Nat -> Integer -> List Integer
randishInts size seed = take size $ lincong seed
mylast : List a -> Maybe a
mylast [] = Nothing
mylast [x] = Just x
mylast (x::xs) = mylast xs
doSort : Nat -> IO ()
doSort Z = putStrLn "Done"
doSort (S k) = do let xs = sort $ randishInts 12000 $ natToInteger k
-- get last elem to make sure compiler doesn't optimise away the sort
putStrLn $ show $ mylast xs
doSort k
main : IO ()
main = do max <- getLine
doSort (integerToNat (cast max))