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2020-05-18 15:59:07 +03:00
module System.Directory
import System.Errno
2020-05-18 15:59:07 +03:00
import public System.File
%default total
2020-05-18 15:59:07 +03:00
public export
DirPtr : Type
DirPtr = AnyPtr
support : String -> String
2021-04-23 13:09:31 +03:00
support fn = "C:" ++ fn ++ ", libidris2_support, idris_directory.h"
2020-05-18 15:59:07 +03:00
2021-04-23 13:09:31 +03:00
%foreign "C:idris2_fileErrno, libidris2_support, idris_file.h"
prim__fileErrno : PrimIO Int
2020-05-18 15:59:07 +03:00
returnError : HasIO io => io (Either FileError a)
2020-05-18 15:59:07 +03:00
= do err <- primIO prim__fileErrno
2021-06-16 17:22:52 +03:00
pure $ Left $
case err of
0 => FileReadError
1 => FileWriteError
2 => FileNotFound
3 => PermissionDenied
4 => FileExists
_ => GenericFileError (err-5)
2020-05-18 15:59:07 +03:00
ok : HasIO io => a -> io (Either FileError a)
2020-05-18 15:59:07 +03:00
ok x = pure (Right x)
%foreign support "idris2_currentDirectory"
2020-06-18 01:29:54 +03:00
prim__currentDir : PrimIO (Ptr String)
2020-05-18 15:59:07 +03:00
%foreign support "idris2_changeDir"
prim__changeDir : String -> PrimIO Int
2020-05-18 15:59:07 +03:00
%foreign support "idris2_createDir"
prim__createDir : String -> PrimIO Int
2020-05-18 15:59:07 +03:00
%foreign support "idris2_openDir"
prim__openDir : String -> PrimIO DirPtr
2020-05-18 15:59:07 +03:00
%foreign support "idris2_closeDir"
prim__closeDir : DirPtr -> PrimIO ()
2020-05-18 15:59:07 +03:00
%foreign support "idris2_removeDir"
prim__removeDir : String -> PrimIO ()
2020-05-18 20:28:33 +03:00
2020-05-18 15:59:07 +03:00
%foreign support "idris2_nextDirEntry"
prim__dirEntry : DirPtr -> PrimIO (Ptr String)
2020-05-18 15:59:07 +03:00
data Directory : Type where
MkDir : DirPtr -> Directory
createDir : HasIO io => String -> io (Either FileError ())
2020-05-18 15:59:07 +03:00
createDir dir
= do res <- primIO (prim__createDir dir)
2020-05-18 15:59:07 +03:00
if res == 0
then ok ()
else returnError
changeDir : HasIO io => String -> io Bool
2020-05-18 15:59:07 +03:00
changeDir dir
= do ok <- primIO (prim__changeDir dir)
2020-05-18 15:59:07 +03:00
pure (ok == 0)
currentDir : HasIO io => io (Maybe String)
2020-05-18 15:59:07 +03:00
= do res <- primIO prim__currentDir
2020-05-18 15:59:07 +03:00
if prim__nullPtr res /= 0
then pure Nothing
else pure (Just (prim__getString res))
openDir : HasIO io => String -> io (Either FileError Directory)
openDir d
= do res <- primIO (prim__openDir d)
2020-05-18 15:59:07 +03:00
if prim__nullAnyPtr res /= 0
then returnError
else ok (MkDir res)
closeDir : HasIO io => Directory -> io ()
closeDir (MkDir d) = primIO (prim__closeDir d)
2020-05-18 15:59:07 +03:00
2020-05-18 20:28:33 +03:00
removeDir : HasIO io => String -> io ()
removeDir dirName = primIO (prim__removeDir dirName)
2020-05-18 20:28:33 +03:00
2020-05-18 15:59:07 +03:00
nextDirEntry : HasIO io => Directory -> io (Either FileError (Maybe String))
nextDirEntry (MkDir d)
= do res <- primIO (prim__dirEntry d)
2020-05-18 15:59:07 +03:00
if prim__nullPtr res /= 0
then if !(getErrno) /= 0
then returnError
else pure $ Right Nothing
else do let n = prim__getString res
if n == "." || n == ".."
then assert_total $ nextDirEntry (MkDir d)
else pure $ Right (Just n)
-- This function is deprecated; to be removed after the next version bump
dirEntry : HasIO io => Directory -> io (Either FileError String)
dirEntry d = do r <- nextDirEntry d
pure $ case r of
Left e => Left e
Right (Just n) => Right n
Right Nothing => Left FileNotFound
collectDir : HasIO io => Directory -> io (Either FileError (List String))
collectDir d
= liftIO $ do let (>>=) : (IO . Either e) a -> (a -> (IO . Either e) b) -> (IO . Either e) b
(>>=) = Prelude.(>>=) @{Monad.Compose {m = IO} {t = Either e}}
Just n <- nextDirEntry d
| Nothing => pure $ Right []
ns <- assert_total $ collectDir d
pure $ Right (n :: ns)
listDir : HasIO io => String -> io (Either FileError (List String))
listDir name = do Right d <- openDir name
| Left e => pure $ Left e
ns <- collectDir d
ignore <- closeDir d
pure $ ns