2020-10-01 12:41:30 +03:00
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Nat
namespace SuperDog
public export
record SuperDog where
constructor MkDog
supername : String
age : Int
weight : Int
namespace OrdinaryDog
public export
record OrdinaryDog where
constructor MkDog
name : String
age : Int
weight : Int
record Other a where
constructor MkOther
{imp : String}
fieldA : a
fieldB : b
myDog : OrdinaryDog
myDog = MkDog { age = 4
, weight = 12
, name = "Sam" }
mySuperDog : SuperDog
mySuperDog = MkDog { age = 3
, weight = 10
, supername = "Super-Sam" }
other : ?
2020-10-03 11:50:38 +03:00
other = MkOther {fieldB = the Int 1, fieldA = "hi", imp = "Secret string"}
2020-10-01 12:41:30 +03:00
2020-10-03 11:50:38 +03:00
otherOk1 : Main.other.fieldB = (the Int 1)
otherOk1 = Refl
otherOk2 : Main.other.fieldA = "hi"
otherOk2 = Refl
otherOk3 : Main.other.imp = "Secret string"
otherOk3 = Refl
same : MkDog {age = 2, name = "Rex", weight = 10} = (the OrdinaryDog $ MkDog "Rex" 2 10)
2020-10-01 12:41:30 +03:00
same = Refl
namespace R1
public export
record R1 where
constructor MkR
field : a
namespace R2
public export
record R2 where
constructor MkR
{auto field : a}
r1 : R1
r1 = MkR {field = "string"}
2020-10-03 11:50:38 +03:00
r2_shouldNotTypecheck1 : ?
r2_shouldNotTypecheck1 = MkR {field = the Nat 22} -- fail, impossible to disambiguate
onlyName : OrdinaryDog -> String
onlyName (MkDog {name, _}) = name
mapName : (String -> String) -> OrdinaryDog -> OrdinaryDog
mapName f = {name $= f}
setName : String -> OrdinaryDog -> OrdinaryDog
setName name' = {name := name'}
setNameOld : String -> OrdinaryDog -> OrdinaryDog
setNameOld name' = record {name = name'}
2020-10-01 12:41:30 +03:00
interface Show a => (num : Num a) => MyIface a where -- Some interface with
constructor MkIface
-- constraints
data MyData : a -> Type -- and a data declaration.
someFunc : a -> a -- Constraints are now elaborated as auto implicits (as one would expect)
giveBack : {x : a} -> MyData x -> a -- (previously as explicit arguments of the interface
-- constructor)
2020-10-03 11:50:38 +03:00
2020-10-01 12:41:30 +03:00
data MyDataImpl : a -> Type where -- implementation of MyData
MkMyData : (x : a) -> MyDataImpl x
-- implementation MyIface Int where
-- MyData = MyDataImpl
-- someFunc = id
-- giveBack (MkMyData x) = x
instanceMyIfaceInt : MyIface Integer -- this def, roughly speaking, is the 'same thing' as the above implementation
-- Show Int, Num Int are auto implicits vvv
instanceMyIfaceInt = MkIface { MyData = MyDataImpl
, someFunc = id
2020-10-03 11:50:38 +03:00
, giveBack = \(MkMyData x) => x
, num = %search } -- auto implicit names are preserved
2020-10-01 12:41:30 +03:00
instanceOk : giveBack (MkMyData 22) = 22
instanceOk = Refl
interface Show' a where -- can be used in types
constructor MkShow'
show' : a -> String
Show' String where
show' = id
showMaybe' : Show' a => Show' (Maybe a)
showMaybe' = MkShow' { show' = fromMaybe "Nothing" . (("Just " ++ ) . show' <$>) }
showMaybe'Ok : show' (Just "nice") = "Just nice"
showMaybe'Ok = Refl
2020-10-03 11:50:38 +03:00
record AllFieldTypes a where
constructor MkAllFieldTypes
exp : a
{imp : a}
2020-10-01 12:41:30 +03:00
{auto aut : a}
2020-10-03 11:50:38 +03:00
testAllFieldTypesOk : MkAllFieldTypes { aut = "aut"
, exp = "exp"
, imp = "imp" }
= MkAllFieldTypes "exp" {imp = "imp"} @{"aut"}
testAllFieldTypesOk = Refl
2020-10-01 12:41:30 +03:00
2020-10-03 11:50:38 +03:00
test4 : {auto a : String} -> {auto a : String} -> String
test4 @{a} @{a'} = show' a ++ ":" ++ show' a'
-- unnamed explicit takes priority
test5 : (a : String) -> (a : String) -> String
test5 {a = a2} {-snd-} a1 {-fst-} = a1 ++ a2
test5Ok : Main.test5 "abc" "def" = "abcdef"
test5Ok = Refl
-- unnamed auto takes priority
testAutoPriorityOk : Main.test4 {a = "2"} @{"1"} = "1:2"
testAutoPriorityOk = Refl
sameNamesOk : (a : String) -> (a : Nat) -> (String, Nat)
sameNamesOk {a, a = b} = (a, b)
eachArgType : (a : String) -> {a : String} -> {auto a : String} -> String
eachArgType {a = a1, a = a2, a = a3} = a1 ++ a2 ++ a3
eachArgTypeOk : eachArgType @{"3"} "1" {a = "2"} = "123"
eachArgTypeOk = Refl
eachArgTypeOk2 : eachArgType {a = "1", a = "2", a = "3"} = "123"
eachArgTypeOk2 = Refl
dontCare : (x : String) -> (y : String) -> (z : String) -> String
dontCare {x, z, _} = x ++ z
dontCareOk : Main.dontCare "a" "b" "c" = "ac"
dontCareOk = Refl
2020-10-01 12:41:30 +03:00
2020-10-03 11:50:38 +03:00
dontCare2 : (x : Nat) -> Nat -> Nat -> Nat -> (y : Nat) -> x + y = y + x
dontCare2 {} = plusCommutative {}
-- dontCare2 _ _ _ _ _ = plusCommutative _ _