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2021-02-22 12:54:16 +03:00
module Data.Tree.Perfect
import Control.WellFounded
import Data.Monoid.Exponentiation
import Data.Nat.Views
import Data.Nat
import Data.Nat.Order.Properties
import Data.Nat.Exponentiation
import Syntax.WithProof
import Syntax.PreorderReasoning.Generic
%default total
public export
data Tree : Nat -> Type -> Type where
Leaf : a -> Tree Z a
Node : Tree n a -> Tree n a -> Tree (S n) a
public export
Functor (Tree n) where
map f (Leaf a) = Leaf (f a)
map f (Node l r) = Node (map f l) (map f r)
public export
replicate : (n : Nat) -> a -> Tree n a
replicate Z a = Leaf a
replicate (S n) a = let t = replicate n a in Node t t
public export
{n : _} -> Applicative (Tree n) where
pure = replicate n
Leaf f <*> Leaf a = Leaf (f a)
Node fl fr <*> Node xl xr = Node (fl <*> xl) (fr <*> xr)
public export
data Path : Nat -> Type where
Here : Path Z
Left : Path n -> Path (S n)
Right : Path n -> Path (S n)
public export
toNat : {n : _} -> Path n -> Nat
toNat Here = Z
toNat (Left p) = toNat p
toNat {n = S n} (Right p) = toNat p + pow2 n
toNatBounded : (n : Nat) -> (p : Path n) -> toNat p `LT` pow2 n
2021-11-22 23:10:08 +03:00
toNatBounded Z Here = reflexive
2021-02-22 12:54:16 +03:00
toNatBounded (S n) (Left p) = CalcWith $
|~ S (toNat p)
<~ pow2 n ...( toNatBounded n p )
<~ pow2 n + pow2 n ...( lteAddRight (pow2 n) )
~~ pow2 (S n) ...( sym unfoldPow2 )
toNatBounded (S n) (Right p) = CalcWith $
let ih = toNatBounded n p in
|~ S (toNat p) + pow2 n
<~ pow2 n + pow2 n ...( plusLteMonotoneRight _ _ _ ih )
~~ pow2 (S n) ...( sym unfoldPow2 )
namespace FromNat
||| This pattern-matching in `fromNat` is annoying:
||| The `Z (S _)` case is impossible
||| In the `k (S n)` case we want to branch on whether `k `LT` pow2 n`
||| and get our hands on some proofs.
||| This view factors out that work.
public export
data View : (k, n : Nat) -> Type where
ZZ : View Z Z
SLT : (0 p : k `LT` pow2 n) -> View k (S n)
SNLT : (0 p : k `GTE` pow2 n) ->
(0 rec : minus k (pow2 n) `LT` pow2 n) -> View k (S n)
public export
view : (k, n : Nat) -> (0 _ : k `LT` (pow2 n)) -> View k n
view Z Z p = ZZ
view (S _) Z p = void $ absurd (fromLteSucc p)
view k (S n) p with (@@ lt k (pow2 n))
view k (S n) p | (True ** eq) = SLT (ltIsLT k (pow2 n) eq)
view k (S n) p | (False ** eq) = SNLT gte prf where
0 gte : k `GTE` pow2 n
gte = notLTImpliesGTE (notltIsNotLT k (pow2 n) eq)
0 prf : minus k (pow2 n) `LT` pow2 n
prf = CalcWith $
|~ S (minus k (pow2 n))
<~ minus (pow2 (S n)) (pow2 n)
...( minusLtMonotone p pow2Increasing )
~~ minus (pow2 n + pow2 n) (pow2 n)
...( cong (\ m => minus m (pow2 n)) unfoldPow2 )
~~ pow2 n
...( minusPlus (pow2 n) )
||| Convert a natural number to a path in a perfect binary tree
public export
fromNat : (k, n : Nat) -> (0 _ : k `LT` pow2 n) -> Path n
fromNat k n p with (view k n p)
fromNat Z Z p | ZZ = Here
fromNat k (S n) p | SLT lt = Left (fromNat k n lt)
fromNat k (S n) p | SNLT _ lt = Right (fromNat (minus k (pow2 n)) n lt)
||| The `fromNat` conversion is compatible with the semantics `toNat`
fromNatCorrect : (k, n : Nat) -> (0 p : k `LT` pow2 n) ->
toNat (fromNat k n p) === k
fromNatCorrect k n p with (view k n p)
fromNatCorrect Z Z p | ZZ = Refl
fromNatCorrect k (S n) p | SLT lt = fromNatCorrect k n lt
fromNatCorrect k (S n) p | SNLT gte lt
= rewrite fromNatCorrect (minus k (pow2 n)) n lt in
irrelevantEq $ plusMinusLte (pow2 n) k gte
public export
lookup : Tree n a -> Path n -> a
lookup (Leaf a) Here = a
lookup (Node l _) (Left p) = lookup l p
lookup (Node _ r) (Right p) = lookup r p