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synced 2024-12-19 09:12:34 +03:00
57 lines
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57 lines
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import Data.List
import Data.List.Elem
%search_timeout 1000
||| A Place has an ID and a number of tokens
data Place : Type where
MkPlace : (i : Nat) -> (nTokens : Nat) -> Place
||| A transition has a name
data Transition : Type where
MkTransition : String -> Transition
||| An Input links a Place and a Transition...
data Input : Type where
MkInput : (from : Place) -> (to : Transition) -> Input
-- Accessor functions for proof
0 inputFrom : Input -> Place
inputFrom (MkInput p t) = p
0 inputTo : Input -> Transition
inputTo (MkInput p t) = t
data SoundInputFrom : Input -> List Place -> Type where
MkSoundInputFrom : (i : Input)
-> (ps : List Place)
-> (prf : Elem (inputFrom i) ps)
-> SoundInputFrom i ps
data SoundInputTo : Input -> List Transition -> Type where
MkSoundInputTo : (i : Input)
-> (ts : List Transition)
-> (prf : Elem (inputTo i) ts)
-> SoundInputTo i ts
data SoundInput : Input -> List Place -> List Transition -> Type where
MkSoundInput : (i : Input)
-> (ps : List Place)
-> (ts : List Transition)
-> (fromOK : SoundInputFrom i ps)
-> (toOK : SoundInputTo i ts)
-> SoundInput i ps ts
data AllInputsSound : List Input -> List Place -> List Transition -> Type where
NilInputsIsSound : AllInputsSound [] _ _
ConsIsSound : (headIsSound : SoundInput i ps ts)
-> (tailIsSound : AllInputsSound is ps ts)
-> AllInputsSound (i :: is) ps ts
-- Searching here finds the right answer immediately, but then if we don't
-- have a timeout, it takes ages to explore more non-solutions! So we cut off
-- after a second
tailIsNotSound : (contra : (AllInputsSound is ps ts -> Void))
-> AllInputsSound (i :: is) ps ts
-> Void