
391 lines
15 KiB
Raw Normal View History

module Main
import System
import System.Directory
import System.File
import Test.Golden
%default covering
-- Test cases
ttimpTests : TestPool
ttimpTests = MkTestPool "TTImp" [] Nothing
[ "basic001", "basic002", "basic003", "basic004", "basic005"
, "basic006"
, "coverage002"
, "dot001"
, "eta001"
, "lazy001"
, "nest001", "nest002"
, "perf001", "perf002", "perf003"
, "record001", "record002", "record003", "record004"
, "qtt001", "qtt003"
, "total001", "total002", "total003"
2020-12-08 01:51:33 +03:00
idrisTestsBasic : TestPool
idrisTestsBasic = MkTestPool "Fundamental language features" [] Nothing
-- Fundamental language features
["basic001", "basic002", "basic003", "basic004", "basic005",
"basic006", "basic007", "basic008", "basic009", "basic010",
"basic011", "basic012", "basic013", "basic014", "basic015",
"basic016", "basic017", "basic018", "basic019", "basic020",
"basic021", "basic022", "basic023", "basic024", "basic025",
"basic026", "basic027", "basic028", "basic029", "basic030",
"basic031", "basic032", "basic033", "basic034", "basic035",
"basic036", "basic037", "basic038", "basic039", "basic040",
"basic041", "basic042", "basic043", "basic044", "basic045",
"basic046", "basic047", "basic049", "basic050",
"basic051", "basic052", "basic053", "basic054", "basic055",
"basic056", "basic057", "basic058", "basic059", "basic060",
2021-11-24 22:12:46 +03:00
"basic061", "basic062", "basic063", "basic064", "basic065",
"basic066", "basic067", "basic068",
"interpolation001", "interpolation002", "interpolation003",
2020-12-08 01:51:33 +03:00
idrisTestsDebug : TestPool
idrisTestsDebug = MkTestPool "Debug features" [] Nothing
2020-12-08 01:51:33 +03:00
idrisTestsCoverage : TestPool
idrisTestsCoverage = MkTestPool "Coverage checking" [] Nothing
-- Coverage checking
2020-12-08 01:51:33 +03:00
["coverage001", "coverage002", "coverage003", "coverage004",
"coverage005", "coverage006", "coverage007", "coverage008",
"coverage009", "coverage010", "coverage011", "coverage012",
"coverage013", "coverage014", "coverage015", "coverage016",
"coverage017", "coverage018", "coverage019"]
2020-12-08 01:51:33 +03:00
idrisTestsCasetree : TestPool
idrisTestsCasetree = MkTestPool "Case tree building" [] Nothing
-- Case tree building
2021-10-02 14:55:21 +03:00
["casetree001", "casetree002"]
idrisTestsWarning : TestPool
idrisTestsWarning = MkTestPool "Warnings" [] Nothing
["warning001", "warning002", "warning003"]
idrisTestsFailing : TestPool
idrisTestsFailing = MkTestPool "Failing blocks" [] Nothing
["failing001", "failing002", "failing003"
2020-12-08 01:51:33 +03:00
idrisTestsError : TestPool
idrisTestsError = MkTestPool "Error messages" [] Nothing
-- Error messages
2020-12-08 01:51:33 +03:00
["error001", "error002", "error003", "error004", "error005",
"error006", "error007", "error008", "error009", "error010",
"error011", "error012", "error013", "error014", "error015",
"error016", "error017", "error018", "error019", "error020",
"error021", "error022", "error023",
2020-12-08 01:51:33 +03:00
-- Parse errors
"perror001", "perror002", "perror003", "perror004", "perror005",
"perror006", "perror007", "perror008", "perror009", "perror010",
"perror011", "perror012", "perror013", "perror014", "perror015"]
2020-12-08 01:51:33 +03:00
idrisTestsInteractive : TestPool
idrisTestsInteractive = MkTestPool "Interactive editing" [] Nothing
-- Interactive editing support
2020-12-08 01:51:33 +03:00
["interactive001", "interactive002", "interactive003", "interactive004",
"interactive005", "interactive006", "interactive007", "interactive008",
"interactive009", "interactive010", "interactive011", "interactive012",
"interactive013", "interactive014", "interactive015", "interactive016",
"interactive017", "interactive018", "interactive019", "interactive020",
"interactive021", "interactive022", "interactive023", "interactive024",
"interactive025", "interactive026", "interactive027", "interactive028",
"interactive029", "interactive030", "interactive031", "interactive032",
"interactive033", "interactive034", "interactive035", "interactive036",
"interactive037", "interactive038", "interactive039", "interactive040",
"interactive041", "interactive042"]
2020-12-08 01:51:33 +03:00
idrisTestsInterface : TestPool
idrisTestsInterface = MkTestPool "Interface" [] Nothing
-- Interfaces
2020-12-08 01:51:33 +03:00
["interface001", "interface002", "interface003", "interface004",
"interface005", "interface006", "interface007", "interface008",
"interface009", "interface010", "interface011", "interface012",
"interface013", "interface014", "interface015", "interface016",
"interface017", "interface018", "interface019", "interface020",
"interface021", "interface022", "interface023", "interface024",
"interface025", "interface026", "interface027", "interface028"]
2020-12-08 01:51:33 +03:00
idrisTestsLinear : TestPool
idrisTestsLinear = MkTestPool "Quantities" [] Nothing
2020-12-08 01:51:33 +03:00
-- QTT and linearity related
["linear001", "linear002", "linear003", -- "linear004" -- disabled due to requiring linearity subtyping
"linear005", "linear006", "linear007", "linear008",
"linear009", "linear010", "linear011", "linear012",
"linear013", "linear014", "linear015"]
2020-12-08 01:51:33 +03:00
idrisTestsLiterate : TestPool
idrisTestsLiterate = MkTestPool "Literate programming" [] Nothing
2020-12-08 01:51:33 +03:00
-- Literate
["literate001", "literate002", "literate003", "literate004",
"literate005", "literate006", "literate007", "literate008",
"literate009", "literate010", "literate011", "literate012",
"literate013", "literate014", "literate015", "literate016",
2020-12-08 01:51:33 +03:00
idrisTestsPerformance : TestPool
idrisTestsPerformance = MkTestPool "Performance" [] Nothing
2020-12-08 01:51:33 +03:00
-- Performance: things which have been slow in the past, or which
-- pose interesting challenges for the elaborator
["perf001", "perf002", "perf003", "perf004", "perf005",
"perf007", "perf008", "perf009", "perf010", "perf011",
2020-12-08 01:51:33 +03:00
idrisTestsRegression : TestPool
idrisTestsRegression = MkTestPool "Various regressions" [] Nothing
2020-12-08 01:51:33 +03:00
-- Miscellaneous regressions
["reg001", "reg002", "reg003", "reg004", "reg005", "reg006", "reg007",
"reg008", "reg009", "reg010", "reg011", "reg012", "reg013", "reg014",
"reg015", "reg016", "reg017", "reg018", "reg019", "reg020", "reg021",
"reg022", "reg023", "reg024", "reg025", "reg026", "reg027", "reg028",
"reg029", "reg030", "reg031", "reg032", "reg033", "reg034", "reg035",
"reg036", "reg037", "reg038", "reg039", "reg040", "reg041", "reg042",
"reg043", "reg044", "reg045", "reg046", "reg047", "reg048", "reg049",
2020-12-08 01:51:33 +03:00
idrisTestsData : TestPool
idrisTestsData = MkTestPool "Data and record types" [] Nothing
[-- Data types
-- Records, access and dependent update
"record001", "record002", "record003", "record004", "record005",
"record006", "record007", "record008", "record009", "record010",
"record011", "record012", "record013", "record014", "record015" ]
idrisTestsBuiltin : TestPool
idrisTestsBuiltin = MkTestPool "Builtin types and functions" [] Nothing
-- %builtin related tests for the frontend (type-checking)
["builtin001", "builtin002", "builtin003", "builtin004", "builtin005",
"builtin006", "builtin007", "builtin008", "builtin009", "builtin010",
2021-04-15 16:08:50 +03:00
idrisTestsEvaluator : TestPool
idrisTestsEvaluator = MkTestPool "Evaluation" [] Nothing
2021-04-15 16:08:50 +03:00
[ -- Evaluator
"evaluator001", "evaluator002", "evaluator003",
2021-04-15 16:08:50 +03:00
-- Miscellaneous REPL
"interpreter001", "interpreter002", "interpreter003", "interpreter004",
"interpreter005", "interpreter006", "interpreter007", "interpreter008"]
2021-04-15 16:08:50 +03:00
idrisTestsAllBackends : Requirement -> TestPool
idrisTestsAllBackends cg = MkTestPool
("Test across all backends: " ++ show cg ++ " instance")
[] (Just cg)
[ -- Evaluator
-- Unfortunately the behaviour of Double is platform dependent so the
-- following test is turned off.
-- "evaluator005",
idrisTestsTotality : TestPool
idrisTestsTotality = MkTestPool "Totality checking" [] Nothing
-- Positivity checking
["positivity001", "positivity002", "positivity003", "positivity004",
-- Totality checking
"total001", "total002", "total003", "total004", "total005",
"total006", "total007", "total008", "total009", "total010",
"total011", "total012", "total013"
Experimental Scheme based evaluator (#1956) This is for compiled evaluation at compile-time, for full normalisation. You can try it by setting the evaluation mode to scheme (that is, :set eval scheme at the REPL). It's certainly an order of magnitude faster than the standard evaluator, based on my playing around with it, although still quite a bit slower than compilation for various reasons, including: * It has to evaluate under binders, and therefore deal with blocked symbols * It has to maintain enough information to be able to read back a Term from the evaluated scheme object, which means retaining things like types and other metadata * We can't do a lot of the optimisations we'd do for runtime evaluation particularly setting things up so we don't need to do arity checking Also added a new option evaltiming (set with :set evaltiming) to display how long evaluation itself takes, which is handy for checking performance. I also don't think we should aim to replace the standard evaluator, in general, at least not for a while, because that will involve rewriting a lot of things and working out how to make it work as Call By Name (which is clearly possible, but fiddly). Still, it's going to be interesting to experiment with it! I think it will be a good idea to use it for elaborator reflection and type providers when we eventually get around to implementing them. Original commit details: * Add ability to evaluate open terms via Scheme Still lots of polish and more formal testing to do here before we can use it in practice, but you can still use ':scheme <term>' at the REPL to evaluate an expression by compiling to scheme then reading back the result. Also added 'evaltiming' option at the REPL, which, when set, displays how long normalisaton takes (doesn't count resugaring, just the normalisation step). * Add scheme evaluation mode Different when evaluating everything, vs only evaluating visible things. We want the latter when type checking, the former at the REPL. * Bring support.rkt up to date A couple of missing things required for interfacing with scheme objects * More Scheme readback machinery We need these things in the next version so that the next-but-one version can have a scheme evaluator! * Add top level interface to scheme based normaliser Also check it's available - currently chez only - and revert to the default slow normaliser if it's not. * Bring Context up to date with changes in main * Now need Idris 0.5.0 to build * Add SNF type for scheme values This will allow us to incrementally evaluate under lambdas, which will be useful for elaborator reflection and type providers. * Add Quote for scheme evaluator So, we can now get a weak head normal form, and evaluate the scope of a binder when we have an argument to plug in, or just quote back the whole thing. * Add new 'scheme' evaluator mode at the REPL Replacing the temporary 'TmpScheme', this is a better way to try out the scheme based evaluator * Fix name generation for new UN format * Add scheme evaluator support to Racket * Add another scheme eval test With metavariables this time * evaltiming now times execution too This was handy for finding out the difference between the scheme based evaluator and compilation. Compilation was something like 20 times faster in my little test, so that'd be about 4-500 times faster than the standard evaluator. Ouch! * Fix whitespace errors * Error handling when trying to evaluate Scheme
2021-09-24 22:38:55 +03:00
-- This will only work with an Idris compiled via Chez or Racket, but at
-- least for the moment we're not officially supporting self hosting any
-- other way. If we do, we'll need to have a way to disable these.
idrisTestsSchemeEval : TestPool
idrisTestsSchemeEval = MkTestPool "Scheme Evaluator" [] Nothing
["schemeeval001", "schemeeval002", "schemeeval003", "schemeeval004",
"schemeeval005", "schemeeval006"]
idrisTestsReflection : TestPool
idrisTestsReflection = MkTestPool "Quotation and Reflection" [] Nothing
["reflection001", "reflection002", "reflection003", "reflection004",
"reflection005", "reflection006", "reflection007", "reflection008",
"reflection009", "reflection010", "reflection011", "reflection012",
"reflection013", "reflection014"
idrisTestsWith : TestPool
idrisTestsWith = MkTestPool "With abstraction" [] Nothing
[ "with001", "with002", "with004", "with005", "with006", "with007",
"with008", "with009", "with010"
Experimental Scheme based evaluator (#1956) This is for compiled evaluation at compile-time, for full normalisation. You can try it by setting the evaluation mode to scheme (that is, :set eval scheme at the REPL). It's certainly an order of magnitude faster than the standard evaluator, based on my playing around with it, although still quite a bit slower than compilation for various reasons, including: * It has to evaluate under binders, and therefore deal with blocked symbols * It has to maintain enough information to be able to read back a Term from the evaluated scheme object, which means retaining things like types and other metadata * We can't do a lot of the optimisations we'd do for runtime evaluation particularly setting things up so we don't need to do arity checking Also added a new option evaltiming (set with :set evaltiming) to display how long evaluation itself takes, which is handy for checking performance. I also don't think we should aim to replace the standard evaluator, in general, at least not for a while, because that will involve rewriting a lot of things and working out how to make it work as Call By Name (which is clearly possible, but fiddly). Still, it's going to be interesting to experiment with it! I think it will be a good idea to use it for elaborator reflection and type providers when we eventually get around to implementing them. Original commit details: * Add ability to evaluate open terms via Scheme Still lots of polish and more formal testing to do here before we can use it in practice, but you can still use ':scheme <term>' at the REPL to evaluate an expression by compiling to scheme then reading back the result. Also added 'evaltiming' option at the REPL, which, when set, displays how long normalisaton takes (doesn't count resugaring, just the normalisation step). * Add scheme evaluation mode Different when evaluating everything, vs only evaluating visible things. We want the latter when type checking, the former at the REPL. * Bring support.rkt up to date A couple of missing things required for interfacing with scheme objects * More Scheme readback machinery We need these things in the next version so that the next-but-one version can have a scheme evaluator! * Add top level interface to scheme based normaliser Also check it's available - currently chez only - and revert to the default slow normaliser if it's not. * Bring Context up to date with changes in main * Now need Idris 0.5.0 to build * Add SNF type for scheme values This will allow us to incrementally evaluate under lambdas, which will be useful for elaborator reflection and type providers. * Add Quote for scheme evaluator So, we can now get a weak head normal form, and evaluate the scope of a binder when we have an argument to plug in, or just quote back the whole thing. * Add new 'scheme' evaluator mode at the REPL Replacing the temporary 'TmpScheme', this is a better way to try out the scheme based evaluator * Fix name generation for new UN format * Add scheme evaluator support to Racket * Add another scheme eval test With metavariables this time * evaltiming now times execution too This was handy for finding out the difference between the scheme based evaluator and compilation. Compilation was something like 20 times faster in my little test, so that'd be about 4-500 times faster than the standard evaluator. Ouch! * Fix whitespace errors * Error handling when trying to evaluate Scheme
2021-09-24 22:38:55 +03:00
2020-12-08 01:51:33 +03:00
idrisTests : TestPool
idrisTests = MkTestPool "Misc" [] Nothing
2020-12-08 01:51:33 +03:00
-- Documentation strings
2022-03-08 21:14:40 +03:00
["docs001", "docs002", "docs003", "docs004", "docs005",
-- Eta equality
2020-12-08 01:51:33 +03:00
-- Modules and imports
"import001", "import002", "import003", "import004", "import005", "import006",
-- Implicit laziness, lazy evaluation
"lazy001", "lazy002",
-- Namespace blocks
"namespace001", "namespace002",
-- Parameters blocks
"params001", "params002", "params003",
-- Packages and ipkg files
2021-04-15 16:08:50 +03:00
"pkg001", "pkg002", "pkg003", "pkg004", "pkg005", "pkg006", "pkg007",
"pkg008", "pkg009", "pkg010", "pkg011", "pkg012",
-- Larger programs arising from real usage. Typically things with
-- interesting interactions between features
"real001", "real002",
-- Inlining
2020-05-22 21:26:10 +03:00
-- with-disambiguation
-- pretty printing
2021-12-02 14:30:38 +03:00
"pretty001", "pretty002",
-- golden file testing
-- quantifiers
typeddTests : IO TestPool
typeddTests = testsInDir "typedd-book" (const True) "Type Driven Development" [] Nothing
chezTests : TestPool
chezTests = MkTestPool "Chez backend" [] (Just Chez)
[ "chez001", "chez002", "chez003", "chez004", "chez005", "chez006"
, "chez007", "chez008", "chez009", "chez010", "chez011", "chez012"
, "chez013", "chez014", "chez015", "chez016", "chez017", "chez018"
, "chez019", "chez020", "chez021", "chez022", "chez023", "chez024"
, "chez025", "chez026", "chez027", "chez028", "chez029", "chez030"
, "chez031", "chez032", "chez033", "chez034"
, "futures001"
, "bitops"
, "casts"
, "memo"
, "newints"
, "integers"
, "semaphores001"
, "semaphores002"
, "perf001"
, "reg001"
2021-07-02 15:13:50 +03:00
, "channels001", "channels002", "channels003", "channels004", "channels005"
refcTests : IO TestPool
refcTests = testsInDir "refc" (const True) "Reference counting C backend" [] (Just C)
2021-01-13 23:54:43 +03:00
racketTests : TestPool
racketTests = MkTestPool "Racket backend" [] (Just Racket)
[ "forkjoin001"
, "semaphores001", "semaphores002"
, "futures001"
, "mutex001", "mutex002", "mutex003", "mutex004", "mutex005"
2021-07-02 15:13:50 +03:00
, "conditions001" , "conditions002" , "conditions003" , "conditions004"
, "conditions005"
-- , "conditions006"
-- , "conditions007"
2021-01-13 23:54:43 +03:00
nodeTests : TestPool
nodeTests = MkTestPool "Node backend" [] (Just Node)
2020-12-08 01:51:33 +03:00
[ "node001", "node002", "node003", "node004", "node005", "node006"
, "node007", "node008", "node009", "node011", "node012", "node015"
, "node017", "node018", "node019", "node021", "node022", "node023"
2021-12-22 17:25:21 +03:00
, "node024", "node025", "node026", "node027"
, "perf001"
2020-12-08 01:51:33 +03:00
-- , "node14", "node020"
2021-05-25 14:07:46 +03:00
, "args"
, "bitops"
, "casts"
, "memo"
2021-10-14 15:34:41 +03:00
, "fastConcat"
, "newints"
, "reg001", "reg002"
2021-09-08 23:16:36 +03:00
, "stringcast"
2020-07-14 19:38:47 +03:00
, "syntax001"
2020-07-05 13:53:45 +03:00
, "tailrec001"
2022-01-08 08:53:46 +03:00
, "tailrec002"
, "idiom001"
, "integers"
, "doubles"
, "fix1839"
, "tailrec_libs"
, "nomangle001", "nomangle002"
2020-06-12 23:35:08 +03:00
2020-06-11 12:52:54 +03:00
vmcodeInterpTests : IO TestPool
vmcodeInterpTests = testsInDir "vmcode" (const True) "VMCode interpreter" [] Nothing
2021-07-07 19:06:59 +03:00
ideModeTests : IO TestPool
ideModeTests = testsInDir "ideMode" (const True) "IDE mode" [] Nothing
2020-06-11 12:52:54 +03:00
preludeTests : IO TestPool
preludeTests = testsInDir "prelude" (const True) "Prelude library" [] Nothing
templateTests : IO TestPool
templateTests = testsInDir "templates" (const True) "Test templates" [] Nothing
-- base library tests are run against
-- each codegen supported and to keep
-- things simple it's all one test group
-- that only runs if all backends are
-- available.
baseLibraryTests : IO TestPool
baseLibraryTests = testsInDir "base" (const True) "Base library" [Chez, Node] Nothing
2021-04-22 10:30:56 +03:00
-- same behavior as `baseLibraryTests`
contribLibraryTests : IO TestPool
contribLibraryTests = testsInDir "contrib" (const True) "Contrib library" [Chez, Node] Nothing
2021-04-22 10:30:56 +03:00
codegenTests : IO TestPool
codegenTests = testsInDir "codegen" (const True) "Code generation" [] Nothing
main : IO ()
main = runner $
[ testPaths "ttimp" ttimpTests
2020-12-08 01:51:33 +03:00
, testPaths "idris2" idrisTestsBasic
, testPaths "idris2" idrisTestsCoverage
, testPaths "idris2" idrisTestsCasetree
2020-12-08 01:51:33 +03:00
, testPaths "idris2" idrisTestsError
, testPaths "idris2" idrisTestsFailing
, testPaths "idris2" idrisTestsWarning
2020-12-08 01:51:33 +03:00
, testPaths "idris2" idrisTestsInteractive
, testPaths "idris2" idrisTestsInterface
, testPaths "idris2" idrisTestsLiterate
, testPaths "idris2" idrisTestsLinear
, testPaths "idris2" idrisTestsPerformance
, testPaths "idris2" idrisTestsRegression
, testPaths "idris2" idrisTestsData
, testPaths "idris2" idrisTestsBuiltin
2021-04-15 16:08:50 +03:00
, testPaths "idris2" idrisTestsEvaluator
, testPaths "idris2" idrisTestsTotality
Experimental Scheme based evaluator (#1956) This is for compiled evaluation at compile-time, for full normalisation. You can try it by setting the evaluation mode to scheme (that is, :set eval scheme at the REPL). It's certainly an order of magnitude faster than the standard evaluator, based on my playing around with it, although still quite a bit slower than compilation for various reasons, including: * It has to evaluate under binders, and therefore deal with blocked symbols * It has to maintain enough information to be able to read back a Term from the evaluated scheme object, which means retaining things like types and other metadata * We can't do a lot of the optimisations we'd do for runtime evaluation particularly setting things up so we don't need to do arity checking Also added a new option evaltiming (set with :set evaltiming) to display how long evaluation itself takes, which is handy for checking performance. I also don't think we should aim to replace the standard evaluator, in general, at least not for a while, because that will involve rewriting a lot of things and working out how to make it work as Call By Name (which is clearly possible, but fiddly). Still, it's going to be interesting to experiment with it! I think it will be a good idea to use it for elaborator reflection and type providers when we eventually get around to implementing them. Original commit details: * Add ability to evaluate open terms via Scheme Still lots of polish and more formal testing to do here before we can use it in practice, but you can still use ':scheme <term>' at the REPL to evaluate an expression by compiling to scheme then reading back the result. Also added 'evaltiming' option at the REPL, which, when set, displays how long normalisaton takes (doesn't count resugaring, just the normalisation step). * Add scheme evaluation mode Different when evaluating everything, vs only evaluating visible things. We want the latter when type checking, the former at the REPL. * Bring support.rkt up to date A couple of missing things required for interfacing with scheme objects * More Scheme readback machinery We need these things in the next version so that the next-but-one version can have a scheme evaluator! * Add top level interface to scheme based normaliser Also check it's available - currently chez only - and revert to the default slow normaliser if it's not. * Bring Context up to date with changes in main * Now need Idris 0.5.0 to build * Add SNF type for scheme values This will allow us to incrementally evaluate under lambdas, which will be useful for elaborator reflection and type providers. * Add Quote for scheme evaluator So, we can now get a weak head normal form, and evaluate the scope of a binder when we have an argument to plug in, or just quote back the whole thing. * Add new 'scheme' evaluator mode at the REPL Replacing the temporary 'TmpScheme', this is a better way to try out the scheme based evaluator * Fix name generation for new UN format * Add scheme evaluator support to Racket * Add another scheme eval test With metavariables this time * evaltiming now times execution too This was handy for finding out the difference between the scheme based evaluator and compilation. Compilation was something like 20 times faster in my little test, so that'd be about 4-500 times faster than the standard evaluator. Ouch! * Fix whitespace errors * Error handling when trying to evaluate Scheme
2021-09-24 22:38:55 +03:00
, testPaths "idris2" idrisTestsSchemeEval
, testPaths "idris2" idrisTestsReflection
, testPaths "idris2" idrisTestsWith
, testPaths "idris2" idrisTestsDebug
, testPaths "idris2" idrisTests
, !typeddTests
, !ideModeTests
, !preludeTests
, !baseLibraryTests
, !contribLibraryTests
, testPaths "chez" chezTests
, !refcTests
2021-01-13 23:54:43 +03:00
, testPaths "racket" racketTests
, testPaths "node" nodeTests
, !vmcodeInterpTests
, !templateTests
, !codegenTests
++ map (testPaths "allbackends" . idrisTestsAllBackends) [Chez, Node, Racket]
testPaths : String -> TestPool -> TestPool
testPaths dir = { testCases $= map ((dir ++ "/") ++) }