2020-05-24 04:15:38 +03:00
module Data.List.Quantifiers
2021-01-15 16:49:57 +03:00
import Data.DPair
2020-05-24 04:15:38 +03:00
import Data.List.Elem
2020-12-18 13:33:56 +03:00
%default total
2021-03-01 11:29:43 +03:00
-- Types and basic properties
2020-05-24 04:15:38 +03:00
2021-03-01 11:29:43 +03:00
namespace Any
||| A proof that some element of a list satisfies some property
||| @ p the property to be satisfied
public export
data Any : (0 p : a -> Type) -> List a -> Type where
||| A proof that the satisfying element is the first one in the `List`
Here : {0 xs : List a} -> p x -> Any p (x :: xs)
||| A proof that the satisfying element is in the tail of the `List`
There : {0 xs : List a} -> Any p xs -> Any p (x :: xs)
Uninhabited (Any p Nil) where
uninhabited (Here _) impossible
uninhabited (There _) impossible
2021-05-31 20:23:45 +03:00
{0 p : a -> Type} -> Uninhabited (p x) => Uninhabited (Any p xs) => Uninhabited (Any p $ x::xs) where
uninhabited (Here y) = uninhabited y
uninhabited (There y) = uninhabited y
2021-03-01 11:29:43 +03:00
||| Modify the property given a pointwise function
mapProperty : (f : {0 x : a} -> p x -> q x) -> Any p l -> Any q l
mapProperty f (Here p) = Here (f p)
mapProperty f (There p) = There (mapProperty f p)
||| Given a decision procedure for a property, determine if an element of a
||| list satisfies it.
||| @ p the property to be satisfied
||| @ dec the decision procedure
||| @ xs the list to examine
2022-04-04 12:20:48 +03:00
public export
2021-03-01 11:29:43 +03:00
any : (dec : (x : a) -> Dec (p x)) -> (xs : List a) -> Dec (Any p xs)
any _ Nil = No uninhabited
any p (x::xs) with (p x)
any p (x::xs) | Yes prf = Yes (Here prf)
any p (x::xs) | No ctra =
case any p xs of
Yes prf' => Yes (There prf')
No ctra' => No $ \case
Here px => ctra px
There pxs => ctra' pxs
||| Forget the membership proof
toExists : Any p xs -> Exists p
toExists (Here prf) = Evidence _ prf
toExists (There prf) = toExists prf
namespace All
||| A proof that all elements of a list satisfy a property. It is a list of
||| proofs, corresponding element-wise to the `List`.
public export
data All : (0 p : a -> Type) -> List a -> Type where
Nil : All p Nil
(::) : {0 xs : List a} -> p x -> All p xs -> All p (x :: xs)
2021-05-31 20:23:45 +03:00
Either (Uninhabited $ p x) (Uninhabited $ All p xs) => Uninhabited (All p $ x::xs) where
uninhabited @{Left _} (px::pxs) = uninhabited px
uninhabited @{Right _} (px::pxs) = uninhabited pxs
2021-03-01 11:29:43 +03:00
||| Modify the property given a pointwise function
mapProperty : (f : {0 x : a} -> p x -> q x) -> All p l -> All q l
mapProperty f [] = []
mapProperty f (p::pl) = f p :: mapProperty f pl
2021-06-03 12:44:42 +03:00
||| Modify the property given a pointwise interface function
public export
imapProperty : (0 i : Type -> Type)
-> (f : {0 a : Type} -> i a => p a -> q a)
-> {0 types : List Type}
-> All i types => All p types -> All q types
imapProperty i f @{[]} [] = []
imapProperty i f @{ix :: ixs} (x :: xs) = f @{ix} x :: imapProperty i f @{ixs} xs
||| Forget property source for a homogeneous collection of properties
public export
forget : All (const type) types -> List type
forget [] = []
forget (x :: xs) = x :: forget xs
2021-03-01 11:29:43 +03:00
||| Given a decision procedure for a property, decide whether all elements of
||| a list satisfy it.
||| @ p the property
||| @ dec the decision procedure
||| @ xs the list to examine
2022-04-04 12:20:48 +03:00
public export
2021-03-01 11:29:43 +03:00
all : (dec : (x : a) -> Dec (p x)) -> (xs : List a) -> Dec (All p xs)
all _ Nil = Yes Nil
all d (x::xs) with (d x)
all d (x::xs) | No ctra = No $ \(p::_) => ctra p
all d (x::xs) | Yes prf =
case all d xs of
Yes prf' => Yes (prf :: prf')
No ctra' => No $ \(_::ps) => ctra' ps
zipPropertyWith : (f : {0 x : a} -> p x -> q x -> r x) ->
All p xs -> All q xs -> All r xs
zipPropertyWith f [] [] = []
zipPropertyWith f (px :: pxs) (qx :: qxs)
= f px qx :: zipPropertyWith f pxs qxs
2021-06-03 12:44:42 +03:00
All Show (map p xs) => Show (All p xs) where
show pxs = "[" ++ show' "" pxs ++ "]"
show' : String -> All Show (map p xs') => All p xs' -> String
show' acc @{[]} [] = acc
show' acc @{[_]} [px] = acc ++ show px
show' acc @{_ :: _} (px :: pxs) = show' (acc ++ show px ++ ", ") pxs
||| A heterogeneous list of arbitrary types
public export
HList : List Type -> Type
HList = All id
2021-03-01 11:29:43 +03:00
-- Relationship between all and any
2020-05-24 04:15:38 +03:00
2020-05-25 04:53:29 +03:00
||| If there does not exist an element that satifies the property, then it is
||| the case that all elements do not satisfy it.
negAnyAll : {xs : List a} -> Not (Any p xs) -> All (Not . p) xs
negAnyAll {xs=Nil} _ = Nil
negAnyAll {xs=x::xs} f = (f . Here) :: negAnyAll (f . There)
||| If there exists an element that doesn't satify the property, then it is
||| not the case that all elements satisfy it.
anyNegAll : Any (Not . p) xs -> Not (All p xs)
anyNegAll (Here ctra) (p::_) = ctra p
anyNegAll (There np) (_::ps) = anyNegAll np ps
2021-03-01 11:29:43 +03:00
||| If none of the elements satisfy the property, then not any single one can.
allNegAny : All (Not . p) xs -> Not (Any p xs)
allNegAny [] p = absurd p
allNegAny (np :: npxs) (Here p) = absurd (np p)
allNegAny (np :: npxs) (There p) = allNegAny npxs p
2020-05-24 04:15:38 +03:00
||| Given a proof of membership for some element, extract the property proof for it
2021-03-25 19:01:32 +03:00
public export
2020-05-24 04:15:38 +03:00
indexAll : Elem x xs -> All p xs -> p x
indexAll Here (p::_ ) = p
indexAll (There e) ( _::ps) = indexAll e ps
2020-07-29 12:51:07 +03:00
2021-01-15 16:49:57 +03:00
--- Relations between listwise `All` and elementwise `Subset` ---
||| Push in the property from the list level with element level
public export
pushIn : (xs : List a) -> (0 _ : All p xs) -> List $ Subset a p
pushIn [] [] = []
pushIn (x::xs) (p::ps) = Element x p :: pushIn xs ps
||| Pull the elementwise property out to the list level
public export
pullOut : (xs : List $ Subset a p) -> Subset (List a) (All p)
pullOut [] = Element [] []
pullOut (Element x p :: xs) = let Element ss ps = pullOut xs in Element (x::ss) (p::ps)
pushInOutInverse : (xs : List a) -> (0 prf : All p xs) -> pullOut (pushIn xs prf) = Element xs prf
pushInOutInverse [] [] = Refl
pushInOutInverse (x::xs) (p::ps) = rewrite pushInOutInverse xs ps in Refl
pushOutInInverse : (xs : List $ Subset a p) -> uncurry Quantifiers.pushIn (pullOut xs) = xs
pushOutInInverse [] = Refl
pushOutInInverse (Element x p :: xs) with (pushOutInInverse xs)
pushOutInInverse (Element x p :: xs) | subprf with (pullOut xs)
pushOutInInverse (Element x p :: xs) | subprf | Element ss ps = rewrite subprf in Refl
2022-02-11 14:21:20 +03:00
-- Partitioning lists according to All
||| Two lists, `xs` and `ys`, whose elements are interleaved in the list `xys`.
public export
data Interleaving : (xs, ys, xys : List a) -> Type where
Nil : Interleaving [] [] []
Left : Interleaving xs ys xys -> Interleaving (x :: xs) ys (x :: xys)
Right : Interleaving xs ys xys -> Interleaving xs (y :: ys) (y :: xys)
||| A record for storing the result of splitting a list `xys` according to some
||| property `p`.
||| The `prfs` and `contras` are related to the original list (`xys`) via
||| `Interleaving`.
||| @ xys the list which has been split
||| @ p the property used for the split
public export
record Split {a : Type} (p : a -> Type) (xys : List a) where
constructor MkSplit
{ayes, naws : List a}
{auto interleaving : Interleaving ayes naws xys}
||| A proof that all elements in `ayes` satisfies the property used for the
||| split.
prfs : All p ayes
||| A proof that all elements in `naws` do not satisfy the property used for
||| the split.
contras : All (Not . p) naws
||| Split the list according to the given decidable property, putting the
||| resulting proofs and contras in an accumulator.
||| @ dec a function which returns a decidable property
||| @ xs a list of elements to split
||| @ a the accumulator
public export
splitOnto : (dec : (x : a) -> Dec (p x))
-> (xs : List a)
-> (a : Split p acc)
-> Split p (reverseOnto acc xs)
splitOnto dec [] a = a
splitOnto dec (x :: xs) (MkSplit prfs contras) =
case dec x of
(Yes prf) => splitOnto dec xs (MkSplit (prf :: prfs) contras)
(No contra) => splitOnto dec xs (MkSplit prfs (contra :: contras))
||| Split the list according to the given decidable property, starting with an
||| empty accumulator.
||| Use `splitOnto` if you want to specify the accumulator.
||| @ dec a function which returns a decidable property
||| @ xs a list of elements to split
||| @ a the accumulator
public export
split : (dec : (x : a) -> Dec (p x))
-> (xs : List a)
-> Split p (reverse xs)
split dec xs = splitOnto dec xs (MkSplit [] [])
2022-03-16 18:30:16 +03:00
||| If any `a` either satisfies p or q then given a List of as,
||| either all values satisfy p
||| or at least one of them sastifies q
public export
decide : ((x : a) -> Either (p x) (q x)) ->
(xs : List a) -> Either (All p xs) (Any q xs)
decide dec [] = Left []
decide dec (x :: xs) = case dec x of
Left px => case decide dec xs of
Left pxs => Left (px :: pxs)
Right pxs => Right (There pxs)
Right px => Right (Here px)