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2020-06-11 02:36:34 +03:00
module Control.Algebra.Laws
import Control.Algebra
%default total
-- Monoids
||| Inverses are unique.
public export
uniqueInverse : MonoidV ty => (x, y, z : ty) ->
y <+> x = neutral {ty} -> x <+> z = neutral {ty} -> y = z
uniqueInverse x y z p q =
rewrite sym $ monoidNeutralIsNeutralL y in
rewrite sym q in
rewrite semigroupOpIsAssociative y x z in
rewrite p in
rewrite monoidNeutralIsNeutralR z in
-- Groups
||| Only identity is self-squaring.
public export
selfSquareId : Group ty => (x : ty) ->
x <+> x = x -> x = neutral {ty}
selfSquareId x p =
rewrite sym $ monoidNeutralIsNeutralR x in
rewrite sym $ groupInverseIsInverseR x in
rewrite sym $ semigroupOpIsAssociative (inverse x) x x in
rewrite p in
||| Inverse elements commute.
public export
inverseCommute : Group ty => (x, y : ty) ->
y <+> x = neutral {ty} -> x <+> y = neutral {ty}
inverseCommute x y p = selfSquareId (x <+> y) prop where
prop : (x <+> y) <+> (x <+> y) = x <+> y
prop =
rewrite sym $ semigroupOpIsAssociative x y (x <+> y) in
rewrite semigroupOpIsAssociative y x y in
rewrite p in
rewrite monoidNeutralIsNeutralR y in
||| Every element has a right inverse.
public export
groupInverseIsInverseL : Group ty => (x : ty) ->
x <+> inverse x = neutral {ty}
groupInverseIsInverseL x =
inverseCommute x (inverse x) (groupInverseIsInverseR x)
||| -(-x) = x
public export
inverseSquaredIsIdentity : Group ty => (x : ty) ->
inverse (inverse x) = x
2020-06-18 04:01:01 +03:00
inverseSquaredIsIdentity {ty} x =
(inverse x)
(inverse $ inverse x)
(groupInverseIsInverseR $ inverse x)
(groupInverseIsInverseR x)
2020-06-11 02:36:34 +03:00
||| If every square in a group is identity, the group is commutative.
public export
squareIdCommutative : Group ty => (x, y : ty) ->
((a : ty) -> a <+> a = neutral {ty}) ->
x <+> y = y <+> x
2020-06-18 04:01:01 +03:00
squareIdCommutative x y p =
uniqueInverse (x <+> y) (x <+> y) (y <+> x) (p (x <+> y)) prop where
prop : (x <+> y) <+> (y <+> x) = neutral {ty}
prop =
rewrite sym $ semigroupOpIsAssociative x y (y <+> x) in
rewrite semigroupOpIsAssociative y y x in
rewrite p y in
rewrite monoidNeutralIsNeutralR x in
p x
2020-06-11 02:36:34 +03:00
||| -0 = 0
public export
inverseNeutralIsNeutral : Group ty =>
inverse (neutral {ty}) = neutral {ty}
2020-06-18 04:01:01 +03:00
inverseNeutralIsNeutral {ty} =
rewrite sym $ cong inverse (groupInverseIsInverseL (neutral {ty})) in
rewrite monoidNeutralIsNeutralR $ inverse (neutral {ty}) in
inverseSquaredIsIdentity (neutral {ty})
2020-06-11 02:36:34 +03:00
2020-06-18 04:01:01 +03:00
-- ||| -(x + y) = -y + -x
-- public export
-- inverseOfSum : Group ty => (l, r : ty) ->
-- inverse (l <+> r) = inverse r <+> inverse l
2020-06-11 02:36:34 +03:00
-- inverseOfSum {ty} l r =
-- -- expand
2020-06-18 04:01:01 +03:00
-- rewrite sym $ monoidNeutralIsNeutralR $ inverse $ l <+> r in
2020-06-11 02:36:34 +03:00
-- rewrite sym $ groupInverseIsInverseR r in
2020-06-18 04:01:01 +03:00
-- rewrite sym $ monoidNeutralIsNeutralL $ inverse r in
2020-06-11 02:36:34 +03:00
-- rewrite sym $ groupInverseIsInverseR l in
-- -- shuffle
2020-06-18 04:01:01 +03:00
-- rewrite semigroupOpIsAssociative (inverse r) (inverse l) l in
-- rewrite sym $ semigroupOpIsAssociative (inverse r <+> inverse l) l r in
-- rewrite sym $ semigroupOpIsAssociative (inverse r <+> inverse l) (l <+> r) (inverse $ l <+> r) in
2020-06-11 02:36:34 +03:00
-- -- contract
2020-06-18 04:01:01 +03:00
-- rewrite sym $ monoidNeutralIsNeutralL $ inverse l in
-- rewrite groupInverseIsInverseL $ l <+> r in
-- rewrite sym $ semigroupOpIsAssociative (inverse r <+> (inverse l <+> neutral)) l (inverse l <+> neutral) in
-- rewrite semigroupOpIsAssociative l (inverse l) neutral in
2020-06-11 02:36:34 +03:00
-- rewrite groupInverseIsInverseL l in
2020-06-18 04:01:01 +03:00
-- rewrite monoidNeutralIsNeutralL $ the ty neutral in
2020-06-11 02:36:34 +03:00
-- Refl
||| y = z if x + y = x + z
public export
cancelLeft : Group ty => (x, y, z : ty) ->
x <+> y = x <+> z -> y = z
cancelLeft x y z p =
rewrite sym $ monoidNeutralIsNeutralR y in
rewrite sym $ groupInverseIsInverseR x in
rewrite sym $ semigroupOpIsAssociative (inverse x) x y in
rewrite p in
rewrite semigroupOpIsAssociative (inverse x) x z in
rewrite groupInverseIsInverseR x in
monoidNeutralIsNeutralR z
||| y = z if y + x = z + x.
public export
cancelRight : Group ty => (x, y, z : ty) ->
y <+> x = z <+> x -> y = z
cancelRight x y z p =
rewrite sym $ monoidNeutralIsNeutralL y in
rewrite sym $ groupInverseIsInverseL x in
rewrite semigroupOpIsAssociative y x (inverse x) in
rewrite p in
rewrite sym $ semigroupOpIsAssociative z x (inverse x) in
rewrite groupInverseIsInverseL x in
monoidNeutralIsNeutralL z
||| ab = 0 -> a = b^-1
public export
neutralProductInverseR : Group ty => (a, b : ty) ->
a <+> b = neutral {ty} -> a = inverse b
neutralProductInverseR a b prf =
cancelRight b a (inverse b) $
trans prf $ sym $ groupInverseIsInverseR b
||| ab = 0 -> a^-1 = b
public export
neutralProductInverseL : Group ty => (a, b : ty) ->
a <+> b = neutral {ty} -> inverse a = b
neutralProductInverseL a b prf =
cancelLeft a (inverse a) b $
trans (groupInverseIsInverseL a) $ sym prf
||| For any a and b, ax = b and ya = b have solutions.
public export
latinSquareProperty : Group ty => (a, b : ty) ->
((x : ty ** a <+> x = b),
(y : ty ** y <+> a = b))
2020-06-18 04:01:01 +03:00
latinSquareProperty a b =
((((inverse a) <+> b) **
rewrite semigroupOpIsAssociative a (inverse a) b in
rewrite groupInverseIsInverseL a in
monoidNeutralIsNeutralR b),
(b <+> (inverse a) **
rewrite sym $ semigroupOpIsAssociative b (inverse a) a in
rewrite groupInverseIsInverseR a in
monoidNeutralIsNeutralL b))
2020-06-11 02:36:34 +03:00
||| For any a, b, x, the solution to ax = b is unique.
public export
uniqueSolutionR : Group ty => (a, b, x, y : ty) ->
a <+> x = b -> a <+> y = b -> x = y
uniqueSolutionR a b x y p q = cancelLeft a x y $ trans p (sym q)
||| For any a, b, y, the solution to ya = b is unique.
public export
uniqueSolutionL : Group t => (a, b, x, y : t) ->
x <+> a = b -> y <+> a = b -> x = y
uniqueSolutionL a b x y p q = cancelRight a x y $ trans p (sym q)
2020-06-18 04:01:01 +03:00
-- ||| -(x + y) = -x + -y
-- public export
-- inverseDistributesOverGroupOp : AbelianGroup ty => (l, r : ty) ->
-- inverse (l <+> r) = inverse l <+> inverse r
-- inverseDistributesOverGroupOp l r =
-- rewrite groupOpIsCommutative (inverse l) (inverse r) in
-- inverseOfSum l r
2020-06-11 02:36:34 +03:00
||| Homomorphism preserves neutral.
public export
homoNeutral : GroupHomomorphism a b =>
to (neutral {ty=a}) = neutral {ty=b}
homoNeutral =
selfSquareId (to neutral) $
trans (sym $ toGroup neutral neutral) $
cong to $ monoidNeutralIsNeutralL neutral
||| Homomorphism preserves inverses.
public export
homoInverse : GroupHomomorphism a b => (x : a) ->
the b (to $ inverse x) = the b (inverse $ to x)
homoInverse x =
cancelRight (to x) (to $ inverse x) (inverse $ to x) $
trans (sym $ toGroup (inverse x) x) $
trans (cong to $ groupInverseIsInverseR x) $
trans homoNeutral $
sym $ groupInverseIsInverseR (to x)
-- Rings
||| 0x = x
public export
multNeutralAbsorbingL : Ring ty => (r : ty) ->
neutral {ty} <.> r = neutral {ty}
2020-06-18 04:01:01 +03:00
multNeutralAbsorbingL {ty} r =
rewrite sym $ monoidNeutralIsNeutralR $ neutral <.> r in
rewrite sym $ groupInverseIsInverseR $ neutral <.> r in
rewrite sym $ semigroupOpIsAssociative (inverse $ neutral <.> r) (neutral <.> r) (((inverse $ neutral <.> r) <+> (neutral <.> r)) <.> r) in
rewrite groupInverseIsInverseR $ neutral <.> r in
rewrite sym $ ringOpIsDistributiveR neutral neutral r in
rewrite monoidNeutralIsNeutralR $ the ty neutral in
groupInverseIsInverseR $ neutral <.> r
2020-06-11 02:36:34 +03:00
||| x0 = 0
public export
multNeutralAbsorbingR : Ring ty => (l : ty) ->
l <.> neutral {ty} = neutral {ty}
2020-06-18 04:01:01 +03:00
multNeutralAbsorbingR {ty} l =
rewrite sym $ monoidNeutralIsNeutralL $ l <.> neutral in
rewrite sym $ groupInverseIsInverseL $ l <.> neutral in
rewrite semigroupOpIsAssociative (l <.> ((l <.> neutral) <+> (inverse $ l <.> neutral))) (l <.> neutral) (inverse $ l <.> neutral) in
rewrite groupInverseIsInverseL $ l <.> neutral in
rewrite sym $ ringOpIsDistributiveL l neutral neutral in
rewrite monoidNeutralIsNeutralL $ the ty neutral in
groupInverseIsInverseL $ l <.> neutral
2020-06-11 02:36:34 +03:00
||| (-x)y = -(xy)
public export
multInverseInversesL : Ring ty => (l, r : ty) ->
inverse l <.> r = inverse (l <.> r)
2020-06-18 04:01:01 +03:00
multInverseInversesL l r =
rewrite sym $ monoidNeutralIsNeutralR $ inverse l <.> r in
rewrite sym $ groupInverseIsInverseR $ l <.> r in
rewrite sym $ semigroupOpIsAssociative (inverse $ l <.> r) (l <.> r) (inverse l <.> r) in
rewrite sym $ ringOpIsDistributiveR l (inverse l) r in
rewrite groupInverseIsInverseL l in
rewrite multNeutralAbsorbingL r in
monoidNeutralIsNeutralL $ inverse $ l <.> r
2020-06-11 02:36:34 +03:00
||| x(-y) = -(xy)
public export
multInverseInversesR : Ring ty => (l, r : ty) ->
l <.> inverse r = inverse (l <.> r)
2020-06-18 04:01:01 +03:00
multInverseInversesR l r =
rewrite sym $ monoidNeutralIsNeutralL $ l <.> (inverse r) in
rewrite sym $ groupInverseIsInverseL (l <.> r) in
rewrite semigroupOpIsAssociative (l <.> (inverse r)) (l <.> r) (inverse $ l <.> r) in
rewrite sym $ ringOpIsDistributiveL l (inverse r) r in
rewrite groupInverseIsInverseR r in
rewrite multNeutralAbsorbingR l in
monoidNeutralIsNeutralR $ inverse $ l <.> r
2020-06-11 02:36:34 +03:00
||| (-x)(-y) = xy
public export
multNegativeByNegativeIsPositive : Ring ty => (l, r : ty) ->
inverse l <.> inverse r = l <.> r
multNegativeByNegativeIsPositive l r =
rewrite multInverseInversesR (inverse l) r in
rewrite sym $ multInverseInversesL (inverse l) r in
rewrite inverseSquaredIsIdentity l in
||| (-1)x = -x
public export
inverseOfUnityR : RingWithUnity ty => (x : ty) ->
inverse (unity {ty}) <.> x = inverse x
inverseOfUnityR x =
rewrite multInverseInversesL unity x in
rewrite unityIsRingIdR x in
||| x(-1) = -x
public export
inverseOfUnityL : RingWithUnity ty => (x : ty) ->
x <.> inverse (unity {ty}) = inverse x
inverseOfUnityL x =
rewrite multInverseInversesR x unity in
rewrite unityIsRingIdL x in