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2021-01-08 08:04:41 +03:00
module Control.Monad.Maybe
-- The monad transformer `MaybeT m a` equips a monad with the ability to
-- return no value at all.
-- Sequenced actions of `MaybeT m a` produce a value `a` only if all of the
-- actions in the sequence returned a value.
-- This is isomorphic to `EitherT ()` and therefore less powerful than `EitherT e a`
-- ability to not return a result.
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Data.Maybe
%default total
||| A monad transformer extending an inner monad with the ability to not return
||| a result.
||| Sequenced actions produce a result only if both actions return a result.
||| `MaybeT m a` is equivalent to `EitherT () m a`, that is, an computation
||| that can only throw a single, information-less exception.
2021-01-08 08:04:41 +03:00
public export
data MaybeT : (m : Type -> Type) -> (a : Type) -> Type where
2021-01-13 07:34:07 +03:00
MkMaybeT : m (Maybe a) -> MaybeT m a
2021-01-08 08:04:41 +03:00
||| Unwrap a `MaybeT` computation.
public export
2021-01-08 08:04:41 +03:00
runMaybeT : MaybeT m a -> m (Maybe a)
runMaybeT (MkMaybeT x) = x
||| Check if a monadic computation returns a result. This returns `False` if
||| the computation returns a result, and `True` otherwise.
||| This is a version of `isNothing` lifted to work with `MaybeT`.
public export
2021-01-08 08:04:41 +03:00
isNothingT : Functor m => MaybeT m a -> m Bool
isNothingT = map isNothing . runMaybeT
||| Check if a monadic computation returns a result. This returns `True` if
||| the computation returns a result, and `False` otherwise.
||| This is a version of `isJust` lifted to work with `MaybeT`.
public export
2021-01-08 08:04:41 +03:00
isJustT : Functor m => MaybeT m a -> m Bool
isJustT = map isJust . runMaybeT
||| Run a `MaybeT` computation, handling the case of a result or no result
||| seperately.
||| This is a version of `maybe` lifted to work with `MaybeT`.
public export
2021-01-08 08:04:41 +03:00
maybeT : Monad m => m b -> (a -> m b) -> MaybeT m a -> m b
maybeT v g x = runMaybeT x >>= maybe v g
||| Run a `MaybeT` computation providing a default value.
||| This is a version of `fromMaybe` lifted to work with `MaybeT`.
public export
2021-01-08 08:04:41 +03:00
fromMaybeT : Monad m => m a -> MaybeT m a -> m a
fromMaybeT v x = runMaybeT x >>= maybe v pure
||| Return a value if a condition is met, or else no value.
||| This is a version of `toMaybe` lifted to work with `MaybeT`.
public export
2021-01-08 08:04:41 +03:00
toMaybeT : Functor m => Bool -> m a -> MaybeT m a
toMaybeT b m = MkMaybeT $ map (\a => toMaybe b a) m
||| Map over the underlying computation.
public export
2021-01-08 08:04:41 +03:00
mapMaybeT : (m (Maybe a) -> n (Maybe a')) -> MaybeT m a -> MaybeT n a'
mapMaybeT f = MkMaybeT . f . runMaybeT
||| A version of `Just` lifted to work with `MaybeT`.
||| This is equivalent to `pure`.
public export
2021-01-08 08:04:41 +03:00
just : Applicative m => a -> MaybeT m a
just = MkMaybeT . pure . Just
||| A version of `Nothing` lifted to work with `MaybeT`.
||| This is equivalent to `throwE ()`.
public export
2021-01-08 08:04:41 +03:00
nothing : Applicative m => MaybeT m a
nothing = MkMaybeT $ pure Nothing
-- Interface Implementations
public export
Eq (m (Maybe a)) => Eq (MaybeT m a) where
(==) = (==) `on` runMaybeT
public export
Ord (m (Maybe a)) => Ord (MaybeT m a) where
compare = compare `on` runMaybeT
public export
Show (m (Maybe a)) => Show (MaybeT m a) where
showPrec d (MkMaybeT x) = showCon d "MkMaybeT" $ showArg x
||| Corresponds to the Semigroup instance of Maybe
2021-01-16 20:18:38 +03:00
||| Note: This could also be implemented with only an Applicative
||| prerequisite: `MkMaybeT x <+> MkMaybeT y = MkMaybeT $ [| x <+> y |]`
||| However, the monadic version is more efficient for long-running effects,
||| only evaluating the second argument if the first returns `Nothing`.
2021-01-08 08:04:41 +03:00
public export
Monad m => Semigroup (MaybeT m a) where
MkMaybeT x <+> MkMaybeT y = MkMaybeT $ do
r@(Just _) <- x | Nothing => y
pure r
2021-01-08 08:04:41 +03:00
public export
Monad m => Monoid (MaybeT m a) where
neutral = nothing
public export
Functor m => Functor (MaybeT m) where
map f m = MkMaybeT $ map f <$> runMaybeT m
public export
Foldable m => Foldable (MaybeT m) where
foldr f acc (MkMaybeT e)
= foldr (\x,xs => maybe xs (`f` xs) x) acc e
2021-01-08 08:04:41 +03:00
null (MkMaybeT e) = null e
public export
Traversable m => Traversable (MaybeT m) where
traverse f (MkMaybeT x)
= MkMaybeT <$> traverse (maybe (pure Nothing) (map Just . f)) x
public export
Applicative m => Applicative (MaybeT m) where
pure = just
MkMaybeT f <*> MkMaybeT x = MkMaybeT [| f <*> x |]
public export
Monad m => Monad (MaybeT m) where
MkMaybeT x >>= k = MkMaybeT $ x >>= maybe (pure Nothing) (runMaybeT . k)
||| See note about Monad prerequisite on Semigroup instance.
2021-01-08 08:04:41 +03:00
public export
Monad m => Alternative (MaybeT m) where
empty = nothing
MkMaybeT x <|> my = MkMaybeT $ x >>= \case
r@(Just _) => pure r
Nothing => runMaybeT my
2021-01-08 08:04:41 +03:00
public export
MonadTrans MaybeT where
lift = MkMaybeT . map Just
public export
HasIO m => HasIO (MaybeT m) where
liftIO act = MkMaybeT $ liftIO (io_bind act (pure . Just))