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||| This library provides facilities for parsing the command-line options
||| in a standalone program. It is essentially an Idris port of the GNU getopt library.
||| (Actually, it is an Idris port of the [corresponding Haskell module]
||| (http://hackage.haskell.org/package/base-
module System.Console.GetOpt
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.List
2021-03-17 17:07:52 +03:00
import Data.List1
import Data.Maybe
import Data.String
%default total
||| What to do with options following non-options
public export
data ArgOrder a =
||| no option processing after first non-option
RequireOrder |
||| freely intersperse options and non-options
Permute |
||| wrap non-options into options
ReturnInOrder (String -> a)
Functor ArgOrder where
map _ RequireOrder = RequireOrder
map _ Permute = Permute
map f (ReturnInOrder g) = ReturnInOrder (f . g)
||| Describes whether an option takes an argument or not, and if so
||| how the argument is injected into a value of type `a`.
public export
data ArgDescr a =
||| no argument expected
NoArg a |
||| option requires argument
ReqArg (String -> a) String |
||| optional argument
OptArg (Maybe String -> a) String
Functor ArgDescr where
map f (NoArg x) = NoArg (f x)
map f (ReqArg g x) = ReqArg (f . g) x
map f (OptArg g x) = OptArg (f . g) x
||| Each `OptDescr` describes a single option.
||| The arguments to 'Option' are:
||| * list of short option characters
||| * list of long option strings (without \"--\")
||| * argument descriptor
||| * explanation of option for user
public export
record OptDescr a where
constructor MkOpt
||| list of short option characters
shortNames : List Char
||| list of long option strings (without "--")
longNames : List String
||| argument descriptor
argDescr : ArgDescr a
||| explanation of option for user
description : String
Functor OptDescr where
map f = record { argDescr $= map f }
-- kind of cmd line arg (internal use only):
data OptKind a
= Opt a -- an option
| UnreqOpt String -- an un-recognized option
| NonOpt String -- a non-option
| EndOfOpts -- end-of-options marker (i.e. "--")
| OptErr String -- something went wrong...
-- Printing Usage Info
fmtShort : ArgDescr a -> Char -> String
fmtShort (NoArg _ ) so = "-" ++ singleton so
fmtShort (ReqArg _ ad) so = "-" ++ singleton so ++ " " ++ ad
fmtShort (OptArg _ ad) so = "-" ++ singleton so ++ "[" ++ ad ++ "]"
fmtLong : ArgDescr a -> String -> String
fmtLong (NoArg _ ) lo = "--" ++ lo
fmtLong (ReqArg _ ad) lo = "--" ++ lo ++ "=" ++ ad
fmtLong (OptArg _ ad) lo = "--" ++ lo ++ "[=" ++ ad ++ "]"
fmtOpt : OptDescr a -> List (String,String,String)
fmtOpt (MkOpt sos los ad descr) =
let sosFmt = concat $ intersperse ", " (map (fmtShort ad) sos)
losFmt = concat $ intersperse ", " (map (fmtLong ad) los)
(h ::: t) = lines1 descr in
2021-03-17 17:07:52 +03:00
(sosFmt,losFmt,h) :: map (\s => ("","",s)) t
where lines1 : String -> List1 String
lines1 s = case lines s of
[] => "" ::: []
(x :: xs) => x ::: xs
||| Return a string describing the usage of a command, derived from
||| the header (first argument) and the options described by the
||| second argument.
public export
usageInfo : (header : String) -> List $ OptDescr a -> String
usageInfo header optDescr =
let (ss,ls,ds) = (unzip3 . concatMap fmtOpt) optDescr
paste = \x,y,z => " " ++ x ++ " " ++ y ++ " " ++ z
table = zipWith3 paste (sameLen ss) (sameLen ls) ds
in unlines $ header :: table
where flushLeft : Nat -> String -> String
flushLeft n s = s ++ pack (replicate (n `minus` length s) ' ')
sameLen : List String -> List String
sameLen ss = let len = foldl (\n => max n . length) 0 ss
in map (flushLeft len) ss
-- Error Formatting
errAmbig : List $ OptDescr a -> (optStr : String) -> OptKind a
errAmbig ods s = let h = "option `" ++ s ++ "' is ambiguous; could be one of:"
in OptErr (usageInfo h ods)
errReq : String -> (optStr : String) -> OptKind a
errReq d s = OptErr ("option `" ++ s ++ "' requires an argument " ++ d ++ "\n")
errNoArg : (optStr : String) -> OptKind a
errNoArg s = OptErr ("option `" ++ s ++ "' doesn't allow an argument\n")
-- Parsing Options
||| Result of parsing the command line arguments accoring to a list
||| of `OptDescr`s. (see also function `getOpt`).
public export
record Result a where
constructor MkResult
||| List of successfully parsed options
options : List a
||| List of non-options (other command line arguments)
nonOptions : List String
||| List of unrecognized options.
unrecognized : List String
||| Errors during option parsing. These occur, for instance, when
||| an option requires an additional argument but none was given.
errors : List String
public export
emptyRes : Result a
emptyRes = MkResult [] [] [] []
Functor Result where
map f = record { options $= map f }
OptFun : Type -> Type
OptFun a = List String -> List $ OptDescr a -> (OptKind a,List String)
longOpt : String -> OptFun a
longOpt ls rs descs =
let (opt,arg) = break ('=' ==) ls
getWith = \p => filter (any (p opt) . longNames) descs
exact = getWith (==)
options = if null exact then getWith isPrefixOf else exact
ads = map argDescr options
os = "--" ++ opt
in case (ads,unpack arg,rs) of
(_ :: _ :: _ , _ , r ) => (errAmbig options os, r)
([NoArg a ], [] , r ) => (Opt a, r)
([NoArg a ], c :: _ , r ) => (errNoArg os,r)
-- ^ this is known (but not proven) to be '='
([ReqArg _ d], [] , [] ) => (errReq d os,[])
([ReqArg f _], [] , (r::rest)) => (Opt $ f r,rest)
([ReqArg f _], c :: xs, r ) => (Opt $ f (pack xs),r)
-- ^ this is known (but not proven) to be '='
([OptArg f _], [] , r ) => (Opt $ f Nothing,r)
([OptArg f _], c :: xs, r ) => (Opt . f . Just $ pack xs,r)
-- ^ this is known (but not proven) to be '='
([] , _ , r ) => (UnreqOpt $ "--" ++ ls,r)
shortOpt : Char -> String -> OptFun a
shortOpt y ys rs descs =
let options = filter (elem y . shortNames) descs
ads = map argDescr options
mkOs = strCons '-'
os = mkOs (singleton y)
in case (ads,ys,rs) of
(_ :: _ :: _ , _ , r ) => (errAmbig options os, r)
([NoArg a ], "", r ) => (Opt a,r)
([NoArg a ], s , r ) => (Opt a, mkOs s :: r)
([ReqArg _ d], "", [] ) => (errReq d os, [])
([ReqArg f _], "", (r::rest)) => (Opt $ f r, rest)
([ReqArg f _], s , r ) => (Opt $ f s, r)
([OptArg f _], "", r ) => (Opt $ f Nothing, r)
([OptArg f _], s , r ) => (Opt . f $ Just s, r)
([] , "", r ) => (UnreqOpt os, r)
([] , s , r ) => (UnreqOpt os, mkOs s :: r)
-- take a look at the next cmd line arg and decide what to do with it
getNext : List Char -> OptFun a
getNext ('-'::'-'::[]) r _ = (EndOfOpts,r)
getNext ('-'::'-'::xs) r descs = longOpt (pack xs) r descs
getNext ('-':: x ::xs) r descs = shortOpt x (pack xs) r descs
getNext a r _ = (NonOpt $ pack a,r)
||| Process the command-line, and return the list of values that matched
||| (and those that didn't). The arguments are:
||| * The order requirements (see `ArgOrder`)
||| * The option descriptions (see `OptDescr`)
||| * The actual command line arguments (presumably got from
||| `System.getArgs`).
getOpt : ArgOrder a -- non-option handling
-> List $ OptDescr a -- option descriptors
-> (args : List String) -- the command-line arguments
-> Result a
getOpt _ _ [] = emptyRes
getOpt ordering descs (arg::args) =
let (opt,rest) = getNext (unpack arg) args descs
res = getOpt ordering descs rest
in case (opt,ordering) of
(Opt x, _) => {options $= (x::)} res
(UnreqOpt x, _) => {unrecognized $= (x::)} res
(NonOpt x, RequireOrder) => MkResult [] (x::rest) [] []
(NonOpt x, Permute) => {nonOptions $= (x::)} res
(NonOpt x, ReturnInOrder f) => {options $= (f x::)} res
(EndOfOpts, RequireOrder) => MkResult [] rest [] []
(EndOfOpts, Permute) => MkResult [] rest [] []
(EndOfOpts, ReturnInOrder f) => MkResult (map f rest) [] [] []
(OptErr e, _) => {errors $= (e::)} res