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2020-05-18 15:59:07 +03:00
module Text.Lexer.Core
import public Control.Delayed
2020-06-12 00:14:11 +03:00
import Data.Bool
2020-05-18 15:59:07 +03:00
import Data.List
import Data.Nat
import Data.Strings
||| A language of token recognisers.
||| @ consumes If `True`, this recogniser is guaranteed to consume at
||| least one character of input when it succeeds.
public export
data Recognise : (consumes : Bool) -> Type where
Empty : Recognise False
Fail : Recognise c
Lookahead : (positive : Bool) -> Recognise c -> Recognise False
Pred : (Char -> Bool) -> Recognise True
SeqEat : Recognise True -> Inf (Recognise e) -> Recognise True
SeqEmpty : Recognise e1 -> Recognise e2 -> Recognise (e1 || e2)
Alt : Recognise e1 -> Recognise e2 -> Recognise (e1 && e2)
||| A token recogniser. Guaranteed to consume at least one character.
public export
Lexer : Type
Lexer = Recognise True
-- %allow_overloads (<+>)
||| Sequence two recognisers. If either consumes a character, the sequence
||| is guaranteed to consume a character.
export %inline
(<+>) : {c1 : Bool} ->
Recognise c1 -> inf c1 (Recognise c2) -> Recognise (c1 || c2)
(<+>) {c1 = False} = SeqEmpty
(<+>) {c1 = True} = SeqEat
%allow_overloads (<|>)
||| Alternative recognisers. If both consume, the combination is guaranteed
||| to consumer a character.
(<|>) : Recognise c1 -> Recognise c2 -> Recognise (c1 && c2)
(<|>) = Alt
||| A recogniser that always fails.
fail : Recognise c
fail = Fail
||| Recognise no input (doesn't consume any input)
empty : Recognise False
empty = Empty
||| Recognise a character that matches a predicate
pred : (Char -> Bool) -> Lexer
pred = Pred
||| Positive lookahead. Never consumes input.
expect : Recognise c -> Recognise False
expect = Lookahead True
||| Negative lookahead. Never consumes input.
reject : Recognise c -> Recognise False
reject = Lookahead False
%allow_overloads concatMap
||| Sequence the recognisers resulting from applying a function to each element
||| of a list. The resulting recogniser will consume input if the produced
||| recognisers consume and the list is non-empty.
2020-06-12 00:14:11 +03:00
concatMap : (a -> Recognise c) -> (xs : List a) ->
2020-05-18 15:59:07 +03:00
Recognise (c && (isCons xs))
concatMap _ [] = rewrite andFalseFalse c in Empty
concatMap f (x :: xs)
2020-05-18 15:59:07 +03:00
= rewrite andTrueNeutral c in
rewrite sym (orSameAndRightNeutral c (isCons xs)) in
SeqEmpty (f x) (Core.concatMap f xs)
data StrLen : Type where
MkStrLen : String -> Nat -> StrLen
Show StrLen where
show (MkStrLen str n) = str ++ "(" ++ show n ++ ")"
getString : StrLen -> String
getString (MkStrLen str n) = str
strIndex : StrLen -> Nat -> Maybe Char
strIndex (MkStrLen str len) i
= if cast {to = Integer} i >= cast len then Nothing
else Just (assert_total (prim__strIndex str (cast i)))
mkStr : String -> StrLen
mkStr str = MkStrLen str (length str)
strTail : Nat -> StrLen -> StrLen
strTail start (MkStrLen str len)
= MkStrLen (substr start len str) (minus len start)
isJust : Maybe a -> Bool
isJust Nothing = False
isJust (Just x) = True
unpack' : String -> List Char
2020-06-12 00:14:11 +03:00
unpack' str
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= case strUncons str of
Nothing => []
Just (x, xs) => x :: unpack' xs
-- If the string is recognised, returns the index at which the token
-- ends
scan : Recognise c -> List Char -> List Char -> Maybe (List Char, List Char)
scan Empty tok str = pure (tok, str)
scan Fail tok str = Nothing
scan (Lookahead positive r) tok str
= if isJust (scan r tok str) == positive
then pure (tok, str)
else Nothing
scan (Pred f) tok [] = Nothing
scan (Pred f) tok (c :: str)
= if f c
then Just (c :: tok, str)
else Nothing
scan (SeqEat r1 r2) tok str
= do (tok', rest) <- scan r1 tok str
-- TODO: Can we prove totality instead by showing idx has increased?
assert_total (scan r2 tok' rest)
scan (SeqEmpty r1 r2) tok str
= do (tok', rest) <- scan r1 tok str
scan r2 tok' rest
scan (Alt r1 r2) tok str
= maybe (scan r2 tok str) Just (scan r1 tok str)
||| A mapping from lexers to the tokens they produce.
||| This is a list of pairs `(Lexer, String -> tokenType)`
||| For each Lexer in the list, if a substring in the input matches, run
||| the associated function to produce a token of type `tokenType`
public export
TokenMap : (tokenType : Type) -> Type
TokenMap tokenType = List (Lexer, String -> tokenType)
||| A token, and the line and column where it was in the input
public export
record TokenData a where
constructor MkToken
line : Int
col : Int
tok : a
Show a => Show (TokenData a) where
show t = show (line t) ++ ":" ++ show (col t) ++ ":" ++ show (tok t)
tokenise : (TokenData a -> Bool) ->
(line : Int) -> (col : Int) ->
List (TokenData a) -> TokenMap a ->
List Char -> (List (TokenData a), (Int, Int, List Char))
tokenise pred line col acc tmap str
= case getFirstToken tmap str of
Just (tok, line', col', rest) =>
-- assert total because getFirstToken must consume something
if pred tok
then (reverse acc, (line, col, []))
else assert_total (tokenise pred line' col' (tok :: acc) tmap rest)
Nothing => (reverse acc, (line, col, str))
countNLs : List Char -> Nat
countNLs str = List.length (filter (== '\n') str)
getCols : List Char -> Int -> Int
getCols x c
= case span (/= '\n') (reverse x) of
(incol, []) => c + cast (length incol)
(incol, _) => cast (length incol)
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getFirstToken : TokenMap a -> List Char ->
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Maybe (TokenData a, Int, Int, List Char)
getFirstToken [] str = Nothing
getFirstToken ((lex, fn) :: ts) str
= case scan lex [] str of
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Just (tok, rest) => Just (MkToken line col (fn (pack (reverse tok))),
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line + cast (countNLs tok),
getCols tok col, rest)
Nothing => getFirstToken ts str
||| Given a mapping from lexers to token generating functions (the
||| TokenMap a) and an input string, return a list of recognised tokens,
||| and the line, column, and remainder of the input at the first point in the
||| string where there are no recognised tokens.
lex : TokenMap a -> String -> (List (TokenData a), (Int, Int, String))
lex tmap str
2020-09-19 15:22:54 +03:00
= let (ts, (l, c, str')) = tokenise (const False) 0 0 [] tmap (fastUnpack str) in
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(ts, (l, c, pack str'))
lexTo : (TokenData a -> Bool) ->
TokenMap a -> String -> (List (TokenData a), (Int, Int, String))
lexTo pred tmap str
2020-09-19 15:22:54 +03:00
= let (ts, (l, c, str')) = tokenise pred 0 0 [] tmap (fastUnpack str) in
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(ts, (l, c, pack str'))