Remove linearity subtyping
It's disappointing to have to do this, but I think necessary because
various issue reports have shown it to be unsound (at least as far as
inference goes) and, at the very least, confusing. This patch brings us
back to the basic rules of QTT.
On the one hand, this makes the 1 multiplicity less useful, because it
means we can't flag arguments as being used exactly once which would be
useful for optimisation purposes as well as precision in the type. On
the other hand, it removes some complexity (and a hack) from
unification, and has the advantage of being correct! Also, I still
consider the 1 multiplicity an experiment.
We can still do interesting things like protocol state tracking, which
is my primary motivation at least.
Ideally, if the 1 multiplicity is going to be more generall useful,
we'll need some kind of way of doing multiplicity polymorphism in the
future. I don't think subtyping is the way (I've pretty much always come
to regret adding some form of subtyping).
Fixes #73 (and maybe some others).
2020-12-27 22:58:35 +03:00
Main> : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
2021-04-21 11:39:18 +03:00
Add two natural numbers.
@ x the number to case-split on
@ y the other numberpublic export
Totality: total
2022-03-25 02:11:10 +03:00
Visibility: public export
2021-08-19 13:38:14 +03:00
Main> data Prelude.Nat : Type
2021-04-21 11:39:18 +03:00
Natural numbers: unbounded, unsigned integers which can be pattern matched.
Totality: total
2022-03-25 02:11:10 +03:00
Visibility: public export
2021-04-21 11:39:18 +03:00
Z : Nat
S : Nat -> Nat
2021-10-12 23:50:20 +03:00
Cast Nat String
Cast Nat Integer
Cast Nat Int
Cast Nat Char
Cast Nat Double
Cast Nat Bits8
Cast Nat Bits16
Cast Nat Bits32
Cast Nat Bits64
Cast Nat Int8
Cast Nat Int16
Cast Nat Int32
Cast Nat Int64
Cast String Nat
Cast Double Nat
Cast Char Nat
Cast Int Nat
Cast Integer Nat
Cast Bits8 Nat
Cast Bits16 Nat
Cast Bits32 Nat
Cast Bits64 Nat
Cast Int8 Nat
Cast Int16 Nat
Cast Int32 Nat
Cast Int64 Nat
Eq Nat
Num Nat
Ord Nat
Range Nat
Show Nat
2021-08-19 13:38:14 +03:00
Main> data Prelude.List : Type -> Type
2021-04-21 11:39:18 +03:00
Generic lists.
Totality: total
2022-03-25 02:11:10 +03:00
Visibility: public export
2021-04-21 11:39:18 +03:00
Nil : List a
Empty list
2021-04-26 17:59:00 +03:00
(::) : a -> List a -> List a
2021-04-28 11:31:01 +03:00
A non-empty list, consisting of a head element and the rest of the list.
2021-10-12 23:50:20 +03:00
Alternative List
Applicative List
Eq a => Eq (List a)
Foldable List
Functor List
Monad List
Monoid (List a)
Ord a => Ord (List a)
Semigroup (List a)
Show a => Show (List a)
Traversable List
2021-08-19 13:38:14 +03:00
Main> interface Prelude.Show : Type -> Type
2021-04-21 11:39:18 +03:00
Things that have a canonical `String` representation.
2021-11-02 18:34:52 +03:00
A minimal implementation includes either `show` or `showPrec`.
2021-04-21 11:39:18 +03:00
Parameters: ty
2021-08-13 18:00:54 +03:00
Constructor: MkShow
2021-04-21 11:39:18 +03:00
2021-08-13 18:00:54 +03:00
show : ty -> String
2021-04-21 11:39:18 +03:00
Convert a value to its `String` representation.
@ x the value to convert
2021-08-13 18:00:54 +03:00
showPrec : Prec -> ty -> String
2021-04-21 11:39:18 +03:00
Convert a value to its `String` representation in a certain precedence
A value should produce parentheses around itself if and only if the given
precedence context is greater than or equal to the precedence of the
outermost operation represented in the produced `String`. *This is
different from Haskell*, which requires it to be strictly greater. `Open`
should thus always produce *no* outermost parens, `App` should always
produce outermost parens except on atomic values and those that provide
their own bracketing, like `Pair` and `List`.
@ d the precedence context.
@ x the value to convert
Show Int
Show Integer
Show Bits8
Show Bits16
Show Bits32
Show Bits64
2021-06-28 22:00:10 +03:00
Show Int8
Show Int16
Show Int32
Show Int64
2021-04-21 11:39:18 +03:00
Show Double
Show Char
Show String
Show Nat
Show Bool
2021-06-23 18:15:18 +03:00
Show Void
2021-04-21 11:39:18 +03:00
Show ()
(Show a, Show b) => Show (a, b)
(Show a, Show (p y)) => Show (DPair a p)
Show a => Show (List a)
Show a => Show (Maybe a)
(Show a, Show b) => Show (Either a b)
2022-01-19 23:19:08 +03:00
Show Ordering
2020-07-08 18:52:56 +03:00
Main> : Show ty => ty -> String
2021-04-21 11:39:18 +03:00
Convert a value to its `String` representation.
@ x the value to convert
Totality: total
2022-03-25 02:11:10 +03:00
Visibility: public export
2021-08-19 13:38:14 +03:00
Main> interface Prelude.Monad : (Type -> Type) -> Type
2021-11-02 18:34:52 +03:00
@m The underlying functor
A minimal definition includes either `(>>=)` or `join`.
2021-04-21 11:39:18 +03:00
Parameters: m
Constraints: Applicative m
2021-08-13 18:00:54 +03:00
Constructor: MkMonad
2021-04-21 11:39:18 +03:00
2021-04-26 17:59:00 +03:00
(>>=) : m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
2021-04-21 11:39:18 +03:00
Also called `bind`.
2021-08-13 18:00:54 +03:00
Fixity Declaration: infixl operator, level 1
2021-04-21 11:39:18 +03:00
join : m (m a) -> m a
Also called `flatten` or mu.
Monad IO
Monoid a => Monad (Pair a)
Monad Maybe
Monad (Either e)
Monad List
2021-03-12 12:46:46 +03:00
Main> 1 : Integer
2021-11-18 21:13:20 +03:00
Primitive unsigned int value (backend-dependent precision)
2021-10-13 13:45:39 +03:00
Main> String : Type
2021-10-13 14:10:32 +03:00
Primitive type of strings
2021-10-13 13:45:39 +03:00
Cast Int String
Cast Integer String
Cast Char String
Cast Double String
Cast Nat String
Cast Int8 String
Cast Int16 String
Cast Int32 String
Cast Int64 String
Cast Bits8 String
Cast Bits16 String
Cast Bits32 String
Cast Bits64 String
Cast String Integer
Cast String Int
Cast String Double
Cast String Bits8
Cast String Bits16
Cast String Bits32
Cast String Bits64
Cast String Int8
Cast String Int16
Cast String Int32
Cast String Int64
Cast String Nat
Eq String
FromString String
2021-10-13 19:26:54 +03:00
Interpolation String
2021-10-13 13:45:39 +03:00
Monoid String
Ord String
Semigroup String
Show String
Main> Integer : Type
2021-10-13 14:10:32 +03:00
Primitive type of unbounded signed integers
2021-10-13 13:45:39 +03:00
Abs Integer
Cast Integer String
Cast Int Integer
Cast Char Integer
Cast Double Integer
Cast String Integer
Cast Nat Integer
Cast Bits8 Integer
Cast Bits16 Integer
Cast Bits32 Integer
Cast Bits64 Integer
Cast Int8 Integer
Cast Int16 Integer
Cast Int32 Integer
Cast Int64 Integer
Cast Integer Int
Cast Integer Char
Cast Integer Double
Cast Integer Bits8
Cast Integer Bits16
Cast Integer Bits32
Cast Integer Bits64
Cast Integer Int8
Cast Integer Int16
Cast Integer Int32
Cast Integer Int64
Cast Integer Nat
Eq Integer
Integral Integer
Neg Integer
Num Integer
Ord Integer
Show Integer
Main> Bits16 : Type
2021-10-13 14:10:32 +03:00
Primitive type of 16 bits unsigned integers
2021-10-13 13:45:39 +03:00
Abs Bits16
Cast Bits16 String
Cast Bits16 Integer
Cast Bits16 Int
Cast Bits16 Char
Cast Bits16 Double
Cast Bits16 Bits8
Cast Int Bits16
Cast Integer Bits16
Cast Bits8 Bits16
Cast Bits32 Bits16
Cast Bits64 Bits16
Cast String Bits16
Cast Double Bits16
Cast Char Bits16
Cast Nat Bits16
Cast Int8 Bits16
Cast Int16 Bits16
Cast Int32 Bits16
Cast Int64 Bits16
Cast Bits16 Bits32
Cast Bits16 Bits64
Cast Bits16 Int8
Cast Bits16 Int16
Cast Bits16 Int32
Cast Bits16 Int64
Cast Bits16 Nat
Eq Bits16
Integral Bits16
Neg Bits16
Num Bits16
Ord Bits16
Show Bits16
2020-07-08 17:52:57 +03:00
Main> Bye for now!