mirror of
synced 2025-01-04 06:10:15 +03:00
* [ re #1944 ] Allow simple toplevel aliases * [ done ] toplevel aliases with arguments * [ fix ] weird nonsensical test case * [ fix ] golden test files
This commit is contained in:
@ -824,10 +824,11 @@ getFieldNames ctxt recNS
-- Find similar looking names in the context
getSimilarNames : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} -> Name -> Core (List String)
getSimilarNames : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Name -> Core (Maybe (String, List (Name, Nat)))
getSimilarNames nm = case show <$> userNameRoot nm of
Nothing => pure []
Just str => if length str <= 1 then pure [] else
Nothing => pure Nothing
Just str => if length str <= 1 then pure (Just (str, [])) else
let threshold : Nat := max 1 (assert_total (divNat (length str) 3))
test : Name -> IO (Maybe Nat) := \ nm => do
let (Just str') = show <$> userNameRoot nm
@ -836,9 +837,14 @@ getSimilarNames nm = case show <$> userNameRoot nm of
pure (dist <$ guard (dist <= threshold))
in do defs <- get Ctxt
kept <- coreLift $ mapMaybeM test (resolvedAs (gamma defs))
let sorted = sortBy (\ x, y => compare (snd x) (snd y)) $ toList kept
let roots = mapMaybe (showNames nm str . fst) sorted
pure (nub roots)
pure $ Just (str, toList kept)
showSimilarNames : Name -> String -> List (Name, Nat) -> List String
showSimilarNames nm str kept
= let sorted = sortBy (\ x, y => compare (snd x) (snd y)) kept
roots = mapMaybe (showNames nm str . fst) sorted
in nub roots
@ -854,7 +860,9 @@ getSimilarNames nm = case show <$> userNameRoot nm of
maybeMisspelling : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Error -> Name -> Core a
maybeMisspelling err nm = do
candidates <- getSimilarNames nm
Just (str, kept) <- getSimilarNames nm
| Nothing => throw err
let candidates = showSimilarNames nm str kept
case candidates of
[] => throw err
(x::xs) => throw (MaybeMisspelling err (x ::: xs))
@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ knownTopics = [
("declare.data.constructor", Nothing),
("declare.data.parameters", Nothing),
("declare.def", Nothing),
("declare.def.alias", Nothing),
("declare.def.clause", Nothing),
("declare.def.clause.impossible", Nothing),
("declare.def.clause.with", Nothing),
@ -231,15 +231,10 @@ updateArg allvars var con (IAs fc nameFC s n p)
= updateArg allvars var con p
updateArg allvars var con tm = pure $ Implicit (getFC tm) True
data ArgType
= Explicit FC RawImp
| Auto FC RawImp
| Named FC Name RawImp
update : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
List Name -> -- all the variable names
(var : Name) -> (con : Name) ->
ArgType -> Core ArgType
Arg -> Core Arg
update allvars var con (Explicit fc arg)
= pure $ Explicit fc !(updateArg allvars var con arg)
update allvars var con (Auto fc arg)
@ -247,21 +242,6 @@ update allvars var con (Auto fc arg)
update allvars var con (Named fc n arg)
= pure $ Named fc n !(updateArg allvars var con arg)
getFnArgs : RawImp -> List ArgType -> (RawImp, List ArgType)
getFnArgs (IApp fc tm a) args
= getFnArgs tm (Explicit fc a :: args)
getFnArgs (IAutoApp fc tm a) args
= getFnArgs tm (Auto fc a :: args)
getFnArgs (INamedApp fc tm n a) args
= getFnArgs tm (Named fc n a :: args)
getFnArgs tm args = (tm, args)
apply : RawImp -> List ArgType -> RawImp
apply f (Explicit fc a :: args) = apply (IApp fc f a) args
apply f (Auto fc a :: args) = apply (IAutoApp fc f a) args
apply f (Named fc n a :: args) = apply (INamedApp fc f n a) args
apply f [] = f
-- Return a new LHS to check, replacing 'var' with an application of 'con'
-- Also replace any variables with '_' to allow elaboration to
-- expand them
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import TTImp.Impossible
import TTImp.PartialEval
import TTImp.TTImp
import TTImp.TTImp.Functor
import TTImp.ProcessType
import TTImp.Unelab
import TTImp.Utils
import TTImp.WithClause
@ -889,6 +890,65 @@ warnUnreachable : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
warnUnreachable (MkClause env lhs rhs)
= recordWarning (UnreachableClause (getLoc lhs) env lhs)
isAlias : RawImp -> Maybe ((FC, Name) -- head symbol
, List (FC, (FC, String))) -- pattern variables
isAlias lhs
= do let (hd, apps) = getFnArgs lhs []
hd <- isIVar hd
args <- traverse (isExplicit >=> bitraverse pure isIBindVar) apps
pure (hd, args)
lookupOrAddAlias : {vars : _} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
List ElabOpt -> NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars -> FC ->
Name -> List ImpClause -> Core (Maybe GlobalDef)
lookupOrAddAlias eopts nest env fc n [cl@(PatClause _ lhs _)]
= do defs <- get Ctxt
log "declare.def.alias" 20 $ "Looking at \{show cl}"
Nothing <- lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs)
| Just gdef => pure (Just gdef)
-- No prior declaration:
-- 1) check whether it has the shape of an alias
let Just (hd, args) = isAlias lhs
| Nothing => pure Nothing
-- 2) check whether it could be a misspelling
log "declare.def" 5 $
"Missing type declaration for the alias "
++ show n
++ ". Checking first whether it is a misspelling."
[] <- do -- get the candidates
Just (str, kept) <- getSimilarNames n
| Nothing => pure []
-- only keep the ones that haven't been defined yet
decls <- for kept $ \ (cand, weight) => do
Just gdef <- lookupCtxtExact cand (gamma defs)
| Nothing => pure Nothing -- should be impossible
let None = definition gdef
| _ => pure Nothing
pure (Just (cand, weight))
pure $ showSimilarNames n str $ catMaybes decls
| (x :: xs) => throw (MaybeMisspelling (NoDeclaration fc n) (x ::: xs))
-- 3) declare an alias
log "declare.def" 5 "Not a misspelling: go ahead and declare it!"
processType eopts nest env fc top Public []
$ MkImpTy fc fc n $ holeyType (map snd args)
defs <- get Ctxt
lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs)
holeyType : List (FC, String) -> RawImp
holeyType [] = Implicit fc False
holeyType ((xfc, x) :: xs)
= let xfc = virtualiseFC xfc in
IPi xfc top Explicit (Just (UN $ Basic x)) (Implicit xfc False)
$ holeyType xs
lookupOrAddAlias _ _ _ fc n _
= do defs <- get Ctxt
lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs)
processDef : {vars : _} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
@ -899,7 +959,7 @@ processDef : {vars : _} ->
processDef opts nest env fc n_in cs_in
= do n <- inCurrentNS n_in
defs <- get Ctxt
Just gdef <- lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs)
Just gdef <- lookupOrAddAlias opts nest env fc n cs_in
| Nothing => noDeclaration fc n
let None = definition gdef
| _ => throw (AlreadyDefined fc n)
@ -732,6 +732,16 @@ definedInBlock ns decls =
defName ns (IPragma pns _) = map (expandNS ns) pns
defName _ _ = []
isIVar : RawImp' nm -> Maybe (FC, nm)
isIVar (IVar fc v) = Just (fc, v)
isIVar _ = Nothing
isIBindVar : RawImp' nm -> Maybe (FC, String)
isIBindVar (IBindVar fc v) = Just (fc, v)
isIBindVar _ = Nothing
getFC : RawImp' nm -> FC
getFC (IVar x _) = x
@ -785,6 +795,53 @@ namespace ImpDecl
getFC (ILog _) = EmptyFC
getFC (IBuiltin fc _ _) = fc
public export
data Arg' nm
= Explicit FC (RawImp' nm)
| Auto FC (RawImp' nm)
| Named FC Name (RawImp' nm)
public export
Arg : Type
Arg = Arg' Name
public export
IArg : Type
IArg = Arg' KindedName
isExplicit : Arg' nm -> Maybe (FC, RawImp' nm)
isExplicit (Explicit fc t) = Just (fc, t)
isExplicit _ = Nothing
unIArg : Arg' nm -> RawImp' nm
unIArg (Explicit _ t) = t
unIArg (Auto _ t) = t
unIArg (Named _ _ t) = t
Show nm => Show (Arg' nm) where
show (Explicit fc t) = show t
show (Auto fc t) = "@{" ++ show t ++ "}"
show (Named fc n t) = "{" ++ show n ++ " = " ++ show t ++ "}"
getFnArgs : RawImp' nm -> List (Arg' nm) -> (RawImp' nm, List (Arg' nm))
getFnArgs (IApp fc f arg) args = getFnArgs f (Explicit fc arg :: args)
getFnArgs (INamedApp fc f n arg) args = getFnArgs f (Named fc n arg :: args)
getFnArgs (IAutoApp fc f arg) args = getFnArgs f (Auto fc arg :: args)
getFnArgs tm args = (tm, args)
-- TODO: merge these definitions
namespace Arg
apply : RawImp' nm -> List (Arg' nm) -> RawImp' nm
apply f (Explicit fc a :: args) = apply (IApp fc f a) args
apply f (Auto fc a :: args) = apply (IAutoApp fc f a) args
apply f (Named fc n a :: args) = apply (INamedApp fc f n a) args
apply f [] = f
apply : RawImp' nm -> List (RawImp' nm) -> RawImp' nm
apply f [] = f
@ -32,27 +32,6 @@ used idx (TDelay _ _ _ tm) = used idx tm
used idx (TForce _ _ tm) = used idx tm
used idx _ = False
data IArg
= Exp FC IRawImp
| Auto FC IRawImp
| Named FC Name IRawImp
unIArg : IArg -> IRawImp
unIArg (Exp _ t) = t
unIArg (Auto _ t) = t
unIArg (Named _ _ t) = t
Show IArg where
show (Exp fc t) = show t
show (Auto fc t) = "@{" ++ show t ++ "}"
show (Named fc n t) = "{" ++ show n ++ " = " ++ show t ++ "}"
getFnArgs : IRawImp -> List IArg -> (IRawImp, List IArg)
getFnArgs (IApp fc f arg) args = getFnArgs f (Exp fc arg :: args)
getFnArgs (INamedApp fc f n arg) args = getFnArgs f (Named fc n arg :: args)
getFnArgs (IAutoApp fc f arg) args = getFnArgs f (Auto fc arg :: args)
getFnArgs tm args = (tm, args)
data UnelabMode
= Full
| NoSugar Bool -- uniqify names
@ -116,7 +95,7 @@ mutual
mkCase : List (vs ** (Env Term vs, Term vs, Term vs)) ->
Nat -> Nat -> List IArg -> Core IRawImp
mkCase pats (S k) dropped (_ :: args) = mkCase pats k (S dropped) args
mkCase pats Z dropped (Exp fc tm :: _)
mkCase pats Z dropped (Explicit fc tm :: _)
= do pats' <- traverse (mkClause fc dropped) pats
pure $ ICase fc tm (Implicit fc False) pats'
mkCase _ _ _ _ = pure orig
@ -154,7 +133,7 @@ mutual
apply : IRawImp -> List IArg -> IRawImp
apply tm [] = tm
apply tm (Exp fc a :: args) = apply (IApp fc tm a) args
apply tm (Explicit fc a :: args) = apply (IApp fc tm a) args
apply tm (Auto fc a :: args) = apply (IAutoApp fc tm a) args
apply tm (Named fc n a :: args) = apply (INamedApp fc tm n a) args
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ idrisTestsBasic = MkTestPool "Fundamental language features" [] Nothing
"basic046", "basic047", "basic049", "basic050",
"basic051", "basic052", "basic053", "basic054", "basic055",
"basic056", "basic057", "basic058", "basic059", "basic060",
"basic061", "basic062",
"basic061", "basic062", "basic063",
"interpolation001", "interpolation002", "interpolation003"]
idrisTestsCoverage : TestPool
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
module NoDeclaration
identity : (a : Type) -> a -> a
identity _ x = x
idNat = identity Nat
double = (S 1 *)
test : idNat (double 3) === 6
test = Refl
unwords : List String -> String
unwords [] = ""
unwords [x] = x
unwords (x::xs) = x ++ " " ++ unwords xs
helloWorld = unwords ["hello", "world"]
test' : NoDeclaration.helloWorld === "hello world"
test' = Refl
cat x y = unwords [x, show {ty = Nat} y]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
1/1: Building NoDeclaration (NoDeclaration.idr)
NoDeclaration> NoDeclaration.idNat : Nat -> Nat
NoDeclaration> NoDeclaration.double : Nat -> Nat
NoDeclaration> NoDeclaration.helloWorld : String
NoDeclaration> NoDeclaration.cat : String -> Nat -> String
Bye for now!
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
:t idNat
:t double
:t helloWorld
:t cat
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
rm -rf build
$1 --no-color --console-width 0 --no-banner NoDeclaration.idr < input
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Issue1230:9:1--9:15
8 | mkRec2 : R
9 | myRec2 = MkR 3
Did you mean any of: mkRec2, or myRec1?
Did you mean: mkRec2?
Main> Error: Undefined name nap.
@ -11,14 +11,13 @@ Test:5:9--5:12
5 | thing : Nat -> Nat
Error: No type declaration for Test.thing.
Error: While processing right hand side of thing. Undefined name plus.
2 |
3 | import Mult
4 |
5 | thing : Nat -> Nat
6 | thing x = mult x (plus x x)
Test> Bye for now!
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
rm -rf build
echo ':q' | $1 --no-color --console-width 0 --no-banner --no-prelude Test.idr
$1 --no-color --console-width 0 --no-banner --no-prelude --check Test.idr
@ -1,70 +1,24 @@
1/1: Building Holes (Holes.idr)
Error: While processing type of Vect_ext. Undefined name ~=~.
Warning: Unreachable clause: f True
1 | import Data.Vect
2 | import Data.Fin
3 |
4 | Vect_ext : (v : Vect n a) -> (w : Vect n a) -> ((i : Fin n) -> index i v = index i w)
Error: While processing type of Weird. Undefined name ~=~.
3 |
4 | Vect_ext : (v : Vect n a) -> (w : Vect n a) -> ((i : Fin n) -> index i v = index i w)
5 | -> v = w
6 |
7 | Weird : (v: Vect n a) -> v = v
Error: No type declaration for Main.Weird.
4 | Vect_ext : (v : Vect n a) -> (w : Vect n a) -> ((i : Fin n) -> index i v = index i w)
5 | -> v = w
6 |
7 | Weird : (v: Vect n a) -> v = v
8 | Weird v = Vect_ext ?hole0 ?hole1 ?hole2
Error: While processing type of f. Undefined name Bool.
06 |
07 | Weird : (v: Vect n a) -> v = v
08 | Weird v = Vect_ext ?hole0 ?hole1 ?hole2
09 |
10 | f : Bool -> Nat
Error: No type declaration for Main.f.
07 | Weird : (v: Vect n a) -> v = v
08 | Weird v = Vect_ext ?hole0 ?hole1 ?hole2
09 |
10 | f : Bool -> Nat
11 | f True = 0
12 | f True = ?help
Main> Error: Undefined name help.
1 | :t help
Main> Error: Undefined name hole0.
1 | :t hole0
Main> Error: Undefined name hole1.
1 | :t hole1
Main> Unknown name hole1
Main> Main.help : Nat
Main> 0 a : Type
0 n : Nat
v : Vect n a
hole0 : Vect n a
Main> 0 a : Type
0 n : Nat
v : Vect n a
hole1 : Vect n a
Main> v
Main> Bye for now!
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
rm -rf build
$1 --no-color --console-width 0 --no-banner --no-prelude Holes.idr < input
$1 --no-color --console-width 0 --no-banner Holes.idr < input
Reference in New Issue
Block a user