Add "import X as Y" properly

Instead of just the cursory name update that we used to do (which didn't
work properly anyway for a lot of reasons), now we add aliases for all
the names in the imported module.
So, like Idris 1, every global has a canonical name by which we can
refer to it, but it can also have aliases via "import ... as".
This commit is contained in:
Edwin Brady 2020-07-04 20:26:49 +01:00
parent 3a41ccb612
commit 028624a18d
16 changed files with 171 additions and 53 deletions

View File

@ -17,6 +17,9 @@ Language changes:
+ Implemented `%macro` function flag, to remove the syntactic noise of
invoking elaborator scripts. This means the function must always
be fully applied, and is run under `%runElab`
* Add `import X as Y`
+ This imports the module `X`, adding aliases for the definitions in
namespace `Y`, so they can be referred to as `Y`.
Library changes:

View File

@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ writeToTTC extradata fname
addGlobalDef : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
(modns : List String) -> (importAs : Maybe (List String)) ->
(Name, Binary) -> Core ()
addGlobalDef modns as (n, def)
addGlobalDef modns asm (n, def)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
codedentry <- lookupContextEntry n (gamma defs)
-- Don't update the coded entry because some names might not be
@ -287,8 +287,11 @@ addGlobalDef modns as (n, def)
if completeDef entry
then pure ()
else do addContextEntry (asName modns as n) def
else do addContextEntry n def
pure ()
maybe (pure ())
(\as => addContextAlias (asName modns as n) n)
-- If the definition already exists, don't overwrite it with an empty
-- definition or hole. This might happen if a function is declared in one

View File

@ -298,6 +298,12 @@ data ContextEntry : Type where
Coded : Binary -> ContextEntry
Decoded : GlobalDef -> ContextEntry
data PossibleName : Type where
Direct : Name -> Int -> PossibleName -- full name and resolved name id
Alias : Name -> -- aliased name (from "import as")
Name -> Int -> -- real full name and resolved name, as above
-- All the GlobalDefs. We can only have one context, because name references
-- point at locations in here, and if we have more than one the indices won't
-- match up. So, this isn't polymorphic.
@ -309,7 +315,7 @@ record Context where
-- Map from full name to its position in the context
resolvedAs : NameMap Int
-- Map from strings to all the possible names in all namespaces
possibles : StringMap (List (Name, Int))
possibles : StringMap (List PossibleName)
-- Reference to the actual content, indexed by Int
content : Ref Arr (IOArray ContextEntry)
-- Branching depth, in a backtracking elaborator. 0 is top level; at lower
@ -355,14 +361,24 @@ initCtxt : Core Context
initCtxt = initCtxtS initSize
addPossible : Name -> Int ->
StringMap (List (Name, Int)) -> StringMap (List (Name, Int))
StringMap (List PossibleName) -> StringMap (List PossibleName)
addPossible n i ps
= case userNameRoot n of
Nothing => ps
Just nr =>
case lookup nr ps of
Nothing => insert nr [(n, i)] ps
Just nis => insert nr ((n, i) :: nis) ps
Nothing => insert nr [Direct n i] ps
Just nis => insert nr (Direct n i :: nis) ps
addAlias : Name -> Name -> Int ->
StringMap (List PossibleName) -> StringMap (List PossibleName)
addAlias alias full i ps
= case userNameRoot alias of
Nothing => ps
Just nr =>
case lookup nr ps of
Nothing => insert nr [Alias alias full i] ps
Just nis => insert nr (Alias alias full i :: nis) ps
newEntry : Name -> Context -> Core (Int, Context)
@ -390,6 +406,11 @@ getPosition n ctxt
do pure (idx, ctxt)
Nothing => newEntry n ctxt
newAlias : Name -> Name -> Context -> Core Context
newAlias alias full ctxt
= do (idx, ctxt) <- getPosition full ctxt
pure $ record { possibles $= addAlias alias full idx } ctxt
getNameID : Name -> Context -> Maybe Int
getNameID (Resolved idx) ctxt = Just idx
@ -498,27 +519,32 @@ lookupCtxtName n ctxt
Just r =>
do let Just ps = lookup r (possibles ctxt)
| Nothing => pure []
ps' <- the (Core (List (Maybe (Name, Int, GlobalDef)))) $
traverse (\ (n, i) =>
do Just res <- lookupCtxtExact (Resolved i) ctxt
| _ => pure Nothing
pure (Just (n, i, res))) ps
getMatches ps'
lookupPossibles [] ps
matches : Name -> (Name, Int, a) -> Bool
matches (NS ns _) (NS cns _, _, _) = ns `isPrefixOf` cns
matches : Name -> Name -> Bool
matches (NS ns _) (NS cns _) = ns `isPrefixOf` cns
matches (NS _ _) _ = True -- no in library name, so root doesn't match
matches _ _ = True -- no prefix, so root must match, so good
getMatches : List (Maybe (Name, Int, GlobalDef)) ->
Core (List (Name, Int, GlobalDef))
getMatches [] = pure []
getMatches (Nothing :: rs) = getMatches rs
getMatches (Just r :: rs)
= if matches n r
then do rs' <- getMatches rs
pure (r :: rs')
else getMatches rs
resn : (Name, Int, GlobalDef) -> Int
resn (_, i, _) = i
lookupPossibles : List (Name, Int, GlobalDef) -> -- accumulator
List PossibleName ->
Core (List (Name, Int, GlobalDef))
lookupPossibles acc [] = pure (reverse acc)
lookupPossibles acc (Direct fulln i :: ps)
= do Just res <- lookupCtxtExact (Resolved i) ctxt
| Nothing => lookupPossibles acc ps
if (matches n fulln) && not (i `elem` map resn acc)
then lookupPossibles ((fulln, i, res) :: acc) ps
else lookupPossibles acc ps
lookupPossibles acc (Alias asn fulln i :: ps)
= do Just res <- lookupCtxtExact (Resolved i) ctxt
| Nothing => lookupPossibles acc ps
if (matches n asn) && not (i `elem` map resn acc)
then lookupPossibles ((fulln, i, res) :: acc) ps
else lookupPossibles acc ps
branchCtxt : Context -> Core Context
branchCtxt ctxt = pure (record { branchDepth $= S } ctxt)
@ -918,6 +944,38 @@ clearCtxt
resetElab : Options -> Options
resetElab = record { elabDirectives = defaultElab }
-- Get the canonical name of something that might have been aliased via
-- import as
canonicalName : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Name -> Core Name
canonicalName fc n
= do defs <- get Ctxt
case !(lookupCtxtName n (gamma defs)) of
[] => throw (UndefinedName fc n)
[(n, _, _)] => pure n
ns => throw (AmbiguousName fc (map fst ns))
-- If the name is aliased, get the alias
aliasName : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Name -> Core Name
aliasName fulln
= do defs <- get Ctxt
let Just r = userNameRoot fulln
| Nothing => pure fulln
let Just ps = lookup r (possibles (gamma defs))
| Nothing => pure fulln
findAlias ps
findAlias : List PossibleName -> Core Name
findAlias [] = pure fulln
findAlias (Alias as full i :: ps)
= if full == fulln
then pure as
else findAlias ps
findAlias (_ :: ps) = findAlias ps
-- Beware: if your hashable thing contains (potentially resolved) names,
-- it'll be better to use addHashWithNames to make the hash independent
-- of the internal numbering of names.
@ -992,6 +1050,14 @@ addContextEntry n def
put Ctxt (record { gamma = gam' } defs)
pure idx
addContextAlias : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Name -> Name -> Core ()
addContextAlias alias full
= do defs <- get Ctxt
gam' <- newAlias alias full (gamma defs)
put Ctxt (record { gamma = gam' } defs)
addBuiltin : {arity : _} ->
{auto x : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->

View File

@ -21,11 +21,11 @@ data Name : Type where
-- Update a name imported with 'import as', for creating an alias
asName : List String -> -- Initial module name
Maybe (List String) -> -- 'as' module name
List String -> -- 'as' module name
Name -> -- identifier
asName mod (Just ns) (DN s n) = DN s (asName mod (Just ns) n)
asName mod (Just ns) (NS oldns n)
asName mod ns (DN s n) = DN s (asName mod ns n)
asName mod ns (NS oldns n)
= NS (updateNS mod oldns) n
updateNS : List String -> List String -> List String

View File

@ -83,27 +83,14 @@ fromList = fromList' empty
fromList' acc [] = acc
fromList' acc ((k, v) :: ns) = fromList' (addName k v acc) ns
-- Merge two contexts, with entries in the second overriding entries in
-- the first
-- Merge two contexts, with entries in the first overriding entries in
-- the second
merge : ANameMap a -> ANameMap a -> ANameMap a
merge ctxt (MkANameMap exact hier)
merge (MkANameMap exact hier) ctxt
= insertFrom (toList exact) ctxt
insertFrom : List (Name, a) -> ANameMap a -> ANameMap a
insertFrom [] ctxt = ctxt
insertFrom ((n, val) :: cs) ctxt
= insertFrom cs (addName n val ctxt)
mergeAs : List String -> List String ->
ANameMap a -> ANameMap a -> ANameMap a
mergeAs oldns newns ctxt (MkANameMap exact hier)
= insertFrom (toList exact) ctxt
insertFrom : List (Name, a) -> ANameMap a -> ANameMap a
insertFrom [] ctxt = ctxt
insertFrom ((n, val) :: cs) ctxt
= insertFrom cs (addName n val ctxt)

View File

@ -54,13 +54,13 @@ ifThenElse True t e = t
ifThenElse False t e = e
extendAs : {auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
List String -> List String -> SyntaxInfo -> Core ()
extendAs old as newsyn
extendSyn : {auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
SyntaxInfo -> Core ()
extendSyn newsyn
= do syn <- get Syn
put Syn (record { infixes $= mergeLeft (infixes newsyn),
prefixes $= mergeLeft (prefixes newsyn),
ifaces $= mergeAs old as (ifaces newsyn),
ifaces $= merge (ifaces newsyn),
bracketholes $= ((bracketholes newsyn) ++) }

View File

@ -110,13 +110,17 @@ elabImplementation : {vars : _} ->
elabImplementation {vars} fc vis opts_in pass env nest is cons iname ps impln nusing mbody
= do let impName_in = maybe (mkImpl fc iname ps) id impln
impName <- inCurrentNS impName_in
-- The interface name might be qualified, so check if it's an
-- alias for something
syn <- get Syn
let [cndata] = lookupName iname (ifaces syn)
defs <- get Ctxt
inames <- lookupCtxtName iname (gamma defs)
let [cndata] = concatMap (\n => lookupName n (ifaces syn))
(map fst inames)
| [] => throw (UndefinedName fc iname)
| ns => throw (AmbiguousName fc (map fst ns))
let cn : Name = fst cndata
let cdata : IFaceInfo = snd cndata
defs <- get Ctxt
Just ity <- lookupTyExact cn (gamma defs)
| Nothing => throw (UndefinedName fc cn)

View File

@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ readModule full loc vis reexp imp as
Just (syn, hash, more) <- readFromTTC False {extra = SyntaxInfo}
loc vis fname imp as
| Nothing => when vis (setVisible imp) -- already loaded, just set visibility
extendAs imp as syn
extendSyn syn
defs <- get Ctxt
modNS <- getNS
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ readAsMain fname
| Nothing => throw (InternalError "Already loaded")
replNS <- getNS
replNestedNS <- getNestedNS
extendAs replNS replNS syn
extendSyn syn
-- Read the main file's top level imported modules, so we have access
-- to their names (and any of their public imports)

View File

@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ displayType : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Core String
displayType defs (n, i, gdef)
= maybe (do tm <- resugar [] !(normaliseHoles defs [] (type gdef))
pure (show (fullname gdef) ++ " : " ++ show tm))
pure (show !(aliasName (fullname gdef)) ++ " : " ++ show tm))
(\num => showHole defs [] n num (type gdef))
(isHole gdef)

View File

@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ mutual
| Nothing => case umode of
ImplicitHoles => pure (Implicit fc True, gErased fc)
_ => pure (IVar fc n, gErased fc)
pure (IVar fc !(getFullName n), gnf env (embed ty))
pure (IVar fc !(aliasName !(getFullName n)), gnf env (embed ty))
unelabTy' umode env (Meta fc n i args)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
let mkn = nameRoot n

View File

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ idrisTests
"error006", "error007", "error008", "error009", "error010",
-- Modules and imports
"import001", "import002", "import003", "import004",
"import001", "import002", "import003", "import004", "import005",
-- Interactive editing support
"interactive001", "interactive002", "interactive003", "interactive004",
"interactive005", "interactive006", "interactive007", "interactive008",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
module As
import Test as Toast
Toast.Needle Int where
nardle x = x + x
noo x = x * x

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
module Test
pythag : Int -> List (Int, Int, Int)
pythag max
= [ (x,y,z) | z <- [1..max],
y <- [1..z],
x <- [1..y],
x * x + y * y == z * z ]
namespace Inside
-- Needs to be recursive (or at least refer to a name in this module)
-- to check that definitions are updated on
fact : Nat -> Nat
fact Z = 1
fact (S k) = (S k) * fact k
public export
interface Needle a where
nardle : a -> a
noo : a -> a

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
1/2: Building Test (Test.idr)
2/2: Building As (As.idr)
As> Toast.pythag : Int -> List (Int, (Int, Int))
As> Toast.Inside.fact : Nat -> Nat
As> Toast.nardle : Needle a => a -> a
As> Toast.noo : Needle a => a -> a
As> 16
As> [(3, (4, 5)), (6, (8, 10))]
As> pythag
As> 24
As> 24
As> Bye for now!

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
:t pythag
:t fact
:t nardle
:t noo
Toast.nardle (the Int 8)
Toast.pythag 10
Toast.Inside.fact 4
Test.Inside.fact 4

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
$1 --no-banner As.idr < input
rm -rf build