mirror of
synced 2024-12-28 22:22:10 +03:00
[ refactor ] Factor out a type for primitive types out of Constant
This commit is contained in:
@ -56,6 +56,8 @@
* Adds `%deprecate` pragma that can be used to warn when deprecated functions are used.
* Package files now support a `langversion` field that can be used to specify what versions of Idris a package supports. As with dependency versions, `>`, `<`, `>=`, and `<=` can all be used.
+ For example, `langversion >= 0.5.1`.
* Alternatives for primitive types of the `Core.TT.Constant` are moved out to a separate data type `PrimTypes`.
Signatures of functions that were working with `Constant` are changed to use `PrimTypes` when appropriate.
### IDE protocol changes
@ -64,6 +64,23 @@ data NameType : Type where
DataCon : (tag : Int) -> (arity : Nat) -> NameType
TyCon : (tag : Int) -> (arity : Nat) -> NameType
public export
data PrimType
= IntType
| IntegerType
| Int8Type
| Int16Type
| Int32Type
| Int64Type
| Bits8Type
| Bits16Type
| Bits32Type
| Bits64Type
| StringType
| CharType
| DoubleType
| WorldType
public export
data Constant
= I Int
@ -79,23 +96,9 @@ data Constant
| Str String
| Ch Char
| Db Double
| PrT PrimType
| WorldVal
| IntType
| IntegerType
| Int8Type
| Int16Type
| Int32Type
| Int64Type
| Bits8Type
| Bits16Type
| Bits32Type
| Bits64Type
| StringType
| CharType
| DoubleType
| WorldType
public export
data UserName
= Basic String -- default name constructor e.g. map
@ -518,8 +518,8 @@ record ConstantPrimitives where
||| the implementations from the provided `ConstantPrimitives`.
castInt : ConstantPrimitives
-> Constant
-> Constant
-> PrimType
-> PrimType
-> String
-> Core String
castInt p from to x =
@ -344,11 +344,8 @@ mutual
= pure (CDelay fc lr !(toCExp m n arg))
toCExpTm m n (TForce fc lr arg)
= pure (CForce fc lr !(toCExp m n arg))
toCExpTm m n (PrimVal fc c)
= let t = constTag c in
if t == 0
then pure $ CPrimVal fc c
else pure $ CCon fc (UN $ Basic $ show c) TYCON Nothing []
toCExpTm m n (PrimVal fc $ PrT c) = pure $ CCon fc (UN $ Basic $ show c) TYCON Nothing [] -- Primitive type constant
toCExpTm m n (PrimVal fc c) = pure $ CPrimVal fc c -- Non-type constant
toCExpTm m n (Erased fc _) = pure $ CErased fc
toCExpTm m n (TType fc _) = pure $ CCon fc (UN (Basic "Type")) TYCON Nothing []
@ -601,22 +598,22 @@ getNArgs defs n args = pure $ User n args
nfToCFType : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> (inStruct : Bool) -> NF [] -> Core CFType
nfToCFType _ _ (NPrimVal _ IntType) = pure CFInt
nfToCFType _ _ (NPrimVal _ IntegerType) = pure CFInteger
nfToCFType _ _ (NPrimVal _ Bits8Type) = pure CFUnsigned8
nfToCFType _ _ (NPrimVal _ Bits16Type) = pure CFUnsigned16
nfToCFType _ _ (NPrimVal _ Bits32Type) = pure CFUnsigned32
nfToCFType _ _ (NPrimVal _ Bits64Type) = pure CFUnsigned64
nfToCFType _ _ (NPrimVal _ Int8Type) = pure CFInt8
nfToCFType _ _ (NPrimVal _ Int16Type) = pure CFInt16
nfToCFType _ _ (NPrimVal _ Int32Type) = pure CFInt32
nfToCFType _ _ (NPrimVal _ Int64Type) = pure CFInt64
nfToCFType _ False (NPrimVal _ StringType) = pure CFString
nfToCFType fc True (NPrimVal _ StringType)
nfToCFType _ _ (NPrimVal _ $ PrT IntType) = pure CFInt
nfToCFType _ _ (NPrimVal _ $ PrT IntegerType) = pure CFInteger
nfToCFType _ _ (NPrimVal _ $ PrT Bits8Type) = pure CFUnsigned8
nfToCFType _ _ (NPrimVal _ $ PrT Bits16Type) = pure CFUnsigned16
nfToCFType _ _ (NPrimVal _ $ PrT Bits32Type) = pure CFUnsigned32
nfToCFType _ _ (NPrimVal _ $ PrT Bits64Type) = pure CFUnsigned64
nfToCFType _ _ (NPrimVal _ $ PrT Int8Type) = pure CFInt8
nfToCFType _ _ (NPrimVal _ $ PrT Int16Type) = pure CFInt16
nfToCFType _ _ (NPrimVal _ $ PrT Int32Type) = pure CFInt32
nfToCFType _ _ (NPrimVal _ $ PrT Int64Type) = pure CFInt64
nfToCFType _ False (NPrimVal _ $ PrT StringType) = pure CFString
nfToCFType fc True (NPrimVal _ $ PrT StringType)
= throw (GenericMsg fc "String not allowed in a foreign struct")
nfToCFType _ _ (NPrimVal _ DoubleType) = pure CFDouble
nfToCFType _ _ (NPrimVal _ CharType) = pure CFChar
nfToCFType _ _ (NPrimVal _ WorldType) = pure CFWorld
nfToCFType _ _ (NPrimVal _ $ PrT DoubleType) = pure CFDouble
nfToCFType _ _ (NPrimVal _ $ PrT CharType) = pure CFChar
nfToCFType _ _ (NPrimVal _ $ PrT WorldType) = pure CFWorld
nfToCFType _ False (NBind fc _ (Pi _ _ _ ty) sc)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
sty <- nfToCFType fc False !(evalClosure defs ty)
@ -307,6 +307,9 @@ boundedUIntOp = boundedOp "u"
boolOp : (op : String) -> (lhs : Doc) -> (rhs : Doc) -> Doc
boolOp o lhs rhs = "(" <+> binOp o lhs rhs <+> "?1:0)"
jsPrimType : PrimType -> String
jsPrimType _ = "#t"
-- convert an Idris constant to its JS representation
jsConstant : Constant -> String
jsConstant (I i) = show i
@ -315,28 +318,15 @@ jsConstant (I16 i) = show i
jsConstant (I32 i) = show i
jsConstant (I64 i) = show i ++ "n"
jsConstant (BI i) = show i ++ "n"
jsConstant (Str s) = jsString s
jsConstant (Ch c) = jsString $ singleton c
jsConstant (Db f) = show f
jsConstant WorldVal = esName "idrisworld"
jsConstant (B8 i) = show i
jsConstant (B16 i) = show i
jsConstant (B32 i) = show i
jsConstant (B64 i) = show i ++ "n"
jsConstant IntType = "#t"
jsConstant Int8Type = "#t"
jsConstant Int16Type = "#t"
jsConstant Int32Type = "#t"
jsConstant Int64Type = "#t"
jsConstant IntegerType = "#t"
jsConstant Bits8Type = "#t"
jsConstant Bits16Type = "#t"
jsConstant Bits32Type = "#t"
jsConstant Bits64Type = "#t"
jsConstant StringType = "#t"
jsConstant CharType = "#t"
jsConstant DoubleType = "#t"
jsConstant WorldType = "#t"
jsConstant (Str s) = jsString s
jsConstant (Ch c) = jsString $ singleton c
jsConstant (Db f) = show f
jsConstant (PrT t) = jsPrimType t
jsConstant WorldVal = esName "idrisworld"
-- Creates the definition of a binary arithmetic operation.
-- Rounding / truncation behavior is determined from the
@ -353,11 +343,11 @@ arithOp _ "" op = integerOp op
arithOp _ sym _ = binOp sym
-- use 32bit signed integer for `Int`.
jsIntKind : Constant -> Maybe IntKind
jsIntKind IntType = Just . Signed $ P 32
jsIntKind : PrimType -> Maybe IntKind
jsIntKind IntType = Just . Signed $ P 32
jsIntKind x = intKind x
jsMod : Constant -> Doc -> Doc -> Doc
jsMod : PrimType -> Doc -> Doc -> Doc
jsMod ty x y = case jsIntKind ty of
(Just $ Signed $ P n) => case useBigInt' n of
True => integerOp "mod" x y
@ -368,7 +358,7 @@ jsMod ty x y = case jsIntKind ty of
-- implementation of all kinds of cast from and / or to integral
-- values.
castInt : Constant -> Constant -> Doc -> Core Doc
castInt : PrimType -> PrimType -> Doc -> Core Doc
castInt from to x =
case ((from, jsIntKind from), (to, jsIntKind to)) of
((CharType,_), (_,Just k)) => truncInt (useBigInt k) k $ jsIntOfChar k x
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ constFold rho (COp {arity} fc fn xs) =
fromNF (NPrimVal fc c) = Just $ CPrimVal fc c
fromNF _ = Nothing
commutative : Constant -> Bool
commutative : PrimType -> Bool
commutative DoubleType = False
commutative _ = True
@ -113,6 +113,22 @@ showInt64Min x = if x == -9223372036854775808
then "INT64_MIN"
else "INT64_C("++ show x ++")"
cPrimType : PrimType -> String
cPrimType IntType = "Int64"
cPrimType Int8Type = "Int8"
cPrimType Int16Type = "Int16"
cPrimType Int32Type = "Int32"
cPrimType Int64Type = "Int64"
cPrimType IntegerType = "Integer"
cPrimType Bits8Type = "Bits8"
cPrimType Bits16Type = "Bits16"
cPrimType Bits32Type = "Bits32"
cPrimType Bits64Type = "Bits64"
cPrimType StringType = "string"
cPrimType CharType = "char"
cPrimType DoubleType = "double"
cPrimType WorldType = "f32"
cConstant : Constant -> String
cConstant (I x) = "(Value*)makeInt64("++ showIntMin x ++")"
cConstant (I8 x) = "(Value*)makeInt8(INT8_C("++ show x ++"))"
@ -120,28 +136,15 @@ cConstant (I16 x) = "(Value*)makeInt16(INT16_C("++ show x ++"))"
cConstant (I32 x) = "(Value*)makeInt32(INT32_C("++ show x ++"))"
cConstant (I64 x) = "(Value*)makeInt64("++ showInt64Min x ++")"
cConstant (BI x) = "(Value*)makeIntegerLiteral(\""++ show x ++"\")"
cConstant (Db x) = "(Value*)makeDouble("++ show x ++")"
cConstant (Ch x) = "(Value*)makeChar("++ escapeChar x ++")"
cConstant (Str x) = "(Value*)makeString("++ cStringQuoted x ++")"
cConstant WorldVal = "(Value*)makeWorld()"
cConstant IntType = "Int64"
cConstant Int8Type = "Int8"
cConstant Int16Type = "Int16"
cConstant Int32Type = "Int32"
cConstant Int64Type = "Int64"
cConstant IntegerType = "Integer"
cConstant StringType = "string"
cConstant CharType = "char"
cConstant DoubleType = "double"
cConstant WorldType = "f32"
cConstant (B8 x) = "(Value*)makeBits8(UINT8_C("++ show x ++"))"
cConstant (B16 x) = "(Value*)makeBits16(UINT16_C("++ show x ++"))"
cConstant (B32 x) = "(Value*)makeBits32(UINT32_C("++ show x ++"))"
cConstant (B64 x) = "(Value*)makeBits64(UINT64_C("++ show x ++"))"
cConstant Bits8Type = "Bits8"
cConstant Bits16Type = "Bits16"
cConstant Bits32Type = "Bits32"
cConstant Bits64Type = "Bits64"
cConstant (Db x) = "(Value*)makeDouble("++ show x ++")"
cConstant (Ch x) = "(Value*)makeChar("++ escapeChar x ++")"
cConstant (Str x) = "(Value*)makeString("++ cStringQuoted x ++")"
cConstant (PrT t) = cPrimType t
cConstant WorldVal = "(Value*)makeWorld()"
extractConstant : Constant -> String
extractConstant (I x) = show x
@ -167,12 +170,12 @@ plainOp op args = op ++ "(" ++ (showSep ", " args) ++ ")"
||| Generate scheme for a primitive function.
cOp : {0 arity : Nat} -> PrimFn arity -> Vect arity String -> String
cOp (Neg ty) [x] = "negate_" ++ cConstant ty ++ "(" ++ x ++ ")"
cOp (Neg ty) [x] = "negate_" ++ cPrimType ty ++ "(" ++ x ++ ")"
cOp StrLength [x] = "stringLength(" ++ x ++ ")"
cOp StrHead [x] = "head(" ++ x ++ ")"
cOp StrTail [x] = "tail(" ++ x ++ ")"
cOp StrReverse [x] = "reverse(" ++ x ++ ")"
cOp (Cast i o) [x] = "cast_" ++ (cConstant i) ++ "_to_" ++ (cConstant o) ++ "(" ++ x ++ ")"
cOp (Cast i o) [x] = "cast_" ++ (cPrimType i) ++ "_to_" ++ (cPrimType o) ++ "(" ++ x ++ ")"
cOp DoubleExp [x] = "(Value*)makeDouble(exp(unpackDouble(" ++ x ++ ")))"
cOp DoubleLog [x] = "(Value*)makeDouble(log(unpackDouble(" ++ x ++ ")))"
cOp DoublePow [x, y] = "(Value*)makeDouble(pow(unpackDouble(" ++ x ++ "), unpackDouble(" ++ y ++ ")))"
@ -185,21 +188,21 @@ cOp DoubleATan [x] = "(Value*)makeDouble(atan(unpackDouble(" ++ x ++ ")
cOp DoubleSqrt [x] = "(Value*)makeDouble(sqrt(unpackDouble(" ++ x ++ ")))"
cOp DoubleFloor [x] = "(Value*)makeDouble(floor(unpackDouble(" ++ x ++ ")))"
cOp DoubleCeiling [x] = "(Value*)makeDouble(ceil(unpackDouble(" ++ x ++ ")))"
cOp (Add ty) [x, y] = "add_" ++ cConstant ty ++ "(" ++ x ++ ", " ++ y ++ ")"
cOp (Sub ty) [x, y] = "sub_" ++ cConstant ty ++ "(" ++ x ++ ", " ++ y ++ ")"
cOp (Mul ty) [x, y] = "mul_" ++ cConstant ty ++ "(" ++ x ++ ", " ++ y ++ ")"
cOp (Div ty) [x, y] = "div_" ++ cConstant ty ++ "(" ++ x ++ ", " ++ y ++ ")"
cOp (Mod ty) [x, y] = "mod_" ++ cConstant ty ++ "(" ++ x ++ ", " ++ y ++ ")"
cOp (ShiftL ty) [x, y] = "shiftl_" ++ cConstant ty ++ "(" ++ x ++ ", " ++ y ++ ")"
cOp (ShiftR ty) [x, y] = "shiftr_" ++ cConstant ty ++ "(" ++ x ++ ", " ++ y ++ ")"
cOp (BAnd ty) [x, y] = "and_" ++ cConstant ty ++ "(" ++ x ++ ", " ++ y ++ ")"
cOp (BOr ty) [x, y] = "or_" ++ cConstant ty ++ "(" ++ x ++ ", " ++ y ++ ")"
cOp (BXOr ty) [x, y] = "xor_" ++ cConstant ty ++ "(" ++ x ++ ", " ++ y ++ ")"
cOp (LT ty) [x, y] = "lt_" ++ cConstant ty ++ "(" ++ x ++ ", " ++ y ++ ")"
cOp (GT ty) [x, y] = "gt_" ++ cConstant ty ++ "(" ++ x ++ ", " ++ y ++ ")"
cOp (EQ ty) [x, y] = "eq_" ++ cConstant ty ++ "(" ++ x ++ ", " ++ y ++ ")"
cOp (LTE ty) [x, y] = "lte_" ++ cConstant ty ++ "(" ++ x ++ ", " ++ y ++ ")"
cOp (GTE ty) [x, y] = "gte_" ++ cConstant ty ++ "(" ++ x ++ ", " ++ y ++ ")"
cOp (Add ty) [x, y] = "add_" ++ cPrimType ty ++ "(" ++ x ++ ", " ++ y ++ ")"
cOp (Sub ty) [x, y] = "sub_" ++ cPrimType ty ++ "(" ++ x ++ ", " ++ y ++ ")"
cOp (Mul ty) [x, y] = "mul_" ++ cPrimType ty ++ "(" ++ x ++ ", " ++ y ++ ")"
cOp (Div ty) [x, y] = "div_" ++ cPrimType ty ++ "(" ++ x ++ ", " ++ y ++ ")"
cOp (Mod ty) [x, y] = "mod_" ++ cPrimType ty ++ "(" ++ x ++ ", " ++ y ++ ")"
cOp (ShiftL ty) [x, y] = "shiftl_" ++ cPrimType ty ++ "(" ++ x ++ ", " ++ y ++ ")"
cOp (ShiftR ty) [x, y] = "shiftr_" ++ cPrimType ty ++ "(" ++ x ++ ", " ++ y ++ ")"
cOp (BAnd ty) [x, y] = "and_" ++ cPrimType ty ++ "(" ++ x ++ ", " ++ y ++ ")"
cOp (BOr ty) [x, y] = "or_" ++ cPrimType ty ++ "(" ++ x ++ ", " ++ y ++ ")"
cOp (BXOr ty) [x, y] = "xor_" ++ cPrimType ty ++ "(" ++ x ++ ", " ++ y ++ ")"
cOp (LT ty) [x, y] = "lt_" ++ cPrimType ty ++ "(" ++ x ++ ", " ++ y ++ ")"
cOp (GT ty) [x, y] = "gt_" ++ cPrimType ty ++ "(" ++ x ++ ", " ++ y ++ ")"
cOp (EQ ty) [x, y] = "eq_" ++ cPrimType ty ++ "(" ++ x ++ ", " ++ y ++ ")"
cOp (LTE ty) [x, y] = "lte_" ++ cPrimType ty ++ "(" ++ x ++ ", " ++ y ++ ")"
cOp (GTE ty) [x, y] = "gte_" ++ cPrimType ty ++ "(" ++ x ++ ", " ++ y ++ ")"
cOp StrIndex [x, i] = "strIndex(" ++ x ++ ", " ++ i ++ ")"
cOp StrCons [x, y] = "strCons(" ++ x ++ ", " ++ y ++ ")"
cOp StrAppend [x, y] = "strAppend(" ++ x ++ ", " ++ y ++ ")"
@ -245,6 +245,9 @@ export
mkWorld : String -> String
mkWorld res = res -- MkIORes is a newtype now! schConstructor 0 [res, "#f"] -- MkIORes
schPrimType : PrimType -> String
schPrimType _ = "#t"
schConstant : (String -> String) -> Constant -> String
schConstant _ (I x) = show x
schConstant _ (I8 x) = show x
@ -262,21 +265,8 @@ schConstant _ (Ch x)
then "#\\" ++ cast x
else "(integer->char " ++ show (the Int (cast x)) ++ ")"
schConstant _ (Db x) = show x
schConstant _ (PrT t) = schPrimType t
schConstant _ WorldVal = "#f"
schConstant _ IntType = "#t"
schConstant _ Int8Type = "#t"
schConstant _ Int16Type = "#t"
schConstant _ Int32Type = "#t"
schConstant _ Int64Type = "#t"
schConstant _ IntegerType = "#t"
schConstant _ Bits8Type = "#t"
schConstant _ Bits16Type = "#t"
schConstant _ Bits32Type = "#t"
schConstant _ Bits64Type = "#t"
schConstant _ StringType = "#t"
schConstant _ CharType = "#t"
schConstant _ DoubleType = "#t"
schConstant _ WorldType = "#t"
schCaseDef : Maybe String -> String
schCaseDef Nothing = ""
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import public Libraries.Utils.Binary
||| version number if you're changing the version more than once in the same day.
ttcVersion : Int
ttcVersion = 20220208 * 100 + 0
ttcVersion = 20220310 * 100 + 0
checkTTCVersion : String -> Int -> Int -> Core ()
@ -1114,10 +1114,9 @@ mkPat args orig (As fc _ _ ptm)
= mkPat [] orig ptm
mkPat args orig (TDelay fc r ty p)
= pure $ PDelay fc r !(mkPat [] orig ty) !(mkPat [] orig p)
mkPat args orig (PrimVal fc c)
= pure $ if constTag c == 0
then PConst fc c
else PTyCon fc (UN (Basic $ show c)) 0 []
mkPat args orig (PrimVal fc $ PrT c) -- Primitive type constant
= pure $ PTyCon fc (UN (Basic $ show c)) 0 []
mkPat args orig (PrimVal fc c) = pure $ PConst fc c -- Non-type constant
mkPat args orig (TType fc _) = pure $ PTyCon fc (UN $ Basic "Type") 0 []
mkPat args orig tm
= do log "compile.casetree" 10 $
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ getMissingAlts : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Core (List (CaseAlt vars))
-- If it's a primitive other than WorldVal, there's too many to reasonably
-- check, so require a catch all
getMissingAlts fc defs (NPrimVal _ WorldType) alts
getMissingAlts fc defs (NPrimVal _ $ PrT WorldType) alts
= if isNil alts
then pure [DefaultCase (Unmatched "Coverage check")]
else pure []
@ -100,21 +100,21 @@ mutual
= bindty
chkConstant : FC -> Constant -> Term vars
chkConstant fc (I x) = PrimVal fc IntType
chkConstant fc (I8 x) = PrimVal fc Int8Type
chkConstant fc (I16 x) = PrimVal fc Int16Type
chkConstant fc (I32 x) = PrimVal fc Int32Type
chkConstant fc (I64 x) = PrimVal fc Int64Type
chkConstant fc (BI x) = PrimVal fc IntegerType
chkConstant fc (B8 x) = PrimVal fc Bits8Type
chkConstant fc (B16 x) = PrimVal fc Bits16Type
chkConstant fc (B32 x) = PrimVal fc Bits32Type
chkConstant fc (B64 x) = PrimVal fc Bits64Type
chkConstant fc (Str x) = PrimVal fc StringType
chkConstant fc (Ch x) = PrimVal fc CharType
chkConstant fc (Db x) = PrimVal fc DoubleType
chkConstant fc WorldVal = PrimVal fc WorldType
chkConstant fc _ = TType fc (MN "top" 0)
chkConstant fc (I x) = PrimVal fc $ PrT IntType
chkConstant fc (I8 x) = PrimVal fc $ PrT Int8Type
chkConstant fc (I16 x) = PrimVal fc $ PrT Int16Type
chkConstant fc (I32 x) = PrimVal fc $ PrT Int32Type
chkConstant fc (I64 x) = PrimVal fc $ PrT Int64Type
chkConstant fc (BI x) = PrimVal fc $ PrT IntegerType
chkConstant fc (B8 x) = PrimVal fc $ PrT Bits8Type
chkConstant fc (B16 x) = PrimVal fc $ PrT Bits16Type
chkConstant fc (B32 x) = PrimVal fc $ PrT Bits32Type
chkConstant fc (B64 x) = PrimVal fc $ PrT Bits64Type
chkConstant fc (Str x) = PrimVal fc $ PrT StringType
chkConstant fc (Ch x) = PrimVal fc $ PrT CharType
chkConstant fc (Db x) = PrimVal fc $ PrT DoubleType
chkConstant fc WorldVal = PrimVal fc $ PrT WorldType
chkConstant fc _ = TType fc (MN "top" 0)
getType : {vars : _} ->
@ -269,61 +269,43 @@ Hashable CFType where
CFInteger =>
h `hashWithSalt` 22
Hashable PrimType where
hashWithSalt h = \case
IntType => h `hashWithSalt` 1
Int8Type => h `hashWithSalt` 2
Int16Type => h `hashWithSalt` 3
Int32Type => h `hashWithSalt` 4
Int64Type => h `hashWithSalt` 5
IntegerType => h `hashWithSalt` 6
Bits8Type => h `hashWithSalt` 7
Bits16Type => h `hashWithSalt` 8
Bits32Type => h `hashWithSalt` 9
Bits64Type => h `hashWithSalt` 10
StringType => h `hashWithSalt` 11
CharType => h `hashWithSalt` 12
DoubleType => h `hashWithSalt` 13
WorldType => h `hashWithSalt` 14
Hashable Constant where
hashWithSalt h = \case
I i =>
h `hashWithSalt` 0 `hashWithSalt` i
BI x =>
h `hashWithSalt` 1 `hashWithSalt` x
B8 x =>
h `hashWithSalt` 2 `hashWithSalt` x
B16 x =>
h `hashWithSalt` 3 `hashWithSalt` x
B32 x =>
h `hashWithSalt` 4 `hashWithSalt` x
B64 x =>
h `hashWithSalt` 5 `hashWithSalt` x
Str x =>
h `hashWithSalt` 6 `hashWithSalt` x
Ch x =>
h `hashWithSalt` 7 `hashWithSalt` x
Db x =>
h `hashWithSalt` 8 `hashWithSalt` x
I i => h `hashWithSalt` 0 `hashWithSalt` i
I8 x => h `hashWithSalt` 1 `hashWithSalt` x
I16 x => h `hashWithSalt` 2 `hashWithSalt` x
I32 x => h `hashWithSalt` 3 `hashWithSalt` x
I64 x => h `hashWithSalt` 4 `hashWithSalt` x
BI x => h `hashWithSalt` 5 `hashWithSalt` x
B8 x => h `hashWithSalt` 6 `hashWithSalt` x
B16 x => h `hashWithSalt` 7 `hashWithSalt` x
B32 x => h `hashWithSalt` 8 `hashWithSalt` x
B64 x => h `hashWithSalt` 9 `hashWithSalt` x
Str x => h `hashWithSalt` 10 `hashWithSalt` x
Ch x => h `hashWithSalt` 11 `hashWithSalt` x
Db x => h `hashWithSalt` 12 `hashWithSalt` x
PrT x => h `hashWithSalt` 13 `hashWithSalt` x
WorldVal =>
h `hashWithSalt` 9
IntType =>
h `hashWithSalt` 10
IntegerType =>
h `hashWithSalt` 11
Bits8Type =>
h `hashWithSalt` 12
Bits16Type =>
h `hashWithSalt` 13
Bits32Type =>
h `hashWithSalt` 14
Bits64Type =>
h `hashWithSalt` 15
StringType =>
h `hashWithSalt` 16
CharType =>
h `hashWithSalt` 17
DoubleType =>
h `hashWithSalt` 18
WorldType =>
h `hashWithSalt` 19
I8 x => h `hashWithSalt` 20 `hashWithSalt` x
I16 x => h `hashWithSalt` 21 `hashWithSalt` x
I32 x => h `hashWithSalt` 22 `hashWithSalt` x
I64 x => h `hashWithSalt` 23 `hashWithSalt` x
Int8Type => h `hashWithSalt` 24
Int16Type => h `hashWithSalt` 25
Int32Type => h `hashWithSalt` 26
Int64Type => h `hashWithSalt` 27
WorldVal => h `hashWithSalt` 14
Hashable LazyReason where
@ -13,6 +13,26 @@ thenCmp LT _ = LT
thenCmp EQ o = o
thenCmp GT _ = GT
Ord PrimType where
compare = compare `on` tag
tag : PrimType -> Int
tag IntType = 1
tag Int8Type = 2
tag Int16Type = 3
tag Int32Type = 4
tag Int64Type = 5
tag IntegerType = 6
tag Bits8Type = 7
tag Bits16Type = 8
tag Bits32Type = 9
tag Bits64Type = 10
tag StringType = 11
tag CharType = 12
tag DoubleType = 13
tag WorldType = 14
Ord Constant where
I x `compare` I y = compare x y
@ -28,6 +48,7 @@ Ord Constant where
Str x `compare` Str y = compare x y
Ch x `compare` Ch y = compare x y
Db x `compare` Db y = compare x y
PrT x `compare` PrT y = compare x y
compare x y = compare (tag x) (tag y)
tag : Constant -> Int
@ -44,22 +65,8 @@ Ord Constant where
tag (Str _) = 10
tag (Ch _) = 11
tag (Db _) = 12
tag WorldVal = 13
tag IntType = 14
tag Int8Type = 15
tag Int16Type = 16
tag Int32Type = 17
tag Int64Type = 18
tag IntegerType = 19
tag Bits8Type = 20
tag Bits16Type = 21
tag Bits32Type = 22
tag Bits64Type = 23
tag StringType = 24
tag CharType = 25
tag DoubleType = 26
tag WorldType = 27
tag (PrT _) = 13
tag WorldVal = 14
primFnEq : PrimFn a1 -> PrimFn a2 -> Maybe (a1 = a2)
primFnEq (Add t1) (Add t2) = if t1 == t2 then Just Refl else Nothing
@ -503,26 +503,29 @@ believeMe [_, _, val@(NPrimVal _ _)] = Just val
believeMe [_, _, NType fc u] = Just (NType fc u)
believeMe [_, _, val] = Nothing
constTy : Constant -> Constant -> Constant -> ClosedTerm
primTyVal : PrimType -> ClosedTerm
primTyVal = PrimVal emptyFC . PrT
constTy : PrimType -> PrimType -> PrimType -> ClosedTerm
constTy a b c
= let arr = fnType emptyFC in
PrimVal emptyFC a `arr` (PrimVal emptyFC b `arr` PrimVal emptyFC c)
primTyVal a `arr` (primTyVal b `arr` primTyVal c)
constTy3 : Constant -> Constant -> Constant -> Constant -> ClosedTerm
constTy3 : PrimType -> PrimType -> PrimType -> PrimType -> ClosedTerm
constTy3 a b c d
= let arr = fnType emptyFC in
PrimVal emptyFC a `arr`
(PrimVal emptyFC b `arr`
(PrimVal emptyFC c `arr` PrimVal emptyFC d))
primTyVal a `arr`
(primTyVal b `arr`
(primTyVal c `arr` primTyVal d))
predTy : Constant -> Constant -> ClosedTerm
predTy : PrimType -> PrimType -> ClosedTerm
predTy a b = let arr = fnType emptyFC in
PrimVal emptyFC a `arr` PrimVal emptyFC b
primTyVal a `arr` primTyVal b
arithTy : Constant -> ClosedTerm
arithTy : PrimType -> ClosedTerm
arithTy t = constTy t t t
cmpTy : Constant -> ClosedTerm
cmpTy : PrimType -> ClosedTerm
cmpTy t = constTy t t IntType
doubleTy : ClosedTerm
@ -542,10 +545,10 @@ believeMeTy
crashTy : ClosedTerm
= pi "a" erased Explicit (TType emptyFC (MN "top" 0)) $
pi "msg" top Explicit (PrimVal emptyFC StringType) $
pi "msg" top Explicit (PrimVal emptyFC $ PrT StringType) $
Local emptyFC Nothing _ (Later First)
castTo : Constant -> Vect 1 (NF vars) -> Maybe (NF vars)
castTo : PrimType -> Vect 1 (NF vars) -> Maybe (NF vars)
castTo IntType = castInt
castTo Int8Type = castInt8
castTo Int16Type = castInt16
@ -559,7 +562,7 @@ castTo Bits64Type = castBits64
castTo StringType = castString
castTo CharType = castChar
castTo DoubleType = castDouble
castTo _ = const Nothing
castTo WorldType = const Nothing
getOp : {0 arity : Nat} -> PrimFn arity ->
@ -655,7 +658,7 @@ opName (Cast x y) = prim $ "cast_" ++ show x ++ show y
opName BelieveMe = prim $ "believe_me"
opName Crash = prim $ "crash"
integralTypes : List Constant
integralTypes : List PrimType
integralTypes = [ IntType
, Int8Type
, Int16Type
@ -668,10 +671,10 @@ integralTypes = [ IntType
, Bits64Type
numTypes : List Constant
numTypes : List PrimType
numTypes = integralTypes ++ [DoubleType]
primTypes : List Constant
primTypes : List PrimType
primTypes = numTypes ++ [StringType, CharType]
@ -472,6 +472,41 @@ Reflect NameType where
i' <- reflect fc defs lhs env i
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "TyCon") [t', i']
Reify PrimType where
reify defs val@(NDCon _ n _ _ args)
= case (dropAllNS !(full (gamma defs) n), args) of
(UN (Basic "IntType"), [])
=> pure IntType
(UN (Basic "Int8Type"), [])
=> pure Int8Type
(UN (Basic "Int16Type"), [])
=> pure Int16Type
(UN (Basic "Int32Type"), [])
=> pure Int32Type
(UN (Basic "Int64Type"), [])
=> pure Int64Type
(UN (Basic "IntegerType"), [])
=> pure IntegerType
(UN (Basic "Bits8Type"), [])
=> pure Bits8Type
(UN (Basic "Bits16Type"), [])
=> pure Bits16Type
(UN (Basic "Bits32Type"), [])
=> pure Bits32Type
(UN (Basic "Bits64Type"), [])
=> pure Bits64Type
(UN (Basic "StringType"), [])
=> pure StringType
(UN (Basic "CharType"), [])
=> pure CharType
(UN (Basic "DoubleType"), [])
=> pure DoubleType
(UN (Basic "WorldType"), [])
=> pure WorldType
_ => cantReify val "PrimType"
reify defs val = cantReify val "PrimType"
Reify Constant where
reify defs val@(NDCon _ n _ _ args)
@ -515,39 +550,45 @@ Reify Constant where
(UN (Basic "Db"), [(_, x)])
=> do x' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs x)
pure (Db x')
(UN (Basic "PrT"), [(_, x)])
=> do x' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs x)
pure (PrT x')
(UN (Basic "WorldVal"), [])
=> pure WorldVal
(UN (Basic "IntType"), [])
=> pure IntType
(UN (Basic "Int8Type"), [])
=> pure Int8Type
(UN (Basic "Int16Type"), [])
=> pure Int16Type
(UN (Basic "Int32Type"), [])
=> pure Int32Type
(UN (Basic "Int64Type"), [])
=> pure Int64Type
(UN (Basic "IntegerType"), [])
=> pure IntegerType
(UN (Basic "Bits8Type"), [])
=> pure Bits8Type
(UN (Basic "Bits16Type"), [])
=> pure Bits16Type
(UN (Basic "Bits32Type"), [])
=> pure Bits32Type
(UN (Basic "Bits64Type"), [])
=> pure Bits64Type
(UN (Basic "StringType"), [])
=> pure StringType
(UN (Basic "CharType"), [])
=> pure CharType
(UN (Basic "DoubleType"), [])
=> pure DoubleType
(UN (Basic "WorldType"), [])
=> pure WorldType
_ => cantReify val "Constant"
reify defs val = cantReify val "Constant"
Reflect PrimType where
reflect fc defs lhs env IntType
= getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "IntType")
reflect fc defs lhs env Int8Type
= getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "Int8Type")
reflect fc defs lhs env Int16Type
= getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "Int16Type")
reflect fc defs lhs env Int32Type
= getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "Int32Type")
reflect fc defs lhs env Int64Type
= getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "Int64Type")
reflect fc defs lhs env IntegerType
= getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "IntegerType")
reflect fc defs lhs env Bits8Type
= getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "Bits8Type")
reflect fc defs lhs env Bits16Type
= getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "Bits16Type")
reflect fc defs lhs env Bits32Type
= getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "Bits32Type")
reflect fc defs lhs env Bits64Type
= getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "Bits64Type")
reflect fc defs lhs env StringType
= getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "StringType")
reflect fc defs lhs env CharType
= getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "CharType")
reflect fc defs lhs env DoubleType
= getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "DoubleType")
reflect fc defs lhs env WorldType
= getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "WorldType")
Reflect Constant where
reflect fc defs lhs env (I x)
@ -589,36 +630,11 @@ Reflect Constant where
reflect fc defs lhs env (Db x)
= do x' <- reflect fc defs lhs env x
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "Db") [x']
reflect fc defs lhs env (PrT x)
= do x' <- reflect fc defs lhs env x
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "PrT") [x']
reflect fc defs lhs env WorldVal
= getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "WorldVal")
reflect fc defs lhs env IntType
= getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "IntType")
reflect fc defs lhs env Int8Type
= getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "Int8Type")
reflect fc defs lhs env Int16Type
= getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "Int16Type")
reflect fc defs lhs env Int32Type
= getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "Int32Type")
reflect fc defs lhs env Int64Type
= getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "Int64Type")
reflect fc defs lhs env IntegerType
= getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "IntegerType")
reflect fc defs lhs env Bits8Type
= getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "Bits8Type")
reflect fc defs lhs env Bits16Type
= getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "Bits16Type")
reflect fc defs lhs env Bits32Type
= getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "Bits32Type")
reflect fc defs lhs env Bits64Type
= getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "Bits64Type")
reflect fc defs lhs env StringType
= getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "StringType")
reflect fc defs lhs env CharType
= getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "CharType")
reflect fc defs lhs env DoubleType
= getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "DoubleType")
reflect fc defs lhs env WorldType
= getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "WorldType")
Reify Visibility where
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ applyIntCast (Unsigned m) (Unsigned n) x
else Apply (Var "ct-cast-unsigned") [x, toScheme n]
applyCast : SchemeObj Write ->
Constant -> Constant ->
PrimType -> PrimType ->
SchemeObj Write -> SchemeObj Write
applyCast blk CharType to x
= canonical blk [x] $
@ -151,12 +151,12 @@ compileConstant fc (B64 x) = Vector (-109) [IntegerVal (cast x)]
compileConstant fc (Str x) = StringVal x
compileConstant fc (Ch x) = CharVal x
compileConstant fc (Db x) = FloatVal x
-- Constant types get compiled as TyCon names, for matching purposes
compileConstant fc t
= Vector (-1) [IntegerVal (cast (constTag t)),
compileConstant fc (PrT t) -- Constant types get compiled as TyCon names, for matching purposes
= Vector (-1) [IntegerVal (cast (primTypeTag t)),
StringVal (show t),
toScheme (UN (Basic (show t))),
toScheme fc]
compileConstant fc WorldVal = Null
compileStk : Ref Sym Integer =>
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
@ -59,23 +59,8 @@ covering
showCon d "MkKindedName" $ showArg nm ++ showArg @{Raw} fn ++ showArg @{Raw} rn
public export
data Constant
= I Int
| I8 Int8
| I16 Int16
| I32 Int32
| I64 Int64
| BI Integer
| B8 Bits8
| B16 Bits16
| B32 Bits32
| B64 Bits64
| Str String
| Ch Char
| Db Double
| WorldVal
| IntType
data PrimType
= IntType
| Int8Type
| Int16Type
| Int32Type
@ -90,8 +75,26 @@ data Constant
| DoubleType
| WorldType
public export
data Constant
= I Int
| I8 Int8
| I16 Int16
| I32 Int32
| I64 Int64
| BI Integer
| B8 Bits8
| B16 Bits16
| B32 Bits32
| B64 Bits64
| Str String
| Ch Char
| Db Double
| PrT PrimType
| WorldVal
isConstantType : Name -> Maybe Constant
isConstantType : Name -> Maybe PrimType
isConstantType (UN (Basic n)) = case n of
"Int" => Just IntType
"Int8" => Just Int8Type
@ -112,35 +115,22 @@ isConstantType _ = Nothing
isPrimType : Constant -> Bool
isPrimType (I x) = False
isPrimType (I8 x) = False
isPrimType (I16 x) = False
isPrimType (I32 x) = False
isPrimType (I64 x) = False
isPrimType (BI x) = False
isPrimType (B8 x) = False
isPrimType (B16 x) = False
isPrimType (B32 x) = False
isPrimType (B64 x) = False
isPrimType (Str x) = False
isPrimType (Ch x) = False
isPrimType (Db x) = False
isPrimType WorldVal = False
isPrimType (PrT _) = True
isPrimType _ = False
isPrimType Int8Type = True
isPrimType Int16Type = True
isPrimType Int32Type = True
isPrimType Int64Type = True
isPrimType IntType = True
isPrimType IntegerType = True
isPrimType Bits8Type = True
isPrimType Bits16Type = True
isPrimType Bits32Type = True
isPrimType Bits64Type = True
isPrimType StringType = True
isPrimType CharType = True
isPrimType DoubleType = True
isPrimType WorldType = True
primTypeEq : (x, y : PrimType) -> Maybe (x = y)
primTypeEq IntType IntType = Just Refl
primTypeEq Int8Type Int8Type = Just Refl
primTypeEq Int16Type Int16Type = Just Refl
primTypeEq Int32Type Int32Type = Just Refl
primTypeEq Int64Type Int64Type = Just Refl
primTypeEq IntegerType IntegerType = Just Refl
primTypeEq StringType StringType = Just Refl
primTypeEq CharType CharType = Just Refl
primTypeEq DoubleType DoubleType = Just Refl
primTypeEq WorldType WorldType = Just Refl
primTypeEq _ _ = Nothing
-- TODO : The `TempXY` instances can be removed after the next release
-- (see also `Libraries.Data.Primitives`)
@ -183,35 +173,13 @@ constantEq (Ch x) (Ch y) = case decEq x y of
Yes Refl => Just Refl
No contra => Nothing
constantEq (Db x) (Db y) = Nothing -- no DecEq for Doubles!
constantEq (PrT x) (PrT y) = cong PrT <$> primTypeEq x y
constantEq WorldVal WorldVal = Just Refl
constantEq IntType IntType = Just Refl
constantEq Int8Type Int8Type = Just Refl
constantEq Int16Type Int16Type = Just Refl
constantEq Int32Type Int32Type = Just Refl
constantEq Int64Type Int64Type = Just Refl
constantEq IntegerType IntegerType = Just Refl
constantEq StringType StringType = Just Refl
constantEq CharType CharType = Just Refl
constantEq DoubleType DoubleType = Just Refl
constantEq WorldType WorldType = Just Refl
constantEq _ _ = Nothing
Show Constant where
show (I x) = show x
show (I8 x) = show x
show (I16 x) = show x
show (I32 x) = show x
show (I64 x) = show x
show (BI x) = show x
show (B8 x) = show x
show (B16 x) = show x
show (B32 x) = show x
show (B64 x) = show x
show (Str x) = show x
show (Ch x) = show x
show (Db x) = show x
show WorldVal = "%MkWorld"
Show PrimType where
show IntType = "Int"
show Int8Type = "Int8"
show Int16Type = "Int16"
@ -228,21 +196,25 @@ Show Constant where
show WorldType = "%World"
Pretty Constant where
pretty (I x) = pretty x
pretty (I8 x) = pretty x
pretty (I16 x) = pretty x
pretty (I32 x) = pretty x
pretty (I64 x) = pretty x
pretty (BI x) = pretty x
pretty (B8 x) = pretty x
pretty (B16 x) = pretty x
pretty (B32 x) = pretty x
pretty (B64 x) = pretty x
pretty (Str x) = dquotes (pretty x)
pretty (Ch x) = squotes (pretty x)
pretty (Db x) = pretty x
pretty WorldVal = pretty "%MkWorld"
Show Constant where
show (I x) = show x
show (I8 x) = show x
show (I16 x) = show x
show (I32 x) = show x
show (I64 x) = show x
show (BI x) = show x
show (B8 x) = show x
show (B16 x) = show x
show (B32 x) = show x
show (B64 x) = show x
show (Str x) = show x
show (Ch x) = show x
show (Db x) = show x
show (PrT x) = show x
show WorldVal = "%MkWorld"
Pretty PrimType where
pretty IntType = pretty "Int"
pretty Int8Type = pretty "Int8"
pretty Int16Type = pretty "Int16"
@ -259,21 +231,25 @@ Pretty Constant where
pretty WorldType = pretty "%World"
Eq Constant where
(I x) == (I y) = x == y
(I8 x) == (I8 y) = x == y
(I16 x) == (I16 y) = x == y
(I32 x) == (I32 y) = x == y
(I64 x) == (I64 y) = x == y
(BI x) == (BI y) = x == y
(B8 x) == (B8 y) = x == y
(B16 x) == (B16 y) = x == y
(B32 x) == (B32 y) = x == y
(B64 x) == (B64 y) = x == y
(Str x) == (Str y) = x == y
(Ch x) == (Ch y) = x == y
(Db x) == (Db y) = x == y
WorldVal == WorldVal = True
Pretty Constant where
pretty (I x) = pretty x
pretty (I8 x) = pretty x
pretty (I16 x) = pretty x
pretty (I32 x) = pretty x
pretty (I64 x) = pretty x
pretty (BI x) = pretty x
pretty (B8 x) = pretty x
pretty (B16 x) = pretty x
pretty (B32 x) = pretty x
pretty (B64 x) = pretty x
pretty (Str x) = dquotes (pretty x)
pretty (Ch x) = squotes (pretty x)
pretty (Db x) = pretty x
pretty (PrT x) = pretty x
pretty WorldVal = pretty "%MkWorld"
Eq PrimType where
IntType == IntType = True
Int8Type == Int8Type = True
Int16Type == Int16Type = True
@ -290,25 +266,43 @@ Eq Constant where
WorldType == WorldType = True
_ == _ = False
Eq Constant where
(I x) == (I y) = x == y
(I8 x) == (I8 y) = x == y
(I16 x) == (I16 y) = x == y
(I32 x) == (I32 y) = x == y
(I64 x) == (I64 y) = x == y
(BI x) == (BI y) = x == y
(B8 x) == (B8 y) = x == y
(B16 x) == (B16 y) = x == y
(B32 x) == (B32 y) = x == y
(B64 x) == (B64 y) = x == y
(Str x) == (Str y) = x == y
(Ch x) == (Ch y) = x == y
(Db x) == (Db y) = x == y
(PrT x) == (PrT y) = x == y
WorldVal == WorldVal = True
_ == _ = False
-- for typecase
constTag : Constant -> Int
primTypeTag : PrimType -> Int
-- 1 = ->, 2 = Type
constTag IntType = 3
constTag IntegerType = 4
constTag Bits8Type = 5
constTag Bits16Type = 6
constTag Bits32Type = 7
constTag Bits64Type = 8
constTag StringType = 9
constTag CharType = 10
constTag DoubleType = 11
constTag WorldType = 12
constTag Int8Type = 13
constTag Int16Type = 14
constTag Int32Type = 15
constTag Int64Type = 16
constTag _ = 0
primTypeTag IntType = 3
primTypeTag IntegerType = 4
primTypeTag Bits8Type = 5
primTypeTag Bits16Type = 6
primTypeTag Bits32Type = 7
primTypeTag Bits64Type = 8
primTypeTag StringType = 9
primTypeTag CharType = 10
primTypeTag DoubleType = 11
primTypeTag WorldType = 12
primTypeTag Int8Type = 13
primTypeTag Int16Type = 14
primTypeTag Int32Type = 15
primTypeTag Int64Type = 16
||| Precision of integral types.
public export
@ -333,7 +327,7 @@ public export
data IntKind = Signed Precision | Unsigned Int
public export
intKind : Constant -> Maybe IntKind
intKind : PrimType -> Maybe IntKind
intKind IntegerType = Just $ Signed Unlimited
intKind Int8Type = Just . Signed $ P 8
intKind Int16Type = Just . Signed $ P 16
@ -354,24 +348,24 @@ precision (Unsigned p) = P p
-- All the internal operators, parameterised by their arity
public export
data PrimFn : Nat -> Type where
Add : (ty : Constant) -> PrimFn 2
Sub : (ty : Constant) -> PrimFn 2
Mul : (ty : Constant) -> PrimFn 2
Div : (ty : Constant) -> PrimFn 2
Mod : (ty : Constant) -> PrimFn 2
Neg : (ty : Constant) -> PrimFn 1
ShiftL : (ty : Constant) -> PrimFn 2
ShiftR : (ty : Constant) -> PrimFn 2
Add : (ty : PrimType) -> PrimFn 2
Sub : (ty : PrimType) -> PrimFn 2
Mul : (ty : PrimType) -> PrimFn 2
Div : (ty : PrimType) -> PrimFn 2
Mod : (ty : PrimType) -> PrimFn 2
Neg : (ty : PrimType) -> PrimFn 1
ShiftL : (ty : PrimType) -> PrimFn 2
ShiftR : (ty : PrimType) -> PrimFn 2
BAnd : (ty : Constant) -> PrimFn 2
BOr : (ty : Constant) -> PrimFn 2
BXOr : (ty : Constant) -> PrimFn 2
BAnd : (ty : PrimType) -> PrimFn 2
BOr : (ty : PrimType) -> PrimFn 2
BXOr : (ty : PrimType) -> PrimFn 2
LT : (ty : Constant) -> PrimFn 2
LTE : (ty : Constant) -> PrimFn 2
EQ : (ty : Constant) -> PrimFn 2
GTE : (ty : Constant) -> PrimFn 2
GT : (ty : Constant) -> PrimFn 2
LT : (ty : PrimType) -> PrimFn 2
LTE : (ty : PrimType) -> PrimFn 2
EQ : (ty : PrimType) -> PrimFn 2
GTE : (ty : PrimType) -> PrimFn 2
GT : (ty : PrimType) -> PrimFn 2
StrLength : PrimFn 1
StrHead : PrimFn 1
@ -395,7 +389,7 @@ data PrimFn : Nat -> Type where
DoubleFloor : PrimFn 1
DoubleCeiling : PrimFn 1
Cast : Constant -> Constant -> PrimFn 1
Cast : PrimType -> PrimType -> PrimFn 1
BelieveMe : PrimFn 3
Crash : PrimFn 2
@ -147,69 +147,75 @@ TTC t => TTC (PiInfo t) where
3 => do t <- fromBuf b; pure (DefImplicit t)
_ => corrupt "PiInfo"
TTC PrimType where
toBuf b IntType = tag 0
toBuf b Int8Type = tag 1
toBuf b Int16Type = tag 2
toBuf b Int32Type = tag 3
toBuf b Int64Type = tag 4
toBuf b IntegerType = tag 5
toBuf b Bits8Type = tag 6
toBuf b Bits16Type = tag 7
toBuf b Bits32Type = tag 8
toBuf b Bits64Type = tag 9
toBuf b StringType = tag 10
toBuf b CharType = tag 11
toBuf b DoubleType = tag 12
toBuf b WorldType = tag 13
fromBuf b = case !getTag of
0 => pure IntType
1 => pure Int8Type
2 => pure Int16Type
3 => pure Int32Type
4 => pure Int64Type
5 => pure IntegerType
6 => pure Bits8Type
7 => pure Bits16Type
8 => pure Bits32Type
9 => pure Bits64Type
10 => pure StringType
11 => pure CharType
12 => pure DoubleType
13 => pure WorldType
_ => corrupt "PrimType"
TTC Constant where
toBuf b (I x) = do tag 0; toBuf b x
toBuf b (BI x) = do tag 1; toBuf b x
toBuf b (B8 x) = do tag 2; toBuf b x
toBuf b (B16 x) = do tag 3; toBuf b x
toBuf b (B32 x) = do tag 4; toBuf b x
toBuf b (B64 x) = do tag 5; toBuf b x
toBuf b (Str x) = do tag 6; toBuf b x
toBuf b (Ch x) = do tag 7; toBuf b x
toBuf b (Db x) = do tag 8; toBuf b x
toBuf b WorldVal = tag 9
toBuf b IntType = tag 10
toBuf b IntegerType = tag 11
toBuf b Bits8Type = tag 12
toBuf b Bits16Type = tag 13
toBuf b Bits32Type = tag 14
toBuf b Bits64Type = tag 15
toBuf b StringType = tag 16
toBuf b CharType = tag 17
toBuf b DoubleType = tag 18
toBuf b WorldType = tag 19
toBuf b (I32 x) = do tag 20; toBuf b x
toBuf b (I64 x) = do tag 21; toBuf b x
toBuf b Int32Type = tag 22
toBuf b Int64Type = tag 23
toBuf b (I8 x) = do tag 24; toBuf b x
toBuf b (I16 x) = do tag 25; toBuf b x
toBuf b Int8Type = tag 26
toBuf b Int16Type = tag 27
toBuf b (I x) = do tag 0; toBuf b x
toBuf b (I8 x) = do tag 1; toBuf b x
toBuf b (I16 x) = do tag 2; toBuf b x
toBuf b (I32 x) = do tag 3; toBuf b x
toBuf b (I64 x) = do tag 4; toBuf b x
toBuf b (BI x) = do tag 5; toBuf b x
toBuf b (B8 x) = do tag 6; toBuf b x
toBuf b (B16 x) = do tag 7; toBuf b x
toBuf b (B32 x) = do tag 8; toBuf b x
toBuf b (B64 x) = do tag 9; toBuf b x
toBuf b (Str x) = do tag 10; toBuf b x
toBuf b (Ch x) = do tag 11; toBuf b x
toBuf b (Db x) = do tag 12; toBuf b x
toBuf b (PrT x) = do tag 13; toBuf b x
toBuf b WorldVal = tag 14
fromBuf b
= case !getTag of
0 => do x <- fromBuf b; pure (I x)
1 => do x <- fromBuf b; pure (BI x)
2 => do x <- fromBuf b; pure (B8 x)
3 => do x <- fromBuf b; pure (B16 x)
4 => do x <- fromBuf b; pure (B32 x)
5 => do x <- fromBuf b; pure (B64 x)
6 => do x <- fromBuf b; pure (Str x)
7 => do x <- fromBuf b; pure (Ch x)
8 => do x <- fromBuf b; pure (Db x)
9 => pure WorldVal
10 => pure IntType
11 => pure IntegerType
12 => pure Bits8Type
13 => pure Bits16Type
14 => pure Bits32Type
15 => pure Bits64Type
16 => pure StringType
17 => pure CharType
18 => pure DoubleType
19 => pure WorldType
20 => do x <- fromBuf b; pure (I32 x)
21 => do x <- fromBuf b; pure (I64 x)
22 => pure Int32Type
23 => pure Int64Type
24 => do x <- fromBuf b; pure (I8 x)
25 => do x <- fromBuf b; pure (I16 x)
26 => pure Int8Type
27 => pure Int16Type
0 => do x <- fromBuf b; pure (I x)
1 => do x <- fromBuf b; pure (I8 x)
2 => do x <- fromBuf b; pure (I16 x)
3 => do x <- fromBuf b; pure (I32 x)
4 => do x <- fromBuf b; pure (I64 x)
5 => do x <- fromBuf b; pure (BI x)
6 => do x <- fromBuf b; pure (B8 x)
7 => do x <- fromBuf b; pure (B16 x)
8 => do x <- fromBuf b; pure (B32 x)
9 => do x <- fromBuf b; pure (B64 x)
10 => do x <- fromBuf b; pure (Str x)
11 => do x <- fromBuf b; pure (Ch x)
12 => do x <- fromBuf b; pure (Db x)
13 => do x <- fromBuf b; pure (PrT x)
14 => pure WorldVal
_ => corrupt "Constant"
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ ntCon : FC -> Name -> Int -> Nat -> List (FC, Closure vars) -> NF vars
-- universe checking so put a dummy name.
ntCon fc (UN (Basic "Type")) tag Z [] = NType fc (MN "top" 0)
ntCon fc n tag Z [] = case isConstantType n of
Just c => NPrimVal fc c
Just c => NPrimVal fc $ PrT c
Nothing => NTCon fc n tag Z []
ntCon fc n tag arity args = NTCon fc n tag arity args
@ -162,6 +162,22 @@ getDocsForPrimitive constant = do
:: hintsDoc
primTyDoc : PrimType -> Doc IdrisDocAnn
primTyDoc IntType = "Primitive type of bounded signed integers (backend dependent size)"
primTyDoc Int8Type = "Primitive type of 8 bits signed integers"
primTyDoc Int16Type = "Primitive type of 16 bits signed integers"
primTyDoc Int32Type = "Primitive type of 32 bits signed integers"
primTyDoc Int64Type = "Primitive type of 64 bits signed integers"
primTyDoc IntegerType = "Primitive type of unbounded signed integers"
primTyDoc Bits8Type = "Primitive type of 8 bits unsigned integers"
primTyDoc Bits16Type = "Primitive type of 16 bits unsigned integers"
primTyDoc Bits32Type = "Primitive type of 32 bits unsigned integers"
primTyDoc Bits64Type = "Primitive type of 64 bits unsigned integers"
primTyDoc StringType = "Primitive type of strings"
primTyDoc CharType = "Primitive type of characters"
primTyDoc DoubleType = "Primitive type of double-precision floating-points"
primTyDoc WorldType = "Primitive type of tokens for IO actions"
primDoc : Constant -> Doc IdrisDocAnn
primDoc (I i) = "Primitive signed int value (backend-dependent precision)"
primDoc (I8 i) = "Primitive signed 8 bits value"
@ -176,23 +192,9 @@ getDocsForPrimitive constant = do
primDoc (Str s) = "Primitive string value"
primDoc (Ch c) = "Primitive character value"
primDoc (Db d) = "Primitive double value"
primDoc (PrT t) = primTyDoc t
primDoc WorldVal = "Primitive token for IO actions"
primDoc IntType = "Primitive type of bounded signed integers (backend dependent size)"
primDoc Int8Type = "Primitive type of 8 bits signed integers"
primDoc Int16Type = "Primitive type of 16 bits signed integers"
primDoc Int32Type = "Primitive type of 32 bits signed integers"
primDoc Int64Type = "Primitive type of 64 bits signed integers"
primDoc IntegerType = "Primitive type of unbounded signed integers"
primDoc Bits8Type = "Primitive type of 8 bits unsigned integers"
primDoc Bits16Type = "Primitive type of 16 bits unsigned integers"
primDoc Bits32Type = "Primitive type of 32 bits unsigned integers"
primDoc Bits64Type = "Primitive type of 64 bits unsigned integers"
primDoc StringType = "Primitive type of strings"
primDoc CharType = "Primitive type of characters"
primDoc DoubleType = "Primitive type of double-precision floating-points"
primDoc WorldType = "Primitive type of tokens for IO actions"
public export
data Config : Type where
||| Configuration of the printer for a name
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ atom fname
<|> do x <- bounds $ decorate fname Data $ pragma "MkWorld"
pure (PPrimVal (boundToFC fname x) WorldVal)
<|> do x <- bounds $ decorate fname Typ $ pragma "World"
pure (PPrimVal (boundToFC fname x) WorldType)
pure (PPrimVal (boundToFC fname x) $ PrT WorldType)
<|> do x <- bounds $ decoratedPragma fname "search"
pure (PSearch (boundToFC fname x) 50)
@ -58,44 +58,17 @@ fuzzySearch expr = do
data NameOrConst = AName Name
| AInt
| AInteger
| ABits8
| ABits16
| ABits32
| ABits64
| AString
| AChar
| ADouble
| AWorld
| APrimType PrimType
| AType
eqConst : (x, y : NameOrConst) -> Bool
eqConst AInt AInt = True
eqConst AInteger AInteger = True
eqConst ABits8 ABits8 = True
eqConst ABits16 ABits16 = True
eqConst ABits32 ABits32 = True
eqConst ABits64 ABits64 = True
eqConst AString AString = True
eqConst AChar AChar = True
eqConst ADouble ADouble = True
eqConst AWorld AWorld = True
eqConst AType AType = True
eqConst _ _ = False
eqConst (APrimType x) (APrimType y) = x == y
eqConst AType AType = True
eqConst _ _ = False -- names equality is irrelevant
parseNameOrConst : PTerm -> Maybe NameOrConst
parseNameOrConst (PRef _ n) = Just (AName n)
parseNameOrConst (PPrimVal _ IntType) = Just AInt
parseNameOrConst (PPrimVal _ IntegerType) = Just AInteger
parseNameOrConst (PPrimVal _ Bits8Type) = Just ABits8
parseNameOrConst (PPrimVal _ Bits16Type) = Just ABits16
parseNameOrConst (PPrimVal _ Bits32Type) = Just ABits32
parseNameOrConst (PPrimVal _ Bits64Type) = Just ABits64
parseNameOrConst (PPrimVal _ StringType) = Just AString
parseNameOrConst (PPrimVal _ CharType) = Just AChar
parseNameOrConst (PPrimVal _ DoubleType) = Just ADouble
parseNameOrConst (PPrimVal _ WorldType) = Just AWorld
parseNameOrConst (PPrimVal _ $ PrT t) = Just (APrimType t)
parseNameOrConst (PType _) = Just AType
parseNameOrConst _ = Nothing
@ -82,12 +82,12 @@ export
constant : Rule Constant
= terminal "Expected constant" $ \case
CharLit c => Ch <$> getCharLit c
CharLit c => Ch <$> getCharLit c
DoubleLit d => Just (Db d)
IntegerLit i => Just (BI i)
Ident s => isConstantType (UN $ Basic s) >>=
\case WorldType => Nothing
c => Just c
c => Just $ PrT c
_ => Nothing
documentation' : Rule String
@ -2,39 +2,22 @@ module TTImp.Elab.Prim
import Core.TT
%default covering
ttype : FC -> Term vars
ttype fc = TType fc (MN "top" 0)
%default total
checkPrim : FC -> Constant -> (Term vars, Term vars)
checkPrim fc (I i) = (PrimVal fc (I i), PrimVal fc IntType)
checkPrim fc (I8 i) = (PrimVal fc (I8 i), PrimVal fc Int8Type)
checkPrim fc (I16 i) = (PrimVal fc (I16 i), PrimVal fc Int16Type)
checkPrim fc (I32 i) = (PrimVal fc (I32 i), PrimVal fc Int32Type)
checkPrim fc (I64 i) = (PrimVal fc (I64 i), PrimVal fc Int64Type)
checkPrim fc (BI i) = (PrimVal fc (BI i), PrimVal fc IntegerType)
checkPrim fc (B8 i) = (PrimVal fc (B8 i), PrimVal fc Bits8Type)
checkPrim fc (B16 i) = (PrimVal fc (B16 i), PrimVal fc Bits16Type)
checkPrim fc (B32 i) = (PrimVal fc (B32 i), PrimVal fc Bits32Type)
checkPrim fc (B64 i) = (PrimVal fc (B64 i), PrimVal fc Bits64Type)
checkPrim fc (Str s) = (PrimVal fc (Str s), PrimVal fc StringType)
checkPrim fc (Ch c) = (PrimVal fc (Ch c), PrimVal fc CharType)
checkPrim fc (Db d) = (PrimVal fc (Db d), PrimVal fc DoubleType)
checkPrim fc WorldVal = (PrimVal fc WorldVal, PrimVal fc WorldType)
checkPrim fc IntType = (PrimVal fc IntType, ttype fc)
checkPrim fc Int8Type = (PrimVal fc Int8Type, ttype fc)
checkPrim fc Int16Type = (PrimVal fc Int16Type, ttype fc)
checkPrim fc Int32Type = (PrimVal fc Int32Type, ttype fc)
checkPrim fc Int64Type = (PrimVal fc Int64Type, ttype fc)
checkPrim fc IntegerType = (PrimVal fc IntegerType, ttype fc)
checkPrim fc Bits8Type = (PrimVal fc Bits8Type, ttype fc)
checkPrim fc Bits16Type = (PrimVal fc Bits16Type, ttype fc)
checkPrim fc Bits32Type = (PrimVal fc Bits32Type, ttype fc)
checkPrim fc Bits64Type = (PrimVal fc Bits64Type, ttype fc)
checkPrim fc StringType = (PrimVal fc StringType, ttype fc)
checkPrim fc CharType = (PrimVal fc CharType, ttype fc)
checkPrim fc DoubleType = (PrimVal fc DoubleType, ttype fc)
checkPrim fc WorldType = (PrimVal fc WorldType, ttype fc)
checkPrim fc (I i) = (PrimVal fc (I i), PrimVal fc $ PrT IntType)
checkPrim fc (I8 i) = (PrimVal fc (I8 i), PrimVal fc $ PrT Int8Type)
checkPrim fc (I16 i) = (PrimVal fc (I16 i), PrimVal fc $ PrT Int16Type)
checkPrim fc (I32 i) = (PrimVal fc (I32 i), PrimVal fc $ PrT Int32Type)
checkPrim fc (I64 i) = (PrimVal fc (I64 i), PrimVal fc $ PrT Int64Type)
checkPrim fc (BI i) = (PrimVal fc (BI i), PrimVal fc $ PrT IntegerType)
checkPrim fc (B8 i) = (PrimVal fc (B8 i), PrimVal fc $ PrT Bits8Type)
checkPrim fc (B16 i) = (PrimVal fc (B16 i), PrimVal fc $ PrT Bits16Type)
checkPrim fc (B32 i) = (PrimVal fc (B32 i), PrimVal fc $ PrT Bits32Type)
checkPrim fc (B64 i) = (PrimVal fc (B64 i), PrimVal fc $ PrT Bits64Type)
checkPrim fc (Str s) = (PrimVal fc (Str s), PrimVal fc $ PrT StringType)
checkPrim fc (Ch c) = (PrimVal fc (Ch c), PrimVal fc $ PrT CharType)
checkPrim fc (Db d) = (PrimVal fc (Db d), PrimVal fc $ PrT DoubleType)
checkPrim fc (PrT t) = (PrimVal fc (PrT t), TType fc (MN "top" 0))
checkPrim fc WorldVal = (PrimVal fc WorldVal, PrimVal fc $ PrT WorldType)
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ getNEIntegerIndex (Bind _ x b tm) = case b of
_ => Nothing
isInteger : forall vars. Term vars -> Bool
isInteger (PrimVal _ IntegerType) = True
isInteger (PrimVal _ $ PrT IntegerType) = True
isInteger _ = False
getNEIntegerIndex _ = Just []
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ getRelevantArg defs i rel world (NBind fc _ (Pi _ rig _ val) sc)
-- %World is never inspected, so might as well be deleted from data types,
-- although it needs care when compiling to ensure that the function that
-- returns the IO/%World type isn't erased
(NPrimVal _ WorldType) =>
(NPrimVal _ $ PrT WorldType) =>
getRelevantArg defs (1 + i) rel False
!(sc defs (toClosure defaultOpts [] (Erased fc False)))
_ =>
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ getFnString (IPrimVal _ (Str st)) = pure st
getFnString tm
= do inidx <- resolveName (UN $ Basic "[foreign]")
let fc = getFC tm
let gstr = gnf [] (PrimVal fc StringType)
let gstr = gnf [] (PrimVal fc $ PrT StringType)
etm <- checkTerm inidx InExpr [] (MkNested []) [] tm gstr
defs <- get Ctxt
case !(nf defs [] etm) of
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ quote:37:1--37:21
Main> IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (3, 12) (3, 23)) (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (3, 12) (3, 23)) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (3, 17) (3, 18)) (UN (Basic "+"))) (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (6, 13) (6, 14)) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (6, 13) (6, 14)) (UN (Basic "fromInteger"))) (IPrimVal (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (6, 13) (6, 14)) (BI 3)))) (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (6, 18) (6, 19)) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (6, 18) (6, 19)) (UN (Basic "fromInteger"))) (IPrimVal (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (6, 18) (6, 19)) (BI 4)))
Main> IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (3, 12) (3, 23)) (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (3, 12) (3, 23)) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (3, 17) (3, 18)) (UN (Basic "+"))) (IVar (MkFC (Virtual Interactive) (0, 6) (0, 10)) (UN (Basic "True")))) (IVar (MkFC (Virtual Interactive) (0, 14) (0, 19)) (UN (Basic "False")))
Main> ILocal (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (10, 12) (11, 29)) [IClaim (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (10, 12) (10, 28)) MW Private [] (MkTy (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (10, 12) (10, 15)) (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (10, 12) (10, 15)) (UN (Basic "xfn")) (IPi (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (10, 18) (10, 21)) MW ExplicitArg Nothing (IPrimVal (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (10, 18) (10, 21)) IntType) (IPrimVal (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (10, 25) (10, 28)) IntType))), IDef (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (11, 12) (11, 29)) (UN (Basic "xfn")) [PatClause (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (11, 12) (11, 29)) (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (11, 12) (11, 19)) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (11, 12) (11, 15)) (UN (Basic "xfn"))) (IBindVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (11, 16) (11, 19)) "var")) (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (11, 22) (11, 29)) (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (11, 22) (11, 29)) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (11, 26) (11, 27)) (UN (Basic "*"))) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (11, 22) (11, 25)) (UN (Basic "var")))) (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (11, 28) (11, 29)) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (11, 28) (11, 29)) (UN (Basic "fromInteger"))) (IPrimVal (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (11, 28) (11, 29)) (BI 2))))]] (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (12, 12) (12, 22)) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (12, 12) (12, 15)) (UN (Basic "xfn"))) (IApp (MkFC (Virtual Interactive) (0, 9) (0, 22)) (IApp (MkFC (Virtual Interactive) (0, 9) (0, 22)) (IVar (MkFC (Virtual Interactive) (0, 9) (0, 12)) (UN (Basic "the"))) (IPrimVal (MkFC (Virtual Interactive) (0, 13) (0, 16)) IntType)) (IApp (MkFC (Virtual Interactive) (0, 17) (0, 22)) (IVar (MkFC (Virtual Interactive) (0, 17) (0, 22)) (UN (Basic "fromInteger"))) (IPrimVal (MkFC (Virtual Interactive) (0, 17) (0, 22)) (BI 99994)))))
Main> ILocal (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (16, 12) (17, 29)) [IClaim (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (16, 12) (16, 28)) MW Private [] (MkTy (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (16, 12) (16, 15)) (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (16, 12) (16, 15)) (UN (Basic "xfn")) (IPi (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (16, 18) (16, 21)) MW ExplicitArg Nothing (IPrimVal (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (16, 18) (16, 21)) IntType) (IPrimVal (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (16, 25) (16, 28)) IntType))), IDef (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (17, 12) (17, 29)) (UN (Basic "xfn")) [PatClause (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (17, 12) (17, 29)) (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (17, 12) (17, 19)) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (17, 12) (17, 15)) (UN (Basic "xfn"))) (IBindVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (17, 16) (17, 19)) "var")) (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (17, 22) (17, 29)) (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (17, 22) (17, 29)) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (17, 26) (17, 27)) (UN (Basic "*"))) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (17, 22) (17, 25)) (UN (Basic "var")))) (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (17, 28) (17, 29)) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (17, 28) (17, 29)) (UN (Basic "fromInteger"))) (IPrimVal (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (17, 28) (17, 29)) (BI 2))))]] (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (18, 12) (18, 43)) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (18, 12) (18, 15)) (UN (Basic "xfn"))) (IPrimVal EmptyFC (I 99994)))
Main> ILocal (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (10, 12) (11, 29)) [IClaim (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (10, 12) (10, 28)) MW Private [] (MkTy (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (10, 12) (10, 15)) (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (10, 12) (10, 15)) (UN (Basic "xfn")) (IPi (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (10, 18) (10, 21)) MW ExplicitArg Nothing (IPrimVal (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (10, 18) (10, 21)) (PrT IntType)) (IPrimVal (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (10, 25) (10, 28)) (PrT IntType)))), IDef (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (11, 12) (11, 29)) (UN (Basic "xfn")) [PatClause (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (11, 12) (11, 29)) (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (11, 12) (11, 19)) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (11, 12) (11, 15)) (UN (Basic "xfn"))) (IBindVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (11, 16) (11, 19)) "var")) (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (11, 22) (11, 29)) (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (11, 22) (11, 29)) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (11, 26) (11, 27)) (UN (Basic "*"))) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (11, 22) (11, 25)) (UN (Basic "var")))) (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (11, 28) (11, 29)) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (11, 28) (11, 29)) (UN (Basic "fromInteger"))) (IPrimVal (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (11, 28) (11, 29)) (BI 2))))]] (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (12, 12) (12, 22)) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (12, 12) (12, 15)) (UN (Basic "xfn"))) (IApp (MkFC (Virtual Interactive) (0, 9) (0, 22)) (IApp (MkFC (Virtual Interactive) (0, 9) (0, 22)) (IVar (MkFC (Virtual Interactive) (0, 9) (0, 12)) (UN (Basic "the"))) (IPrimVal (MkFC (Virtual Interactive) (0, 13) (0, 16)) (PrT IntType))) (IApp (MkFC (Virtual Interactive) (0, 17) (0, 22)) (IVar (MkFC (Virtual Interactive) (0, 17) (0, 22)) (UN (Basic "fromInteger"))) (IPrimVal (MkFC (Virtual Interactive) (0, 17) (0, 22)) (BI 99994)))))
Main> ILocal (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (16, 12) (17, 29)) [IClaim (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (16, 12) (16, 28)) MW Private [] (MkTy (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (16, 12) (16, 15)) (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (16, 12) (16, 15)) (UN (Basic "xfn")) (IPi (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (16, 18) (16, 21)) MW ExplicitArg Nothing (IPrimVal (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (16, 18) (16, 21)) (PrT IntType)) (IPrimVal (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (16, 25) (16, 28)) (PrT IntType)))), IDef (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (17, 12) (17, 29)) (UN (Basic "xfn")) [PatClause (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (17, 12) (17, 29)) (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (17, 12) (17, 19)) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (17, 12) (17, 15)) (UN (Basic "xfn"))) (IBindVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (17, 16) (17, 19)) "var")) (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (17, 22) (17, 29)) (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (17, 22) (17, 29)) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (17, 26) (17, 27)) (UN (Basic "*"))) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (17, 22) (17, 25)) (UN (Basic "var")))) (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (17, 28) (17, 29)) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (17, 28) (17, 29)) (UN (Basic "fromInteger"))) (IPrimVal (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (17, 28) (17, 29)) (BI 2))))]] (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (18, 12) (18, 43)) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (18, 12) (18, 15)) (UN (Basic "xfn"))) (IPrimVal EmptyFC (I 99994)))
Main> [UN (Basic "names"), NS (MkNS ["Prelude"]) (UN (Basic "+"))]
Main> Bye for now!
Reference in New Issue
Block a user